"That doesn't explain why I'm alive though. How can emotions control life and death?" Yuki asked. 

"A fair question to ask but don't fret. I have an answer for that as well. I don't know," the voice replied.

"What do you mean you don't know?! What is going to happen to me now?" Yuki asked. 

"Like I said, I don't know. Use your deductive reasoning. I am literally you. If you don't know, how am I-who is part of you as well, supposed to know? Maybe use your ears to listen when someone is talking next time," said the voice. 

"You're absolutely useless. I'll just think of something on my own," said Yuki. 

"By saying that I'm stupid, you're technically calling yourself stupid as well," replied the voice but was ignored. 

"Okay let me think here. If he's able to intrude my thoughts while being part of me as well using the powers that Zero had given me before... could he be the thing that's giving me the different special blades?" Yuki asked himself. 

"If that were to be the case then I would be lucky. I wouldn't have to worry about him being my enemy. The real question is if I can use him to my advantage," Yuki thought to himself. 

"Hey! The random voice in my head. Tell me what your abilities are," Yuki called out. 

"Have some manners. Don't treat me as if I'm an animal. All I can do is read your thoughts and speak when you're talking. But you don't notice so it's fine," the voice replied. 

"You do what?! That's an invasion of privacy," Yuki yelled. 

"How am I supposed to invade the privacy of myself. Just because you're talking to a voice doesn't mean you're talking to another person. Think of it as if you're talking to yourself like a madman," said the voice. 

"You should've said that from the beginning. That makes more sense. Let's see. I should probably call you something since I can't call you Yuki. That would just be wrong," said Yuki. 

After some thought, Yuki decided on a name to call the voice. 

"How about I call you One?" Yuki asked. 

"Was that the best you could do? You're seriously going to name me a number?" said One. 


"I'm just kidding. I know what the reason was since I can read your thoughts. You named me One because you wanted to continue the trends of numbers from Zero. It sounds lame but when you understand what it's based on, it doesn't seem so bad," replied One.

"Do you plan on adding other members to your arsenal any time soon? I mean I can read your thoughts and your perception of me along with Zero are tools for your convenience," One asked. 

"Maybe. I don't know for sure. I was thinking about having numbers from 1 to 10 then having a jack, queen and lastly me be the king. Obviously, Zero would be my Ace," replied Yuki. 

"Not a bad idea. It'll be hard to come across being that would fit that title but good luck," said One. 

"Now, going back to the main task. Since I'm not dead, how do I go back to the new world? I have some business to take care of," asked Yuki. 

"I don't know if this will work or not but I'll try my best," replied One. 

"Wake up!"

Yuki screen popped up as his exp began to increase until it was back to what it originally was before closing once again. 

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 12: 31500/400000]

Yuki's eyes opened wide as he breathed in as hard as he could. He began to cough as if he had been drowned and had just received CPR. Rina, who was walking towards Yuki's body, stopped right in her tracks. She wasn't stupid, she had seen what Yuki was capable of. Without a moment wasted, Rina began to run away from the area as fast as she could. She didn't tell anyone what was happening as she was too worried about herself. Anyone who saw her run away thought that she was running away in joy to greet her family. However, that was not the case. She was running away from the impending doom which everyone would face. 

"Death!" said One from Yuki's mouth. 

Yuki's skin began to crack like glass. Within those cracks, instead of blood flowing out, an orange glow gleaned from them . 

The moment which One had said that word, everyone went quiet as his presence overtook everyone. An invisible line rippled across the entire army as his sheer presence alone made everyone fall to their knees. Yuki's eyes turned pitch black as he began to raise in the air using his fire controlling ability. 

"What happened? This wasn't part of the plan. Why is he still alive? He was supposed to die and leave us alone!" said Scar as he began to panic. While not in his nature to act in such a manner however under a situation such as this, anyone would break down. 

"So it's really over. We lost. Even with all the preparations that we had done. All the people we had gathered. The different strategies we had... all of them went to waste. No matter how hard we try, he won't let us win," said Carmi on the other side of the army. 

"Not yet. I won't allow this to go to waste. We have to win!" Yelled Jing.

"Activate ability: Convey"

Jing used his ability to make sure that everyone in the army heard him. He planned to give everything the army had left before they would go down. 

"Listen everyone! Change your ability to an attack boosting ability and give your boosts to the mage Erika. She's the female who is standing confused near Yuki. Let her be the one to direct our final attack at Yuki," Jing yelled out to everyone.

"Hey Erika, listen up. I know you're a mage of some sort so cast your strongest spell and direct it at Yuki once you receive all the boosts from everyone!" Jing told Erika. 

Within a few moments almost everyone had changed their ability to the type to boost Erika's attack power. It had been more than 2 weeks since most people had changed their ability so they were able to change it to what they desired. 

"Now!" Jing yelled out

All throughout the army, everyone began to activate their ability as they created red magic circles that kept stacking on top of Erika's head. 

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