Back at the cavern,

The demon king was known as the cruel and heartless being was holding the goddess's hand as she started drifting away from him.

His heart ached so much seeing her dying over and over again, and he was always the one who saw her death.

"Lucifer...just like Herod said...I'm our next life...let's just..." her words stabbed dagger right in his heart every time, at one point he didn't even have a heart anymore because of her. His heart was frozen long and long ago watching her turning her back at him, gave him a cold shoulder in every life she got reincarnated in the world ever since four thousand years ago.

"I can't do what you's alright if you don't love me, it's alright if I wasn't the one you choose or your second choice but at least...please keep me by your side." he closed his eyes saying the words from the bottom of his remaining heart, the goddess couldn't hear most of it...she died.

The demon king held her tighter hugging her, a moment later, he started crying. No matter how many times he has to go through this over and over again, he will never get used to it.

"Anastasia...I love you..." her body turned to glittering light flowing to the vast ocean through the hole he made.

Step step

"How long have you been there??" the demon king said with his voice could kill a human being in an instant if he wasn't a clone at that moment.

"I want to make a deal." the red-haired man approached him closer without showing any sign of fear or anything.

The demon king turned his back and glared at that man right in his sharp red eyes.

"What's it for me?"

"I'll give you anything if you could make me strong." those words came out of Flynn, his grudge, his resentment, his revenge amazed the demon king to his heart content.

The demon king smirked, "How about your soul??"


"I like your determination, I won't need your soul now...but when you killed that person you hate, you'll die too and your soul will be mine."

" are you going to make me strong?" Flynn didn't care about the price it would take, he asked the demon king.

"How about my blood??"

Blood of the demon king, the precious elixir that could turn a normal human into an entirely new being with power ten or one hundred times their original power, if it wasn't that...the human died or their feature became unrecognizable and turned to the demon.

"No. I don't want to become a demon."

"You're gonna die anyway, so why--"

"I still...have someone...they won't be much happy if I ever become a demon."

"I see...the stupid love again...fine, I'll give you the power of this clone." the demon king broke into pieces in front of Flynn after he told Flynn, there was a glowing seed appeared in front of him.

[Eat it. It will take time, but it will take time time time...] the word of the demon king echoed in Flynn's mind as he grabbed that seed and swallow it in one gulp.

'It's time...'


Upon the sky, on the rose petal,

"Miss Marinette, we have the light magic now. What's your plan of saving...your friend??" Herod was hesitant, even he knew the woman in front of him wasn't Marinette. He was really having so much fun. By his vow, he had to be bound with Marinette, if Marinette died, his soul will vanish too.

Marinette when Herod mentioned light magic, she then started to notice how her body sometimes felt light, sometimes felt like it was worse than death.

She assumed the friend Herod talked about must be Aurora, but she had some clue about what happened to Aurora since she finished reading the first volume of the novel season two.

Aurora was in the same situation as her back on earth, cripple.

This world had light magic for healing, so that was why she still had a chance but for her, going back to the earth, it had nothing for her there.

"I can't heal her, because if I do so, there will be people suspicious of her recovery."

Herod's lip lifted up hearing Marinette's way of thinking.

"So what're you gonna do??"

"I have an idea...if it works, I can hit two or  three birds with one stone but you have to help me."

"It's my honor to serve you, my lady." Marinette wasn't used to the way of Herod speaking, she kinda felt something off from her yet something similar like she used to meet that woman somewhere.

"By the way...about the first prince, shouldn't we drop him off at his palace first??"

"Ah, I almost forget. I'll do it then." Marinette was shocked seeing the quick action of Herod, she picked up Philip and intended to drop him off from the high sky.

"Hey, are you crazy??!" she knocked him right in the head and grabbed Philip from him. Somehow she felt satisfied when she hit Herod like that.

"Land first."

"Okay..." Herod was sulking scratching his head, Marinette carried the prince's body like she was about to die because of his heavyweight.

Thanks to the poor security of the west palace, she didn't have to avoid the knights much, he dropped him off at the room she guessed it might be his chamber.

She dropped him on the bed, and panted, seeing how he sleep peacefully, she really wanted to hit him.

She looked out of the window of his room, there was one tree full of sakura standing tall beside his window, it was really pretty.

While she was looking at it, the prince opened his eyes and sneaked looking at her back a few times.

"I'm really worried about that guy..." she sat on the bed and muttered to herself.

Somehow, those words of her made the prince feel a little bit...tiny bit hurt.

"I hope he's alright, when I'm back...I'll hug him fully in my arm...I really miss him." it wasn't hurt a bit anymore, the prince frowned being all jealous of the random guy she was talking about.

"I really want to see him...and there was that blonde-haired guy too..."

She meant Ji-hoon and Ye-Joon.

The sound of the prince *fake* snoring suddenly surprised her, she turned and looked at the prince sleeping like a baby.

"I should go now." she got up from the prince's bed and got out using the window when she saw the big petal floating outside the window.

She jumped outside, and the petal caught her in time and they left in a second like they never came here in the first place.

The prince got up sitting from his bed looking at Marinette leaving the palace from his window.

" you really mean it...when you said you don't love me." he murmured to himself accept the reality, and the fact he had always tried to deny.


At the hospital,

"Aurora, I'm back--" Marinette walked inside of the room, and she had no idea what happened before she came in.

There was half-naked Tristan sitting on the chair beside her showing his abs with water all over his body and Aurora wearing his shirt.

"I'll be off now." Tristan tried to walk away from the awkward situation but Marinette's hand dropped on his shoulder stopping him from walking.

"What did you do??" she said glaring at Tristan.

"It wasn't like what you think!!" Aurora shouted from her bed, after many minutes of explaining, Marinette gave Aurora a warming smile and Tristan left the hospital wearing only his jacket easily.

"And what's with your outfit?? Did you change??" Marinette was wearing a pure white dress, it was the dress the goddess gave to her since the clothes she wore before were all stained with blood.

"It doesn't matter, oh and that woman is...Herod." Aurora glanced at the long white-haired Herod standing at the door.

"Herod, huh? Isn't that a boy's name??"

Herod laughed nervously and replied, "My parents thought I was a boy, so that was how it is."

"I see..." she couldn't shake her doubt of Herod off from her mind.

"Aurora, you can walk again."

"Just give up, you don't have to give me hope...I already planned a future of me being a cripple, you don't have to try."

"Listen to me, will you??"

"Yes..." she replied afraid of Marinette.

"Remember that woman we found days ago??"

"Ah, you mean Irene??"

"How did you know her name??"

"Ahaha...emm, she told me." Aurora gulped at the end of her lie.

"Anyway, I will make her the new saintess."

"And how does that have anything to do with me?? And can you even do that??"

"She will heal your legs."

"Haa..." Aurora didn't have any expectations at all, knowing it will be impossible.

She didn't believe in such a thing as an oracle, that was her thought before Marinette did...

Light Magic: Blessing of Goddess


"Now, sit on the wheelchair for now!!"

"How did you--what?? Hoow?? When??" Aurora went teary when she could move her leg, she got up and stood on the hospital floor, the temperature of the floor, she could feel it again with her feet.

She stood tall with tears falling down from her bluish-purple eyes looking at Marinette who...was shedding blood from her eyes.

"My lady!!!" Herod rushed to support her and used his magic to balance her magic again.

Marinette wiped the blood and smiled at shocking Aurora telling her she was alright even though she wasn't, even Aurora could tell.

"Marinette...what did you do??"

"It doesn't matter..."

"Of course it does, tell me...please..."

"If I tell you, will it be any good? At least you could walk now, if I said I'm alright, I'm alright." Aurora clenched her hands and walked to sit on the wheelchair as Marinette signaled her eyes at her.

Herod went to grab the blanket and cover Aurora's leg making it believable that she still couldn't walk.

Marinette looked around the room before she left, there wasn't anything on the table...nobody visited her even her family.

They might already give up on her already.

She looked at Aurora sulking sitting on the wheelchair, a genuine smile appeared on her face as she could make her being able to walk again.

"'s all okay as long as I could see you walking again."

Meanwhile, Marinette said that to her in a warming way, she didn't know what Aurora was staring at in front of her.

[Aurora, you should know the target you should kill by now. Kill her.] the girl who was invisible to other eyes even Herod or Marinette couldn't see her except Aurora.

Aurora was trembling, right at that moment, she was standing between the line, no matter choice she choose, she herself knew that she will regret it later.

[Kill your friend or die. Time remaining: 9X days.]

[Mission reward: No more mission.]

The mission was already set as a mountain weighing on her shoulder.

She stared at her recovered leg trying to hold back her tears, she couldn't choose.

She wanted to live, she wanted to be friends with Marinette, she...didn't want to die but...the price for that was huge for her.


In the duchy,

A glass of red wine shattered in the hand of a man with ash color hair, he looked furious staring at the big portrait at the end of the hallway, it was Marinette.

"You said I was the only one..." his blood dripping on the red carpet biting his lip staring at Marinette in the portrait, his hands were numb from the pain but his heart wasn't.

His heart shattered like the glass he broke a second ago the moment Marinette pushed him away.

"I'll make you mine, Marinette no matter what it takes."

A figure wearing the strange clothes in this world walked to Asher from behind, it was a hoodie she was wearing with the black skirt and the trainer shoes.

"Your Grace, the portal is ready." she told him while scrolling something inside her hand, that thing in her hand gave off light on her face with black sharp eyes and lip covering with pink lip gloss and eyeshadows.

"Let's go to that world." Asher turned her back walking to that woman with black hair angrily, he decided that day...he won't be afraid of anything any longer if he can't have her, no one can.

"So-hee, let's take back the weapon of that world...gun, was it?"

"As you wish. We need to deal with some people called police and army if we wanted to take it."

"You're the disciple of the destruction, so I don't have to worry about such a thing."

"Of course, now then...let's go to earth."

To be continued....!

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