My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 426 - Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Yin Qin’s aggressive pushing, Wei Cheng being defeated (First update)

Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Yin Qin’s aggressive pushing, Wei Cheng being defeated (First update)

Yin Qin returned to his office.

He silently adjusted his emotions.

He had long suspected that Weng Cheng would definitely play games behind his back.

So today’s results were also expected, anyway his purpose today wasn’t for this.

He remained calm.

He amended his budget proposal. Previously, it was used internally, but now it needed to be presented externally, and many terms used would be extremely inappropriate.

He wrote earnestly.

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

Wu Meili knocked and entered, her entire body was very tense.

Yin Qin looked up, “What’s the matter?”

“Chairman, please look at the news.” Wu Meili said somewhat tremblingly.

Yin Qin frowned.

At that moment, he had a vague feeling that something not very good had happened.

Yin Qin picked up his phone and opened the Milky Way app. The fact that the Milky Way had become an industry leader was indeed due to the freedom of its news broadcasts. Not to mention broadcasting their own internal news, it also included the unerring broadcasts of important and influential people. So, when Yin Qin saw his own platform now exposing internal news, he was also very calm. Furthermore, he didn’t need to think to know that this matter had something to do with Weng Cheng.

The headline in the oversized news read “Yin Qin Insists on Going His Own Way, Numerous Sponsors Demand Contract Compensation!”

Yin Qin opened the content and scrolled down.

“According to internal sources from Milky Way, since Yin Qin took over as chairman of Milky Way, he has acted arbitrarily within the company, disregards any decisions made by the board, and insists on going his own way. Without the approval of the board, he forced improvements on the “Hall of Heaven”, and regardless of the consequences suspended it for 2 weeks, causing immense losses to the “Hall of Heaven” production team, Brilliance Films. In addition, numerous sponsors for the “Hall of Heaven” casting show are all demanding to cancel their contracts and want compensation for the huge breach of contract. Numerous sponsors have issued lawyer statements one after another, and have already submitted them to the court. The current internal situation of Milky Way is worrisome.”

On the following page of the news, there’s a rather handsome picture of Yin Qin.

Beneath his picture is a brief introduction.

“Yin Qin, 27 years old, height 179cm. Current chairman of Milky Way, married status (no wedding ceremony held). Prior to this, he held the position of deputy director in Milky Way, but was lackluster and did not have any accomplishments or learning and was transferred from his duties. The former chairman of Milky Way, Yin Bin, transferred all his shares to Yin Qin and thus he became the new chairman of the Milky Way. He has just taken office for 3 days, and a series of his actions have exacerbated internal conflicts in Milky Way.”

Yin Qin looked at his own photo for a while.

Weng Cheng, this person was not too unkind. At least, he chose a pretty good looking photo of him.

Wu Meili respectfully stood in front of Yin Qin and saw that Yin Qin was so indifferent even while looking at the news.

He slowly put down his mobile phone and calmly said to Wu Meili, “Okay, I know, go do what you need to do.”

Wu Meili was stunned.

He was spoken about like this, and he was still so calm?!

Is this him having a great psychological tolerance, or is he just heartless!

It doesn’t matter anyway.

Anyway, the Chairman said there’s nothing, so as a secretary what is there for her to worry about.

She turned and left.

Yin Qin continued with his proposal.

In fact, he wasn’t as indifferent as he appeared, but he had also anticipated such a result. He just didn’t think that Weng Cheng could act so quickly. He had to say, Weng Cheng did have his talents indeed.

Yin Qin sat in front of the computer and was rigid for an afternoon again.

He moved his arm.

At that moment, he suddenly remembered Luo Xiaolang massaging him last night.

That girl’s technique was really good, he began to miss it a bit and wanted her to massage his shoulders for him.

Thinking is one thing, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

A knock sounded at the office door.

He said a word, “Come in.”

The room door opened.

Wu Meili stood tremblingly at the door, “Mr. Chairman, this is the court summons. It is the summons for the joint sponsors of ‘Hall of Heaven’ to cancel their contracts with us and demand a large amount of liquidated damages. They require mediation by law and complete compensation by next week.”

“How much?” Yin Qin asked indifferently.

“The liquidated damages are about 60 million.” Wu Meili said in a horrified tone.

“Tell the three sponsors, I will compensate them, it doesn’t need to be escalated to legal proceedings, give me three days, I will fully pay them.”

Wu Meili was stunned once again.

This Chairman Yin really was bold and excessively munificent!

She weakly asked, “Chairman, aren’t you going to look at the contracts signed before? It’s not necessarily written in the contract that we have to compensate the sponsors this way.”

“No need, our separation is their loss, from now on these three sponsors will become our Milky Way’s blacklist. In the future, regardless of any program including insert ads promotion, etc., Milky Way definitely won’t have their shadow.”

Wu Meili stared at Yin Qin in astonishment.

So that’s it?!

Yin Qin said, “Just notify them, in three days bring the contract and breach of contract agreement to find me, I’ll pay them the compensation money.”

“Chairman, are you sure you don’t want a lawyer to review the previous contract?”

“No need.” Yin Qin confirmed.

It’s just right for him to clear the road.

He needs newer sponsors, not Weng Cheng’s sponsors. Weng Cheng’s people, who knows when they may unexpectedly revolt or suddenly withdraw funds. He’s not that foolish.

Wu Meili respectfully left.

After she left, she relayed the message from her Chairman to the other party.

Almost at the same time, Weng Cheng received the news.

Weng Cheng laughed heartily in his own office.

He said unabashedly, “I knew it would be like this, Yin Qin, that spendthrift, attaches more importance to his face than anyone else, I knew he would accept everything! If it goes on like this, in not too long, Yin Qin will have squandered his old man’s shares! It’s literally an effortless acquisition!”

“Director Weng is wise, knowing what Yin Qin is going to do next!” His confidant quickly agreed.

“When you follow me and work with me, you should learn from me.” Weng Cheng said, barely able to contain his happiness, “In the future, I won’t forget to give you benefits.”

“Thank you, Director Weng.” His confidant was extremely respectful.

It was time to leave work in the afternoon.

Yin Qin said to the office phone, “Secretary Wu, let Xie Mao come over.”


Yin Qin looked at the time, the day had passed really quickly.

He had a feeling that it was completely not enough.

He saved his plan.

At this moment, Xie Mao knocked on the door and entered. “Chairman.”


Xie Mao sat across from him.

Yin Qin asked, “What’s the progress of the current campaign?”

“We were about to report to you. We are currently in the pre-launch phase of a short video campaign. If everything goes as planned, it will debut the day after tomorrow and trigger a mini surge. However, our scheme includes buying trending content from all apps, we’ve submitted our requests, but they have been temporarily halted, saying they need approval from the leadership. That’s where we are stuck.”

“We can worry about that later. Just figure out the text for now, and I’ll handle the workflow.”


“The reason I called you here is for something else.”

“Yes.” Xie Mao responded with utmost respect.

“The person in charge of content review at the news app, Chief Editor He, can you handle her?”

“She’s Weng Cheng’s person.” Xie Mao said bluntly.

“The review editor, managing editor, and chief editor of the news department only listen to Weng Cheng. That’s why our requests were rejected outright.”

“Ok, got it. As far as I remember, we have someone from the news department in our project team.”

“Lun Cheng. A veteran reporter, who’s been alienated by many journalists because of his refusal to follow the crowd. He’s also been given a hard time by senior editors and directly from his superiors and thus quite frustrated.”

“Ask him to come to my office.”

“Immediately.” Xie Mao quickly made the call.

Lun Cheng was leaving work when he received the call and turned back.

He appeared in Yin Qin’s office, slightly out of breath. It seemed he had been waiting for Yin Qin to give him an important task. He wanted to overthrow those who had deliberately targeted him in the past, and crush them mercilessly underfoot!

“Chairman, you wanted to see me?” Lun Cheng was respectful.

“Sit, no need to be formal.” Yin Qin responded straightforwardly.

Yin Qin had no airs about him, but when it came to work, he was more serious than anyone else.

Lun Cheng took a seat.

“Help me write a news article that says I’ve taken out five percent of Milky Way’s shares and made a bet with Weng Cheng. If “Hall of Heaven” does not reach a 2 rating, I will unconditionally give the five percent of shares to Weng Cheng. Just simply state the facts in the news, you do not need to use overly fancy language, write from an objective standpoint. The purpose is to make this information known to the public.”

“I can write it, but even if I do, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be published. Right now, the audit department hardly uses any of my drafts.” Lun Cheng stated bluntly.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I will handle the communication.”


“After that, there will be several more news articles that need to be written by you, I’ll let you know later. Once you finish writing, let me take a look.”

“Yes.” Lun Cheng nodded, then asked, “May I know why the chairman wants to write these articles?”

“Indirect hype.” Yin Qin stated frankly, “Direct manipulation no longer works with the audience. Even from the audience’s standpoint, I have no interest in watching news written to spec. So, I have to guide them in another way. Xie Mao, your team is mainly responsible for creating momentum. When the time comes, hire some internet trolls for me to do some guiding propaganda.”

“Yes.” Xie Mao nodded.

“By the way, Xie Mao, take screenshots of your applications for me to show where we are currently stalled. I need evidence, preferably chat logs with the other party. If it was merely verbal communication, make sure to add text communication. I need evidence to convince them.”

“Okay, I’ll prepare it right away.”

“Before 12 o’clock tomorrow, get me what I need, including Lun Cheng’s news draft.”


“You worked hard. Go take care of your other tasks.”

Both of them left.

Yin Qin lifted his arm again.

He hadn’t sat for such a long time before, it was somewhat overwhelming. Especially when he thought of Luo Xiaolang’s massage enforcement, he felt a vague sense of affection.

He did think.

But he couldn’t actually finish work on a whim.

He still had a lot of things to handle.


he was working until after 10 pm.

By the time he returned home, it was almost 11 pm.

He carefully opened the door to his room.

Inside the room, under the warm light, Luo Xiaolang was still sitting by the bed waiting for him.

Seeing him return, she got up from the bed, “I’ll get your bath ready.”

Yin Qin furrowed his brow.

Wasn’t this girl a bit too proactive?

Luo Xiaolang quickly finished preparing the bathwater and prepared to sneak back under the covers.

Yin Qin grabbed Luo Xiaolang’s hand.

Luo Xiaolang was taken aback, “Aren’t you going to take a bath?”

“Why the sudden initiative?”

“My mom said that this can help improve our relationship.” Luo Xiaolang said directly.

Today she was chatting with Qin Keqin, and Qin Keqin asked Luo Xiaolang about Yin Qin’s situation. After all, with his comings and goings these past few days, Qin Keqin was a bit worried.

After a lifetime of playing around, it was pretty scary when he suddenly acted like this.

Luo Xiaolang told Qin Keqin everything about Yin Qin’s situation.

Qin Keqin told her that right now, when Yin Qin was feeling most vulnerable emotionally, because he was already exhausted from dealing with everything outside. When he comes home, he should have a place where he can relax and feel warmth. If Xiaolang feels that she and Yin Qin could have a good marriage, it wouldn’t hurt to treat Yin Qin a bit better during this time.

When Qin Keqin was telling her this, Yin Bin was in the living room.

He was very focused on peeling fruit for Qin Keqin.

As he peeled, his face grew darker and darker.

He couldn’t help but ask Qin Keqin, “Why didn’t you treat me the same way back then?!”

“You didn’t deserve it.”

Fine, he didn’t deserve it.

He was only worthy of growing old alone.

“You even committed adultery during your marriage. Don’t you have any self-respect?!” Qin Keqin continued to rub salt in the wound.

At that moment, Yin Bin felt as if he was being stabbed a thousand times in the heart!

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