My King System

Chapter 72 - Fire Quoting

Yuki's heart began to beat faster as the seconds went by. His head, now cleared of all thought, had one goal in mind, destroy. Yuki's ears could only hear the pumping sound from his head until they were eventually stopped by an eerie squeaking sound. That continued for mere moments until it came to a halt. It was as if everything stopped in its tracks.

Before Saki could plunge the sword into Yuki's heart, her eyes glared at the sword which he held in his palm. Thinking it could be valuable, she stopped her attempt to end his life and reached for "Fallen angel of hell". Right as she made contact with the blade, Yuki's consensus returned to his body.

Without even realizing it, Yuki activated his ability, engulfing his blade with fire which burned Saki's hand. Enraged at not being able to take the sword for herself, Saki aimed for Yuki's head in hopes of finishing the battle right then and there.

However, before the blade could cut off Yuki's head, it became enveloped in a yellow fire. This was much different compared to Yuki's previous flames. All of them had a deep crimson colour to them. Yuki didn't care as to why they had changed colour, all that mattered was if they were effective. Luckily for Yuki, they were. The new yellow flames instantaneously melted the sword which Saki was carrying.

Since Yuki couldn't stand on his own, he used the flames from his ability to lift him from the ground and support him. Unable to create large amounts of yellow flames, Yuki caved in and went back to using his deep crimson flames. While not as effective as the yellow ones, they were enough to help him regain balance.

Yuki created a full set of flame armour with the help of his ability, allowing himself to control his damaged body.

[Open inventory]

Now having control over his body, Yuki pulled out a full status recovery potion from his inventory and drank it to recover all of his broken bones. Seeing as how his face recovered, Yuki dispersed the flames that made his helmet for the fire armour set. Instead, Yuki created a fire constructed crown that levitated above his head.

Finally being able to comprehend what had just happened, the female demon warriors began to charge towards Yuki. They weren't going to allow him to harm any of their other comrades. Just as Marlen's fist neared his face, Yuki lifted his sword in the air. As if he was carrying a heavy axe, Yuki dropped the fire enveloped blade on Marlen's arm, instantly cutting it in half. Still carrying her axe, her decapitated arm laid on the ground as it slowly began to lose its strength. All she could do was watch in horror as her blue blood poured out from it.

"Why you!" Nico said as she leaped in the air, Warhammer in hand, prepared to slam it on Yuki's head.

Yuki, now cleared of all thought, raised his blade upwards towards the ceiling of the stage once more. Right before the Warhammer could strike Yuki's head. Yuki sliced off the handle, causing the top part to fall behind him, as Nico held what remained of her weapon.

Not planning to waste any more of his time, Yuki targeted each one of the demon warriors. Slicing off anything in his line of vision. Yuki was now aiming to kill Saki as she was responsible for invoking this side of him. That disgustingly familiar grind made him hate everything that existed. As the sword neared her body, a large shield came in its way. Marlen had come back to exact her revenge on Yuki for cutting off her arm. At least that was what it seemed to Yuki, however Marlen had other plans.

She had accepted her fate of dying that day. A one armed warrior was the same as a useless one. It would be a more heroic fate for her to die on the battlefield than to leave with permanent damage which would cause her to be a liability to her team. That was why she had intended to save the other members of her team. However Yuki had managed to either heavily injure or cut off a limb from everyone except Saki.

Yuki had planned to save the best for last. Seeing Marlen in his way just made Yuki even more angry. Gripping his sword with all his strength, Yuki cut Marlen's shield in half. Losing all hope of survival, Marlen used her remaining hand to throw one final punch in hopes of ending Yuki's life. Even though it was evident that she would have little to no effect on him, she still tried.

Seeing this Saki leaped near Marlen's ear and whispered something in her ear which caused her to stop in her tracks. As Yuki began to swing his sword towards Marlen to end her life, a sickle interrupted him. Even though the blade was covered in mere crimson flames, it was enough to cause the sickle blade to begin to melt.

Getting tired of having to deal with multiple interruptions, Yuki clenched his right hand as his left one held "Fallen angel of hell" in a standstill between him and Saki. Without giving time for Saki to react, Yuki punched her as hard as he could, sending her towards the rest of the female warriors.

Next, Yuki levitated in the air, grabbing Marlen by her hair and swinging her towards her comrades. Yuki planned on finishing the battle in the very following moments.

Each of the female demon warriors stood up in their final moments. All of them without a doubt in their mind that they were going to die. They all embraced each other as they closed their eyes, awaiting the inevitable.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out 5 stamina boost potions and drank them all as he knew he needed a large supply of stamina to end the battle. Yuki applied half of his stamina into "Fallen angel of hell", allowing it to gain its red quoting. However, in addition, Yuki quoted his blade from his ability's white flames by condensing it into a small amount.

Yuki leaped into the air and threw his blade into the circle of female warriors. Each one holding onto another in their final moments. Yuki's blade sunk into the ground, right in the middle of them. Only a second later, it exploded, creating a red mushroom cloud which burned everything in its way.

"Goodbye," the female warriors said to each other simultaneously. They all died with a smile on their face.

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