My hi-tech Library

Chapter 5: Humans Can't Compare

Opening the website and browsing for a while, Li Yi immediately understood Lin Hang's meaning.

On this hacker website, many Internet companies issued test missions. Once the coders could find a system loophole or complete some development work, they could obtain a lot of rewards.

Li Yi could not help but be tempted.

Li Yi's hometown was in the countryside. His parents worked outside the city and had a sister who was in high school. His family was not rich.

Li Yi was definitely unwilling to miss this opportunity to train and earn money.

Li Yi looked at Lin Hang and said happily, "Lin Hang, thanks. I know what to do."

"You're too polite!" Lin Hang smiled and waved his hand.

Li Yi decided to try developing a loophole scanning tool to scan the various functions of the program and find the system's loopholes.

Li Yi thought about the development idea and quickly began to write the code for the various functions of the loophole scanning tool. He entered the domain name, scanned the port, made a directory, ran detections for subnet segment service… etc. Dozens of function modules quickly formed a precise software structure.

Li Yi's brain worked quickly and wrote a function module. Immediately, a corresponding algorithm appeared. Various code data symbols appeared and kept perfecting the way this function was implemented.

Soon, crackling keyboard sounds sounded like dense rain.

Li Yi's eyes lit up as he sat in front of the computer table. He wrote faster and faster, as if he was on steroids and was working tirelessly.

Zhang Haitao, Lin Hang, and Liu Wenfeng looked at each other and surrounded him curiously.

Li Yi! This guy was heaven-defying!

Li Yi typed the code as he continued to work on the development document. Soon, he could finish the outline of the software.

Soon, Li Yi finished writing the draft of the development document. He opened the editing tool and officially entered a programming state.

On the LCD screen, various code symbols formed lines of code that poured down like a waterfall.

"Damn! Old Li, what's with your typing speed? It's really abnormal!"

"Don't you have to consider the mistakes? Can the code written like this be used? Is the algorithm alright?"

Seeing Li Yi's fingers dance quickly on the keyboard, Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng could not help but ask.

Li Yi focused on writing the code and immersed himself in it as if he did not hear anything.

Zhang Haitao stopped Liu Wenfeng, who was about to pull Li Yi, and reminded softly, "Old Li is busy! Let's not disturb him."

Hearing this, Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng nodded silently. They surrounded Li Yi and looked at him for a while, their eyes gradually becoming dull, as if they had suffered a serious blow.

Li Yi wrote the code very quickly. The algorithm used to write the code was very complicated and they could not understand it.

"Old Li, you're using Java, right? When did you learn all this?!"

"Damn, this guy has hidden his strength!"

Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng were dumbfounded and said in disbelief.

They had lived in the same dormitory and studied in the same classroom. Only today did they discover that the programming ability Li Yi displayed far exceeded their level. For a moment, they found it difficult to accept.

"Alright! We're normal people. Let's not compete with such an abnormal person!" Zhang Haitao patted the two of them on the shoulder and consoled them with a smile.

Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng nodded incessantly. During this period of time, they had all seen how desperately Li Yi worked in the dormitory. They were indeed incomparable to him. Moreover, this guy should have something to rely on since he dared to sleep unscrupulously in class.

Damn, geniuses were the most annoying!

The three of them looked behind Li Yi for a while and walked away gloomily, not wanting to disturb Li Yi.

"Do you think Li Yi secretly worked hard while we were sleeping?! Otherwise, how did he suddenly become so good at coding?!" Lin Hang looked at Liu Wenfeng and Zhang Haitao asked.

"That's right! Li Yi falls asleep as soon as he starts class. Is it because he stays up late at night?" Liu Wenfeng looked at Zhang Haitao and asked guessedly.

Zhang Haitao frowned and shook his head. "I never saw him staying up late. After all, whenever I woke up in the middle of the night, I realized that Li Yi was sleeping even more soundly than you guys!"

"What about you guys?!" With that said, Zhang Haitao looked at the two of them and asked.

Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. They also did not discover that Li Yi had woken up in the middle of the night and was secretly working hard.

Li Yi almost fell asleep the moment he got into bed. He could sleep until dawn and not be woken up. His sleep quality was so good that even the alarm in the morning could not wake him up.

There were only 24 hours in a day. Li Yi slept in class during the day and slept surprisingly well at night. He could sleep more than ten hours a day. After deducting the time he had to eat, wash up, and write code, there was very little time for him to study.

The three of them looked at each other and sighed helplessly. They discussed the topic of Li Yi's secret efforts but did not come to any conclusions.

It could only be said that Li Yi's programming skills had improved by leaps and bounds because he was talented and naturally suitable for this job.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

Motivated by the money, Li Yi took out an attitude that was even more passionate than writing a programming algorithm tool and devoted himself to the development of the loophole scanning tool.

During this period of time, Li Yi joined a few hacker technology groups. As a newbie, he asked the technical big shots in the group for guidance on some technical problems and also asked for some ways to "earn money" as well as their contact information.

A month passed, but the mysterious black tattoo was still engraved on Li Yi's wrist.

During this period, Li Yi entered the library countless times and gradually figured out the situation of this "library".

The mysterious library had countless books. It was impossible to count how many books there were.

At the same time, the "library" had a certain intelligence. It could provide books with the corresponding learning difficulty according to one's own knowledge. It was as if a caring "teacher" had arranged the most suitable books for him.

For example, since calculus was the only math subject Li Yi was learning, the "library" would provide books related to calculus such as multivariable calculus and triple-level calculus. Deeper level mathematics books would be gray and not be readable.

As for some political, history, novels, geography, and popular science entertainment books, a small portion of them were special and could not be read. Most of them were available.

However, Li Yi was more inclined to read books on technology and basic subjects. He was not in the mood to pay attention to those entertainment works.

Because he was working hard to develop a loophole scanning tool, Li Yi spent most of his time reading books related to computers.

As time passed, Li Yi studied more and more deeply, constantly learning new algorithms and programming techniques. His original development plan was modified and improved. Compared to his original development plan, the loophole scanning function was becoming stronger and stronger.

After stalling for a month, Li Yi was still unable to write the code for the loophole scanning tool.

However, Li Yi felt that the loophole scanning tool development plan had already been modified to the most perfect state. Next, as long as he coded the various modules clearly and connected them perfectly, he could obtain a powerful loophole scanning tool.

Li Yi's eyes lit up as he typed in the code excitedly to finish up.

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