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Chapter 80: Consciousness Experiment (1)

Industrial software Li Yi will definitely do it, but after the successful development of artificial intelligence.

Several conditions for the development of artificial intelligence are almost ready, biological chips, intelligent language, experimental instruments and equipment, and there are only a few special instruments left that need to be self-made. How could Li Yi give up, so he settled in Jinyuan's laboratory, Assist them in optimizing the printer's existing design software.

Time flies, twenty days have passed.

The addition of Li Yi has made all the researchers in the research room energized and devoted to their work, and the project progress has been greatly advanced.

Finally, according to the requirements of the design software, the printing production of the designed product can be completed.

Since the new nanomaterials have not yet completed the breakthrough of mass production industry, the printing cost is still very high. However, it can already meet Li Yi's production requirements. A new 3D printer can complete the seven pieces of the main frame of the instrument in one hour. Production, production efficiency is amazing.

The main frame of the required instruments and production have been produced, and Li Yi can't wait to return to Ludao to engage in artificial intelligence.

However, after a rare visit to Jinyuan, Li Yi decided to hold a meeting to arrange Jinyuan's tasks.

Jinyuan Experimental Building, conference room.

Minority shareholder Xu Xiuyong, general manager Lin Lijun, a group of scientific research professors, as well as management from Fuxin, forty or fifty middle and high-level management leaders, gathered in the conference room and looked at the big boss, Li Yi, who was the chairman of the conference table.

"The key point is to praise the research laboratory. They completed the project development task very quickly. The project bonus will be increased by 30% according to my promise." Li Yi went straight to the theme and announced at the meeting with a high profile.

As soon as Li Yi finished speaking, he immediately received a burst of fierce applause.

The technical management team engaged in scientific research clapped and applauded happily.

The management of other departments couldn't help but cast envious glances and applaud with mixed emotions.

Let the cheerful applause last for a moment.

Li Yi looked around the staff and said earnestly: "Technology Department, Production Department, you must speed up the industrial improvement of mass production of new materials, and strive to complete the task within the year. If it can be completed, the bonus will be tripled."

"Clap clap clap..."

Following Li Yi's announcement, the applause, which had been sparse and was about to stop, suddenly became fierce with a new force joining in.

"As Manager Lin said, the 3D printing industry is about to usher in a moment of sharp change because of the birth of fog condensation 3D printers and the advent of new nanomaterials, and we, the pioneers of this market, you will Become a witness of history, everyone, come on! We are not far from success." Li Yi looked around the crowd, and finally expressed his remarks before the meeting.

"Papapa...!" Li Yi's speech made the applause even more intense.

"it is good!"

"Mr. Li, that's great!"

"We are only one step away from success!"


Everyone blushed and applauded excitedly. They were no longer applauding for the bonus, but for the future of the company and their own.

New nanomaterials and new 3D printers contain extremely high technical value. Once they achieve a breakthrough in mass production, they will definitely write a strong stroke in the history of human science and technology. However, they are fortunate to be part of this deed. The witnesses, the witnesses, are proud of it.

The brief meeting ended, and that night, Li Yi returned to Ludao.

Next, Li Yi devoted himself to the laboratory to assemble equipment for the development of artificial intelligence, equipped with experimental materials, and conducted tentative experiments before the biochip materials were in place.

Li Yi first used mice to conduct consciousness experiments.

Using a self-made special instrument-consciousness recognition machine, link the mice, identify the storage pattern and location of the nerve data of the mice's brain, and obtain the judgment pattern of finding consciousness from the neural activity. . . .

The spacious villa laboratory is brightly lit.

In the center of more than a dozen kinds of complex equipment and instruments, this small operating bed is placed. The operating bed is connected to various pipelines, and various data on the mice on the operating table are monitored in real time.

The mouse's limbs were tied to the operating bed with ties, its small head was covered with various brainwave connections, and its small black eyes were full of terror.

In front of the monitor screen, Li Yi was expressionless, watching carefully.

In the absence of biochips, Li Yi can do limited things, check the operation of various equipment and instruments again and again, and repeatedly simulate the experimental steps.

With sufficient preparation, brain-computer interface equipment, brain wave receivers, brain wave synchronizers, consciousness monitors, ... already very mature.

The only thing that made Li Yi dissatisfied was that he could not find a suitable experimental target.

In less than three days, Li Yi's private laboratory was almost reduced to a petting garden, with mice, hamsters, cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, ..., etc., all kinds of animals were sent by the pet shop.

In order to obtain suitable experimental targets, Li Yi commissioned a pet shop to send some pets with milder personalities, ready to collect their consciousness data.

However, the intelligence quotient of these small animals is The subjective consciousness is weak, and in unfamiliar environments, they are bound to carry out terrifying experiments, which further increases their fear.

In order to appease their emotions and familiarize themselves with the laboratory environment, Li Yi did not imprison them, but took good care of them.

After hundreds of experiments, Li Yi has successfully become a qualified **** shoveling officer, taking care of cats and dogs and feeding them. However, he still has not been able to find a worthy experimental target. .

Li Yi was most satisfied with the experimental subject, an adult border collie. Its IQ is comparable to that of a human child at the age of 6-8, with a stable personality and high obedience.

The experimental process also made it frightened. However, it would still cooperate with the master very much. Li Yi obtained good consciousness data from it.

Unable to find a more suitable target, he made it the first target, Li Yi simply decided, and immediately sent away the other small animals in the laboratory one after another, leaving only a border shepherd and a golden retriever.

"Dong dong..." The requests for the video call sounded one after another. Li Yi stopped the experiment and connected the video.

"Brother, are you still not coming back? Do you want me to deliver food again?" As soon as the video was switched on, Li Wenxiu's face appeared on the screen, urging him angrily.

"No, I'll go back right away." Li Yi suddenly looked up and looked at the electronic wall clock on the wall. Before he knew it, it was half past six in the evening.

"Hurry up, your parents are waiting for you to eat!" Li Wenxiu explained, and then hung up the video.

Li Yi quickly released Bian Mu from the operating table, ending today's experiment.

The development progress of the biochip is almost ready, and in two days, the substantive experiment will be carried out. Thinking of this, Li Yi can't help being excited and full of energy.

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