Yuki had lied about his name just in case word about his battle against the combined forces of the 3 kingdoms got out faster than he had expected. It was a reasonable precaution to take as he couldn't be sure who to trust. Most people would give in and betray their closest friends for the right amount of money. As such, that same rule would apply to anyone else such as Marcell. No matter how kind he was towards Yuki. If someone were to tell Marcell about the crimes Yuki had committed, he would surely turn on him and lead him to a trap. 

Under any circumstance, Yuki couldn't allow himself to grow trusting or attached to anyone as it would always lead him to heartbreak and betrayal. Yuki at first blamed this quality on himself as he had been left alone by many people in his life. It wasn't as if Yuki couldn't get along with people. In fact, Yuki was a great person to be around when he was putting up his fake personality. His plan was plain and simple. All he had to do was smile and agree with the people he talked to. That worked out great for him, however when his true self slipped out, people began to distance themselves from him and eventually shun him away. 

No one was to blame for either side's actions. No one had an obligation to accept one another for what they truly were. It was a simple game of who ever managed to abide by society's standards the longest. If both managed to hold up their fake persona's for eternity, they would manage to become friends. Those who managed to break past the laws of society would become best friends, but even best friends had boundaries which if broken would end the friendship. Unfortunately for Yuki, he had to figure out those things on his own as both his parents weren't present for most of his life for their own separate reasons. This caused Yuki to rely on the process of trial and error to learn what to do and what not to do until he figured things out. Well... that was before. This time, Yuki couldn't afford to take any chances, he had to be as cautious as possible. 

After walking for what seemed like only a few minutes, Yuki and Marcell reached their destination. It was a 2 story house which was relatively big. It had the same medieval theme which every other house had with the wooden supports and stone tile roof which every house within every kingdom had. These were of course because of the original design of the world. Each kingdom was given the basics which they needed. It was an open world so they could do whatever they wanted to do with the world. They could destroy the houses and rebuild them, paint them or add on to them. There were no restrictions placed on the people which made the world have the potential to grow and turn into a diverse world which contained many different cultures and ways of life just like their previous one. While that was a large possibility, time would also factor in. It would either happen relatively quickly or after a long time, there was very little leeway to it. 

Marcell walked up to the door and opened it. To Yuki's surprise there was a light turned on already. Right as the door opened, Yuki could hear the sound of running from afar. Just a moment later, a small figure leaped on Marcell and gave him a hug. It looked to be a small girl which Yuki assumed to be Marcell's daughter. As Marcell embraced his daughter, another figure walked towards the door. It was a woman who looked relatively young to be a mother. However, seeing the way she took Marcell's daughter in her arms made it clear that she was the mother. 

"She probably just has good skin," Yuki thought to himself. 

"Sorry honey, I forgot to tell you. Would it be okay if Jack were to stay with us for a while? He doesn't have a place to stay. His mother died when he was a just a kid and his father is busy in the dungeons. I just couldn't let him struggle on his own," Marcell pleaded. 

"... I didn't expect him to fall for my lie and take it this far. This is just embarrassing, I should stop him," Yuki said to himself. 

"I'm really not all that helpless, I would be fine if you were to direct me to an inn or a hotel. I still have money which my father gave me from his quest in the dungeons," said Yuki. 

By that point, Marcell's wife had tears flowing from her eyes as she pitied Yuki as she tried to imagine her daughter in the same position as Yuki. Without a thought she handed her toddler daughter to Marcell before hugging Yuki as to comfort him. 

"Of Course you can stay with us as long as possible. We'll be your family until your father comes to pick you up," the mother said while bawling her eyes out. 

Even in that moment, Yuki couldn't help but think about all the men he had killed in the battle field. Each and every single one of them was mercilessly murdered without a second thought. Many of them probably had families to return to. Many people were probably grieving because of the decision Yuki had made that day. Even though that was true, Yuki couldn't help but think that he was correct. 

"I warned them many times. They should've listened when I told them to retreat. I gave them so many opportunities to run away. If they hadn't been so stubborn, they could've seen their family once again," said Yuki to himself as he tried to convince himself that he was correct in his decision. More specifically, One's decision. 

Once the greetings had taken place, Yuki and Marcell entered the house as they began their new life as a family. Marcell didn't mind Yuki at all since he was a polite kid and there was also the perk of him being able to be an efficient dishwasher which Marcell informed his wife about in secret which helped solidify her decision to allow Yuki to stay with them. 

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