My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 101: Dragon’s Roar Under the Sea

After telling the story, Yuwen Xing couldn't help but sigh, "This person not only possesses an extraordinary natural talent in cultivation, which is rare in the world, but he also has remarkable willpower and courage, which are equally scarce."

"Those seventeen powerful puppets are formidable, and most cultivators would avoid them at all costs. Yet Zhang Haobo takes a different approach and uses them as sparring partners."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if this person doesn't meet an unfortunate end, he's destined for greatness!"

Li Fan agreed, "What you say, fellow Daoist Yuwen, is absolutely true!"

After a long pause, there was no further message from the other side. It seemed that Yuwen Xing had gone to inform others about this matter.

"A cultivator can typically form the twenty-four Sea Fixing Swords only after entering Foundation Establishment, but Zhang Haobo, who recently entered the Qi Condensation stage, managed to form them already."

"Is he particularly suited to this technique? Or is there some other reason? Interesting..."

In a burst of curiosity, Li Fan immediately set out to investigate the situation at the Tian Yang cave.

The Tian Yang cave was located beneath the sea in a dormant underwater volcano in the western part of the Cong Yun Sea. Since its emergence due to a volcanic eruption, the surrounding underwater volcanic activity has increased.

On his way, Li Fan occasionally spotted groups of Qi Condensation stage cultivators who were excited and couldn't stop talking about Zhang Haobo, who was currently engaged in a sword trial. They mentioned that Zhang Haobo was now able to endure the onslaught of the seventeen puppet mechanisms for almost the duration of a joss stick burning.

Many people used the opportunity when Zhang Haobo attracted the puppets' attention to sneak into the mansion and seek opportunities. However, one joss stick's time was too short for them to discover anything, and they would be killed by the enraged puppets before they could react. But there were reports that Zhang Haobo had made significant progress through these repeated trials. Perhaps he would soon advance to the mid-Qi Condensation stage, and at that point, his strength would allow him to restrain the puppets for a longer period. This would enable others to explore the mansion while he held the puppets at bay.

Zhang Haobo didn't seem to mind this behavior, and he didn't express any dissatisfaction. He continued his repetitive cycle of resting, sword trials, and resting.

Therefore, more and more cultivators began harboring various schemes.

Of course, some came purely to witness the remarkable feat of Zhang Haobo fighting seventeen puppets on his own.

Before long, Li Fan arrived in the area where the Tian Yang cave was located. Due to the active underground fires, the water temperature here was noticeably higher than in other areas. The sea's surface was scattered with dead fish, even though it had been cleaned up once.

Fortunately, Li Fan had made preparations before coming. He activated Concealing Form and Fire-Protection Talismans and then submerged into the sea.

As he descended, the water temperature continued to rise. Near the sea floor, the water was almost boiling. Inside an underwater volcano crater, searing magma continuously erupted along with billowing white smoke. Once the magma met the seawater, it cooled rapidly, forming black stone that piled up and spread outward.

Many cultivators had gathered around the volcano. They didn't mind the boiling seawater or the spectacular eruptions of the underwater volcano. All of their attention was focused on Zhang Haobo, who was meditating not far away.

As Li Fan approached, he heard people whispering:

"Just now, in his first battle in the mid-Qi Condensation stage, it seems like he didn't last much longer than before. What's going on?"

"You don't understand. Didn't you notice that his techniques' power is similar to when he was in the early Qi Condensation stage? He's clearly still adapting to his breakthrough."

"That's right, I'm certain he'll endure for the time of two joss sticks burning this time!"

In the midst of the discussions, Zhang Haobo suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

With a calm expression, he dashed into the crater.

The onlookers didn't follow him. Instead, a watery screen lit up in the center, displaying the scene inside the mansion. It seemed that the seventeen puppets were not just lifeless objects. Anticipating Zhang Haobo's return, they had already set up an ambush at the mansion's entrance.

As soon as he entered, the puppets immediately launched an attack. Zhang Haobo remained calm and immediately surrounded himself with twenty-four deep blue water swords, blocking the puppets' attacks one by one. He swiftly moved through the gaps between the puppets, and in the blink of an eye, he had broken through their blockade and emerged from the encirclement. He then flew into the air.

"What is he trying to do?"

"He's not just defending anymore? Is he planning to use an offensive approach instead?"

Amidst the exclamations of the onlookers, Zhang Haobo gazed at the puppets below with focused eyes and formed a hand seal. In an instant, the twenty-four water swords drastically increased in speed, striking the mechanical puppets like a furious storm. The water swords moved like graceful spirits, creating countless illusions. At a glance, it seemed like hundreds or even thousands of water swords were attacking simultaneously.

The mechanical puppets were incredibly tough, and the water swords left only shallow marks when they struck. But the attacks caused the puppets to momentarily hesitate. However, as soon as they recovered from this brief pause, the water sword attacks continued, trapping them in a cycle of rigid movements.

The onslaught of water sword attacks resembled a rushing waterfall, non-stop and relentless. Zhang Haobo, using his strength alone, was actually suppressing the seventeen puppets!

Outside the mansion, the cultivators who witnessed this scene were left speechless, their hearts filled with amazement.

"Is Zhang Haobo really only in the mid-Qi Condensation stage? What cultivation technique is he practicing? He's incredibly strong!"

"I heard he's been cultivating for just over a year? He's a true genius!"

"Fellow Daoists, let's go. I see that these puppets can't lift their heads now. It's the perfect opportunity for us to explore the mansion!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly spoke up, inciting others.

The idea sounded reasonable, and many began to feel eager.

However, at that moment, a burly man shook his head and said, "I think not. Zhang Haobo's move is truly terrifying, but it must consume a lot of spiritual energy and is difficult to sustain. I'm afraid this time, he won't last as long as the previous attempt."

The crowd fell into deep thought and eventually nodded in agreement.

Li Fan, on the other hand, kept his eyes on Zhang Haobo in the water curtain.

The move that Zhang Haobo had just used was known to Li Fan. It was a deadly technique from the "Sea Fixing Sword Technique."

"Dragon's Roar."

This technique involved the swords moving like dragons, attacking freely and expansively with a wide range and a fast attack frequency, making it a powerful offensive move.

It required an extremely strong consumption of spiritual energy and was typically only usable by those in the Foundation Establishment stage. Even the previous cultivator, Baili Chen, who was also in the mid-Qi Condensation stage and practiced the complete version of the "Sea Fixing Sword Technique," couldn't perform this move.

What puzzled Li Fan was that although Zhang Haobo had extraordinary talent, he was still only in the mid-Qi Condensation stage. The "Dragon's Roar" was not something that could be sustained for long. Yet, looking at Zhang Haobo now, he seemed completely confident and unconcerned about running out of spiritual energy. Why was that?

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