On the way they met many guards, those were less powerful than the one outside and anyway, it wasn’t really important because even a God wouldn’t have been able to spot them under the protection of Miguel’s force field.

To get past the checkpoints that the Titans were guarding, Miguel had just opened teleportation portals that took them to the other side and that was it.

Once in the laboratory and before separating, Glen provided them all with disks that could scan all kinds of documents, even computer memory, but the Titans didn’t have this kind of technology.

Glen was from a world full of this kind of high technology, and all these little gadgets were always a great help when they did this kind of mission, so they split up to find and copy as much information as possible and when they had finished, they hurried to go and rescue these two prisoners.

The cell 78 was the closest and so Tarik led them there first. Miguel then surrounded this cell with his force field and therefore the Titan who was guarding this corridor of cells wasn’t able to noticed anything.

After that he quickly created an ice key using the water and wind particles that took the shape of the lock and when they entered the cell and saw that the man was unconscious but alive Malo said to them: “He’s a werewolf, but it’s weird, it’s like his chakra isn’t flowing through his body at all, he can’t transform anymore and so he doesn’t have access to his regeneration ability.”

Miguel approached and tore the shirt of this man, and on his arms there were traces of pricks that should not be visible because werewolves were legendary creatures and as Malo had just said, they had a great regeneration ability, he then said to them: “He was poisoned and this substance is still in his body and blocks his flow of chakra that’s why he can’t regenerate.”

Miguel used his specialty and created a clone perfectly identical to this man, then he bound it with the little energy he managed to capture on the werewolf and when this clone was finished he made this man drink a healing potion of divine grade which should be enough to cure him and destroy this substance that was in his body.

When after a full minute the man was still unconscious he said to the rest of his men: “Damn, this man must have been tortured for a long time for his body to take so long to heal even after drinking a healing potion of divine grade.

I will send him to the prison dimension and Elias will decide what to do with him.”

The man disappeared immediately and Miguel after warning Elias of the situation said to his men: “Okay, let’s get the second one.”

When Miguel opened the cell number 26, the man in that cell had his eyes closed and he too seemed to be unconscious but he kept repeating the same name over and over again, and he couldn’t help but think of Elias when he saw this man whispering the name of another man. He could hardly imagine the pain Elias must have felt after his death and seeing this man, it reinforced his own resolve.

If Elias was ever killed in this war he would make exploded his two energy reserves because that was the only way he could die. As he had already told Elias, he would not live another second in this universe if he was no longer part of it.

Malo brought him back to reality when he told him : “He’s a demon, and he has the same symptoms as the werewolf.”

Miguel knelt down next to the demon and he said to him before creating a clone to take his place : “Don’t worry, we’ll help you find this Derek, I promise.”

He then said to his men : “I’ll be right back, wait for me.”

He teleported with this demon to the prison dimension where Elias was waiting for the second prisoner he had told him about and when he saw him appear his smile widened.

Elias joined him instantly and he embraced him whispering against his ear: “My love, I didn’t expect to see you.”

Miguel put his arms around his neck and he kissed him tenderly before saying with a smile: “I hadn’t planned to come either, but this demon gave me a strong desire to see you.”

Elias quickly glanced at this demon who kept whispering Derek’s name and he asked Miguel: “What do you want me to do my love ?”

Miguel caressed his cheek and he said to him: “I’ve provided him the necessary care, just like the werewolf, this demon should recover quickly now… I’m sure our men didn’t have these visions for nothing so use your God powers and return them to their home world, try to learn more about them.”

Elias nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I’ll find this Derek for him… Miguel, Isaac questioned that Titan he fought and he found out what the golden particles that you can use are.”

Elias quickly told him what Isaac had learned and he said to him after Elias told him that Isaac wanted them to save this Jordan: “This Titan must know that he is going to be executed… If Isaac really wants us to save him our window of action will be very limited.”

Elias nodded and he kissed him again, he already knew that the only way to save this Titan was if the Emperor decided to publicly execute him in front of them.

Miguel then thanks to a clone would be able to intervene and exchange this Titan at the last moment when everyone would think he was already dead.

It was risky but it was the only chance of survival for this Titan because he wouldn’t jeopardize the fragile peace that still remained just to save him.

Miguel then said to him, after pressing his forehead against his : “I have to go back, we still have this second impenetrable barrier to check.”

Elias didn’t need to tell him good luck or pay attention because his man was the most powerful man in the universe, after the Creator of course, so he simply said to him: “I love you.”

Miguel replied with a smile before leaving him: “I love you too, my dear husband.”

Once Miguel left, Elias knelt down next to this demon and he used his God powers to locate the world he came from and his eyes widened when he realized that this demon was from the world Kevin was in right now.

He immediately contacted Mykael and Caleb who both arrived almost instantly when he asked them to join him in the prison dimension.

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