My hi-tech Library

Chapter 335: Fifty-five years of the alliance calendar

Soon, the news of the discovery of suspected alien life on the planet Centauri - Sky Whale quickly spread to the management of the Lunar Base and the Xingyao Experimental Center.

Sun Bingwen and his group of alien life scientists quickly assembled for an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of 'alien life'.

The large holographic screen shows a photo of a black shadow appearing under a giant ocean wave. Due to the coverage of sea water, the specific outline of the black shadow cannot be clearly seen. However, the overall image of the black shadow is vaguely visible, like a giant marine life.

"The 'Wanli' tracked and monitored the Sky Whale for two hours. However, due to the occlusion of the sea water, no signs of life have been found yet!" Sun Bingwen looked around the biological scientists and reported.

"Could it be the reef of the planet? The seabed volcano of Sky Whale is active, and coupled with the tidal pulling force of the three star systems, it often erupts tens of meters, hundreds of meters of global tsunamis, and occasionally exposes seabed reefs and is mistaken for the seabed Life is not impossible."

"Although the photo is not clear, it looks like a reef!"

"Yeah! It must be a giant underwater creature. The environment and gravity structure of the Celestial Whale, coupled with its harsh sea surface environment, life on this planet should only survive in the deep sea area, which led to the Wanli number. , unable to see the activities of sea creatures!"

"I agree with Professor Cui's judgment. No other alien life has been found on the Wanli. It cannot be proved that there is no life on this planet. It is best to send an unmanned scientific research ship to the field to investigate!"

"I agree too, it's time to start exoplanet research!"

"That's right, at the same time, we also need to build a tunnel telescope to monitor the Sky Whale Star 24 hours a day. This planet has great research value..."

"If you want to build an extra-system unmanned scientific research ship, then the speed must be increased. In addition, it is not only to explore the Sky Whale Star, other giant rock formations, Triangular Star, these planets where life is extremely large, but also included in the examination."


All the professors said your words, and I said that, watching Sun Bingwen put forward his own suggestions, the atmosphere at the scene was particularly warm.

Different from the 'abyssal life' found on Mars, Celestial Whale is a planet with water and atmosphere. At the same time, it is outside the solar system. If extraterrestrial creatures can be found on this planet and researched on it, it will be beneficial to human civilization. The study of alien life has enormous implications.

Sun Bingwen nodded again and again and began to summarize everyone's opinions.

Building a five-person scientific research ship to the Centaur galaxy is not a problem. In this way, the third-generation spacecraft equipped with antimatter power engines can fly at a maximum speed of 25%-35% of the speed of light. The unmanned scientific research ship is expected to reach 50% of the speed of light and travel to the Centaur galaxy 4.2 light-years away, which is only eight or nine years away, and this time can be received.

Soon, the theme of this meeting gradually became the construction of a research ship for the Department of Exploration.

Time flies by like a white horse.

In the blink of an eye, entering the 55th year of the Alliance Calendar, the human world has undergone another great change.

Since Xingyao Technology successfully released the human body adaptive gene enhancement agent, launched the frozen dormancy, and the exoplanet expedition plan, the pace of human beings to the sea of ​​stars has suddenly increased several times.

Human civilization has entered the interstellar era, the financial market is highly prosperous, a large amount of capital has been invested in the field of interstellar spaceflight, the large-scale construction of various intelligent engineering robots, 3D printing technology, high-efficiency, high-speed production tools are widely popularized, and the level of spacecraft construction has increased by leaps and bounds. Rising, spacecraft manufacturing capacity exploded.

The aerospace industry is expanding wildly, adding a huge number of jobs, the global public is in high spirits, and the sea of ​​stars full of opportunities has attracted the attention of countless people. Planets and alien bases have become the outposts for mankind to explore the sea of ​​stars and get out of the solar system.

Perfect and complement the economic pattern between various regions of the world, the material wealth of the human world expands rapidly, and the personal wealth increases tremendously.

The rapid expansion of material civilization has led to a huge increase in the human population. However, the huge increase in population not only did not harm the earth, on the contrary, with the spread of genetically modified plants, the optimization of the desert environment, the introduction of environmental protection policies, and the use of a large number of new Pollution control technology, control of air pollution, control of various heavy metal pollution, recycling and reuse of various pollutants, the ecological environment of the earth has improved rapidly.

The artificial womb is a more efficient improvement of the human population, life-extending gene medicine, gene enhancement medicine, brain-domain development of genetic technology, and constantly optimizing the human body, the average lifespan has been increased to 400 years old, extremely high fertility rate and minimal death The number of people in the world has ballooned to 20 billion people in one fell swoop. Among them, because of the rules of population resource allocation and the perfect welfare system, the Chinese population has increased the most, and now it has accounted for more than 45% of the world's total population. The largest group of human civilization.

At the same time, human exploration spacecraft began to fly out of the solar system, Barnard's star 6 light-years away from the solar system, Wolf 359 star 7.8 light-years away from the solar system, Laland 21185 star 8.3 light-years away from the solar system, The 8.4 light-year UV Cetus star, the Sirius binary star 8.6 light-years away from the solar system, the ROSD154 star 9.5 light-years away from the solar system, ... are full of five-person scientific research ships that humans have sent these galaxies.

With the arrival of the sub-light speed unmanned scientific research ship, all kinds of alien earth life began to be exposed to human vision.

Among them, there are 5 planets orbiting γ-Cetus (stars), the stars and their planets form a star system, and the fifth galaxy, the Celestial Cetus, has the conditions for the existence of life, and an unmanned scientific research vessel has also discovered it. The existence of alien life.

After 20 years of long voyages, the human manned mothership, Tiangu, successfully arrived at the planet where life exists, and started the construction of a ground base, which is a planet suitable for human colonization.

Lin Zhibin was sitting at the command table of the Xingguang mothership, waiting for the information from the ground base to come back, while waiting for those scientists to discuss a conclusion as soon as possible. In the middle, he also agreed to the reports of several groups of scientists, including the support request from the ground base. .

That's it, now, more than 3 hours later, the first person to report to him is the virologist, biologist, and epidemic prevention expert Professor Liu Zhicheng, who is concerned by him.

"Commander, we have confirmed that the autopsy does not contain any unknown microorganisms and viruses, but we have not yet confirmed what caused the fifth team to die collectively. Judging from the death status of the fifth team and the time of death, the biggest It may have been a neuronal shock." Professor Liu Zhicheng said respectfully as he stood in the audience.

Lin Zhibin frowned and asked, "If this is the case, why can't it be confirmed?"

Professor Liu Zhicheng looked at Lin Zhibin and said with a wry smile: "Commander, the computing power of the main brain of the mothership is far beyond our imagination. It actually perfectly deduces the microscopic pattern of the neurons in the human brain. In this microscopic pattern, we found that This neuronal shock is not the fatal factor in the deaths of the soldiers, but there are other unknown factors."

Hearing this, Lin Zhibin's brows furrowed involuntarily, and he looked at Zhinao-Xingguang and asked, "Xingguang, have you come to a conclusion? What attack did we suffer?"

"Commander, the data is insufficient to complete the deduction, and there are still many unknowns in Skywhale. In view of the number of unknown attacks, Xingguang suggested to withdraw the ground troops and strengthen the ground mechanical troops until the hidden unknowns of the entire planet are explored. "Xingguang replied to Lin Zhibin.

"How long will that take!  …"

Lin Zhibin hesitated for a while, but he still obeyed the advice of Zhinao-Xingguang, stared at the blue planet on the commanding screen, and instructed: "Okay! Xingguang, send the order, the ground troops will be withdrawn immediately, and the ground base will be fully mechanized. The operation, the carpet search of the mechanical troops, must dig out the secrets of this planet."

"Understood, Commander!" Zhinao-Xingguang responded, and immediately issued relevant instructions.

Sky Whale Star, the ground human base sits on an empty plain. Under the setting sun, the huge metal building looks extraordinarily majestic.

A shrill alarm suddenly sounded from the base, resounding through the sky.

Hearing this voice, the soldiers in the base gathered urgently, and the soldiers in charge of guarding the periphery of the base followed to shrink the defense line and withdraw to the base.

Withdraw the mothership.

Hearing the order issued by the base commander, the soldiers were very unwilling. However, obeying the order is a daily duty of the soldiers. Even if they were unwilling, the soldiers could only choose to obey. Retreat supplies.

"Colonel, why did you give the order to retreat? Because of the relationship with the fifth squad?" Adjutant-Shen Cheng looked at the base commander and asked inexplicably.

It took several years of hard work to build the base into such a scale. Next, it is time to start harvesting the results. How can we evacuate at this time! Shen Cheng was very puzzled.

"Yes, for the sake of safety, Young Marshal Yu has issued an order to retreat." Liu Jianbo was rather helpless.

"This,..., it's too much of a fuss! The base is just on the right track." Shen Cheng's expression became anxious, and he blurted out.

"Pay attention to your words, the mother star is preparing to support, we can't afford any losses, it's better to be safe!" Liu Jianbo glared at Shen Cheng and added.

"Uh!" Shen Cheng's face stiffened, and he didn't know what to say.

"Touch!" A loud noise.

The busy soldiers in the base heard the loud noise one after another. The sound came from outside the base, as if something was hitting the wall of the base.

"What happened?" Zhang Heng's expression changed, and he looked at the place where the loud noise was spreading.

"Colonel, let's go to the command room to monitor..." Shen Cheng's expression changed dramatically before he finished speaking, and he shouted hysterically, "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

At this time, all the soldiers found the enemy,

Under the light of the searchlight, a flat brown creature with a length of seven or eight meters and a width of three or four meters climbed up the city wall of the base, like a giant leech, constantly twisting, extremely terrifying.

"What is it, why didn't I find it before!" Shen Cheng was dumbfounded.

Zhang Heng's face changed dramatically, and he decisively ordered: "All soldiers immediately enter the space fighter and lift off, retreat, and the mechanical troops will come forward to meet."

Zhang Heng's order was communicated to each soldier through the communication bare wrist. The soldiers abandoned the supplies, quickly ran to the fighter jet parking area, and took off in an emergency.

Mechanical soldiers poured out of the base, armed with machine guns, shooting frantically

"Da Da..." Tongues of flame spewed out, and bullets poured frantically at the enemy.

Space fighters kept taking off from the base, and in a blink of an eye, the entire base became a fierce battlefield.

"Colonel, hurry up, let's evacuate here." Shen Cheng pulled Liu Jianbo towards a nearby space fighter.

Liu Jianbo glanced at the situation and saw that the mechanical soldiers had temporarily suppressed the enemy, and immediately followed Shen Cheng and quickly walked towards the space fighter.

The howls of alien creatures and the fierce impact of bullets converged into a huge torrent that exploded the battlefield.

The last space fighter escaped from the base.

Shen Cheng looked at the ground with a pale face, and said desperately, "Colonel, our base is over!"

Liu Jianbo looked blank and ordered Shen Cheng: "Coil at a low altitude and transmit this situation to the mothership."

Shen Cheng nodded, driving the space fighter to hover at a low altitude above the base, and at the same time, the satellite communication transmitted the monitoring picture to the mothership.

The mothership of the Starlight, the huge command room, the needle drop can be heard.

Lin Zhibin, as well as a group of scientists and crew members, stared at the command screen dumbfounded, stunned by the alien creatures that invaded the ground base.

I saw that a huge hole suddenly appeared in the corner of the ground base, and there were dozens of alien creatures like giant leeches drilled out of the hole. Their brown shells were like metal, without any mouth parts and limbs. , The flat bodies move forward by moving, as if they don't even have eyes, they have great strength, and the shell is not afraid of bullets.

They broke into the base in a swarm under the rain of bullets, and their huge bodies rolled up the mechanical soldiers, swallowed them with their mouths open, or destroyed the metal buildings in the base.

What kind of monster is this?

It looks like a monster running out of a nightmare.

It has a flat body like a steel plate, no eyes, no mouthparts, no external organs to indicate the front, back, left and right of its body, only steel straw-like mouthparts, and the thick metal walls are not much thicker than paper in front of them. Broken in one twist.

Lin Zhibin bleeds painfully once the base that he has devoted himself to several years is destroyed.

"What kind of creatures are they, why didn't they find them in advance!" Lin Zhibin looked at the commanding screen with teary eyes, and asked everyone.

"Commander, so the chances of finding them in advance are very low." Professor Liu Zhicheng replied to Lin Zhibin.

"Why did they ambush us? Why!" Lin Zhibin held back his anger and asked Professor Liu Zhicheng.

"The specific reason is not clear. They may have a dormant habit, and only live samples of them can be obtained for analysis." Professor Liu Zhicheng replied.

"Do you want a living sample?" Lin Zhibin's expression turned ruthless, and he immediately ordered Zhinao-Xingguang: "They are not afraid of fire weapons. The first team of the Space War Disc will attack with particle beam weapons."

"Understood, Commander!" Zhinao-Xingguang responded.

The space war saucer is erected and hidden in the two saucer compartments on the abdomen of the Panshi mothership. It is a small saucer that defends the attack of the mothership and is also one of the important means of attacking the space carrier.

The shape of the space war saucer is very similar to that of the three-blade electric fan. Its semi-diameter is only 95 meters. The circular cockpit in the middle is 18 meters high and has a radius of 28 meters. It has three fan-shaped disks. Wing, dish wing is part of the power output of the space war dish and also the war dish attack output device.

The wings of the Space War Disc are made of hard bio-metal, and the end of the disc wing is designed with a blade. When the Space War Disc is in the melee mode, the War Disc rotates extremely fast, and it is effortless to fly and cut the space battleship. When the Space War Disc enters the long-range attack mode , the disc wing of the war disc will enter a reverse rotation state, and a large number of energy muzzles are set side by side on the back of the disc wing.

The means of melee and long-range attacks of the Space War Disc are extremely sharp, with both offense and defense.

The space war plate can be easily controlled by one person with the assistance of an intelligent system. The core of the war plate is retracted to the central position, with strong defense and energy field armor. The internal space is divided into a living area and a war room, which can accommodate 30 people under normal conditions. One operator, using a small fusion power output device inside, flies extremely fast.

The three power systems work at the same time, and the power is collected through the three disc wings, which can easily accelerate and de-accelerate, and the reverse adjustment is extremely flexible. It can fly vertically, horizontally, and obliquely, with extremely fast acceleration and maximum flight. The speed reaches Mach 7.

Soon, the flanks of the Starlight spread out, and a large group of space war discs ejected, and in a flash, they disappeared into the atmosphere of Sky Whale Star together.

Sky Whale does not have moon-like satellites, nor does it have light pollution. The night is shrouded in darkness, and the light beams cast by the searchlights of space fighters hovering at low altitudes swept across the ground base from time to time.

"Colonel, there are still 15 minutes for the War Disc troops to arrive, do we want to lift off?" Shen Cheng reminded Liu Jianbo.

Liu Jianbo glanced at the ground. The group of alien creatures were like wild boars breaking into the orchard. After eating and drinking, they stayed in the base and did not leave.

"Yeah! Let's return to the mothership immediately!" Liu Jianbo nodded and ordered.

"Understood!" Shen Cheng nodded, raising the flight height of the space fighter.

It didn't take long for the space fighters driven by Shen Cheng to encounter the war disk troops in the air. They were like a row of steaming wheels falling from the sky, galloping past sharply, and disappeared from the field of vision in an instant.

Shen Cheng and Colonel Liu Jianbo, who were in the space fighter, followed them, and for the first time the space war disc showed its fangs to alien creatures.

The rapidly spinning flywheel is like a firework that blooms, and the energy rays suddenly fly away, sloping down towards the alien biota below, dense like rain.

"Puff puff...." One after another sharp red light sank into the huge body of the alien creature, as if hitting pieces of brown rags.

The war plate that flew vertically was close to the ground, and its formation suddenly changed.

"All dead!" Shen Cheng looked at the ground absentmindedly, and asked in disbelief,

The space war discs have always been known only by their names, but never seen their shadows. Today, I finally saw their sharp fighting power with my own eyes, and Shen Cheng couldn't help but lose his mind.

"Full coverage of firepower and accurate accuracy, they should all be dead!" Liu Jianbo judged as he stared at the ground.

At this moment, Lin Zhibin's voice sounded from the space fighter console and said, "Colonel Liu, please check the effect of the attack, release the sampling drone, and obtain living samples of alien creatures."

"Received, Commander!" Liu Jianbo responded quickly.


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