My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 434 - Chapter 434: Chapter 434: Staying up all night, will Yin Qin come back? (Third Update)

Chapter 434: Chapter 434: Staying up all night, will Yin Qin come back? (Third Update)

“I think you can try the rainbow color!” Yin Qin said, word by word.

Ji Baixing looked at him.

Yin Qin said, “First, draw seven sketches in different colors.”

Ji Baixing nodded.

Ji Baixing designed one outfit for each color according to her thoughts.

Yin Qin said, “It’s too mundane, I need something more flamboyant and exaggerated for the stage.”

Ji Baixing made modifications.

Yin Qin spoke again, “Here, I think a voluminous design could make it look more luxurious.”

Ji Baixing thought for a moment and added a stroke.

She resisted at first.

After all, designers really hate when their work is being changed.

But that one stroke made her feel like it was a stroke of genius.

The whole outfit was transformed in an instant.

Yin Qin didn’t seem to think it was any big deal. He took Ji Baixing’s pencil and sketched freely on the paper.

From the way he handled the pencil, it was clear he was formally trained.

His sketches were rather rough, possibly because he hadn’t practiced much. Yin Qin said, “I want this kind of feeling. What do you think is the best way to design it?”

Ji Baixing looked at his sketch, “You want something like this?”

“Hmm, I’ve read the script for tomorrow night. It’s about a tense friendship. The outfits should be bolder.”

“I think I might have an idea.” Ji Baixing nodded.

She seemed to have found her inspiration.

Initially, she thought of friendship as something warm, clean and pure.

But in Yin Qin’s mind, it was bold and intense.

Everyone has a different understanding of friendship, so the things they design are always unique. Yin Qin’s design concept was more dynamic. It was as if a fog had lifted—her usual designs were too conventional. They couldn’t be critiqued but also failed to grab attention.

Though Yin Qin was not as qualified professionally, his thoughts were far more advanced than many others.

She followed Yin Qin’s ideas and kept revising the sketch without stopping.

Yin Qin kept her company, didn’t interfere most of the time, but occasionally suggested some modifications in details.

The two of them discussed through the night.

Finally, Ji Baixing completed all the final drafts.

She moved her stiff body.

This kind of work pressure was quite overwhelming, but she felt strangely accomplished.

She put down her pencil and paper.

Turning around, she saw Yin Qin asleep on the desk.

His face was resting on his arm, breathing steadily.

It seemed like the first time Ji Baixing had truly observed Yin Qin. Looking at his long lashes, much longer than those of a girl’s, especially when they were more noticeable with his eyes closed under the lamp light, bottom of nose upright, lips slightly pursed, he seemed a little tired, appears his eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

In that moment, as if possessed, Ji Baixing reached out to his forehead, wanting to smoothen his furrowed brow.

Yin Qin seemed uncomfortable and moved a little, but did not wake up.

That moment, Ji Baixing quickly withdrew her hand from his face, startled.

His warmth still lingered in her palm.

She pursed her lips, trying to calm herself down.

Calm down.

Yin Qin was murmuring something incomprehensibly.

Ji Baixing couldn’t hear clearly, so she leaned in, bringing her ear near his lips. At that moment, she could feel his warm breath fan against her earlobe, making her blush.

Then she heard him say, “Ji Baixing…”

Her heart raced.

Thump, thump, thump.

It just wouldn’t stop.

She felt as if she was under a spell.

Everything became blank in that moment.

If it wasn’t for Yin Qin’s phone suddenly ringing.

She had no idea what she would have done!

Perhaps she would have just stayed there, motionless.

She quickly grabbed Yin Qin’s phone and turned off the sound. Xiaolang’s name was flashing on the screen.

She hesitated for a moment, looking at Yin Qin who was asleep.

It was already after 4 in the morning.

She didn’t want to disturb him.

She got up and left the office to answer Xiaolang’s call.

The moment she closed the office door, she heard Yin Qin mumble, “Ji Baixing, I’m going to sleep for a bit, wake me if you need something…”

Ji Baixing answered the call.

“Yin Qin.” Xiaolang’s voice sounded from the other side.

Ji Baixing pursed her lips, “Xiaolang, this is Baixing.”

There was a pause from the other end.

Ji Baixing continued, “Don’t get me wrong. Yin Qin and I are in my studio because of some work. We pulled an all-nighter. He’s asleep on the desk right now. He just fell asleep, so I picked up the call, afraid I might disturb his sleep.”

“Oh, okay.” Xiaolang answered, and then asked, “Is he coming home today?”

“It seems unlikely. Tonight is the first reorganization live broadcast of “Hall of Heaven”. After Yin Qin is done with my part, he should be on the scene the whole time.”

“Doesn’t he need to change his clothes?” Luo Xiaolang asked again.

Having been with Yin Qin for so long, he knew that he was somewhat of a clean freak.

He changed his clothes every day.

“He probably won’t have time.” Ji Baixin speculated.

“I’ll deliver them for him.” Luo Xiaolang said.

“That’s not necessary. You’re still taking care of the little tiger. What if he needs to be fed? I’ll just go downstairs and buy a set for Yin Qin. There’s a boutique menswear shop right downstairs from my studio.” Ji Baixin kindly suggested.

Luo Xiaolang didn’t say anything more.

Ji Baixin said, “Xiaolang, it’s only after 4 now, you should sleep some more. I hear taking care of a baby can leave you sleep-deprived.”

“Hmm. Then I’ll hang up.” Luo Xiaolang said, and then hung up the phone.

She put down her phone.

She sat at the head of the bed for a while.

She turned off the electric light and lay down on the bed to sleep.

If he was not coming back, then she wouldn’t need to wait for him.

Ji Baixin also hung up the phone, tiptoeing back to her office.

Yin Qin was still sleeping, in an unusual pose, leaning on the chair, mouth open as he breathed.

She used to find him very foolish.

But at this moment, she found him utterly adorable.

She found one of her own coats and draped it over Yin Qin.

Yin Qin did not wake up.

Ji Baixin held her tongue, placed his phone on the office table, and looked for a more comfortable position to sit in as she continued refining her designs.

Yin Qin slept for about an hour.

He woke up abruptly.

He looked left and right, seemingly not knowing where he was.

Only after a while did he react, seeing Ji Baixin still sketching her designs.

“You’re awake?” Ji Baixin smiled a little.

“Ah, how did I fall asleep.” Yin Qin seemed a little embarrassed.

Ji Baixin didn’t say much, “The design’s almost finished, have a look.”

Yin Qin rubbed his eyes, tried to sober up, took her design drafts, and started examining them one by one.

He was very careful, even giving some of his own suggestions.

The two of them revised some more.

Until both of them got satisfied.

The sky outside was already bright.

Yin Qin stretched, saying, “Have the workers put in extra hours to complete the outfits, I want all the actors wearing them at 5pm.”

“Don’t worry.” Ji Baixin said.

“Then I’ll get going.”

“Wait.” Ji Baixin said, “Let’s have breakfast together first, I’ve just ordered takeout.”

Yin Qin checked the time, saying, “No, I’m going home for a bit, take a shower and change clothes.”

“I knew you would need to change, so I have let the store downstairs take a set of your size, they just sent me a message saying they’ll deliver it in ten minutes. I have a bathroom here, you can take a shower and change here. There must be a lot going on for the live broadcast tonight, going back and forth would waste time.”

Yin Qin thought about it.

The villa was a bit out of the city, even if he went quickly, it would take half an hour, going back and forth would be more than an hour.

It was already half-past eight, and he had scheduled a meeting with all the staff for half-past nine.

Ji Baixin’s studio was actually close to his Milky Way, both in the city center.

After thinking about it, he agreed.

Ji Baixin smiled a little. “You rest a bit first.”

Yin Qin nodded.

After waiting for a few minutes.

Yin Qin’s clothes arrived.

Ji Baixin said, “Go shower, then see if they fit.”

“Okay.” Yin Qin took the clothes into the bathroom.

Yin Qin quickly took a military-style shower.

He quickly washed, changed into his clothes, and walked out.

He casually threw his original clothes into the garbage bin next to him.

Even though the clothes were pricey, he didn’t have time to take them home and wash them.

Seeing Yin Qin come out in his suit and leather shoes, she asked, “Does it fit?”

“Yes.” Yin Qin nodded.

From head to toe, the size was just right.

“That’s good. Come have breakfast.” By this time, the coffee table in the office had been laid with a lavish breakfast.

Yin Qin went over.

Ji Baixin enthusiastically served him rice and handed him chopsticks.

Yin Qin seemed a bit dazed.

The scene that used to only appear in his dreams was now right in front of him!

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