"Cloud and Water Illusion Dream Art," "Mystic True Spirit Transformation," "Stealing the Sky and changing the Sun Technique"...

Li Fan had once practiced these techniques, which could be considered peerless and extraordinary.

But compared to the "Creation Furnace Technique" he just obtained in his mind, all of them paled in comparison and were hardly worth mentioning.

Li Fan was deeply immersed in the beautiful words, as if he could glimpse the true mysteries of the universe through this technique.

He even had a premonition that in this era where there are no restrictions on cultivation, this single technique could allow even someone without any cultivation potential to refine, evolve, and transcend themselves step by step, eventually becoming extraordinary and ascending to immortality!

What is called the supreme profound skill? What is the ultimate orthodox method?

This is it!

It truly deserves the term "Creation."

Li Fan eagerly read and comprehended the "Creation Furnace Technique," unable to suppress his joy.

"To hear the Dao in the morning, and die in the evening without regret!"

His mind was completely immersed, not even realizing when he returned to Xu Ke's side.

He didn't know how long it had been when he finally came to his senses, and Mr. Bai had already disappeared without a trace.

The Beast Taming Sect had become chaotic, just like in his previous life. The disciples of the Beast Taming Sect, who witnessed their elders being slaughtered wantonly, were filled with despair.

At this moment, Xu Ke was cautiously leading Li Fan, trying to avoid the crazed actions of his senior brothers, attempting to follow the guidance of the jade talisman given by Lu Ya to find Mr. Bai.

Peering into Xu Ke's thoughts, Li Fan was surprised to find that Xu Ke's memory completely lacked the scene of him transforming into a mystical bird, flying to Mr. Bai's side, and receiving his guidance.

After a moment of thought, Li Fan immediately understood.

"A person without guilt may incur guilt by possessing a treasure." 

The "Creation Furnace Technique" passed down by Mr. Bai could be considered the ultimate miraculous method. If it were to fall into the hands of a mere Foundation Establishment-level demon beast, it would undoubtedly arouse the covetousness of others.

No matter how mystical the technique, it would be useless if he couldn't practice it. Mr. Bai must have considered this, so he erased the memories of everyone present. In this way, Li Fan wouldn't face danger because of this technique and would have enough time to practice it slowly.

"Mr. Bai was very thoughtful!" Li Fan couldn't help but sigh.

After seeing Mr. Bai in person, Li Fan was now certain that he was definitely not [Heavenly Doctor].

Not only did they not resemble each other in appearance, but their temperaments were also vastly different.

Mr. Bai's beauty was unforgettable after just one glance. Most importantly, the kindness and warmth he unconsciously exuded were impossible to fake. It was completely different from the eerie and unpredictable nature of the [Heavenly Doctor].

Li Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"To deal with the myriad demon beasts as easily as slaughtering chickens and dogs; with just one glance, he could see through my cultivation method and instantly provide the ultimate solution; effortlessly altering the consciousness of all the living beings present—such power could be said to rival creation itself."

"Mr. Bai's strength..."Combined with his actions, Li Fan couldn't help but think of the words [Longevity Heavenly Sovereign].

"In the understanding of the children in Ningyuan City, Mr. Bai is just a mortal. Mr. Bai himself also admitted this."

"In a short time, a mortal into a God, then from a god to immortal."

"Looking at it this way, the claims of the orphans in Ningyuan City that Mr. Bai is the kindest person in the world, the best healer, the most beautiful person, the gentlest speaker, the smartest person, and so on, may not be exaggerated at all."

Li Fan's heart couldn't help but waver.

But a question soon followed.

Where is Mr. Bai now, thousands of years later?

Is he one of the other two of the Five Elders Association besides [Unified Mind-heart], [Worry-Free], and [True Reality]?

Li Fan thought it was unlikely. The way the Five Elders Association conducts itself is completely at odds with Mr. Bai.

Is he in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance?

The Eastern Extremity Heavenly Sovereign, who is said to have created the [Pure Body Spirit Pool Formation] and helped mortals expel miasma from their bodies, does bear some resemblance to Mr. Bai. However, this Eastern Extremity Heavenly Sovereign has only appeared in rumors. Even Li Fan only came across a mention of him while reading ancient texts.

Most Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance cultivators probably aren't even aware of his existence.

If Mr. Bai were still alive, he certainly wouldn't be so unknown.

Or, like the Dao Transmission Heavenly Sovereign in the previous life, did Mr. Bai successfully break free from the constraints of the Xuanhuang World and leave this realm?


Has Mr. Bai already perished?

Just thinking about it, Li Fan shook his head and dismissed this idea.

He found it hard to believe that someone as astonishingly talented as Mr. Bai would fall so easily.

Li Fan stayed hidden in Xu Ke's hair, his thoughts churning, while naturally operating the "Creation Furnace Technique."

Unlike the method Li Fan had previously devised himself, which involved brute force bombardment of his internal reserves and then seizing the overflow of reserve power for cultivation, the "Creation Furnace Technique" refined by Mr. Bai used the Heavenly and Human Induction technique to resonate with the universe's great furnace and the human body's internal furnace.

Under the unity of Heaven and Man, one could freely manipulate the reserve power for transformation and cultivation.

It also promoted the evolution of the body's internal furnace towards the universe's great furnace, truly a wondrous and profound method.

With each moment of cultivation, Li Fan felt the mystical bird he was possessing undergoing transformation.

What jolted him from this indescribably marvelous cultivation process, of course, was none other than that loathsome Beast Taming Sect disciple, Song Yang.

He still harbored evil intentions towards Li Fan, the [Heavenly Fate Mystical Bird].

After failing in his previous attempt, this time he returned with even greater force, having spent a fortune to borrow a Golden core stage Ink Immortal Tiger for assistance, swearing to capture Li Fan.

The Ink Immortal Tiger roared and strutted arrogantly, while Li Fan, who had been disturbed, was extremely displeased.

The furnace in his body roared, and the reserve power surged out.

Li Fan flew into the sky, his body expanding, and in an instant, he transformed from a small bird the size of a palm into a fierce beast with a wingspan of three zhang, two or three times larger than the Ink Immortal Tiger.

Like catching a chick, Li Fan grabbed the Ink Immortal Tiger with one claw.

Before it could struggle, a dark profound light emitted from Li Fan's mouth, giving birth to a suction force, and Li Fan swallowed the Ink Immortal Tiger in one gulp.

Xu Ke was instantly dumbfounded.

As for Song Yang, he was terrified out of his wits, fleeing in panic.

There was still a faint stench lingering in the air.

Li Fan snorted coldly, disdainful of pursuing.

He withdrew his reserve power, returning to his original size, and landed back on Xu Ke's head.

The forced transformation seemed to have drained some of his strength, but his body, like a furnace, refined the Ink Immortal Tiger he had swallowed into pure energy.

Warm currents coursed through his entire body, and Li Fan suddenly felt a wave of fatigue.

He then uncontrollably fell into a deep sleep.

Leaving Xu Ke with a face full of disbelief, he stretched out his hands, touched Li Fan, and stood there like a wooden statue.

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