My hi-tech Library

Chapter 334: unexpected discovery

The maiden voyage of the "Tianyu" class battleship and its weapon experiment system began with the expectation of everyone.

After the "Tianyu" class battleship sailed out of the spaceport, it continued to accelerate by 30 kilometers, 500 kilometers, 1000 kilometers, ... The farther it was from the spaceport, the faster it flew. In less than an hour, all the antimatter power engines were started, and it The speed has been increased to 3000 kilometers per second, reaching one percent of the speed of light, and at the same time, it is still accelerating.

The "Tianyu" class battleship has turned into a streamer in everyone's field of vision and disappeared, but its innovative state can still be seen through the gravitational wave communicator and optical monitor through the holographic screen.

The "Tianyu" class battleship is flying towards the direction of Uranus.

"Commander, the "Tianyu" battleship is 9 million kilometers away from us, the current speed is 10,000 kilometers per second, the anti-physical engine is working normally, the hull is running normally, ..."

"The 'Commander, Tianyu' battleship suffered 271,000 micrometeorite impacts, and the energy shield is working normally,..."

"Commander, Tianyu' battleship destroyed 1745 low-threat meteorites, 23 small-threat meteorites, the automatic defense weapon system is working normally,  …"


In the spaceport command room, the crew who remotely monitored the flight status of the Tianyu' battleship continuously reported data to the commander-Xu Di. The atmosphere at the scene was exciting and exciting.

The first sailing test of the 'Tianyu' battleship has been extremely successful so far.

"The main naval guns are starting to charge, ready to test the main naval guns!" Xu Di glanced at Li Yi's virtual projection and found that he was only acting as a spectator and had no intention of intervening, so he decisively ordered.

"Understood! The main fleet of Tianyu' battleship has the energy storage on!" The officer at the console responded by executing the order.

"Commander, please order the attack target!" Another test officer asked Xu Di for help.

"Reduce speed, lock on, asteroid TY2345!" Xu Di ordered, stating the preparatory target for this fire test.

Asteroid TY2345 belongs to a large asteroid with a diameter of 300 kilometers and is located in the asteroid belt of the solar system.

The asteroid belt is a dense area of ​​asteroids in the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 98.5% of asteroids are found here, and there are 12W numbered asteroids. Because the asteroid belt is the densest area of ​​asteroids, this area is also called the main belt of asteroids. The asteroid belt is about 2.17-3.64 AU from the sun, and gathers more than 500,000 asteroids. planet.

The asteroid belt was formed by a group of planetesimals in the primordial solar nebula. However, because of Jupiter's gravitational influence, these planetesimals are prevented from forming planets, causing many planetesimals to collide with each other and form many debris and debris.

The three largest asteroids in the asteroid belt are Pallas, Juno and Vesta, with an average diameter of more than 400 kilometers; there is only one dwarf planet in the main belt, Ceres, with a diameter of about 950 kilometers; the rest All asteroids are small, some even the size of dust.

Among the many asteroids, the asteroid TY2345 with the thinnest material region and larger mass was selected as the target of this experiment, with a diameter of 300 kilometers, which is enough to test the attack strength of the naval artillery group.

At a distance of 50 million kilometers, aiming at a target flying at a constant speed requires extremely high precision.

"The main naval guns are fully charged!"

"Target orbit locked."

"The energy reactor has been activated, and the main naval gun attack state has been activated."


The officers at the console kept reporting, the scene was hot, and everyone's eyes focused on the twenty-six sturdy main naval guns in front of the 'Tianyu' battleship.

"Naval gun, fire!" Xu Di gave a deep breath, staring at the holographic screen and ordered.

As soon as Xu Di's voice fell, the ship's brain in the holographic screen immediately activated the main naval gun group. The next moment, the naval gun set of the 'Tianyu' battleship shot a 'hongmang' and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

After a lapse of more than 100 seconds, the magnificent beam swept across, and the asteroid TY2345 gasified and disappeared. The thick macro beam was like a cosmic ray, galloping toward the solar system, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


"It's so beautiful, this attack strength can hit half the moon!"

"It's so strong! However, it is a target that can be followed. Once an interstellar war occurs, this weapon may only hit the enemy at close range!"

"Yeah! It takes 166 seconds for the strong particle beam to hit the target at a distance of 50 million kilometers, which is enough to make many evasive actions!"


Looking at the attack effect of the main naval guns, all the professors and officers on the scene excitedly discussed your words and my words.

At present, human civilization has not yet discovered the existence of alien civilization, and does not know what technology and weapons are used by the warships of alien civilization. However, the Hadron naval gun is already the most advanced interstellar weapon for mankind today. Several ships The 'Tianyu' battleship assembled together to destroy an Earth-like planet with no effort.

However, the strong particle naval gun has a disadvantage, that is, the attack speed. Under the circumstance that the speed of light cannot be exceeded, the hit rate will be a huge problem when attacking ultra-long-distance targets.

Once the interstellar war begins, the enemy's spacecraft is constantly moving, and the trajectory is not as predetermined as the asteroid. Therefore, it is a difficult spacecraft to calculate the trajectory of the target spacecraft to debug the target of the ion cannon.

Once the naval gun is fired, the trajectory will not change.

However, the universe is vast, and it can be said that it is truly "a small difference is a thousand miles away".

If the muzzle moves up or down by a micron or even a nanometer, and deviates a little from the angle, this error will be magnified by hundreds of billions or trillions of times. Millions of kilometers are possible.

Listening to the discussions of the professors and officers, Li Yi smiled helplessly. This situation is too normal.

Once an interstellar war occurs, the situation of the war will still be greatly changed from the war mode of human beings on Earth. Human beings have not yet fought against other alien civilizations. Therefore, there is absolutely no experience and correctness for the future mode of interstellar war. the concept of.

Once an interstellar war occurs, it will be based on the technological level of civilization, the scale of civilization, and the potential for war as the key to victory.

The gap in technology level means the gap in the level of interstellar weapons. Once it exceeds the gap between two levels, it will directly surrender and be enslaved. Civilization with low-level technology has no chance of winning.

If there is a war between civilizations with the same technological level, the scale of civilization and the potential for war will decide the outcome.

Like humans, there is only one parent planet - Earth, and two colonized planets - the moon and Mars. The scale and volume are extremely fragile, just like the planetary civilization of infants and young children. Years are like Hengsha, some of them occupy the same scale as dozens of solar systems, the population is trillions, and the scale of battleships is hundreds of thousands of ships. Once a war breaks out, the combat power assembled and the duration of the war will would be a terrible amount.

A star field is fully covered, and there is no need to consider the matter of shooting missed.

In a word, human civilization is still at a very early stage in the development of interstellar civilization.

Fortunately, the parent planet of human civilization has not yet been discovered by other alien civilizations. Humans still have a lot of development time, and the probability of interstellar wars is not very high.

Time flies, and an afternoon has passed in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the success of the experiment, Li Yi withdrew from the virtual connection and stopped paying attention to 'Tianyu Battleship'. Many projects underway by Xingyao Technology are not much less important than Tianyu Battleship, such as: Tinder Ark, Moon Immigration Program, Sublight Speed Explore spaceship development, Jupiter outpost base construction, alien star monitoring,..., and more.

With the success of the adaptive gene enhancement project imminent, Xingyao Technology has developed more interstellar projects, leading human civilization to explore other planets in the solar system at a faster speed.

After going offline, Li Yi began to enjoy a sumptuous dinner with his family, then video chatted with Li Yang, played with Zhou Wenhui, Li Yan, and Li Rong in the garden, enjoying a happy and ordinary life.

The bright moon overhead, the 'Wanli' tunnel astronomical telescope at the lunar base, is working silently.

Since the 'Wanli' discovered an interstellar war thousands of light-years away, it has stopped monitoring galaxies in the ultra-distant star field, and instead has turned to more detailed monitoring of galaxies near the solar system.

First, to avoid being discovered by advanced alien civilizations, and secondly, with the development speed of human civilization, it is not suitable to pay attention to ultra-distant galaxies at the stage where wormholes cannot be used to travel, but it is more suitable to pay attention to surrounding galaxies to prevent potential threats. , Third, to collect intelligence data in advance for the colonization of nearby galaxies by human civilization.

The 'Wanli' conducted a comprehensive observation of a nearby galaxy 4.2 light-years away from the solar system, which is called: Alpha Centauri.

Centaurus is also known as Centaurus Samsung. There are three stars in this galaxy orbiting together. The closest one to Earth is Proxima Centauri, which is only 4.22 light-years away. It is a triple star system consisting of three stars.

Alpha Centauri A is the dominant star in this galaxy, larger and brighter than the Sun. It is yellow like the sun. Through comparative scientific calculations, astronomers believe that its mass is about 10-12% larger than that of the sun.

Alpha Centauri B, the companion star in this system, is smaller and dimmer than the Sun. It is orange in color and has about 90 percent of the mass of the sun.

Alpha Centauri C, also known as Proxima Centauri, is the smallest and faintest red dwarf star in the galaxy, much smaller than the sun.

Through the detailed observation of Alpha Centauri, it has been found that it has 32 planets, two of which have liquid water, five have atmosphere, and one planet orbiting Alpha Centauri B, since it exists Water also has an atmosphere. It is a super-Earth with a mass three times that of the Earth. It is about 7.26 million kilometers away from the main star. This location is right in the habitable zone of the planet, and its mass is similar to that of the Earth. There may be life.

Through the real-time monitoring of the tunnel astronomical telescope, it can be seen that the entire planet is wrapped in sea water, and no traces of seabed creatures have been found. It is named Water Blue Star

At the lunar base, in the experimental control room, several staff on duty stared at the holographic screen and focused on their work.

"It's all sea water, and it's surprisingly quiet. Water Blue Star should have no life. Team Zhang, let's change the monitoring target!" Lin Yifan suggested to director Zhang Yaming.

"I think so too. It's been a few days. This water blue star is a dead star, and there are no creatures at all."

"Yeah! This is a three-star system. The huge tidal pulling force makes its interior continuously heated, so the internal heat continues to increase, and the temperature of liquid water is high and low. It is impossible for life to exist on such a planet, Brother Zhang. , let's change another monitor!"


Following Lin Yifan's suggestion, other members of the management team made suggestions to find another planet for monitoring.

Today, the lunar base is under construction, and a new generation of tunnel astronomical telescopes is still under construction. In the absence of more tunnel astronomical telescopes, it is extremely important to find a suitable monitoring target.

The time and number of times that 'Wanli' opens the 'tunnel' is limited, and it can only monitor one target. However, there are many galaxies within 500 light years of the solar system, and there are thousands of planetary targets with monitoring value~ time on a dead Mercury with extremely low monitoring value is a serious waste of the value of the 'Million Mile'.

"Monitor it again, if you still can't find it, then change the target!" Zhang Yaming sighed and reluctantly compromised.

Zhang Yaming put a lot of energy into this planet. Its location, abundant water resources, atmosphere, and suitable temperature are enough for it to give birth to life. However, the reality is beyond his judgment. So many years have passed. , still no sign of life was found.

The operators looked at each other helplessly, obeyed Zhang Yaming's decision, started the tunnel generator at one time, started the 'Wanli' to look at the tunnel of the 'Water Blue Star', turned on the second shooting function, and within a few seconds, facing the water Blue Star took millions of photos.

The next moment, photos of the water blue star appeared on the holographic screen from all angles, the boundless blue sea water, the shimmering sea surface, the surging waves, and the clear and realistic sea water photos. However, there was no sign of life.

"Wait, look, what is that?" Zhang Yaming suddenly exclaimed. He kept fiddling with the holographic screen, swiping the photos, and found a photo with an excellent angle.

Under the waves of dozens of meters, a huge black shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea, an irregularly shaped black shadow, just like the shape of a giant underwater creature lurking under the seabed.

"Is it a massive shadow?"

"No, the angle of the sun is wrong, the shadow of the waves is on the other side!"

"Oh my God! Does Shui Lanxing really have life?"

"Taimo Lake! Can't see the shadow!"


Everyone stared blankly at this photo, collectively stunned.

The shadow looks like a giant marine creature lurking on the bottom of the sea. Could it be that there are marine creatures in Aquamarine Star?

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