As the archer smiled in joy, Yuki leaped in the air, slicing the arrow perfectly in the horizontal direction.

Yuki landed back on the ground like nothing happened and continued running towards the tower. Seeing the monstrous player continue his hunt of demons like nothing had happened made the archer on edge. Losing any hope of winning the fight now, the archer climbed on the battlements of the town and jumped off onto the other side of the tower. Once Yuki climbed the tower by simply running off its walls and landing on the keep, he noticed what the archer had done. Feeling cocky, he looked down at the archer which was running away on the ground. Even though the stage was vast, Yuki knew like all other stages, this one also had an end to it.

Yuki wanted to torment the archer, making it run around like a mouse as Yuki followed him slowly. Giving the demon the slightest hope that it would survive. However Yuki didn't have any time to enjoy tormenting his enemies. Soon, his sword would drain him of all his stamina and knock him unconscious.

Placing one foot on the battlement of the tower while holding "Fallen angel of hell" like a spear, Yuki used all of his might to throw it at the demon archer with pinpoint accuracy. Cutting through the air like butter, the red aura enforced blade stabbed the demon through the back and stuck itself into the ground just from the force that was put into the throw.

Finally understanding what had happened, the demon archer dropped its bow to the ground as its body began to lose all of its power. Slowly but surely its red body began to disintegrate from horns up to its feet.

"Bullseye" said Yuki as he jumped off the keep of the tower to regain his sword.

Grabbing hold of his sword's hilt, Yuki pulled out his treasured red sword from the ground. Seeing as there were only 3 archers left, Yuki began to feel confident once again. Putting his blade on his shoulders as he began to walk slowly toward his enemies.

Instantly Yuki's knees felt weak as he fell face first into the ground. The red aura shrouding his blade disappeared. Yuki began to breathe heavily and gasped for air. He had drained all of his stamina without realizing it. Now completely immobilized, Yuki could do nothing but watch as the remaining archers began to take aim at his body. With the sound of cutting wind passing his ear, Yuki felt as 3 objects pierce through his legs.

"Aiming for the least vulnerable part huh?" Yuki said.

He understood that just like how he tormented their allies, the demon archers were going to torment him as well. Having no escape from his dire situation, Yuki prepared for his final resort and any situation.

[Open inventory]

Yuki began to reach into his inventory to take a healing potion however that was quickly stopped by 3 consecutive arrows embedding themselves into his right hand. Now Yuki was completely cornered.

While it may have seemed that Yuki was in a hopeless situation, that was not the case. To many, he may seem stupid because of the actions he takes when he gets too cocky however, Yuki knew how to instantly get out of a bad situation. All of the times he had to quickly come up with excuses and solutions to avoid his mother's wrath. All the many hours he spent trying to figure out ways to avoid running into his bullies were finally paying off.

For nearly 15 whole minutes Yuki laid on the ground, constantly being bombarded with a fury of arrows all aimed at his lower half of his body. All waiting for the perfect moment.

"All I need to wait is for the right moment. Once they exhausted their supply of arrows, they have to reach into their barrel to grab another refill of them. They all have a different rate of firing speed. When they all are refilling their supply of arrows I can reach into my inventory and take a potion of healing."

"Wait, that would be too risky. It's safer to opt for a full status recovery potion. Since my body is fatigued all my stats have decreased drastically, a restoration in my health won't change anything as they can just chip away at it again," Yuki thought to himself.

Getting constantly hammered by the arrow made Yuki's legs completely dumb. Yuki felt himself getting sleepy, all of his strength began to fade as he grew ever more tired. However, he forced himself to stay awake, closing his eyes would mean the end of his life. No amount of blood lost could destroy his will power. After waiting for so long, Yuki noticed all of the archers turn their heads at the same time to refill their arrow case which was hanging on their back. Seeing his time finally come, Yuki gave a big smile.

[Open inventory]

As his right arm was now completely paralyzed from the arrow attack it suffered the last time Yuki tried reaching into his inventory. Yuki used his left hand to pull out a full status recovery potion from his inventory as quickly as possible. Using his teeth, Yuki bit off the lid of the class capsule and drank the liquid it carried inside.

Regaining all of his strength, Yuki stood up from the ground engulfed in rage. He knew that he was going to take out all of his anger on them. Instead of taking the fast route of killing them in an instant, Yuki decided to use a different method of fighting to finish them off.

Yuki placed "Fallen angel of hell" back into his inventory, and pulled out 4 attack boost potions. After drinking from each capsule, Yuki used his hand to crush the glass bottle. Once he accomplished that, Yuki grabbed a bunch of the arrows at a time from his back and pulled them out with no care. Seeing as he began to bleed from them, Yuki pulled out a heath recovery potion from his inventory and drank it.

Yuki began to slowly walk to one of the towers which a demon archer was stationed at. Instead of climbing the tower itself, Yuki clenched his right hand and punched the tower itself, instantly crumbling the tower and demolishing the half of the two bridges that connected it with the other towers. As for the demon archer which was stationed at it, as he fell from the sky, Yuki clenched his fist once more and punched it as hard as he possibly could, flinging it hundreds of meters away from where Yuki was.

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