My King System

Chapter 68 - Retaliate

[+67500 exp]


[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 9: 58500/100000]

Yuki woke up feeling satisfied. He was confused for a second as to why that had happened however he quickly remembered the effects of leveling up. After a player attains a new level, the system automatically gives them an extreme amount of satisfaction and happiness. There is no root or reasoning for it other than to encourage the player to progress through the world more. The more a player levels up, the more they become addicted to it, much like a drug.

However, on the other hand, the many players will be sensible enough to stop battling monsters to level up due to their difficulty increasing which has a great likelihood to cause trauma. This world was a double edged sword, it all depended on the player to decide if they choose to use the blade.

Now well rested, Yuki prepared to enter the halfway stage of the dungeon.

"Almost halfway there. It'll all be worth it once I gain all those levels. Learning to adapt to different situations quickly is also a pro, so it's not all that bad," Yuki told himself as he walked towards the gateway to the next stage. As he walked closer to the tunnel containing it, the white light began to dim until he could only see the white shine emanating from the actual gate.

[Stage four: Complete]

[Save point reached]

[If you would like to move to the 5th stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage five difficulty: level 8]

Yuki lightly touched the white light, opening up the gateway towards the next stage. In doing so he agreed to the conditions.


Once more we take a look at the crime syndicate that had their operations halted by Yuki and Meurig. Now the figure was in a different room, sitting behind a dark oak table. In between his fingers was a cigarette to help relieve his stress. Unexpectedly, he stood up from his office chair as he crushed the cigrate to put it out.

"Did you manage to contact them yet?" the figure asked.

"We have only recently found their location. We are preparing a travel team to make the necessary negotiations. However due to their fame, it seems that we might have to pay a hefty sum to acquire their assistance," one of the figure's subordinates replied. He was dressed in a black suit with black tinted classes and black shoes.

The large glass window allowed the sun to shine into the room clearing up the scenery. The floor was covered in red carpet. At each corner of the room were plants, as for the walls, they were filled with paintings all for decor. Facing forward from the large window was the figure's seat and desk. At both sides of the wall were four chairs in place, each one seating a district leader. Like any good crime syndicate, they didn't use their real names. Instead, they chose to use roman numerals to identify themselves.

At the top of the chairs they were seated at, in pure gold were engraved their respective number.

"Well send them already. I know at least 2 of our henchmen have an open spot to change their ability. So just make them teleport a group to negotiate and while their ablility's drawback takes place, make another henchmen teleport the mercenary team back to us," the figure commanded.

"I shall inform them at once," the subordinate in the black suit replied.

"One more thing, find another henchman who has an open spot to replace their ability. We need to find the precise location of Yuki," said the figure behind the desk.

"That shall also be taken care of," the man in the suit replied before leaving through the double door of the room.

"Now for the rest of you..."

"Mobilize all your squadrons which either have a support type ability or can change their ability to support the attacking squad."

"It would've been wiser to wait until everyone had their ability reset-able so we could attack with our full force but unfortunately for us, our enemy is rapidly increasing his strength, we can't afford to wait much longer.

"Understood!" the division leaders replied. Once the meeting had been concluded, they all excused themselves from the room and left to partake in their own activities while also following the task they had been assigned.

There would soon be either the downfall of the mass murderer: Yuki Kaito or a one sided massacre.

Back into the kingdom which Yuki had faced his trail at, the citizens were still recovering from the attack Yuki had launched using his crown right before he had escaped his cell room. The king from the first dungeon which Yuki had sent to buy extra supplies had just finished shopping and began heading towards the second dungeon gate to wait for Yuki.

"We have to do something about him. Ignoring his existence will lead this world to an early downfall. There's something definitely wrong with him. Have you seen the evil look in his eyes?" Carmi tried to explain.

He was sitting at a circular white table with a group of high ranking individuals. Amongst them was the cloaked man which contributed so much to the kingdom's economy. He is the one known as the user of "INFINITE HOTEL''. After Yuki had destroyed his ablility's form when he had used "Fallen angel of hell"'s true power, the cloaked man had to sacrifice all of his stamina to rebuild it which drained him of all his stamina. This task had placed him into a two week coma due to his low level.

"At ease. We already have warned people to stay clear of him and also offered to give a kingdom to anyone who can bring his head to us. If all fails, in 2 months we will use our final card, no matter how strong he may be, he'll be powerless against it," another man from the circle replied to camri. His most notable feature being his large clear glasses.

"Wait, we can't do that. That would be morally wrong, killing that many people for the sake of killing one. I refuse to support a decision like that," another one argued.

"It doesn't matter, many more would die if we were to leave him be. Plus, they deserve their fate anyway," the man in glasses argued back.

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