My hi-tech Library

Chapter 46: expect a miracle

in the waiting of the crowd.

Professor Sun held the manuscript paper and stared at it for a long time, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem, but he couldn't come up with the answer for a long time.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes passed, . . .

Professor Sun held the manuscript paper and fell into deep thought.

The young security guard, two students, a boy and a girl, looked at each other and didn't understand what was going on with Professor Sun.

"Professor Sun, it's me Li Yi. I made an appointment with you this morning. The content on this piece of paper is the reason why I got to know Professor Yan." Li Yi smiled, breaking the silence, and explained to Professor Sun with a smile. road.

"It turned out to be you, it's alright, Xiao Zhang, you go out first!" Sun Jinping looked at the young security guard and signaled with a smile.

The young security guard nodded, glanced at Li Yi unexpectedly, turned and left the office.

"You and Yan Weiwen met because of this algorithm problem? What method did you use to solve it?" Watching the security guard leave, Sun Jinping held the manuscript paper and looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

"Well! I solved it. This is an algorithm problem that applies the multi-core parallel algorithm. The idea of ​​​​the problem is to make the description "XI" a set of n samples, φ( ): x∈X→H is the kernel function that will The sample feature space is mapped into the Hilbert space H, . . . "Li Yi gave a detailed explanation of the algorithm problem in Professor Sun's hands.

Listening to Li Yi's problem-solving ideas, Professor Sun Jinping's eyes lit up, and he soon discovered a unique way of understanding this problem.

After a while, Li Yi successfully solved the algorithm problem on the manuscript.

"Okay, okay! This algorithm works well!" After solving the problem, Professor Sun Jinping applauded happily, looked at Li Yi with joy, and judged with a smile: "I now know how you know that old guy Yan Weiwen. , did he invite you?"

"Professor Sun, your eyes are like torches!" Li Yi smiled and nodded.

"Well! Did you agree?" Professor Sun Jinping asked with concern.

"No! I'm not a senior, I haven't graduated from Shandong University yet!" Li Yi replied with a smile.

"It's good if you don't have it, it's good if you don't. Shanda is worse than his, so let's not go! You are a senior! Are you planning to continue your studies..." Sun Jinping smiled and looked at Li Yi and asked.

"No, no, no, I'm not looking for you for further study. I asked Professor Yan about supercomputing. He said that you have unique accomplishments in the field of supercomputing, so let me ask you." Li Yi quickly waved his hand. , introduced.

Hearing this, Sun Jinping was stunned, he never expected that this would be the reason.

Just now, in the process of solving the problem, Li Yi showed excellent talent and a very solid knowledge base. Sun Jinping thought of taking him into his school when he saw that he was happy. However, he saw that his purpose was actually to superlative. Calculate.

Two young students, a boy and a girl, were also stunned.

They also thought that Li Yi was procrastinating and came to the teacher through the back door. However, the teacher had already agreed, but the other party refused.

This guy, I'm afraid there is something wrong with his brain!

Professor Sun quickly calmed down, looked at Li Yi, and asked curiously, "Well, what question do you have about the super calculation?"

"Professor Sun, it's like this. During the summer vacation, I founded a company and developed a simulation system at the same time, which requires a lot of computing power to support detection..." Li Yi quickly introduced.

"It's simple. Tianhe Chaosuan has a computing power resource leasing business open to the outside world. I will approve you how much computing power resources you want." Hearing this, Sun Jinping couldn't help interrupting Li Yi's words, and simply responded.

In Yan Weiwen's face, Sun Jinping is still willing to open the door for Li Yi for this trivial matter.

"Uh! Thank you Professor Sun. However, the computing power of Tianhe can only be used temporarily. I want to build a supercomputer by myself. Otherwise, it will not be able to meet the use of our company." Li Yi gratefully said to Professor Sun Jinping. Thank you, and then, embarrassed to explain.

"What! Do you know how much computing power Tianhe Er has? Can't meet your needs?" Sun Jinping asked angrily with wide eyes.

"I know, I know, the peak computing speed of Tianhe-2 is 549 billion times per second, and the continuous calculation speed can reach 339 million double-precision floating-point operations per second. The computing power is quite high, but it usually needs to meet 1,600 Large-scale enterprises and national institutions will definitely not be able to free up a lot of computing power for a long time." Li Yi nodded and replied.

Hearing this, Sun Jinping was at a loss for words, because what Li Yi said was true.

Almost all scientific research projects in the country are inseparable from the support of Tianhe supercomputing, such as aircraft design, ship design, transportation system, etc. The application fields involve life science, material science, atmospheric science, geophysics, energy, universe , economy, gene sequencing, biomedicine, high-throughput drug screening, pollution control, hypersonic engine combustion simulation and a series of major science and major projects related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Sun Jinping looked at Li Yi and asked angrily, "Do you have that much money? Do you know how much it will cost to build a supercomputer yourself?"

"I have prepared 150 million in cash now. If it's not enough, I can take a loan or raise it in other ways. Professor, how much money do you need, can you give me a construction plan?" Li Yi asked a little embarrassedly.

"Are you serious?" Sun Jinping raised his head suddenly and looked at Li Yi with a wonderful expression.

"Professor, look, this is the funds I prepared." Li Yi took out his mobile phone and showed the funds in the company's account to Sun Jinping for inspection.

Looking at the phone screen, a series of zeros, Sun Jinping took a deep breath.

This little guy, this little guy, is simply too speechless.

"This, where did you get so much money from UUkanshu!" Sun Jinping asked incredulously, looking at the screen of his phone.

"I started a security network company, and the company earned the money." Li Yi answered truthfully.

Hearing this, Sun Jinping felt bitter for a while, isn't it? The capital account is a corporate account called Muzi Technology.

It's amazing to be a billionaire at a young age! Sun Jinping immediately looked at Li Yi with admiration and did not dare to underestimate him.

"1.5 super calculation is far from enough! The hardware cost of Tianhe-2 is 2.5 billion, and the operating electricity cost is between 400,000 and 600,000 yuan per day. The reason for the high operating cost is the lack of relevant software. The operating cost is expected to be greatly reduced." Professor Sun Jinping looked at Li Yi with a complicated expression and explained in detail.

"It's 2.5 billion! The funding gap is indeed quite large. I will find a solution for the remaining money. When I have enough money, Professor Sun, can you please take the lead in this matter?" Li Yi looked at Sun seriously. Jin Ping, asked solemnly.

"If you can raise so much money, I don't mind building another Tianhe-2." Sun Jinping looked at Li Yi with a smile on his face and nodded affirmatively.

"Thank you, Professor Sun, we've settled on this matter. I'll come back to disturb you in a few days." Li Yi was overjoyed, and happily said goodbye to him and made an appointment for the next meeting.

"Okay! I'll wait for you." Sun Jinping nodded with a smile, as if he didn't take it to heart.

The difference between 150 million and 2.5 billion is not one or two points. Sun Jinping felt that Li Yi was looking for a step down the stairs. He might have difficulty raising such a large sum of money. If he did raise it, it would be a big deal to help.

Soon, the three master and apprentice watched Li Yi leave, as if looking at a lunatic again, as if they were expecting a miracle.

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