My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Chapter 346: Instigate Division (1) Renegotiate Cooperation

Chapter 406: Chapter 346: Instigate Division (1) Renegotiate Cooperation

Translator: 549690339

Four Seasons Hotel.

Rooftop restaurant, VIP private room.

Together, Ji Baijian, Lu Yicheng, and Xu Weimiao are having dinner.

At the dinner table.

Lu Yicheng begins, “Why didn’t you invite your wife?”

“There are some things I don’t want her to know about for now.”

“It’s not necessarily a good thing to have secrets between husband and wife.” Lu Yicheng smiles, but he knows when to stop.

Ji Baijian nods slightly.

“Last time you came to Beixia Country personally to talk about the James Group. My sister-in-law happens to have a charity dinner with the James Group soon. If all goes well, there should be no problem.”

“Thank you.” Ji Baijian takes the initiative to pick up his glass.

Lu Yichang raises his glass for a toast.

Xu Weimiao politely raises hers as well.

The three enjoy their red wine.

Lu Yicheng is right. When Song Zhizhi was in prison, he left Jin City to track down the so-called culprit, went to Beixia Country in fact just to avoid prying eyes and asked Lu Yicheng in secret to negotiate with the James Group. For Yanshang Country, losing such a large economic zone was a huge loss. As the only heir to Commercial Management by right, he cannot regret the loss of such an institution because of this. More importantly, the huge economic loss caused by Commercial Management, coupled with reputation-related issues, made it easy for the official family to use as a weapon against Commercial Management. Losing more than they’d gain.

His duty was to minimize the loss and protect the reputation of Commercial Management, following the eternal teachings of the Ye family.

Luckily, Lu Yicheng and he were on good terms, and unless it was something against his principles, Lu would not generally refuse him.

“This time, on the one hand, I’m here to resolve the issue of the James Group’s entry into your country’s economic circles, and on the other hand, your country has never participated much in charitable endeavors. My sister-in-law also wants to assess whether your country is interested in joining global charitable organizations” Lu Yicheng initiated.

Xu Weimiao smiles gently, “Indeed, your nation’s economy always ranks among the global upper-middle echelons, and its national economy is also a standout. However, we rarely hear your nation’s voice in charity work. As a representative of an international charity organization, I sincerely hope that your nation can join us and become a permanent MC for global charity work.”

“I’m sorry, but for now, I don’t have the ultimate say.” Ji Baijian replied reluctantly.

“I had previously met with your country’s economic representative, Mr. Ye Taiting, who politely declined me. I also had a meeting with Mr. Jun Minghan, the son of your country’s Dean Mr. Jun. He said that all economic matters in Yanshang Country are handled by Commercial Management, so he can only suggest and not forcefully demand, so he couldn’t give me a definite answer. Therefore, we’ve never been able to reach a consensus with your country on charity work.” Xu Weimiao said, looking at Ji Baijian, “Yicheng said that no matter what your status is now, you are the right person to talk to. And I always trust Yicheng’s judgment.”

“I am grateful.” Ji Baijian smiled slightly, “Since Mrs. Mo values me so highly, I will do my best to ensure that Yanshang Country joins the charity MC.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me.” Ji Baijian said, “I should be thanking you for your help with the James Group.”

“It’s a bit embarrassing to say that I was just helping you out as a favor, which was just a drop in the bucket for me. It seems like it has become a transaction.”

“Mrs. Mo, you’re too serious. It’s not just you who wants Yanshang Country to join the charity industry, but it’s also my idea. It’s unfortunate that my current status is awkward and I can’t agree to Mrs. Mo’s proposition outright.”

“People trusted by Yicheng are definitely not simple.” Xu Weimiao initiates by raising her glass, “Mr. Ji, I drink first to your success.”

“Please, Mrs. Mo.”

Over the table, it’s polite with harmony mixed in.

During dinner.

Xu Weimiao’s phone rings.

Xu Weimiao looks at the caller ID and smiles, “I’m sorry, I have to take this call.”


Xu Weimiao heads away from the table to answer the call.

Leaving Lu Yicheng and Ji Baijian at the table.

Ji Baijian drinks from his glass and says, “You old fox.”

“Takes one to know one.” Lu Yicheng reciprocates by raising his glass for a toast.

They appreciate each other and have common interests that they can use to their advantage. They hit it off and it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.

That’s why Ji Baijian says Lu Yicheng just cares about business, not individuals.

Because businessmen can always find points of interest.

Like this time.

Beixia Country has always been a leader in charity, but it has never been able to break into Yanshang Country, which is still considered a friendly nation.

Ji Baijian took the initiative to find Lu Yicheng, who had already calculated that this was an excellent opportunity.


It was done in one go.

Xu Weimiao was on the phone for quite a while.

She returned to her seat with a radiant smile, and courteously said, “I apologize for keeping you waiting.”

“It was my brother, wasn’t it?!” Lu Yicheng blurted out.

Xu Weimiao’s face reddened a bit, “He was just asking if I am getting accustomed to this place.”

“You two have always been spending more time apart than together. You travel all around the world, and he knows you can handle it. He just wanted an excuse to call you.” Lu Yicheng teased.

Xu Weimiao chuckled, embarrassed. In that moment, she had essentially admitted it.

“My brother, who is typically clueless about emotion, has also sprung into bloom for you.” Lu Yicheng laughed.

“People are emotional beings. Given enough time, feelings will develop.”

“That might not hold true for everyone else.”

“Yicheng.” Xu Weimiao felt a bit helpless.

“I mean you two are often separated by distance, sometimes for half a month at a time. Don’t you miss my brother?” Lu Yicheng asked.

As Xu Weimiao savored her steak, she shook her head.

She gracefully wiped her mouth and said, “Given his position, we have no other choice.”

“That makes sense. Otherwise, in deference to my mother, my father would have retired early.”


“Do you ever resent it?” Lu Yicheng asked.

“No.” Xu Weimiao quickly denied, “I completely understand. Ever since I met Zixi, I’ve been prepared for this.”

For people like them, having feelings for each other is the best-case scenario. Even without feelings, they would still go on.

Luckily, they have feelings for each other.

Most of the time, those feelings are just kept inside, unspoken.

“No wonder my father said my brother is the best successor.”

His father was not.

HIs father was more emotional, whereas his brother was more rational.

“Has my brother ever taken you out for leisure trips during the time you’ve been married?” Lu Yicheng asked.

Xu Weimiao smiled, “We did once or twice, early on. In recent years, even just spending a day at home, tranquil and peaceful, is a luxury. We don’t even have time for outings.”


The more power one holds, the more one might have to sacrifice.

“Let’s not talk about him.” Xu Weimiao changed the topic, “I assume you don’t know much about Mr. Ji.”

“As the youngest leader ever to become Dean, it’s difficult to not know him.” Ji Baijian said, “Of course, that’s not his only title. The brilliant achievements he made during his tenure as the Dean of Beixia Country are known by people all around the world.”

Being complimented about her husband made Xu Weimiao feel a bit shy.

“Yet one couldn’t imagine that behind all that brilliance lies a lot of struggle and lack of control over one’s life.” Ji Baijian seemed quite reverent.

“Actually, once habituated, it’s not so bad and certainly not as illustrious as what outsiders usually perceive.”

What matters is…

To do their jobs well.

To be faithful both to themselves and their citizens.

The entire dinner went very smoothly.

After the banquet, Ji Baijian excused himself.

Lu Yicheng escorted Xu Weimiao back to her room.

“Sister-in-law.” Lu Yicheng called her all of a sudden.

“Hmm?” Xu Weimiao looked at him.

“Would you like my brother to come over and be with you?” Lu Yicheng asked.

Xu Weimiao paused for a moment, then immediately responded, “No, we can’t disrupt his work. He is very busy. If he has some spare time, he should take a break. He doesn’t sleep enough.”

“Hmm.” Lu Yicheng nodded.

“It is getting late, you should get some rest too.”

“You should too.”

Lu Yicheng returned to his room.

Although he understood that running a country was a busy job, he also believed that no matter how busy one was, they should have time to spend with their spouse.

Mo Zixi is way too rigid.

Ever since his father handed over the entire country to him, he has been entirely immersed in national affairs, unable to extricate himself.

Even though Xu Weimiao is indeed a thoughtful and virtuous wife…

However, just because she’s good, he shouldn’t disregard her feelings.

He shouldn’t ignore her inner desires because she always thinks about him in everything she does.

He picked up the phone and sent a message, “Brother, are you busy?”

It was Zixi’s private number given by Lu Yicheng.

It took until after he had taken a shower and then called his wife, son and daughter for Mo Zixi to reply.

“Doing some work. What’s up?”

“Do you remember Ji Baijian?”

“Don’t have a strong impression of him, I think you mentioned him before, said he’s an important figure in Yanshang Country.”

“Right, quite a handsome guy.”

“Just letting you know that Ji Baijian will be spending a lot of time with sister-in-law these days.”

“Yicheng, you’re not young either.” Meaning: stop making such jokes.

“Yeah, that’s why your youth is also running out.” Lu Yicheng typed a new message, “So is sister-in-law’s.”

Mo Zixi didn’t respond for a long time.

Lu Yicheng didn’t say anything more.

Sometimes he really felt that his brother’s way of life was too mechanical.

Lacks spontaneity.

The next day.

Song Zhizhi received a phone call from Lu Yicheng.

Song Zhizhi went straight to the hotel where Lu Yicheng was staying.

The Presidential Suite had a dedicated meeting room.

Lu Yicheng spoke bluntly, “I read the information you gave me yesterday. I have a good understanding of the James Group’s settlement, and the key point now is your ability to schedule a new meeting with the person in charge of the James Group, right?”

“Yes.” Song Zhizhi nodded.

Indeed, this is the advantage of dealing with smart people, they get straight to the point.

“I can schedule another meeting with Mr. Kiru of the James Group in Jin City, and you will join us to meet him. You can discuss the rest with him privately.”

“Thank you very much.” Song Zhizhi looked a bit excited.

“But there’s one condition.” Lu Yicheng was straightforward.

“Please, Mr. Lu.”

“My sister-in-law has always been involved in charity work, but she has repeatedly been thwarted in her charitable efforts in Yanshang Country. Is there a way to use this opportunity to discuss charity work with business executives?” Lu Yicheng was straightforward.

Song Zhizhi suddenly understood.

No wonder Lu Yicheng was able to invite Xu Weimiao to Jin City with such prestige. Indeed, businessmen do everything with a purpose.

She said, “Let me think about it.”

“I’ll wait for your good news.”

“Alright.” Song Zhizhi smiled slightly.

“We won’t keep you any longer, Miss Song.”

Having been in business for so long, Song Zhizhi naturally learned many social skills. She stood up, “Then I’ll take my leave.”

“Safe journey.”

Song Zhizhi left and got into her car.

Wei Ziming drove her away.

Song Zhizhi took out her phone and gave Ji Baijian a call.

Ji Baijian wasn’t going to the company much these days. He knew he won’t be going there soon, and thought that this was the time to give more opportunities to Ji Baili to gain experience.

He answered the phone, “Madam.”

“That old fox, Lu Yicheng.” Song Zhizhi began, her voice filled with a hint of exasperation.

Ji Baijian gave a faint smile, “Madam, have you been wronged by Lu Yicheng?”

“No wonder Lu Yicheng can become the head of the largest group in the world, his schemes are really something.”

“Are you mad?”

“I dare not get angry, just venting my frustrations.”

“What did he do to you?”

“He said he could help me meet with Mr. Ruki, but the condition is for me to figure out a way to establish charity work in Yanshang Country. You know, Yanshang Country has never been keen on charity work. Even though I think charity is a good thing, but I can’t do anything about it within this system!”


“So I have to deal with Ye Wenhan again!”

“Is Madam reluctant?” Ji Baijian raised an eyebrow.

“Ji Baijian, you can’t be jealous of this too.”

“Who dare.” Ji Baijian chuckled.

Song Zhizhi said, “I’m thinking, how can I get Ye Wenhan to agree to Xu Weimiao’s charity work unconditionally.”

“Actually, it’s very simple,” Ji Baijian said, “The James Group left in anger due to its disapproval of Yanshang Country, and now they want to come back. There needs to be a way to let the James Group save face. The James Group has always valued charity work. If the authorities now express their willingness to contribute to charity, they could gain the favor of the James Group. Especially considering the forced evictions were framed, now that the truth is out, there’s no need to escalate it to a national level. If Xu Weimiao mediates, a cooperation with the James Group is highly likely.”

“Do you think these words can convince Ye Wenhan or Qian Guanshu?” Song Zhizhi asked.

“It depends on whether Madam is willing or not.”

“Ye Wenhan definitely won’t let me claim the credit. But for me to willingly hand over the project that I worked so hard to negotiate, to Ye Wenhan, I don’t have such generous heart!” Song Zhizhi said bluntly, “For a person like Ye Wenhan, it’s not worth being respected by everyone.”

“I understand madam’s feelings.”

Song Zhizhi said, “Let me think about it.”

“No matter what Madam chooses, your husband will unconditionally support you.”

Song Zhizhi smiled slightly, “Aren’t you afraid that I will ruin your business?”

“For Madam, even if it stinks, it’s still fragrant.”

“Ji Baijian, can you not be so cheesy.” Song Zhizhi was speechless, her face was flushed.

Wei Ziming was driving, watching Song Zhizhi through the rearview mirror.

He thought to himself, his mental strength was quite strong.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian chatted for a while before hanging up.

After hanging up, Ji Baijian sent a message to Lu Yicheng, “Should be very soon.”

“You’re not guilty of calculating your own wife?”

Ji Baijian didn’t reply.

He put down his phone and sat in his home’s Sky Garden, gazing at the bustling Jin City.

It wasn’t manipulation.

It was never like that with Song Zhizhi!

Song Zhizhi returned to the office.

She could just take what Ji Baijian told her and go directly to Ye Wenhan with it.

Ye Wenhan plotted against her initially in order to bring her down, but instead lost a massive economic benefit. Regardless of the process, the final result was that the business left Yanshang Country with huge losses. Being the leader of the company, he had an obligation to fix things. If there was an opportunity to make up for it, Ye Wenhan would definitely agree.

But, just hand over this piece of meat to him?! Let him play the good guy, she didn’t have that kind of generosity.

She had to do the work and get the credit.

Song Zhizhi thought about it for a while.

She took a deep breath, picked up the phone and walked towards the French window.

The call was answered, “Miss Song, do you have good news for me already?”

“Mr. Lu, I have another favor to ask.”

“No need to be polite, just tell me.”

Song Zhizhi made her request clear.

Lu Yicheng agreed outright.

Song Zhizhi hung up the phone without hesitation, heading straight to Ye Wenhan’s office.

She knocked on his office door.

The moment Ye Wenhan looked at Song Zhizhi, he sneered coldly, “If it isn’t busy Mr. Song? What brings you to me?”

The tone of his words was filled with mockery.

“I know Mr. Ye is a busy man, I dare not disturb you unless it’s rather important and urgent.”

“Come in.”

Song Zhizhi walked into his office, sitting on the seat opposite him.

“Just say what you need to, I don’t have that much time to entertain you.”

“About the matter of James Group building an economic district in the airport area,” Song Zhizhi spoke directly to the point.

Ye Wenhan furrowed his eyebrows.

Song Zhizhi continued, “When we were on a research trip to Beixia Country, I happen to establish some connections with Lu Yicheng.”

“You are indeed capable, capable of hooking any man!” Ye Wenhan exclaimed sarcastically.

“Indeed, I learned from the best, didn’t I?”

Ye Wenhan’s face changed at her response.

Song Zhizhi shifted the conversation back to the main point, “After some inquiries, I found out that Mrs. Mo, Lu Yicheng’s sister-in-law and the country’s mother of Beixia, shares a close relationship with the James Group. I have made contact with Lu Yicheng, hoping to leverage Mrs. Mo’s relationship to renegotiate the reestablishment with the James Group. They have agreed, but there’s one condition.”

“What condition?” Ye Wenhan asked, curiosity piqued partway.

Ye Wenhan may not be smart, but he knew when to seize an opportunity.

“Mrs. Mo has always been dedicated to charity works, she hopes to seize this opportunity and discuss charity with the Commercial Management organization.”

Ye Wenhan sank into silence.

For a matter of such importance, he was not available to make a decision.

Song Zhizhi added, “You may want to consider this. Now, Lu Yicheng and Mrs. Mo have already arrived in Jin City. It may not be good to keep them waiting for too long. If you decide, I will introduce you to them.”

After speaking, Song Zhizhi did not linger, knowing that Ye Wenhan wouldn’t be able to give her a direct answer, and she didn’t want to waste her time on him.

She rose to leave.

Ye Wenhan called out to her, “Song Zhizhi, your capabilities exceed even my expectations. How on earth did you even think of seeking out Lu Yicheng, let alone getting him on our side?”

From start to finish, he never once considered trying to mend the damage done.

Whether it was the previous plot against Song Zhizhi or framing Chu Qin, he never thought about redeeming the situation.

“Ye Wenhan, strategies are devised by people. If you are only keen on reaping without sowing…” Song Zhizhi sneered coldly, “Just wait until everything you have dwindles to nothing.”

Ye Wenhan’s face darkened.

Without concern for his reaction, Song Zhizhi turned and left.

“Song Zhizhi,” Ye Wenhan called out to her, voice filled with bitterness, “How much smarter can you be? If it weren’t for my authority, and I refuse to agree with all your ideas, what could you possibly do?”

“What can I do? The Commercial Management organization is yours. Whether it thrives or falls is your responsibility, I am just fulfilling my duty.”

“You aren’t this kind-hearted, just casually leaving such a tremendous achievement for me!”

“Do you think everyone is as selfish as you are?” Song Zhizhi sneered, “Since I am working in Commercial Management, I will do what I am supposed to do. Whether I succeed or fail, at least I tried.” After speaking, Song Zhizhi left without any further delay.

Ye Wenhan watched as Song Zhizhi departed.

Exactly what is that woman plotting?!

After mulling over, he decided to call his father.

“What’s the matter?” Qian Guanshu asked sternly.

“Song Zhizhi came to discuss with me about the James Group…” Ye Wenhan conveyed everything Song Zhizhi had told him to Qian Guanshu.

Qian Guanshu fell silent.

Ye Wenhan asked, “What worries me now is, could Song Zhizhi be playing us? She wouldn’t just hand over such a big piece of the pie on a silver platter.”

“True, but it doesn’t mean there are no benefits for her. Either way, she is involved in this matter. If the plan to bring the James Group back to Jin City goes through, she won’t have to bear any responsibility. There’s no harm in it for her.”

“But I can’t help but feel that we gain more out of this than her.” Ye Wenhan murmured, “Song Zhizhi is not that kind-hearted!”

“Ye Wenhan, even if that’s the case, you should be thinking from a higher perspective now.” Qian Guanshu’s words were stern.

Ye Wenhan was taken aback.

Normally, didn’t they always teach him to be ruthlessly determined and to always consider any situation threatening his own interests from his own perspective?!

The principle of “he who does not act for himself shall be condemned by Heaven and Earth” is something they taught him!

“As the leader of the Commercial Management, you should think from the perspective of the leader, and push for better economic development for the country. In this way, you can gain the trust of the nation! Since taking over, you have not achieved much. How can you win the support of the masses in this way?”

“You’re saying, this time, we should just follow Song Zhizhi’s arrangement?” Ye Wenhan asked.

“What I’m angry about is that We all the things Song Zhizhi thinks about, but you never come up with any ideas!” The more Qian Guanshu spoke, the angrier he got.

Ye Wenhan was upset.

Qian Guanshu said, “I hope one day you can give me some constructive advice, instead of letting me make every decision for you!”

Suddenly, the phone was hung up.

Ye Wenhan’s face darkened significantly.

He could never gain the approval of anyone!

What did he fall short in compared to others?!

Where did he fall short!

He clenched his teeth, enduring for a long time.

He picked up the phone, “Song Zhizhi.”

“Mr. Ye.”

“Where is Lu Yicheng? I want to see him in person.”

“I’ll arrange it for you.”

Ye Wenhan hung up the phone.

Time and time again he was crushed by Song Zhizhi, he didn’t believe that he couldn’t defeat her!

Four o’clock in the afternoon.

Song Zhizhi took Ye Wenhan to meet Lu Yicheng and Xu Weimiao.

Qian Guanshu naturally followed suit.

Without Qian Guanshu, Ye Wenhan couldn’t handle such important meetings on his own.

After exchanging pleasantries.

Ye Wenhan appeared very warm, “I heard from Zhizhi that you have come to Yanshang Country. I’m sorry I wasn’t informed sooner.”

“Mr. Ye is too polite. You are so busy, we are just here to visit your country, you needn’t make any special arrangements.”

“You’re the one who’s being polite. When I visited Beixia Country for a study tour with Song Zhizhi, you extended your warm hospitality to me. I have yet to express my gratitude properly. I need to treat you well in any case.”

“Then, we will take your offer. I also want to communicate more with Mr. Ye and enhance the economic and trade relations between our two countries.”

“You’re always welcome.” Ye Wenhan was very straightforward.

After another round of courtesy.

Ye Wenhan got to the point, “Mr. Lu, I asked Song Zhizhi to find you because the necessity had arisen.”

By saying “I asked Song Zhizhi to find you,” he had successfully taken all the credit.

Song Zhizhi sneered, seeming very calm.

Lu Yicheng glanced at Song Zhizhi, smiling faintly.

Ye Wenhan said, “Due to some internal issues, the construction of the James Group’s business circle had failed. Mr. Lu must have heard about it. I heard that your country’s mother has a deep friendship with the James Group. I had to come and ask for help despite the shame.”

“Mr. Ye needn’t feel that way. Ms. Song and I have a good private relationship and as friends, we should help each other. We have had a preliminary communication with the James Group. While they understand the true reasons for your internal issues, they still have a lot of reservations and do not want to consider settling in Yanshang Country for now. Fortunately, my sister-in-law and the James Group are starting a global charity project, which requires the joint advocacy of multiple countries. If your organization can take the initiative to join the charity organization, I believe the James Group will owe you a favor.”

“I heard from Secretary Qian that my father had once turned down a charity cooperation proposal from Mrs. Mo. On behalf of my father, I would like to apologize to Mrs. Mo.” Ye Wenhan appeared genuinely sincere.

Xu Weimiao replied with a smile.

Ye Wenhan said, “I didn’t grow up by my father’s side, so I’m not exactly clear on his considerations at that time. But from my perspective now, I fully support charitable activities. Even if you hadn’t invited us this time, I believe I would have taken the initiative to join within half a year.”

“Does Mr. Ye mean to agree?” Lu Yicheng asked.

“Yes, I not only agree, but also feel very honored to receive a personal invitation from Mrs. Mo.” Ye Wenhan was extremely courteous.

Xu Weimiao laughed, “I didn’t expect Mr. Ye to be such a straightforward person.”

“You flatter me, Mrs. Mo.” Ye Wenhan said, “In order to form a consensus and create an international effect, I’m holding a press conference to announce my organization joining the World Charity Organization. We sincerely invite Mrs. Mo to join us if it’s convenient.”

“Sure.” Xu Weimiao agreed at once, and added, “The James Group is the business sponsor of the charity organization. Would Mr. Ye mind inviting them to join as well?”

“It would be great honor.” Ye Wenhan was a bit excited, and had to adjust his emotions slightly, “Thank you, Mrs. Mo.”

Xu Weimiao gave a slight smile and said righteously, “Each country will have a charity ambassador, firstly to positively promote charitable causes, and secondly to facilitate the communication and connection of charity-related matters. After comprehensive consideration, I suggest nominating Miss Song Zhizhi. I wonder if Mr. Ye would agree?”

Ye Wenhan’s expression froze slightly.

Xu Weimiao feigned not noticing it, she said, “I’ve met with Miss Song several times, she has a deep understanding of charity work and is very suitable to be a charity ambassador. Additionally, she is the daughter of Minister Song of the Commercial Management department. Minister Song, as a diplomat, has extensive social connections. Charity is a global organization that needs such human relations. I wonder, what does Mr. Ye think?”

Ye Wenhan reflexively glanced at Qian Guanshu.

Qian Guanshu slightly nodded.

Ye Wenhan said, “The candidate Mrs. Mo recommends is naturally the best choice. I, of course, fully agree.”

“Good. At the press conference that day, we will announce Miss Song Zhizhi’s role as a charity ambassador, so we hope Mr. Ye will attend with Miss Song.”

“Of course.”

“When is the press conference tentatively scheduled for? I need to discuss matters with James Group in advance.”

“It is tentatively scheduled for this Friday at 3 pm, of course, the final call is with Mrs. Mo.”

“Once I confirm the time, I will inform Mr. Ye immediately.”

“Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome.”

With the negotiations concluded.

Ye Wenhan and his party took their leave.

Feeling grateful, Xu Weimiao said to Lu Yicheng, “Yicheng, thanks for this. If not for you, I don’t know how long it would have taken us to secure Yanshang Country. Yanshang Country is one of the most unique countries in the world; it’s the only country where politics and economy are separated. To settle anything, it’s never easy.”

“Dealing with businessmen is the easiest,” Lu Yicheng chuckled.

Xu Weimiao did not think it was easy at all.

Business people are too cunning, sometimes negotiating charity funds with capitalists left her feeling drained both mentally and physically.

“Find a common interest, and it’s a match made in heaven.”

“It’s not as simple as you put it,” Xu Weimiao sincerely stated, “Your brother said you are a genius with high IQ, he claimed many of his achievements are due to his efforts, while you…”

“Have it easy?” Lu Yicheng laughed.

He was indeed capitalizing on his parent’s fortune.

“No,” Xu Weimiao chuckled, “he means in addition to making efforts, you are naturally gifted. It’s a pity your father wants you to do business.”

“No regrets. My father, that old fox, is wiser than anyone else.” Lu Yicheng never doubted any decision made by his father.

Xu Weimiao couldn’t help but smile again.

Before she joined the Mo Family, she always thought they were a reserved family.

Only upon joining did she realize, no family could be this happy.

It was as if they were blessed by heaven.

Only very few knew, how hard it was to secure this happiness!

After leaving the hotel, he returned to the commercial management department.

Ye Wenhan dragged Song Zhizhi straight to his office.

“Song Zhizhi, you never stop trying to create advantages for yourself, huh!” said Ye Wenhan, with clear sarcasm.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The role of a charity ambassador!” Ye Wenhan ground his teeth.

Usually, a charity ambassador of a country is a prominent figure, a direct relative of the dean, or the dean’s wife. How could Song Zhizhi, a woman of unclear background, come into play!

“That’s what Mrs. Mo said, not me.”

“Don’t pretend I don’t know what you’ve been up to behind my back.”

“You overestimate me, you think I have control over Mrs. Mo?”

“Song Zhizhi, don’t act so self-important!”

“It’s simply about Mr. Ye’s lack of magnanimity.”

“Song Zhizhi!” Ye Wenhan ground his teeth.

“If Mr. Ye is here merely to vent his dissatisfaction rather than work-related matters, I’m afraid I can’t oblige.” Song Zhizhi left abruptly after saying that.

Ye Wenhan was so mad he wanted to kill Song Zhizhi.

This woman was increasingly disregarding him!

Song Zhizhi returned to her office.

She must have been inciting Ye Wenhan’s anger more and more.

She wanted to push Ye Wenhan to his limits.

At that time, Qian Guanshu would surely ask her to endure.

In this way…

She didn’t believe that there wouldn’t be any conflict between them, especially under deliberate instigation.


Two-thirty in the afternoon.

As scheduled, the press conference was held in the highest meeting room of the Jin City’s Commercial Management Agency.

This large-scale conference attracted the attention of the world.

On that day, the reporters who came to the Commercial Management Agency, in addition to the domestic media, also included many well-known international media journalists, who crowded into the high-end conference room of the Commercial Management. The whole room was quiet, waiting quietly for the start of the press conference.

Almost three o’clock.

Ye Wenhan, Mr. Ruki from James Group, Xu Weimiao, and Song Zhizhi, the four jointly attended the event.

Ye Wenhan and Xu Weimiao sat in the middle, James sat next to Xu Weimiao, and Song Zhizhi sat next to Ye Wenhan.

By right.

Song Zhizhi didn’t have the qualifications to appear in such a grand occasion. Even if it was a press conference hosted by the Commercial Management, except for Ye Wenhan, such a high-level press conference could only be attended by the chief executives or CEOs. It was absolutely not for a small department head. Not to mention that Song Zhizhi appeared with the helmsman of the Commercial Management, not the chief, Song Zhizhi’s status rose several times, just like the remuneration of a star, which suddenly transformed from an obscure actor to a top-line superstar.

“I am very thankful for the presence of international media friends from all over the world and local journalists. Thank you all for attending the press conference where the Commercial Management Agency officially joined the World International Organization and became a permanent member of the MC.” Qian Guanshu began, and there was enthusiastic applause at the scene.

After the applause had died down, Qian Guanshu continued, “Please allow me to introduce important people who are attending this press conference today. First is Ms. Xu Weimiao from the World Charity Organization, everyone, please welcome her.”

The applause on the scene continued.

“Next is the CEO of James Group, one of the world’s top ten corporations, Mr. Ruki.”

“Then it is Mr. Ye Wenhan, the helmsman of our Commercial Management, and our country’s Ambassador of Charity, Miss Song Zhizhi.”

The atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic.

The atmosphere at the live press conference was very good.

After all the regular procedures were over, it was time for the press to ask questions.

More than half of the media present were international media, there was no rehearsal, and all the answers were given on the spot, so Ye Wenhan remained on his toes.

“Mr. Ye, may I ask you a question?” An international journalist asked in their international language.

“Of course,” Ye Wenhan’s English was excellent.

This was due to the high standards set by Nie Wenzhi for him in the cultural lessons he received.

“Your institution was initially reluctant to join the charity organization, what suddenly made you change your decision? Was it just to please the James Group so that they could continue to develop the economic and commercial circle with your institution?” The international reporter asked without mercy, his words were sharp.

Ye Wenhan was a bit nervous, he tried his best to stay calm, “Of course not, joining the charity organization has always been our idea, it was just delayed by a lot of things, so it has been postponed until now. I have always been very supportive of charity. I grew up in an orphanage, so I understand the importance of charity.”

“I heard that your institution was against it before?”

“My father did refuse initially, I’m not entirely sure why, I believe that he must have had his own considerations. But the deceased is gone, I hope everyone can respect him and don’t pursue it too much.”

“So Mr. Ye, the appointment of Song Zhizhi as the charity ambassador was also your decision?”

“It was a result of discussions between Ms. Xu Weimiao and me.”

“I heard that your relationship with Miss Song Zhizhi is not very good.”

“That’s just a rumor,” Ye Wenhan laughed, “If our relationship was not good, we wouldn’t be sitting together today.”

“What led to your breakup with Miss Song Zhizhi back then?” The reporter asked.

Asked that, the scene was suddenly silent.

The reporter persisted, “Your relationship with Miss Song Zhizhi has always been confusing, it’s also one of the ten unsolvable mysteries in the world, can Mr. Ye give us an answer?”

Ye Wenhan was somewhat embarrassed at this moment.

What he used to say about Song Zhizhi initiating the breakup was definitely not appropriate at this moment, he had just said that their relationship was good.

He was starting to sweat on his forehead.

In front of the international reporters, he was afraid of losing face.

Fortunately for Song Zhizhi.

At this moment, she said magnanimously, “It seems that journalists all over the world are one family, especially interested in gossip.”

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