Jing followed Scar out of the conference room. Scar had left everyone speechless as he had dropped the unexpected news. Since he was one of the most reliable sources of income to fund the kingdom's large projects, it was a let down and a disappointment to see him leave. Without him, the progression of the kingdom would slow down drastically.

Jing didn't have anything special about him. That also meant that his outfits were plain. He wore a pure white shirt and a sage coloured vest over it. His pants were black jeans and his hair was messy. He was a bit shorter than Scar but that would most likely be attributed to his poor posture.

"Are we seriously going to Lyanna?" Jing asked once they were outside the building.

"You heard what I said back there. I don't like to waste time," Scar replied.

Once they exited through the kingdom gates, they once again entered the caravan and began to head towards the kingdom of Lyanna. It was where Jing had come from to serve as a representative by force.

Jing didn't want to go back to his kingdom as he despised it. He doubted that Scar would be able to defeat the monarch of his kingdom. To him, Scar was just some rich guy who had an odd god complex. While he didn't want to slave the rest of his life away as a servant, Jing had long lost hope of having freedom in his new life.

Jing sighed in disappointment as he looked up at the caravan's ceiling.

As the caravan began to move, Scar reached into his pocket and pulled out something that looked to be a flip phone. When Jing looked at the object, he was left speechless. There was no way that a person could obtain such complex technology at this point. Even with having the knowledge of how to create a cellphone, it would take an extremely long time to gather the resources needed and to finally construct the object for only one person.

"It's not his ability because his 'INFINITE HOTEL" is still active. How did he get his hands on that thing?" Jing asked himself.

While Jing was busy overthinking what he was seeing, Scar put the flip phone to his ear and began to speak.

"Group Message: Meet me at the Lyanna Kingdom within 24 hours. If you don't know where it is located, ask Judd to use her ability to guide you. Prepare for a large-scale attack," Scar said to the phone before closing it and placing it back into his pocket.

"Who were you just speaking to?" Jing asked.

"Just some of my friends. Well, it wasn't technically speaking. It was more of a voicemail sent to all of them," Scar replied.

"Oh, why'd you call them? Is there something special going on?" Jing asked.

"Don't pretend like you didn't hear what I just said on the phone. I'm planning to take down the monarch of your kingdom along with his subjects so I can rule over it instead," Scar replied.

"But why? What do you gain from it?" Jing asked in desperation.

"Power? Fame? Glory? I can have anything I want. I'm playing this 'game' for the long run. I knew from the second that the rules of this world were announced that I wouldn't be the person to reach level 100 first. If I can't rule over the entire world, the best thing to do is rule over at least a few parts of it," said Scar.

"You know how some countries have a federal, provincial/state, then a municipal government? I want to serve as either a municipal or state like government while the person who breaks their limit due to them reaching level 100 first becomes a sort of federal government," continued Scar.

"Don't act all high and mighty. This world is forcing everyone to expose their true colors. No one in our species is completely pure. There's always something that'll be strong enough to make us commit unspeakable things. For some it's money, others, it might be love. No matter how long you try to deny the truth, it'll always be unraveled," Scar finished speaking.

Left speechless, Jing didn't utter another word for the rest of the ride. He continued to think about what Scar had said. Was there something that would push him to commit horrible crimes? There wasn't much he cared for in any of the worlds he had been placed into. He always did what he was told and didn't have much to look forward to. Or at least he thought. There was a time where he had ambition to strive for the things he wanted. Just like everyone else around him, Jing had dreams and aspirations of his own.

"How did I end up like this? When did I become so submissive to others that I lost sight of my beliefs and goals?" Jing asked himself.

More than anything, Jing was angry at himself for letting it get this bad. He could've prevented all the events that had transpired all his life. If he decided to gain strength through leveling up, he could've refused the offer to become a representative for his kingdom. In his previous life, Jing could've said no to the requests of others or at least came up with an excuse as to not be treated like a servant.

"You said if I ever wanted to leave you to accomplish my own goals, I could do so, right? Of course that would mean that I would no longer be under your protection," Jing asked.

"You are correct. That was what I had said," Scar replied half heartedly. His thoughts were more focused on the attack that'll transpire within a day or two.

Hearing the answer that he had wanted, Jing took a deep breath as he strengthened his resolve. He no longer cared about the small details in life such as why Scar had a flip phone with him or what would happen to him if he betrayed his kingdom.

"I'm all alone. No one else will be there to help me succeed. I will only rely on myself and myself alone. No one will stand in my way," Jing told himself as he had a new look on his face.

He was finally becoming the person he always wanted to be.

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