News about Yuki's victory against the combined power of the 3 kingdoms spread around the world like wildfire. At first it was just the neighboring kingdoms however by the end of the first week of that event, nearly the entire country had received the news. 3000 lives were ended in a day. Those lives had been taken by some random teenager. The true power of the world became evident as the news spread. No matter who or what you are, if you have the willpower to push yourself past your limits, you could over power a whole army on your own. While to some that seemed to be like a fantasy, to most it was terrifying. First there were the occasional outside world monsters which differed in strength depending on region but now they had to fear humans as well. In fact, it could be argued that humans were more dangerous than monsters.

The monsters' strength never changed. If it were weak one day, it would be weak the next. However, if you were to give a human determination, they could attain unfathomable strength within weeks. 

Yuki had begun to explore the vast kingdom in search of something even he didn't know of. All he wanted to find was something more meaningful in the new world than leveling up constantly. While he would eventually find that what he sought, when Yuki first passed through the kingdom gates was like a lost kid in a mall. He didn't know where anything was and also didn't know any of the people. Just like a small town, due to the small population of civilians per kingdom, their communities had become tightly knit together. Most people already knew each other and getting into those communities was hard, especially when you're an outsider. However, Yuki was committed to making a humble fake life for himself for the time being. 

While on his search for meaning to the world outside the dungeons, other events were taking place across the world. Without realizing it, Yuki had become an important figure in the world. To some-mostly criminals, he was a hero who fought for what he wanted and won. While to others, he was a devil incarnate. 

The new world had a relatively simple structure. In total there were 8 diamond shaped continents when all started at the same point but they expanded outwards like an 8 finger claw. Within the spaces of the claws/continents flowed water. Within one of the continents, a group of people continued their conversation. The building they were on much resembled the inside the house of commons. Many individuals were present in black suits as they discussed important matters. 

"We can't possibly ignore this. This is a breach of all human rights. We must stop him at any cost!" one spoke out. 

"But you've heard what he's capable of. I mean a whole army composed of 3000 people all taken down in minimal effort. Did you even look at the diagrams which are circulating of the damage he had done to the ground?" another man replied. 

"Then how do you propose that we deal with him?" the first man asked.

"Well, the sad truth is, we can't. He'll soon grow to be a treat to all of humanity. If the theory that you gain exp for killing people stands to be true. We're even more helpless than we thought. An exp gain from killing all those people single handedly would've leveled him up a couple of levels. To add to that, there are rumours that he cleared the second dungeon of this world. How can we even compete with that?" the second man replied once more. 

His words left everyone speechless as they tried to come up with ways to defeat Yuki. 

"What about an instant kill ability where it doesn't matter how strong he is, he still dies?" a man from the back seats spoke out. 

"I've got some news for you if you think that'll work. Apparently the group that was sent out to kill him had someone by the name of Rey Moon which had an ability similar to what you described. In the end, that still didn't work. We need to take him head on with a small group of highly ranked players. If we were to send an army after him once again and he were to kill even more people, he would just keep gaining exp, in turn growing even stronger," another man replied. 

"That's easy to say but where do we even find people like that?" another person asked. 


"How about enslaving people and forcing them to clear dungeons?" someone spoke out after getting tired of the silence. 

Within the first seconds after the man had said those words, everyone began to speak over each other. Some yelled, others tried to come up with reasonable ways to implement said methods or find another method of defeating Yuki Kaito. 

Feeling uneasy, the man slammed his hands on the long wooden table which spanned throughout the aisle and stood up from his seat. 

"Why do we need to argue about the ethics of this? We all know that we have to make harsh decisions. How else are we supposed to defeat such a powerful enemy? But don't fret. We can keep this a secret between us here only and no one else would know about it. I mean, look at the history of the old world. People in ancient times did a lot of unethical things but in the end, everything worked out. They managed to hide most of the details and granted humanity prosperity. If we go along with this, sure we'll be seen as villains now but we'll be renowned heros in the future, and that's only if this information slips," the same man explained. 

"Look, at the end of the day, we're doing something 'evil' for the greater good. Yuki is committing evil deeds just to be evil. Sacrifices need to be made," the man continued. 


"Since no one has anything else to say, I think we can all agree on this," the man said before sitting back down. 

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