My hi-tech Library

Chapter 34: Father's Pride

Chapter 34 Father’s Pride

For the next two days, Li Yi ate and slept. When he woke up, he ate. At home, he lived a comfortable life.

During this period, Li Yi was forcefully dragged to the house of his mother’s two friends by his mother, Ye Huilan, to meet their daughters.

The two girls were about Li Yi’s age. They were young and looked quite good with a little makeup. When they saw Li Yi, who was tall and strong with delicate features and was a top student from a famous university, they were quite satisfied and asked for his contact information.

However, after returning home, Li Yi went to bed and was obsessed with books. The messages that the girls took the initiative to send him were not returned.

Li Yi originally rejected this kind of socializing method. In addition, he didn’t have time to deal with it. Therefore, the meetings that Ye Huilan had worked so hard to arrange for him ended up being a waste of effort.

On the third day after Li Yi returned home, the family began to celebrate the housewarming

They moved to a three-story single-family villa that occupied 210 square meters. In the huge courtyard, more than ten tables were set up to invite friends and relatives.

Li Yi’s father, Li Yanshun, was the second son. He had an older brother, Li Yandong, who was Li Yi’s uncle. Li Yi also had a third aunt, Li Xiaohong, his fourth uncle, Li Yansong, and his fifth aunt, Li Xiaoqing. His mother, Ye Huilan, was the fifth child. Li Yi had another three uncles on his mother’s side of the family, Uncle Ye Huiqiang, Second Uncle Ye Huiming, Third Uncle Ye Huiyong, as well as two aunts, Ye Huiqin and Ye Huiying. They had invited all the family members. In addition, there were other friends and distant relatives. A large group of people gathered in the courtyard, and the scene was very lively.

Li Yi followed beside Li Yanshun and welcomed the guests outside the courtyard.

“Old Li, congratulations, congratulations. You’ve moved into such a big mansion. You’re so capable! Here’s a little token of my appreciation to add something to the family.” The person was a man in his fifties. He handed Li Yanshun a red packet and congratulated him with a red face.

“No! I won’t accept it. I’m only treating everyone to a meal today. I won’t accept a red packet. Don’t do this!” Li Yanshun waved his hand firmly and reminded with a smile.

With that said, Li Yanshun turned to look at Li Yi beside him and introduced with a smile, “Little Yi, this is your Uncle Zhong, Dad’s old comrade. Hurry up and say hello.”

“Uncle Zhong!” Li Yi greeted respectfully. He had a slight impression of this square-faced, red-faced middle-aged man.

“Little Yi, you’re already so big! You’ve grown into a handsome young man. Do you still remember Uncle Zhong? When you were young, I made a wooden spear for you!” Zhong Qiming sized Li Yi up and asked with a smile.

Upon hearing that, Li Yi couldn’t help but remember that this Uncle Zhong in front of him had given him a toy wooden spear when he was eight or nine years old. Li Yi had an especially deep impression of him. However, after so many years, he had never seen the other party again. Firstly, he went to the county city to study. Secondly, his parents went to the city to work, so Uncle Zhong didn’t come much.

Li Yi hurriedly nodded and said with a smile, “Of course I remember. I still have the wooden spear you made, Uncle Zhong!”

“Haha, in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. We’ve all gotten old, and the children have grown up!” Zhong Qiming laughed in satisfaction and looked at Li Yanshun as he sighed.

“Yeah! Time passes so quickly. Seriously, why didn’t you bring Sister-in-law and Wanting along? I haven’t seen that girl in a long time!” Li Yanshun asked with a smile.

“Little Yun isn’t free and can’t come. As for Wanting, the child has grown up and can’t be controlled at all! I can’t convince her.” Zhong Qiming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“Haha! Why? Has your little darling become independent? Let’s go, let’s go. Let’s find a place to sit. We’ll drink more today and listen to your complaints.” Li Yanshun laughed heartily and called Zhong Qiming to sit down.

When most of the guests had been welcomed, Li Yi went to other places to help. He helped the auntie carry the dishes and drinks.

There were all kinds of food, such as steamed crabs, vermicelli lobster, turtle tofu soup, roasted suckling pig, pigeon meat soup… There was meat from all kinds of animals, including birds and fish. The hired chef turned the fresh ingredients into delicious delicacies and also prepared wine and cigarettes.

There were more than ten round tables, and nearly a hundred people started the banquet. Laughter, clinking glasses, and greetings were everywhere. The scene was extremely lively.

After three rounds of drinking, the guests had all eaten their fill and were extremely satisfied. At the same time, they felt a little apologetic.

“Old Li has become rich recently! These dishes cost 2,000 yuan per table. Including the cigarettes and wine, it costs nearly 4,000 yuan per table. 15 tables cost more than 50,000 yuan.”

“Yeah! He’s still determined not to accept our red packets. Really…”

“Brother Li, he didn’t even borrow money from others to build a new house, and now he’s treating us to a meal? Has he really gotten rich?”

“Second Brother is usually quite frugal. I wonder what’s wrong recently! I don’t understand!”

After eating and drinking to their heart’s content, the relatives began to chat. They started guessing Li Yanshun’s net worth.

They were all relatives and good friends, so they knew everything. Li Yanshun’s family usually ate and lived frugally. The couple worked abroad and were responsible for the two children’s studies and living expenses. Their lives couldn’t be considered difficult and poor, but they were far from being at the level of a poor family.

Now, Li Yanshun and his family had suddenly become rich. Not only did they build a three-story villa building, but they also had spare money. They were very confused by such a generous banquet, good wine, and good cigarettes.

Therefore, everyone began to ask Li Yanshun about his path to wealth.

After being asked too much, Li Yanshun couldn’t continue to keep it a secret. In any case, this matter had to be made public sooner or later. He proudly announced in public, “Most of the money for building the house was earned by Little Yi. He wrote software to earn money while studying in school.”

With a whoosh, Li Yan’s announcement immediately caused an uproar. “Little Yi, aren’t you still in school? Why are you already starting to earn money?”

“Little Yi earned the bulk of the money to build the house? This cost hundreds of thousands!”

“As expected of a top student from a famous school! Little Yi hasn’t graduated yet and he’s already starting to earn money!”

“Little Yi is only 22 this year! He’s already starting to earn money for the family at such a young age?”

“Little Yi can earn so much money by writing software? Really?”

Li Yanshun’s words instantly exploded in the crowd. Uncle, Third Uncle, Fourth Uncle, Aunt, and all the relatives and friends present looked at Li Yi in disbelief. Gasps and doubts rose and fell, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

Listening to the surprised and uncertain discussion of his relatives and friends, Li Yanshun smiled and said proudly while also pretending to be worried, “Little Yi gave me 500,000 yuan to build this house. This kid even opened a company and hired many people to work. He has to pay a lot of money every month. If this continues, the company might go bankrupt.”

“A company? Little Yi has already opened a company?! How impressive!” Uncle Li Yandong looked at Li Yi in surprise and asked.

“Wow, wow, wow! Really! Little Yi has already started to be a boss! Really? Tell me quickly!” Aunt Ye Huiying ran to Li Yi’s side, grabbed his arm, and asked excitedly.

Li Yi braced himself and nodded awkwardly. “It’s true. I opened a small company.”

“Good, good, good! Little Yi has been promising since he was young, and even more so when he grows up!” Ye Huiying cheered happily for him.

“Rascal, you hid it so well. If there was such a good thing, why didn’t you tell Fourth Uncle earlier?” Fourth Uncle Li Yansong glared at Li Yi and scolded with a smile.

Little Aunt Li Xiaoqing smiled happily and said, “Little Yi, well done. Do your best. We’re proud of you!”

Li Yi nodded happily. He was very embarrassed to be praised by them. This was all thanks to the mysterious “library”. Otherwise, how could he have obtained such results and made his family and friends proud of him?

“Old Li, cheers. I’m envious of you for having a good son. Little Yi is really promising!” Zhong Qiming raised his wine glass and congratulated Li Yanshun with a smile.

“Yeah! Li Yi is so promising. Old Li can retire and enjoy life at home in the future!”

“Haha, good things do come in pairs. Old Li, we won’t let you return until you’re drunk!”

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Li Yanshun, congratulating him on moving to a new house. They even congratulated him for giving birth to such an outstanding son like Li Yi. He could earn money at such a young age, and his future was limitless.

Li Yanshun didn’t refuse anyone. Cup after cup, the lively and happy atmosphere reached its peak.

Most of the people present were Li Yi’s elders. Li Yi had to drink with them to show respect. Soon, Li Yi was also drunk and very happy.

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