Expecting no surprises, Yuki walked through the tunnel leading to the sixth stage. right as he passed through the tunnel which was a part of the wall that blocked off one stage from another, Yuki was grabbed by something and taken high up in the air. When he looked up to see what it was, Yuki was shocked to see a green fire-constructed phoenix clenching onto Yuki's shoulders with its legs.

Before he could even react, the phoenix spun in the air and swung Yuki down to the ground, creating a large crater. Yuki quickly stood on his feet to try to combat his opponent, however before he could make a move, a green fireball came in his face and exploded. While he put his arms up to protect his face, it didn't stop the fire from doing damage.

As Yuki looked forward to trying to spot his enemy in the air, he was surprised to see nothing. Just then he thought to look behind him however it was much too late. The phoenix attacked Yuki's back with its fire made wings and knocked him to the ground.

"Can you stop for 1 second!" Yuki yelled in anger.

The phonex's moves were too quick and strong for Yuki to handle. Even though he had just gained a large increase to his overall strength due to him reaching level 10. It didn't matter in the later stages of the dungeon. Each monster which was from stage 5-10 was a mini boss on their own but also had a large boost in power.

Being bombarded by the constant attacks of the phoenix brought Yuki into a stage of pure anger. He hated being constantly attacked but not being able to strike back.

"So that's how you want to do things?" Yuki said as he grinned.

"Activate Ability: Fire Control"

Yuki created a small but heavy fire dome around himself so as to not be interrupted by the Phoenix while he began his preparations for the battle.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out 7 speed boost potions and 2 attack boost potions. With a smile on his face, Yuki drank each one, growing ever stronger by the second. Yuki cracked the capsules which carried the potions one he finished with them. After he had consumed all of them, Yuki stepped on the already broken glass capsules on the ground, crushing them to dust.

Yuki took down his fire constructed dome which the phoenix had been attacking furiously the entire time.

"Your time has come," said Yuki as he prepared to pass judgement on his enemy.

"Activate Skill: Scale"

Feeling a bit curious as to how he stacked up against his enemy now, Yuki used his new skill. As expected, the phoenix's title was green, meaning it was easy to defeat. Getting a bit cocky, Yuki activated his ability to create a phoenix body for himself. Allowing himself to be covered in his crimson flames, Yuki began to fly towards the sky.

"Let's see if you can touch me now," said Yuki.

Yuki propelled himself towards the phoenix at extremely fast speeds, so much so that the green firebird couldn't see Yuki. Yuki charged in and kicked the green bird in the chest, causing it to fly down to one of the white pillars, completely smashing through it and taking down two more before stopping at the 4th pillar behind it.

The phoenix could barely manage to fly after just one hit. Not only were Yuki's attacks amplified because he drank attack boost potions, the speed potions also added to his strength as when the momentum he had gathered crashed into an object at such high speeds, it would do catastrophic damage.

Not allowing the phoenix to catch a break, Yuki charged at its head first, right into its chest once more, driving it through tens of pillars. Just when Yuki began to slow down, Yuki used his flames as an engine, creating large bursts of flames, allowing him to continue.

Feeling bored, Yuki moved away from the green phoenix then kicked it in the face with his own bird feet, causing the green phoenix to crash into the ground.

"How the tables have turned," said Yuki.

Yuki continuously went down to the immobilized green bird, attacking it endlessly with his wings and legs. Yuki continued to torment his enemy until it looked to be a pitiful and helpless animal getting harassed by a psycho.

"It's your own fault for throwing a sneak attack right when the battle began. If you played fairly, maybe this wouldn't be happening to you," said Yuki as he stepped on the phoenix's head, almost crushing its skull. However Yuki wasn't finished having his fun. It would take much more than that to satisfy an angered Yuki.

Yuki deactivated his bird form and went towards one of the white pillars. Using his ability once more, Yuki created large flame hands to assist him in picking the pillar up. Yuki carried the pillar up to where he had left the nearly dead phoenix. Yuki had begun to lose his grip on the pillar as it was much heavier than he had thought.

Deciding that it was time to end the battle, Yuki created flames on his legs as well to propel himself in the air. As his final attack in the battle, Yuki threw the large white stone pillar at the green phoenix.

As the pillar hit the stage, it caused a large bang sound. That was later followed by the sound of many cracks in the ground as if an avalanche was about to occur. Now where the phoenix one laid almost dead was a large hole, inside it was red magma which seemed to be capable of melting anything it touches.

Feeling accomplished, Yuki went down to the hole to inspect it. As he looked closely, he could see something green reaching for the stage floor. When he took a closer look, Yuki noticed it to be the wing of the stage phoenix.

"It's over, give it up now," said Yuki as he stepped on the green phoenix's wing, causing the bird to fall into the magma and seemingly die.

Deeming the stage to be cleared, Yuki began to head towards the gateway. Just then Yuki heard a loud rumbling sound behind him.

Something was coming.

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