Chapter 89: Hide And Seek

Sara and Alex exchanged a few words before giving all their attention to Celia.

She would be alone for one day soon enough. That was naturally because Alex and the girls planned to increase their strength by hunting hungry demons.

Wolfen Demon and other demons around the Deathwill Castle were on their hunting list!

As everyone loved Celia, the whole castle used her as an excuse to rest more after the battle with Wolfen Demon.

But in reality, Alex and the girls could once again try him out. It surely would take more time to find him, though…

Alex poked the wrapped leader, “Leader Celia… We can’t waste our precious time here. We must go to our last destination.

Aunt Schnee is waiting for us,” Alex smiled widely.

Celia slowly left her small bunker, then shook her head a few times to fix her hair. Surprisingly, it worked.

She lifted her eyes with puffy cheeks and stared at Alex, “Lead the way, Alex!”

“Let’s go!” Alex laughed merrily.

Both of them waved at Sara before leaving.

She sent them off with a dazzling smile. Then as the doors closed, tears tumbled down Sara’s cheeks.

As she was alone, she allowed those tears of happiness to flow down for some time.

Before doors leading to Schnee’s room, even the little dullahan felt some pressure. It was unavoidable as the cat aunt had always been a bully.

Things had significantly changed, though.

Alex’s hand landed on Celia’s hair, then he patted her and whispered, “Celia. Today is the day.”

“What day?” Celia asked; her eyes were twinkling for no reason.

Alex smirked, his smirk filling Celia’s heart with excitement, “You will bully Aunt Schnee today.”

“Really?!” Celia clenched her hands, joined them, then stared at Alex with unconcealable thirst in her eyes.

She had been waiting for this day for years!

Alex chuckled, “I will cast a special skill on Aunt Schnee. You have to support me, though.”

“Okay!” Celia nodded gravely.

Soon, Alex knocked on the doors. After these opened, Schnee revealed herself in common clothes. Her clothes were oddly similar to Alex’s clothes from Earth. She wore a red hoodie, a short skirt, and red stockings.

Alex smiled, “Good morning.”

Celia also greeted her aunt, “Good morning! Hehe!”

Schnee gave an odd glance at Alex, then looked down at Celia, “You two seem in a good mood. Have you prepared something for me?”

Alex and Celia raised their hands, pointing at Schnee, “We play hide and seek today! And you search!”

Schnee blinked her eyes.

Because of Alex and her last words about being a good aunt, Schnee didn’t even protest. She lifted her hands in surrender, willingly becoming a member of their game.

Schnee sent a soft smile, “You have thirty seconds to hide.”

Alex and Celia grinned, “Sure thing!”

Both of them hid in different spots. However, while Celia did her utmost best to hide, Alex promptly returned.

He faced Schnee alone, “Allow Celia to bully you for today.”

“What will I gain in return? I can’t lose the status of a good aunt,” Schnee side-glanced, looking at Alex with a peculiar expression.

Alex squinted his eyes, “Good aunt?”

“I’m a good aunt, am I not? I give her lots of hugs, play a game seriously with her, and make sure no one hurts her,” Schnee lifted her chin proudly.

Alex repeated, “In other words, you hug her too tightly because she is too cute. Celia takes that as bullying. You play a game seriously with a kid… Again, you bully her. And who can hurt our little princess in my castle?”

Schnee whistled to those last words, barely stopping herself from saying, ‘What a protective father you are.’

But as she developed feelings for him, she could stop herself well. Moreover, Schnee also wanted to receive lots of protectiveness and attention from him.

She stepped forward, then wrapped her arms around his neck, “So? What will I get from you?”

Alex coiled his arms around her waist, not staying shy from Schnee’s curves, “I haven’t thought about that. Give me some time, and I will think of something for a good aunt.”

“Alright,” Schnee replied, then leaned forth.

She bit his neck, “I forgot to bite you yesterday. See? It doesn’t hurt. Rather, a little pain feels good, right?”

“I can’t complain nor disagree,” Alex caressed the little wound, then turned around.

He went to his hiding spot.

It was a time to play hide and seek!

Hiding in her favorite spot, Celia had been waiting to see Aunt Schnee.

Since Schnee was in her human form, her steps rang out casually across the vast corridor.

Celia’s little ears twitched, then she peeked through gaps between the boxes.

Yes, little dullahan had hidden behind empty boxes.

‘She’s here!’ Celia whispered, then she followed Alex’s words, “Aunt Schnee! You can’t find me!”

She raised her voice, believing in Alex’s magic.

Schnee stopped, then looked around. She swirled in one place like a ballerina, looking for the little dullahan’s whereabouts.

On her face, a huge question mark appeared.

Schnee put her hand on her cheek and whispered, “Where is she? I swear I heard her…”

Celia’s big eyes widened, countless stars sparkling within those!

She clapped her hands, “Aunt Schnee! I am here! Find me!”

Schnee once again moved around. She even went onto four with her chest splashing on the ground. She looked on the ground, on the ceiling, and even beyond the windows!

To no avail!

Celia joined her hands and whispered, “Wow!”

Alex’s magic spell worked so well!

She felt so happy!

Celia’s little trickster awakened. She couldn’t help but grin at the sight of lost Schnee, who had been making circles and stupid moves on the ground.

“Can’t you find me?! I am the hide and seek master! The leader of Team Friends! Hehe!” Celia proudly boasted.

But as she happily wriggled in her hidden spot, Celia suddenly made a mistake. She hit one of the boxes, pushing it forward.

She revealed her position.

“N-No…” Celia whispered in a dejected tone.

She was so wide open that anyone could see her. And as Schnee and Celia’s eyes met, Celia felt like she had failed, disappointing Alex…

However, Schnee tilted her head, “Where is that little girl? Sigh… I guess I will leave and find that stupid Alex.”

Schnee left the scene.

Celia stared at Schnee’s back. She once again joined her hands, making a ‘wow’ expression.

She whispered to herself, “Alex is so cool! We can bully Schnee!”

She moved the empty box, then hid in her favorite spot. A few minutes later, Schnee returned with Alex.

He laughed and said, “You’ve heard Celia here, right? Is that true?”

Celia made some noises.

Schnee rolled her eyes, “You heard her.”

“I did,” Alex crossed his arms, then smiled, “I will wait for you to find her. But if you won’t find Celia in five minutes, it will be her victory!”

Schnee clicked her tongue.

Celia’s heart warmed up, and her eyes closed. She curled up and hid so much that she no longer could follow Alex’s plan.

She really wanted to win.

And as Alex silently pointed it out, Schnee gave up.

After five minutes, Schnee lifted a white flag.

Celia rushed out of her hidden spot, “Alex! We did it!”

“Huh? You won today, Celia,” Alex smiled brightly.

But Celia didn’t stop moving. She kept rushing, then she jumped into his arms. She wrapped her little arms around his neck, then shouted into his ear!

“It’s our win! Hehe!”

Alex could only smile gently.

From the side, Schnee unknowingly curved her lips up.

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