My hi-tech Library

Chapter 76: shot again

Time flies by like a white horse.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

The villa purchased by Li Yihua for 55 million has completed the decoration of the main body. There are three rooms in the basement, one main engine room, two thousand-level dust-free laboratories, one is a biological laboratory, a preparation room, an electronic laboratory on the first floor, and a second floor on the second floor. In the test room, the doors and windows of the whole villa experiment have been soundproofed.

More than a dozen staff members are transporting experimental equipment to the villa and installing it.

Positron tomography imagers, projection electron microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, particle imagers, etc., a large number of experimental instruments with complex and precise structures are constantly being transported inside.

"Be careful, don't break that machine." Li Luo told the four staff members who were carrying a piece of equipment, which was a consciousness link capsule worth more than five million yuan, using the most advanced brain computer on the market. interface technology.

"That piece of equipment is here, and the workbench is over there."


The villa laboratory is like a construction site. Following Li Yi's command, various instruments and equipment were brought in and assembled one after another.

From daytime to nighttime, the lights in the villa experiment turned on, and they were still working intensely.

The laboratory already has a formed outline. The decoration of the entire laboratory and the total cost of equipment and equipment are higher than the entire villa.

However, even so, it still cannot meet the requirements of Li Yi's preparation of new chips in the laboratory. The underlying logic of the hardware is different. Most of the current mainstream binary chip manufacturing equipment cannot be used. There are some special instruments and equipment that need to be developed by themselves. developed.

the next day.

Li Yilai's company called Xu Yang, the rotating CEO, immediately.

Less than five minutes later, Xu Yang hurried to Li Yi's office, knocked on the glass door, and pushed in.

Li Yi, who was sitting in front of the coffee table making tea, pointed to the empty seat opposite, and greeted with a smile: "Have a cup of tea, let's talk."

Xu Yang hurriedly sat down and asked with a smile, "Mr. Li, why do you have time to come to the company today, the laboratory is done, you are here to learn about Taihua Biology?"

"Yes, how was the discussion? Is there a result?" Li Yi took a cup of hot tea and put it in front of Xu Yang, and asked with concern.

"We're still talking. Their asking price is a bit high, so we couldn't reach an agreement." Xu Yang picked up the teacup, drank it all, and said apologetically.

"Does it exceed a lot? Xingyao's capital flow is not enough?" Li Yi frowned and asked with concern.

"Yeah! We just received Fuxin, and we have a lot of scientific research projects. The funds in the account are a bit tight, but if you need it, you can take a bank loan." Xu Yang explained, looking at Li Yi and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Li , may I ask why?"

"This company has certain technologies that are related to my current research. If there is no problem with the funds, please help me solve it as soon as possible!" Li Yi filled Xu Yang's cup with hot tea and introduced with a smile.

"Mr. Li, Taihua Bio is an enterprise engaged in the development and application of high-tech agriculture and the research and development of gene chips and pharmaceutical technology. It mainly deals in biochips, biochip identifiers, biochip analyzers, medical devices, etc. The main business of the company is very different, what technologies do you need?" Xu Yang looked at Li Yi in surprise and asked curiously.

Taihua Bioscience is a biotechnology company that has been operating for more than ten years. It has a mature business and many unique patents. Its scale is not small. Its overall valuation is around one billion. , However, the funds are not much at all. If you want to swallow this behemoth, once something changes, there will be a danger of dying.

"Other businesses can be divested. I like their foundation in the field of biochip research. I really can't think of other ways." Li Yi said.

"Biochip? Is this the new business? Mr. Li, what product are you planning to research?" Xu Yang nodded clearly, looking at Li Yi and asked.

"Well, a very special chip, but it depends on the results of the research. I'll tell you when the time is almost up." Li Yi smiled and said mysteriously.

"Understood, I will speed up the process." Xu Yang responded solemnly, Li Yi's research has never disappointed anyone and must be supported.

Soon, Xu Yang took Li Yi's instructions and left.

Acquiring the core industry of a technology company is not so difficult.

However, it is not without opportunities. According to the data, Taihua Biotechnology is diversifying and facing the dilemma of tight funds. On the other hand, the research on biochips has come to a standstill. To acquire their laboratory and offer a generous price, there is a high chance negotiated.

Half a month later.

Ludao International Center Hotel, a luxuriously decorated hotel door, with a red carpet, two rows of flower baskets, and a red banner, I wish Xingyao Technology and Taihua Biotechnology a successful signing!

In the spacious conference room hall, there is a long red table in the center.

The solemn and solemn signing ceremony is going on. Shining Star Technology and Taihua Biotechnology are both dressed up to attend, and the atmosphere is grand.

Xingyao Technology has just acquired Jinyuan and Fuxin after the two major companies shot again today and won the experimental center of Taihua Biology.

Li Yi sat at the signing table, opened the contract, picked up the signing pen, and happily signed his name.

Li Yi looked at Xue Gewen, the CEO of Taihua Biotechnology, a successful entrepreneur who is over fifty years old and slightly fatter.

Xue Gewen just happened to sign his name on the contract. The two exchanged the contract and continued to sign.

Soon, Li Yi stretched out his hand and clenched Xue Gewen's hand, and in the warm applause, announced the perfect conclusion of the signing ceremony.

"Congratulations, Mr. Li, Xingyao Technology won our Taihua Research Center. I hope you can make breakthroughs in this field." Xue Gewen held Li Yi's hand and congratulated with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue, happy cooperation! I also wish Taihua can make good use of this fund and achieve better results." Li Yi laughed and said meaningfully.

In this cooperation signing, Shining Star Technology spent 450 million in cash to acquire Taihua's biochip R&D business.

This is a very high premium. Building a more advanced research center will not cost so much money. However, Xingyao Technology does not have the relevant basic technology reserves, so it is still of great value to acquire it.

At this price, Taihua, who was short of funds, could not refuse. With this money, he could build a more advanced R&D center, and still have half of it left. Besides, the research on biochips has huge investment and slow progress. In more promising industries, the benefits are greater.

Looking at this 'President Li' the size of his son in front of him, Xue Gewen was filled with emotion.

This little guy is amazing. He has achieved such high achievements at such a young age, and he still has a perseverance in his eyes. He has a very strong pursuit of his career. Compared with him, his son is not worthy of carrying shoes.


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