My hi-tech Library

Chapter 70: life changes

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Li Yi's family went to Ludao for the New Year to avoid the constant stream of visitors.

The mansion of more than 300 square meters, with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, is facing the Wetland Park Great Bay, the blue sky, and the endless beautiful scenery as far as the eye can see.

High-end decorated mansion, marble walls, solid wood furniture, smart lighting, luxurious everywhere, the overall feeling is very domineering.

Li Yanshun and his wife, Li Wenxiu looked at this, touched that, with a smile on her face, she was very happy.

"This house is so beautiful, and the sea view is beautiful! Mom and Dad, let's live here in the future! We won't go back to our hometown!" Li Wenxiu loved the mansion and pleaded with Li Yanshun and his wife.

"Wen Xiu is right, I live alone in this house, it's too empty, Dad, Mom! You can put aside your hometown affairs and move over to accompany me." Li Yi quickly persuaded.

Li Yanshun nodded happily, sat on the high-end massage chair, showed a satisfied smile, and said happily: "Yes! But your sister is about to take the college entrance examination, let her go to a university in Ludao first, and then we will Move over here!"

"It's easy to do, transfer Wenxiu to Ludao's high school." Li Yi quickly arranged.

"How is it? Will you accept it for transfer? The high school here has a much stricter learning atmosphere than the one at home!" After speaking, Li Yi looked at his sister-Li Wenxiu and asked.

"Is it okay?" Li Wenxiu was not surprised, but asked with concern, if she could transfer to Ludao to go to high school, with her grades, it should not be too easy to get into the university here.

"Will it embarrass you? If it's not easy, let her take the test in her hometown!" Li Yanshun asked cautiously, fearing that it would be difficult for Li Yi to do it.

"Small things, I can handle it!" Li Yi waved his hand with a smile, Xingyao Technology transferred to Ludao for development, and the tax provided to the locals in the future will be a lot of money, even for this trivial matter, he doesn't even need to come forward in person .

"Wenxiu, why are you still standing there! Why don't you hurry up and thank you brother!" Li Yanshun was overjoyed and hurriedly reminded Li Wenxiu who was in a daze.

"Wow! Thank you bro! You will be my idol from now on!" Li Wenxiu hugged Li Yi's arm excitedly and cheered happily.

"Hurry up and pick a house! Just don't disturb me when I do things in the future!" Li Yi patted Li Wenxiu's head and reminded with a smile.

"Yeah!" Li Wenxiu happily responded, seeing her mother Ye Huilan pouring out a basin of water and cleaning up with a rag, she trotted over quickly: "Mom, I'll help you."

Li Yi glanced at them and said goodbye to Li Yanshun: "Dad, take a rest! I'm busy, so I'm going to the study."

Li Yanshun nodded happily, watching the back of Li Yi leaving, smiling like a flower, Lao Huai was relieved.

When he came to the study, Li Yi sat at the desk, turned on the computer, and started to get busy.

3D printing equipment using new technology has been disassembled into countless parts, and the R&D department has been decentralized to carry out R&D production. Li Yi is 'designing' the next generation of upgraded products.

The keyboard sound of "crackling" was as dense as rain.

The LCD screen presents an extremely complex three-dimensional instrument diagram, which is constantly being perfected in Li Yi's drawing.

An hour or two passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Li Yi was concentrating and busy, the door of the study was quietly pushed open.

Li Wenxiu probed in, walked lightly to Li Yi's side, opened her almond eyes, and looked at the LCD screen curiously.

"Why did you come in! Didn't I tell you not to disturb me!" Li Yi gave her an angry look.

"Mom's done cooking! I'm here to ask you to eat. By the way, let's see what you're doing, brother, what are you drawing? It's so complicated!" Li Wenxiu explained, staring at the LCD screen, and asked curiously .

"It's a 3D printing device, and you don't understand it!" Li Yi replied lightly, ready to call it quits.

"I'll understand if you just tell me! Brother, don't look down on me all the time, okay? I'm not too young anymore." Li Wenxiu pouted and said coquettishly.

"Got it! You go out first! I'll come right away." Li Yi responded casually, hurriedly chasing people away.

"No, tell me first, what are these pipes you painted for?" Li Wenxiu got angry and asked, pointing to the parts that Li Yizheng painted.

"It is a nano high-particle force field shaping gun. It generates a model force field through high-energy particle flow and injects nano-metal materials. During the process, the high-energy particle energy impacts to achieve the shaping effect of nano-metal materials." Li Yi looked up at her and said casually. introduced.

"..." Li Wenxiu was stunned, she pointed at another ring part unwillingly and asked, "What about this ring!"

"The particle looper acts to generate a controllable loop force field, which is used to constrain and adjust high-energy particles, control accelerators, and adjust the strength of particle force field energy,..." Li Yi explained without hesitation.

"What about the 'can' attached to the bottom!" Li Wenxiu asked with a bewildered expression, pointing to the next part.

"This is a superconducting environmental vacuum box. The internal structure of this part is very complicated. Are you sure you want to understand?" Li Yi was annoyed by the question, looked up at Li Wenxiu, and asked with a half-smile.

Looking at Li Yi's eyes, Li Wenxiu was immediately discouraged.

It's really shocking! Everything the brother said was not something she could understand.

"I'm not interested in listening, come out to eat quickly!" Li Wenxiu said a few words in despair and left the study as if escaping. She had no face to stay any longer, otherwise she would doubt the meaning of her life in this world.

Li Yi smiled, finished the finishing touches, and then left the study.

When I came to the restaurant, the table was already filled with delicious food.

Steamed hairy crabs, stir-fried beef slices with green peppers, fried yellow croaker, cabbage and shrimp ball soup, ..., five dishes and one soup, fragrant and overflowing, are all good dishes of mother - Ye Huilan, but the ingredients are more than before. Much higher end.

"Xiao Yi, sit down and eat quickly. Mom made your favorite yellow croaker. This fish is wild!" Ye Huilan handed the rice to Li Yi, reminding her with a smile.

"Thank you, Mom!" Li Yi took the bowl with a smile and couldn't wait to move his chopsticks.

Li Wenxiu moved a hairy crab and looked at the red crab paste with joy. Li Yanshun poured himself a cup of Maotai, pecking lightly, and took a bite of beef slices, showing a satisfied smile, Ye Huilan smiled and helped Li Yi shake the soup .

The family sat around the dining table and enjoyed the food happily.

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