My hi-tech Library

Chapter 348: Rescue Ship-Hope

"Is it possible to repair it?" Liu Mingyong, the captain of the Polestar, looked at the engineer expectantly.

The engineer bowed his head and was silent for a moment, then looked up and shook his head with red eyes: "The antimatter furnace is damaged. This kind of fault can only be repaired by returning to the dock of Starfield Technology. We have no way to do it."

"Where are the other power engines! Can they be used?" Liu Mingyong, the captain of the Polestar, asked nervously.

"It can be used, but there is a spare fusion power engine, but if you use it, the speed of the spacecraft will drop to about 3,000 kilometers per second, and the mother star will definitely not be able to go back. Even if it returns to the blue spirit star, it will take 3 Years, our spacecraft will not last that long." The maintenance engineer reminded.

"How come? Are there any other questions?" Captain Liu Mingyong of the Polestar asked nervously.

"Yes, there is a problem with the ecological space. The material cabin for survival is on fire. With the existing material reserves of the spacecraft, it is only enough for us to sail for three months. Without energy replenishment for three months, we will be in a desperate situation." The engineer introduced.

The heart of the Polestar captain Liu Mingyong sank. The loss of this accident can be described as heavy. A dormant area was hit. Sixty-four crew members have died and more than 100 people have been injured. Antimatter energy cannot be used, and the spacecraft cannot maintain high-speed sailing. , The ecological area and the resource area have been damaged one after another, and there are only three months left.

The captain of the Polestar, Liu Mingyong, turned his head, forced himself to calm down, and racked his brains to find a way to reverse this desperate situation.

"Captain, the information about the spacecraft accident has been reported to the Alliance Government Shipping Rescue Center. After receiving the feedback from the Alliance Government, a rescue team will be dispatched as soon as possible to come to the rescue." The electronic synthesis voice of the Polestar Zhinao suddenly sounded in the command room, Report to Liu Mingyonghui.

Hearing this, Liu Mingyong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the spacecraft's brain to move so fast. He had already notified the alliance government of the failure to request rescue.

However, what's the use!

The current location of the Polar Star is too embarrassing. The channel is very remote. It is still more than 16 light-years away from the solar system. It is 800 million kilometers away from the Blue Spirit Star. It will take more than 3 years to use fusion power to fly. However, , The current situation of the Polar Star is very bad, and it can only last for two or three months.

The rescue ship dispatched by the alliance government must be too late!

Liu Mingyong could only fight hard and inform the crew that the rescue ship of the alliance government was already on the way, and encouraged the crew not to lose confidence, do some repairs to the spacecraft, do some things within their power, distract the crew's attention, and persist for a longer time. time.

Most of the time, Liu Mingyong locked himself in the captain's room, leaving last words to his family.

The Star Star is now a space coffin. When it loses power and follow-up resources, and is far away from other life planets, it will not take long for it to become a piece of space junk, floating in space, and finally being caught by a certain planet. Gravitational capture, fall on a planet.

If there is a chance to fall on a planet that can conditionally breed life, the microorganisms and cellular life attached to the spacecraft may have the opportunity to become the origin of life on a planet.

Perhaps the origin of life on earth was caused by this reason.


Liu Mingyong locked himself in the captain's room, thinking wildly all day.

Time passed by day by day, and ten days have passed since the Polestar voyage accident. The repairable faults of the spacecraft have been repaired by the crew, and the ones that cannot be repaired can only be left alone. Most of the crew members were forced to return by Liu Mingyong. The dormancy room was hibernating. Liu Mingyong and his confidants lived like a year, driving the Polar Star back to the Blue Spirit Star while waiting for the impossible rescue.

For the rescue of the alliance government fleet, Liu Mingyong did not count on it from the beginning.

There have been too many expeditions, too many accidents, except for some lucky expedition ships that were encountered by other expedition ships and were rescued. So far, there has never been a precedent for being rescued by a rescue ship from the alliance government.

This can't be blamed for the inaction of the alliance government, but the universe is too big. Exploration of extrasolar galaxies is to enter the remote 'no man's land' to explore. Even if the alliance government can receive a rescue signal and wants to rescue, it has to experience It takes years, even decades of flying, to get to the site of the accident.

However, that was too late.

In the event of an accident in the interstellar spaceship, there is a high probability that the ship will be destroyed. Even if it is not dead, in the vast space, the lost power of the interstellar spacecraft, the crew and passengers on board, it is only a matter of time before death.

Just when Liu Mingyong and the crew were living like a year, they were becoming increasingly desperate.

"Captain, the coalition government rescue ship Hope has arrived, distance: 2.34 million kilometers, ..." In the dead command room, the voice of the spacecraft's brain suddenly sounded, reporting.

what! Having trouble with your ears?


Liu Mingyong raised his head and looked at the holographic big screen blankly, his face full of disbelief.

The crew at the scene couldn't help but fight.

"What's the situation, when did the coalition government's rescue ship appear?"

"Yeah! I've searched for it a long time ago, and I haven't found any ships within a five-kilometer radius, let alone a distance of two million kilometers."

"Could it be that it just flew out!"

"How to 'fly out?' Running out of a wormhole? "

"No matter how it came, in short, we are saved!"

"Captain, hurry up, get in touch with it!"


The crew members were all excited. Your words, my words, expressed various opinions excitedly, urging Liu Mingyong, who was still in a daze, to signal.

Liu Mingyong suddenly woke up and told Zhinao with joy: "Quick, get in touch with the rescue team of the alliance, report our situation, and move closer to the rescue team."

"Okay, Captain!" The Polestar Zhinao responded to the order, and immediately controlled the Polestar to turn the bow to fly towards the rescue ship Hope, and at the same time, began to contact the other party.

In the holographic screen, the rescue ship Hope was swift and thunderous, 2 million kilometers away, and flew in less than ten seconds.

Immediately after it slowed down, its overall image appeared in Liu Mingyong's field of vision.

The whole body is silver and white, with a slender body, like a barracuda. ​​It has a large, popular body. It is integrated and very gorgeous. The tail is caused by four antimatter power, and the two rows on the left and right sides are lined with three small antimatter power engines. , the overall power and power come out quickly. In its lower abdomen, there is also a huge power output port, and I don’t know what it does. All in all, its power output force has reached a very exaggerated level.

"Wow! What a beautiful rescue ship, compared to it, we have to have a tadpole on the Polar Star!"

"That's not it! This is too advanced. A rescue ship can be equipped with so many antimatter power furnaces..."

"Yeah! If we can install one more polar asterisk, we won't be reduced to this Tian Di!"

"The power system of this spacecraft is too exaggerated. Its sailing speed can reach 89% of the beam!"

"It's too exaggerated. No wonder the investigation system failed to find it. It turned out that it 'flyed' here!"

"To see such an advanced rescue ship, this accident is also worth it!"


Listening to the unscrupulous discussions of the crew members, Liu Mingyong's face became darker and darker, and he ate and drank angrily: "Why are you still stunned! Why don't you hurry to work, call everyone up, let out the passage, and prepare to transfer valuable materials."

Seeing that the captain was angry, the crew members scattered and started to get busy.

With the arrival of the rescue ship Hope, the Polestar's intellectual authority was controlled, and the Hope opened the channel compartment to connect with the Polestar to receive the ships to be rescued on board.

The rescue operation went very smoothly. It took five hours for the crew of the Polestar to be safely transferred to the Hope. The injured crew members entered the nanomedical cabin for medical treatment, and various valuable materials were transferred to the Hope.

In the command room of the Hope, Captain Li Chen met with Liu Mingyong, the captain of the Polestar.

"Captain Liu, the power loss of your Polestar is too serious, and there is no way to repair it in a short time. I'm afraid it will be abandoned." Captain Li Chen of the Hope looked at Liu Mingyong with regret and said apologetically.

"If you can't fix it, you can only give it up. Hundreds of lives have been saved. I'm very satisfied. Thank you, Captain Li." Liu Mingyong glanced at the Polar Star on the holographic screen in despair, and thanked Li Chen gratefully. .

"Yes, I will pledge the accident certificate for you, so that you can declare accident insurance to the insurance company and make up for some of the losses." Li Chen nodded with a smile and comforted.

"Thank you! Thank you, Captain Li, you are really my noble person!" Liu Mingyong couldn't help covering Li Chen's hand, and couldn't help himself with excitement.

With the proof of the rescue team of the Alliance Government, the accident of the Polestar has been fully confirmed. In this way, there is no need to argue with the insurance company, and the insurance money for the scrapped Polestar can be quickly obtained. This money is too important. They recovered the huge loss of wealth and gave the dead crew members the pensions. Li Chen is not only their savior, but also their reborn parents!

"This is what we should do. If you don't have any other questions, please go back to the dormant cabin! We are going back to the home planet." Li Chen smiled and nodded, looking at Liu Mingyong.

"Okay, okay! President Li, when you return to the home planet, please be sure to accept the banquet." Liu Mingyong nodded, grabbing Li Chen's hand, and said if he didn't agree.

Li Chen smiled bitterly and responded helplessly: "Okay, okay, we'll talk about this later."

Only then did Liu Mingyong let go, and returned to the sleeping area with a smile. Under the guidance of the soldiers, he lay down in the cabin and went to sleep.

It didn't take long for the Hope's body to fully turn on its power and began to accelerate frantically. It was getting faster and faster until the force field in the surrounding space was distorted. In a blink of an eye, the Hope's figure disappeared in the entire starry sky, and only the remaining , The Polestar spacecraft wanders in the lonely starry sky, and its direction of flight is towards the solar system. Perhaps, decades later, hundreds of years later, it can successfully fly to the solar system.

Time flies, three months have passed.

The dormant cabins of the Hope were suddenly opened, and the survivors of the Polestar gradually woke up from their dormancy.

"Have you reached the solar system yet?" Liu Mingyong woke up from his dormant state. The first thing he opened his eyes was when he saw his subordinates and asked with concern.

"I don't know! We have only been dormant for three months, and we can't fly to the solar system!" The subordinate responded to the time with a confused look.

The awakened crew members gathered towards Liu Mingyong, waiting for him to make up his mind.

When Liu Mingyong saw a soldier on the boat, he hurried forward to meet him, and asked inquiringly, "Hello, sir, where are we now?"

"At the spaceport, you can disembark!" The young soldier replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Mingyong was in a hurry. He had only been flying for three months. This is definitely not a spaceport in the solar system.

"Spaceport, where is the spaceport? Didn't your Captain Li promise us to send us back to our home planet?" Liu Mingyong asked anxiously.

"Our Captain Li has always said what he said, and now we're on the home planet! If you don't believe me, you'll know when you get out of the cabin and take a look!" The young soldier smiled disapprovingly and gestured.

After that, the young soldier stopped paying attention to them. He had just arrived at the spaceport of his home planet, and he still had a lot of things to do!

Liu Mingyong and his subordinates looked at each other and couldn't believe this situation.

"It's only been three months! Is my watch inaccurate?"

"Mine too! The time is right!"

"Let's If you go out and take a look, you'll know!"


The crew discussed, and after a while, they all walked out of the dormant cabin.

Soon, an extremely magnificent scene was introduced to their eyes. The huge space, the dense interstellar spaceships, the ups and downs, the blue earth, the green moon, the towering giant metal buildings, the spaceships coming and going, and then Looking further afield, the orange sun through the glass window, . . .

All the evidence shows that they have indeed returned to the solar system, and the scenery in front of them is exactly the parent star after '37 years'.

"My darling, have we really returned to our home planet?"

"How is this possible, when did the parent star become so developed, with so many spaceships."

"How the moon has changed, so many buildings, how many people survive!"

"It's incredible, have we really returned to our home planet?"

"Have we entered a 'false world'? We were not rescued, everything was imagined by us!"

"Have you watched too many science fiction movies! There is such a real false world, isn't that the Earth?"

"Remember, it took us thirty-seven years to go to Blue Spirit Star. With the development speed of the parent star, it is definitely a change every year, let alone thirty-seven years."

"Three months! It took us three months to return to the home planet, is this possible?"

"It's impossible, this rescue ship must have used more advanced spacecraft power, but we don't know!"


The crew members were stunned and shocked by the pictures in front of them. They were suspicious, happy, emotional, guessing, all kinds of doubts, and constant discussions.

Liu Mingyong was completely stunned, and he was also suspicious of the scene in front of him. However, remembering Li Chen's previous explanation, he couldn't help but believe it again.

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