My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 413 - Chapter 413: Chapter 413 Sweet Journey, Sweet Honey Juice (Includes Benefits)

Chapter 413: Chapter 413 Sweet Journey, Sweet Honey Juice (Includes Benefits)

Ji Baijian, wrapped up tightly, went out for food with Song Zhizhi.

Being “outside” merely meant the hotel restaurant.

The restaurant wasn’t particularly crowded.

They were led by the waiter to a seat by the window.

Two people sat facing each other, ordering food.

Then, they waited for their meals to be served.

Song Zhizhi seldom travelled abroad. She had grown up in Jin City, and the few times she did travel, it was her parents who took her on excursions; just a handful of times.

Although Song Shan often traveled abroad, it was always for business and there was no way he would bring her along.

Nie Wenzhi, who occasionally played the good guy, only took her on trips around Yanshang Country.


Song Zhizhi was actually someone who hadn’t seen much of the world.

Unlike Ji Baijian, who started studying abroad from a young age.

Thus, he became accustomed to all sorts of sights abroad.

Song Zhizhi silently looked at the scene of Wen City outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The night scene she saw yesterday was a picturesque view, and today she saw the hustle and bustle of the whole city. Under the sunlight, super tall buildings were reflecting a splendid light, giving a strong sense of déjà vu of a major city.

Song Zhizhi was silently watching the view outside the window.

Ji Baijian was silently watching her.

There was a cheesy and touching saying: “You are watching the scenery on the bridge, not knowing that you have long become the scenery in someone else’s eyes.”

It seemed to be the exact portrayal of their current situation.

All of a sudden, a woman’s voice sounded from the neighboring seat.

She was watching this young couple and couldn’t help but exclaim,”It’s great to be young.”

Thinking back to when she was young seemed like a century ago!

“Mrs. Zhai looks youthful too.” The waiter by her side was extremely respectful.

Gai Xin shook her head and sighed,”That’s just flattery.”

“Mrs. Zhai doesn’t look a day over forty.” said the waiter in a very serious tone.


“Definitely.” The waiter was confident,”Mrs. Zhai’s face doesn’t even have a single wrinkle. Nobody would ever guess that Mrs. Zhai is a grandmother.”

Gai Xin, from a young age, always cherished being praised.

Even when she got old, she kept this habit.

“You are such a sweetheart.” She even reached out and patted the waiter’s chest.


Such strong chest muscles!

As the most luxurious hotel in both Wen City and Beixia Country, anyone who could work here not only needed professional knowledge but also a great appearance. Any waiter here was meticulously selected with an annual salary of over a million. The hotel even held monthly examinations, one of which was the management of one’s physique. If any standard was not met, the employee would be dismissed immediately no matter how well-versed their professional knowledge and service etiquette were. No reasons would be given.

Therefore, no matter if they were male or female, every waiter here was exceptional.

Gai Xin liked to visit from time to time.

Not that the food here was particularly to her taste, she was mostly here to ogle good-looking men.

She kept patting the waiter’s chest.

She couldn’t help but ask,”Did you work out yesterday?”

“Yes, Mrs. Zhai.”

“Well done. Keep it up.”

“Yes.” replied the waiter, respectful.

Gai Xin was delighted with her actions.

All of a sudden, she felt a sharp glare.

Gai Xin cowered instantly, immediately let go of her hand, sat up straight and said seriously,”A waiter is the face of the hotel, make sure to manage your body well. Pay attention to your image, don’t disgrace the hotel.”

“Yes.” The waiter felt the danger, being respectful to the max.

“Hmm, you can go, no need to wait.”

“Yes.” The waiter left in a hurry.

As he passed by Mr. Zhai, he kept his head down, not daring to look at him.

Everyone knew that Mr. Zhai was very strict with Mrs. Zhai. Although Mrs. Zhai had a powerful presence in front of others, she instantly morphed into an obedient bunny in front of Mr. Zhai, being as gentle as water.

“Zhai An, you’re here.” Gai Xin immediately stood from her seat, wearing a beaming smile.

Zhai An stared back at Gai Xin with a stoic face.

Gai Xin wasted no time in holding his hand, “I ordered drunken shrimp, your favorite.”

“That’s your favorite.”

“Am I not your favorite?” Doesn’t that make your favorite my favorite too?!

Zhai An pressed his lips together, he never wanted to argue with Gu Xin in this lifetime, it’s merely a waste of brain cells.

Gu Xin affectionately held his arm, letting him sit down.

The waiter started serving dishes.

Dishes were being served on Song Zhizhi’s table too.

Her gaze had long since shifted from the outside scenery to the old couple at the neighboring table.

She had always wondered what kind of transformation a relationship between two people would undergo after reaching a certain age? Would it become kinship? A plain, unremarkable kinship? Although it’s very warm, it always seems to lack the charm between couples. At this moment, she was suddenly unafraid of getting old, she even envied the couple sitting at the neighboring table.

Despite the man’s perennial serious expression, he continued to peel shrimps for her. She could fill in the gaps and imagine their beautiful love when they were young.

“Don’t you know them?” Ji Baijian seem to have noticed too, seeing Song Zhizhi looking over there intentionally or unintentionally.

By this time, he had taken off his hat, sunglasses, and mask.

Song Zhizhi looked up at Ji Baijian.

She questioned, “Should I know them?”

“You need to read more and widen your knowledge if you are ignorant.”

Song Zhizhi glared at Ji Baijian.

You’re the idiot, your whole family is idiotic!

“The famous figures of Beixia Country, Zhai An and Gu Xin.” Ji Baijian spoke openly.

Ji Baijian had a habit of addressing his elders directly.

That’s right.

He indeed has that privilege.

After all, he’s an old schemer.

Hearing Ji Baijian talk about them, Song Zhizhi started connecting the dots in her brain. She got somewhat excited.

She said, “Brother-in-law and his wife of Lu Yicheng.”

Ji Baijian nodded slightly, at a loss for words.

“I didn’t know it was them. I just said that the old couple looked different from others.” Song Zhizhi had to admit, “At his age, the old man is still so handsome.”


“The old woman is also beautiful.” Song Zhizhi hastily added.

Ji Baijian seemed a bit upset.

He was eating the food in front of him in anger.

Song Zhizhi couldn’t help but sneak more glances at the neighboring table. Gu Xin was continuously talking while Zhai An remained silent, just listening. Despite the lack of conversation, the two seemed especially intimate, implying that love was still present even at their age.

They finished their lunch.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian rose.

The neighboring table also got up now.

Gu Xin from the neighboring table unintentionally glanced at Ji Baijian.

A quick glance, and her eyes suddenly sparkled, full of stars.

Song Zhizhi paused, looking at Gu Xin’s gaze.

Do they need to be so blunt?

Ji Baijian seemed to have noticed it too, he glanced back at Gu Xin.

Gu Xin said to Ji Baijian, “Little brother, has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?”

Ji Baijian’s lips curved up slightly.

He glanced at Zhai An.

Zhai An’s face turned black.

Ji Baijian raised an eyebrow at Gu Xin, indicating the man next to her.

Gu Xin suddenly laughed, holding onto her husband and turned to look at Zhai An’s darkened face. “In my heart, of course, my husband is the most handsome.”

Finished saying that, she even kissed Zhai An publicly.

Song Zhizhi saw that Zhai An turned red.

Indeed, clearly blushing.

Zhai An seemed a bit embarrassed, he pulled Gu Xin and walked out of the restaurant immediately.

“Are you shy, Zhai An?”

“How can you still feel shy at this age?”

“Zhai An, slow down, my feet hurt.”

“Didn’t I tell you not to wear high heels? What does an old lady need such high heels for?” Zhai An’s reprimanding voice could be heard.

“But I wore them for you, didn’t I? We haven’t had a date alone in so long, I just wanted to look pretty for you.”


“How could I possibly like you if I weren’t stupid, Mr. Grumpy.”

Their voices drifted further away.

Song Zhizhi watched their retreating figures.

The scene reminded her of the saying, “You make a fuss while I just laugh,” a perfect depiction of their love.

No matter how much fuss Gai Xin makes in her life, Zhai An simply stays by her side, quietly, always watching over her.

That is what love is about, a lifetime devotion.

“Let’s go.” Ji Baijian suggested.

Song Zhizhi finally came back to reality.

She held onto Ji Baijian’s arm.

She wondered if Beixia Country truly was the ideal place for a romantic relationship.

For some reason, she found herself yearning for it.

The two of them returned to the hotel together.

“Would you like to go out for a walk?” Ji Baijian asked.

He stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the bustling Wen City.

“No, thanks. I’m starting to feel a little sleepy after dinner due to the time difference,” Song Zhizhi said as she snuggled on the couch, “I’d rather stay here, just lying around. Look at the blue sky and white clouds of Wen City, its skyscrapers, its unceasing traffic. I just don’t want to go out, it’s so tiring. It’s not often that I get a vacation. I just want to stay in the room, not go anywhere.”

She wanted to just relax and do nothing.

“Alright.” Ji Baijian agreed immediately.

He didn’t want to go out either.

Compared with the bustling scene outside, the “scenery” inside the hotel was far more attractive to him.

He turned around and walked towards Song Zhizhi, lifting her up from the couch.

Song Zhizhi was used to it.

After all, Ji Baijian was surprisingly strong, so she wasn’t afraid of falling.

She lay comfortably in Ji Baijian’s arms.

A floor-to-ceiling window, spanning 270 degrees, was installed in their hotel room. The view, with the curtains fully drawn back, was so breathtaking that words failed to do it justice.

Ji Baijian placed her on the huge bed. The two of them lay there, side by side.

They embraced each other tightly.

Song Zhizhi felt completely relaxed. Despite the unhandled matters waiting for her in Yanshang Country, she felt able to put them all aside and thoroughly enjoy this vacation. All of a sudden, she realized the importance of rest, how much one truly needs it…

She leaned on Ji Baijian and gradually dozed off.

Clutching Song Zhizhi’s soft body, Ji Baijian also drifted into sleep.

The sweetness in their world was as dense as honeydew syrup.

They woke up later.

The sun was setting.

The skyscrapers of Wen City were bathed in a golden yellow hue, presenting an impressive sight.

Song Zhizhi stretched lazily.

She found herself being held tightly.

Song Zhizhi wiggled slightly.

The grip on her tightened even more.

Song Zhizhi wiggled again.

A grating voice came from behind her, “My dear, if you go on like this, I can’t promise anything.”

Song Zhizhi instantly fell quiet.

She said, sulking, “Ji Baijian, I just want to go to the bathroom.”

Are you trying to make me wet the bed?

A low chuckle sounded from behind her.

Ji Baijian released Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi quickly got up from the bed.

Ji Baijian just watched Song Zhizhi’s retreating figure.

Watching her walk away like that was captivating. The scent of her embedded in the sheets and room was intoxicating. He never thought that being in love could be this fulfilling.

After Song Zhizhi came back from the bathroom, simply freshening up a bit, she returned to the bed.

Ideally, she should get up now but looking at the soft bed was very tempting and she couldn’t help but climb back into it.

Moreover, there was also an incredibly handsome man lying on the bed. Who could possibly resist such temptation?

She cuddled back into Ji Baijian’s arms.

Ji Baijian once again held her tightly.

They stayed snuggled up in bed for quite a while. Song Zhizhi was almost drifting off to sleep when she heard a doorbell outside their hotel room.

Song Zhizhi woke abruptly.

Ji Baijian seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep too.

They had slept for quite a while, but somehow snuggling up to each other had made them sleepy again.

Ji Baijian got up from the bed to answer the door.

At the door, a staff member was standing respectfully, “Mr. Ji, Mr. Lu has invited you both to have dinner with him at the rooftop restaurant of the hotel at 7 pm. Mr. Lu specially mentioned that Mr. and Mrs. Ji shouldn’t hurry, he can wait.”

“Alright.” Ji Baijian gave a slight nod.

“Then, I won’t disturb Mr. Ji any longer.”

The servant left.

Ji Baijian returned to the bedroom and informed Song Zhizhi, “Lu Yicheng invited us for dinner tonight.”

“Ah!” Song Zhizhi sprung up from the bed, “I completely forgot.”

Obviously, Ji Baijian had also forgotten about it.

When two people are in love, it’s common for their intelligence to plummet dramatically.

“Get up, it’s 6 o’clock, and dinner is at 7.”

“Mmhm.” Song Zhizhi quickly got up from the bed.

As soon as she got up, she hastily freshened up again, put on her makeup and got dressed.

Ji Baijian, of course, was quicker.

As it was a formal dinner, Ji Baijian wore a black suit and was now holding a pale gray tie, standing in front of the vanity mirror, watching Song Zhizhi getting ready.

Song Zhizhi had applied a delicate makeup and changed into a stylish cocktail dress.

It wasn’t overly flashy but was definitely not underdressed.

Her dress, flattering her curves, glowed on her.

The strapless design added a hint of sexiness to her outfit.

Song Zhizhi lightly curled her hair with a curling iron; she looked flirtatiously sexy.

Ji Baijian just watched her.

He watched until she was done.

“I’m ready.” Song Zhizhi announced.

Ji Baijian raised an attractive eyebrow, “Just like that?”

“Doesn’t it look good?”

“Come here.”

Song Zhizhi obediently walked over to Ji Baijian.

Ji Baijian handed the tie in his hand to Song Zhizhi, “Help me.”

Song Zhizhi hastily tiptoed to help Ji Baijian with his tie.

This man was really tall!

Her tiny hands struggled with the tie.

Ji Baijian looked down, watching Song Zhizhi. He saw her earnest expression, her eyelashes fluttering in front of him, and her moist lips as she unknowingly softened her lower lip, radiating a tempting shine.

His heart pounded.

A rather rapid rhythm.

Song Zhizhi, who was tying the tie, felt the pounding of his heart.

She looked up and curled her lips into a playful smile, “Mr. Ji doesn’t seem to be quite calm.”

“Indeed, Mrs. Ji has good observation skills.”

Before she had time to react…

Ji Baijian aggressively pressed her against the mirror placed in front of them.

“Uh.” Song Zhizhi protested softly.

She had just put on lipstick.


They were already late.

Oh, this old man!

Song Zhizhi didn’t dare to resist much.

She was afraid that her makeup, which took her so long to apply, would get messed up.

So, it didn’t stop until quite some time had passed.

Ji Baijian said, “Good girl, put on a jacket.”


It would be hard to ensure he wouldn’t lose control of his emotions.

Song Zhizhi slightly annoyed pushed Ji Baijian aside, turned around to fetch a black formal suit from the wardrobe and slipped it on.

After wearing it, he appeared a bit less sensual, yet more fashionable, capable, and even exuding a certain aura.

Ji Baijian seemed quite satisfied.

He held Song Zhizhi’s hand and together they walked out of the room.

Outside their room, workers were already waiting for their arrival.

Seeing them come out, they politely guided them to the rooftop restaurant.

The door to the private dining room was opened.

The first person Song Zhizhi noticed was the still eye-catching Lu Yicheng, then his beautiful and charming wife Fen Ziran with a gentle smile, and their two adorable children sitting on either side.

Upon their arrival, Lu Yicheng and Fen Ziran promptly came forward.

The couple’s two children stuck close to their parents, the daughter a bit shyly tugging on her father’s trousers, while the son curiously peeked at them from behind his mother.

“We meet again so soon. Welcome to Beixia Country.” Lu Yicheng extended his hand.

Ji Baijian shook hands with him.

Song Zhizhi also shook hands.

They also exchanged pleasantries with Fen Ziran.

“I’m sorry, we kept you waiting.” Song Zhizhi politely apologized.

“That’s alright, it was just a little while.” Fen Ziran replied courteously.

Lu Yicheng interjected, “It’s understandable, Beixia Country is indeed a great place for making plans after all.”

Song Zhizhi blushed.

If it wasn’t for Ji Baijian’s uncontrollable feelings before leaving, they wouldn’t have been late.

Seeming to notice Song Zhizhi’s awkwardness, Fen Ziran hurriedly said, “Please come and have a seat.”

Everyone finally sat down at the round table, thereby easing the awkward atmosphere.

Once seated, Song Zhizhi’s focus was on the two well-behaved children sitting at the table.

The two were very quiet and polite, not at all like mischievous children, and seemed very calm next to their parents.

Noticing Song Zhizhi’s attention, Fen Ziran quickly introduced, “This is our eldest, Mo Liangchen, and this is Lu Shangxin, our youngest.”

“Beautiful moments under a good day, what household owns such delightful leisure?” Song Zhizhi mused.

“Yes, they were named by Yicheng’s parents.” Fen Ziran clarified.

“You can tell those names are the result of love.” Song Zhizhi joked.

Fen Ziran blushed slightly.

Song Zhizhi asked, “They seem quite close in age.”

“Chenchen is 5 years old this year, and Xinxin is 3.”

“So, you had one child every three years?” Song Zhizhi teased.

Fen Ziran chuckled, “Well, we didn’t intend to have them so close together. But things happen. We thought we’d get used to parenting after one child, and wait until we were ready for the second child. But soon after the first was born, the second one came. The second child was a complete surprise.”

Hearing Fen Ziran’s explanation, Ji Baijian glanced at Lu Yicheng.

In Lu Yicheng’s world, there were no unexpected surprises.

“Even though it was unexpected, I can’t help but be envious. Look how handsome the son is and how beautiful the daughter is. You’re blessed with both a boy and a girl. How wonderful.” Song Zhizhi admitted.

If he had such a pair of lovely children, how lucky he would feel.

He could even imagine that scenario.

Dreaming about Ji Baijian as a father…

“I heard about your situation from Yicheng.” Fen Ziran called her by her nickname, making it feel very intimate. “You don’t have to worry too much. Our children weren’t planned either. Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves, let nature take its course and it will happen.”

“I hope so.” Song Zhizhi nodded, “This trip to Beixia Country is to soak up the good fortune here.”

Fen Ziran laughed, both getting along very well.

The meal went harmoniously.

Song Zhizhi kept subtly glancing at Lu Yicheng, observing how this man who commanded the business world could also be so tender at home.

Throughout the meal, he was attentive to his young daughter. The little girl was good-natured. Whatever her father placed on her plate, she would skillfully pick up and eat with her little fork. Not being picky or fussy, she occasionally even shared her food with her father, seeming to enjoy sharing her delicious food. Her chubby little cheeks and chubby hand made her incredibly adorable.

“Our daughter has been a daddy’s girl since she was a baby.” Fen Ziran explained.

“I see that.” Song Zhizhi replied as he observed the little girl’s eyes sparkle when she looked at her father. “Doesn’t Chenchen get jealous?”

“I don’t quarrel with girls,” said the little boy, hearing his name.

Song Zhizhi looked at Mo Liangchen.

“Girls cry when they’re angry. I don’t want to stoop to their level.” The little boy said disdainfully.

The little girl made a funny face, “Brother is just sour grapes.”

Are children nowadays this articulate?

Already using slang at three years old!

“That’s not true.” Mo Liangchen said seriously.

“Humph.” Lu Shangxin didn’t want to bother with her brother any more, snuggling up close to their dad.

Fen Ziran was somewhat speechless. She said to Song Zhizhi, “Whenever Yicheng is at home, the two kids always vie for his attention.”

“It just proves that Yicheng is a good father.”

Fen Ziran nodded.

Indeed, he was.

And a good husband, too.

When she first seduced Lu Yicheng, she never imagined him to be so family-oriented. She always thought that she would put in the most effort in their relationship… Little did she know that he would pamper her beyond belief. She thought that aside from her father, there wouldn’t be anyone else in the world who would tolerate all her little temper tantrums unconditionally.

Even Yicheng’s parents were exceptionally good to her.

Caring for her as they would their own daughter.

What she was showing was pure happiness.

Without any deliberate display, anyone could still feel her intense joy.

They had a wonderful dinner.

Song Zhizhi and Fen Ziran had a lot to talk about.

Many amusing family stories concerning their children.

The more they talked, the more she wanted a child.

Wanting a son, wanting a daughter.

Leaving the restaurant.

Lu Yicheng and Fen Ziran personally escorted them to their hotel room.

At that moment, Lu Shangxin was in her father’s arms, her little face nuzzling against Lu Yicheng’s, giving off a sense of “I have a dad–I am the happiest little princess in the world.”

It was simply adorable.

Mo Liangchen acted like a magnanimous big brother, holding his mother’s hand and glancing at his little sister, indicating that he wouldn’t stoop to her level.

“It’s late, you should rest early.” Fen Ziran said with a slight smile.

“Thanks for dinner.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Would you like to stay for a while longer?” Song Zhizhi offered.

“No need. It’s quite late, and both Chenchen and Xinxin need to get to bed,” Fen Ziran politely declined. “Besides, the night is young, and I don’t want to interrupt any of your plans.”

Song Zhizhi cracked a slight smile and nodded.

The family of four left.

As they were leaving,

Fen Ziran took the initiative to hug Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi was taken aback.

She felt that Fen Ziran was truly affable.

At that moment, Song Zhizhi responded with a warm hug.

Song Zhizhi heard Fen Ziran whisper in her ear, “Enjoy tonight.”


Fen Ziran let her go, wearing a meaningful smile.

She held Mo Liangchen’s hand in one of hers and looped her other arm through Lu Yicheng’s, smiling at them as they walked away.

Song Zhizhi watched their retreating figures.

Could she say that this was the most beautiful scene she had ever witnessed?

She was envious.

“Madam.” Ji Baijian was next to her.

Song Zhizhi turned and said somewhat reproachfully, “Ji Baijian, if you can’t impregnate me this time, I’ll really get angry!”

Who is the one actually wanting a child here?

Ji Baijian held Song Zhizhi as they returned to their room.

Just about to close the door…

A middle-aged waitress stepped forward, “Mrs. Ji.”


“I’m the hotel’s masseur. Mr. and Mrs. Lu said you’ve had a long journey, and arranged for me to give you a full body massage tonight, hoping to give you a good night.” The waitress greeted with a warm smile.

So that’s what Fen Ziran meant by “enjoy”.

She had been thinking…

Indeed her mind was not as innocent as it was before.

She said, “Thank you.”

The waiter nodded respectfully and entered the room.

Song Zhizhi said to Ji Baijian, “It seems they only prepared a massage service for me, so Mr. Ji…”

Ji Baijian looked at Song Zhizhi’s smug face and smiled, “I will wait for you in my room, my lady. Please enjoy.”

Ji Baijian was indeed quite magnanimous.

Song Zhizhi watched Ji Baijian return to his room, turned her head and saw the waiter emerge from her bathroom, saying, “Madam, please take a bath and change your clothes.”

“Hmm.” Song Zhizhi nodded.

“When the lady gets up, you only need to wear a bathrobe.”

“Meaning, I shouldn’t wear underwear?”

“Yes, madam. Don’t be shy.” The masseuse reassured, “It will make you feel very comfortable.”

Alright then.

Song Zhizhi nodded.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, thinking that they were all women, she relaxed her guard.

Plus, she hadn’t enjoyed many massages before.

She had heard that the massages in Beixia Country were quite famous, and after sleeping the whole day, she felt as if her bones were soft. She was unexpectedly looking forward to this massage session.

She took off her clothes and bathed in the massage tub.

Although the bathtub was very comfortable, thinking that someone was waiting for her outside, she couldn’t linger too long. She got up, donned the bathrobe prepared by the masseuse—under which she was wearing nothing—and emerged.

At this moment, the room was beautifully reconfigured.

Song Zhizhi felt that the hotel attendants were like magicians.

The room was now romantic and mysterious.

Aromatherapy candles were lit in the room, and stepping out, she was greeted by a faint, pleasant floral scent. The room’s light was a bit dim, which seemed to reduce some of the awkwardness.

“Madam.” The masseuse was incredibly respectful.

She had no idea how the room suddenly came to have such a soft massage bed.

“Please give me your bathrobe.” The masseuse said respectfully.

Song Zhizhi took off her robe.

Indeed, it was a bit embarrassing.

Even though the lights were dim, she was still somewhat shy.

Fortunately, the next second the masseuse had her lie on the massage bed and covered her with a soft quilt.

The masseuse had her lie on her stomach and began to massage her back with essential oils.

The gentle oil on her body was a bit embarrassing at first, but the next second it became very comfortable.

Song Zhizhi relaxed and enjoyed, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction in her bones.

She felt a twinge of guilt in her heart, thinking that Ji Baijian couldn’t enjoy this service!

Or was it that there were no male masseuses, and Feng Ziran didn’t arrange it for fear that she would be jealous?!


Alright then.

It’s best if Ji Baijian doesn’t enjoy it.

Massaged comfortably by the masseuse, Song Zhizhi felt both her body and mind relaxed. Her thoughts were scattered.

She felt as if she was floating on a cloud, and at that moment, her only wish was … world peace!

Jin City Recording Hall of the Milky Way.

The “Hall of Heaven” selection event has entered the second episode of the role reversal.

Everyone was busy preparing for tonight’s performance.

Since the start of the finals, it has been live-streamed, so the requirements for the live performance were exceptionally high. All the staff were very busy. Only Yin Qin seemed to have nothing to do; he just watched the staff moving back and forth, and the contestants practicing nervously.

“Mr. Yin.” A staff member called out to him urgently, “Could you please give this bag to Designer Li? He needs it urgently. I have to get him an accessory he needs, and I won’t make it in time.”

Yin Qin was really reluctant to run errands, especially for Li Wenjun.

But seeing the anxious look on the staffer’s face, he gave in.

Who knew that being the softest person in the world would come with this.

With the huge bag in hand, Yin Qin headed toward Li Wenjun’s studio.

Li Wenjun even had his own office, while he didn’t even have a shabby place to call his own.

He pushed the door and went in.

At this moment, Li Wenjun was doing makeup for the actors.

Seeing Yin Qin arrive, he said coldly, “Just put it there.”

Yin Qin glared at Li Wenjun, put down the bag, and turned to leave.

“Wait.” Li Wenjun called out to Yin Qin, “Can you grab the gold hair accessory in there for me?”

“Don’t you have hands?”

“Can’t you see I’m inconvenienced?” Li Wenjun’s face turned a bit grim.

Yin Qin gave Li Wenjun a disdainful glance, then turned and left.

Li Wenjun could just look at Yin Qin’s retreating figure.

His face looked a bit glum too.

Who did he think he was, acting so haughty?!

Yin Qin left Li Wenjun’s office, feeling rather aggrieved as well.

What did Li Wenjun think he was, daring to order him around?!

God dammit!

Yin Qin was all the more upset at this moment.

Suddenly, he noticed a woman approaching him.

He thought he was seeing things, he actually saw Ji Baixin.

How could Ji Baixin possibly be here?!

Ji Baixin didn’t seem like she had any reason to be here.

He just watched her.

Watching her as she walked right past him, as if she hadn’t seen him at all.

The words he had on the tip of his tongue were swallowed back down.

He turned around to see Ji Baixin heading straight for Li Wenjun’s workspace.


Were Ji Baixin and Li Wenjun still entangled with each other?!

He didn’t know how to describe his feelings, he also didn’t know what emotions he was left with. But at that moment, he felt that since Ji Baixin liked all that, it was her own deal, not his to comment on. If worse came to worst, if worse came to worst…it was someone else’s problem now.

He left.

Left silently.

The moment he left, it seemed like he heard a tumultuous sound coming from Li Wenjun’s workspace.

Without thinking, Yin Qin dashed over there.

Yin Qin watched as both Li Wenjun and an actor, who was getting their makeup done, looked startled at Ji Baixin, who had unquestionably stormed into Li Wenjun’s workspace, and was glaring coldly at Li Wenjun.

The space was awkwardly frozen.

The actor, adept at reading the room, quickly said, “I won’t disturb you while you talk business, I’ll step out.”

Having said that, they quickly scurried out.

Yin Qin stood at the door, actually having no idea what had transpired.

Li Wenjun emerged from his shock, his face fell, “Have you lost your mind, Ji Baixin?”

“Li Wenjun, it’s disgraceful to be as shameless as you!” Ji Baixin seethed.

“I have no idea what you’re referring to!”

“How dare you use my designs for your own work, you are truly shameless!” Ji Baixin gritted her teeth.

“Your designs? What designs are yours? Do you have evidence?” Li Wenjun sneered, “These are all my designs, don’t be shameless when offered face.”

“If it weren’t for me stumbling upon that audition program today, I would never have imagined you could stoop this low! Li Wenjun, all these onsite costume designs are the sketches I showed you previously, I had you look at them for feedback, yet now they’ve become your designs!” Ji Baixin roared.

She was totally immersed in work these days, completely oblivious to the outside world. Today, she’d gathered her staff to use her designs as next spring’s new releases, planning to put them into market production when a staff member pointed out that they looked quite similar to the ones from the “Hall of Heaven” program. If they were released on the market, there would definitely be issues.

Only then did Ji Baixin pay attention to the audition program of “Hall of Heaven”. For professional designers like them, one glance is enough to spot any similarities, let alone ones this blatant. There wasn’t any significant modification, with only slight changes resulting from large production numbers.

At that moment, she felt completely furious and heartbroken, she didn’t expect Li Wenjun to be so disturbing in love and so despicable in character.

“Ji Baixin, who exactly is the shameless one here?!” Li Wenjun coldly laughed, “These designs were mine from the start, yet you have the audacity to claim them as yours?! Are you jealous because my clothing line has received positive reviews or can’t you stand seeing me excel?! Ji Baixin, you’re still a lady of prestige after all, can you stop being so naive?”

“Li Wenjun!”

“I’ll let you know, besides using these designs on the talent show, I’ve already started the production under my personal brand, and plan to highlight them next spring. Given the current market scenario, they’re certain to be hits!” Li Wenjun said smugly.

Ji Baixin was shaking with anger.

“Don’t tell me, are you also launching new products for the spring season?!” Li Wenjun sneered, speaking spitefully, “I hate to break it to you, Ji Baixin, but if our designs clash, it would be quite problematic. If we have to decide who plagiarized whom, you should keep in mind that my designs have been out for 3 months already. Whom do you think the media will believe?! Save yourself the embarrassment, if you’ve got the ability, design something new instead.”

“Li Wenjun!” Ji Baixin really wished she could kill Li Wenjun right there.

She wondered what the hell possessed her to fall for a man like Li Wenjun.

She charged at him in a rage, raising her hand to slap him hard across the face.

But at that moment, Li Wenjun managed to intercept her by grabbing her arm and ruthlessly shoved Ji Baixin backwards.

Yin Qin hurried forward to catch Ji Baixin.

Looking at them, Li Wenjun sneered, “Honestly, you two should be thanking me. Without me, how could the two of you be together?! Stop acting so high and mighty, I knew you two hooked up a long time ago. You’re just a couple of adulterers, just like me!”

Yin Qin clenched his fists.

In all honesty, he had been tolerating Li Wenjun for too long now!

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