My King System

Chapter 108 - Heaven's Gun

Rina, now laid on the ground with extreme burns all over her body, began to drag herself across the grass as she attempted to reach Lou. Once near Lou's foot, Rina advised her friend. 

"Just get it over with already. It's her life versus ours alongs with thousands more. It's for the best," Rina said as he caught her breath. 

"But, Tanya is our friend. How am I supposed to kill someone so dear to me," said Lou. 

Yuki began to get annoyed by the way Lou spoke. It was the same old generic good guy act. Most would say that 1 life is worth the same amount as a 1000 lives. That was just how society was structured. No one was more important than anyone else. Each and every life was precious and should be treated well. However, it didn't matter how many times that message got drilled into someone's mind. In any scenario in which any sane person would have their life in danger and they could sacrifice someone else to save themselves, almost 100% of the time, that person would pick to save themselves. As such, it would make sense why Yuki would be upset at Lou. 

Right before Yuki could say his offer one last time before he gave up and just killed everyone instead, Lou did something that surprised Yuki. Lou had begun to laugh. 

"I'm just kidding. I don't have a blade of my own so I'll need to use yours and how should I kill her? Her head sliced off? Or would you prefer it if I stabbed her chest?" Lou asked as he replied joyfully. 

"What happened to you? You were scared and confused just a moment ago," said Yuki as he was now the one who was confused. 

"Come one. Don't tell me you bought into that act as well. I'm a literal grown man. Do you really think I would have trouble answering a question as simple as that. Of course I would kill her. Even if she was my closest friend, I would kill her. I not only get to save my life but everyone else's as well-effectively being known as a hero. Plus it's Tanya. I would gladly kill her for half of a cookie. I mean, have you seen the way she talks to us?" said Lou. 

"Ya but still. Isn't she your friend?" asked Yuki. 

"Friend? We were hired to be her friends but ended up becoming more of her slaves. Even when we came to this world, we stayed with her in fear that her family might rise to power once more and make an enemy of us if we took out our pent up anger on her," explained Lou. 

"Well. I don't have much to say. I've misjudged you," said Yuki as he smiled while giving his blade to Lou. 

Lou took one last deep breath before plunging "Fallen angel of hell" into Tanya's heart. However Lou went even a step further. 

"I'm not risking anything. I can't rely on the possibility that I can trust him or not. I have to guarantee this," said Lou as he pushed "Fallen angel of hell" past Tanya's heart and into Yuki's head. 

"Nice try. I'll give you credit for effort but you get rid of me that easily," said Yuki as he popped his head out from the side. Yuki was now holding "Fallen angel of hell" with his index finger and middle finger from his left hand as he held Tanya with his right palm. Now that she was dead, Yuki let go of her body and she dropped to the ground. 

Yuki gabbed "Fallen angel of hell" by force from Lou's arm and grinned at him to show that within the following seconds, everyone would experience true hell. 

"You were so close to getting out of this mess without any trouble but of course you had to mess it up for yourself as well as everyone else. You clearly saw me dodge attacks which were impossible to dodge. So what exactly went wrong in your head to assume that you could defeat me without any boosts or debuffs left on me?" asked Yuki.

Lou fell to his knees as he tried to beg for mercy. However, it was already over. Yuki wasn't the type to die in a cliche way. He knew that Lou had already broken their trust once, so what would stop him from doing it again? As Lou kneeled down to kiss Yuki's feet and ask for mercy, Yuki kicked Lou by the chin. 

"What should I name this attack," Yuki asked himself as he tried to think of a name for a move which he would use in the moments that followed. 

Even while kicked away like a dog, Lou got up from the ground and began to come back as the brainless dog he was. Hope still left in his eyes, Lou once more kneeled to face Yuki's feet, however this time, Yuki kneeled on one feet as he placed his index finger on Lou's head and pointed it like a gun at him. 

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

"Heaven's Gun," said Yuki as he sprouted flames from his index finger tip and directly inserted those flames into Lou's forehead. It quickly spread in his body as it burned Lou from the inside. When all was finished, a smoke cloud exited Lou's mouth as his eyes turned pure white and fell face first into the ground. 

"I was wrong. You're nothing like the past me. You're pathetic. You hide and wait to attack your enemies like a snake. Come on, I'm not the most courageous in the world but even I'm not that shallow," Yuki said as he stood up from the ground. 

"Well let's see. There were 9 of you at the start. Now 2 are dead and your tank over there can't move," said Yuki as he pointed at Otto. 

"So what's the plan now? Maybe a combined attack with all 6 of you or maybe join back with the rest of the army and try to come up with a new plan? Whatever it is, just do it quickly cause I'm getting bored over here," said Yuki. 

[+2500 exp]

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 12: 31500/400000]

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