My hi-tech Library

Chapter 331: formation of consciousness

Knowing the freezing technology, Li Yi opened the virtual conference room immediately and asked Da Hei to recruit Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"Mr. Li, good morning, are you looking for me?" Professor Wei Hanzhi appeared in the virtual conference room and greeted Li Yi.

"Morning! Let's chat with you!" Li Yi nodded with a smile.

"Is it about the adaptive gene enhancement project? I just want to report to you that the experiment in the elderly group went well. Three thousand volunteers who participated in the experiment were injected with micro-dose, moderate dose, enhancer, and micro-dose group. The signs are normal, and they are in the stage of genetic adaptation. There are 7 genetic abnormalities in the moderate agent and 83 in the enhancer..." Professor Wei Hanzhi hurriedly reported to Li Yihui.

Li Yi stretched out his hand to compare the pause and interrupted: "I have read the experimental data on the adaptive gene enhancement project. I have other things to ask you."

small book booth

"About the 'abyssal creature?' Professor Wei Hanzhi asked curiously.

"No, about 'human frozen dormancy', Professor Wei, do you understand this aspect!" Li Yi denied and asked with a smile.

Professor Wei Hanzhi was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Of course, I also have research in this area, but I am busy with the gene enhancement project and have not delved into it!"

"Yeah! The field of frozen dormancy is very important for human interstellar voyages. Therefore, I hope you will take up this project. Are you sure?" Li Yi looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Professor Wei Hanzhi couldn't help frowning.

As Li Yi said, freezing and dormancy technology is very important for interstellar voyages. The span between galaxies, with the most advanced spacecraft of human civilization, will always sail for decades, hundreds of years, and this time is wasted in the endless vacuum. It is enough to kill several generations. Therefore, before the space-time wormhole technology is developed, if humans want to leave the solar system, go to an exceptional galaxy, and achieve interstellar voyages, they can only rely on freezing dormancy to freeze astronauts and reduce life metabolism. Stop the flow of life, and after the spacecraft reaches another galaxy, it will recover from the freezing.

However, the most difficult part of frozen dormancy is precisely the recovery of life after unsealing and freezing.

"The research and development of this project is very difficult. Professor Wei, do you think it is possible to succeed?" Li Yi looked at Professor Wei and asked with concern.

There is a huge gap between the existing technology level of human civilization and alien civilization, such as dark energy, dark matter technology, stellar technology, etc., many of which cannot be utilized. With the development speed of human civilization, without the guidance of these technologies, It may take thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, to develop.

The frozen dormancy technology is of great significance for delaying the existence of libraries in the human world. If this project can be successful, Li Yi decides to sacrifice himself and freeze himself for a certain period of time in the future, waiting for the human technology tree to continue. Climb until human civilization can take advantage of these advanced alien technologies.

Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded and shook his head again, looking like he couldn't say anything.

"I have learned about this project. With the current medical technology of mankind, it is too difficult to realize." Professor Wei Hanzhi sighed and introduced: "In fact, we have mastered the freezing technology very early, but we can only use it. In some special fields, such as: using freezing technology to protect jingling, protecting eggs, protecting excellent seeds, and subsequent unsealing and artificial insemination, there is absolutely no problem in this regard."

"Jingzi, eggs can be frozen, even embryos and cysts can be frozen at a low temperature of -196 degrees, and then resurrected, but once the frozen human body is thawed, resurrection is completely impossible! I have done experiments in this area before. However, even if the most advanced nanotechnology is used to protect the human body, after the resurrection, the human body still retains its bodily functions, but the brain has died, the kind of brain death that loses consciousness, the kind that cannot be recovered.” Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced.

Hearing this, Li Yi's face was a little ugly, and he asked with concern, "Why! Can't the brain freeze?"

"-196 degrees is enough to freeze everything, but I think our brain, and the substances that cannot be frozen, should be our consciousness." Professor Wei Hanzhi thought for a moment and explained.

"How come, the brain is frozen, and the consciousness will be lost?" Li Yi frowned and asked puzzled.

"I'm not sure, maybe the substance that allows the brain to maintain the consciousness of the human brain loses its effect after being frozen and unsealed. Due to too little research, no in-depth experiments have been carried out." Professor Wei Hanzhi pondered for a moment and explained.

"Mr. Li, regarding the human brain and the field of consciousness, I suggest that Professor Qian Hongliang and Professor Ning Qiming join in." Professor Wei Hanzhi suggested.

"Okay! Get in touch! The topic of today's meeting is 'Frozen Dormancy', and this project will be upgraded to a first-class major scientific research project." Li Yi nodded and solemnly announced.

Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded happily, and immediately knew Li Yi's determination, and began to send messages to greet those 'old friends'.

Not long after, virtual images appeared one after another in the virtual conference room. Professor Qian Hongliang, Professor Ning Qiming, Professor Liu Zixuan, ..., more than a dozen human body research and human brain research experts.

"Good morning, everyone. President Li has decided to upgrade the 'human body freezing and dormancy' project to a major scientific research project. You can speak freely about what research direction you have in this regard." Professor Wei Hanzhi looked around and said to everyone the theme of the conference.

Hearing this, all the experts and professors were stunned, frowning and thinking.

The first-level key scientific research projects, which are only super-level, already belong to the kind of scientific research level that must obtain technological breakthroughs as soon as possible, regardless of the cost and cost.

"Freezing a person can ensure that his body organs will not continue to age. However, the frozen human organs cannot continue to work at all, and even blood cannot flow. During the resurrection process, brain death is the key to this technology. "Professor Qian Hongliang said.

"Yes, I have an experimental manager in this area. After the human brain is thawed, it needs to undergo major repairs, which means that even if the body is resurrected, the brain may not be easy to use. The complexity of the human brain and the rabbit brain is similar. If the gap is too large, the rabbit's brain may be repaired, but the human brain may not be able to succeed, it can be determined to be caused by some unknown factor!" Professor Liu Zixuan introduced.

"There are more than 14 billion cranial nerve cells in the brain, and there is a series relationship between each cell, forming a complex and huge neural network. When vision, hearing, smell, touch and other senses receive a certain signal, the brain will It will be stimulated accordingly to stimulate the activity of neurons in the brain and generate consciousness, but the process of consciousness generation, the continuous maintenance of consciousness, ..., these mechanisms cannot be studied!" Professor Ning Qiming sighed and said sadly.


The professors spoke out one after another, almost saying that they were engaged in research in this area. However, this technology was eventually stuck in the difficulty of brain consciousness, and it was impossible to break through the problem of human brain consciousness, and it would not be able to complete the breakthrough of this technology.

However, even if human technology develops to the point where it can enter interstellar civilization, the research on the origin of human consciousness is still at a blank stage.

what is consciousness

How does consciousness arise?

What controls consciousness?

Are the things that humans know now based on the things themselves, or are they based on conscious control? How is human consciousness affected? Is it free?

What is consciousness? Consciousness is the human brain's awareness of the inner and outer images of the brain.

The existence of consciousness can be divided into two states: static and active. Static consciousness generally exists in the form of encoding, such as language, sound, image, software or other static material carriers; consciousness can dynamically inherit the static form to enhance the scope and level of consciousness.

From an objective point of view, humans can distinguish the appearance of things. When objects appear, they can generate the concept of "it's 'you'" in their minds according to the shape of TA. In this way, consciousness should exist in A specific activity of the brain.

But more research has found that consciousness is not a movement unique to the brain.

The signals transmitted by various parts and organs of the biological body will affect the subject's perception and understanding of the outside world, and then affect the decisions made on this understanding and the relationship between this understanding and one's own, and finally it is integrated. , to shape a complete "consciousness".

Therefore, each component of the living body will transmit and exchange information with each other, and become an important part of perfecting a certain "consciousness", and they all play an important role in the formation of consciousness.

So can it be said that it is the objective existence of matter that determines consciousness?

Does matter determine consciousness?

Does matter play a decisive role in consciousness?

..., wait, a series of questions related to human consciousness have been plaguing scientists.

The virtual conference room fell into a rare silence, and the professors on the scene fell into thinking, and the collective was stumped by this epic problem.

"Can solving the problem of consciousness solve the problem of frozen dormancy?" Li Yi broke the silence and asked with concern.

Hearing this, all the professors were all energized and looked at Li Yi with radiant eyes.

"Mr. Li, do you know the basic situation of the origin of consciousness?" Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi and asked in shock.

Li Yi showed the color of thinking, and organized the language to think about how to explain it to them.

Just kidding, in order to upload the consciousness of 'big black' when developing artificial intelligence Yi deliberately studied technology related to consciousness in the library.

Consciousness develops with the development of life. If the subject's life ends, consciousness will stop and disappear. Therefore, consciousness cannot exist independently of life.

Matter is composed of particles, so it can also be said that the human brain is composed of particles, and the brain neurons that stimulate consciousness are naturally also. When thinking and "feeling", the brain activity driven by particle motion will consume energy, thus The exchange of matter and energy occurs.

The particles that produce 'consciousness' belong to the 'spirit' level particles that are invisible to human technology, and are smaller than dark energy and dark matter particles.

The knowledge of spiritual-level particles belongs to the knowledge that can only be mastered by the fourth-level civilization. The current technological level of human beings cannot understand it at all. Therefore, it is really difficult to explain this aspect to them!

"Mr. Li, the origin of consciousness is one of the most important topics in the history of science. Do you have a research direction in this area?" Professor Ning Qiming looked at Li Yi and asked nervously.

The professors looked at Li Yi one after another, waiting for his response.

"I don't know how to explain it. There is currently no reliable observation technology. However, when I was studying the artificial intelligence brain, I had done research in this area, and at the same time, there had also been a period of deduction research on the origin of consciousness." Li Yi introduced road.

"Everyone knows that light has wave-particle duality, right!" After a pause, Li Yi looked at the crowd and asked.

Hearing this, all the professors nodded in unison. The wave-particle duality of light is a well-known thing in any academic research.

The wave-particle duality of light, in simple terms, when a photon propagates, it can not only propagate forward like a wave, but sometimes it exhibits the characteristics of has both characteristics at the same time.

The dispute between the wave theory and the particle theory started from the two-point hypothesis put forward by Descartes at the beginning of the seventeenth century and ended with the wave-particle duality of light at the beginning of the twentieth century. Newton, Huygens, Thomas. Many well-known scientists such as Yang and Fresnel became the main debaters on both sides of this debate. It was their efforts to uncover the confusing veil that covered the "essence of light".

The scientists used experiments to capture the presence of particles of light alongside waves, placing a candle in front of a piece of paper with a small hole in it, thus creating a point light source (a light source emanating from a single point). Place another sheet of paper behind it, except that the second sheet has two parallel slits. The light emitted from the small hole is projected onto the screen through two slits, and a series of alternating bright and dark fringes will be formed, which is the well-known double-slit interference fringe.

"The photon is considered to be the smallest particle. However, after the deduction of the artificial intelligence brain, there is another particle that is smaller than the photon. We name it 'spirit particle, which is smaller than dark matter and dark energy. There is a kind of 'circling wave', and the formation of consciousness should be the wave field formed by spiritual particles." Li Yi looked at the professors and introduced again.

After finishing speaking, Li Yi clicked on the holographic screen to call up academic materials related to consciousness, and the 'spiritual particle' motion deduction model appeared on the new screen.

Similar to the wave-particle duality of photons, this kind of spiritual particle also has the effect of wave-particle duality, but its motion structure is more complex, similar to the solar system, moving around the core of a particle core, and countless spiritual particles will The core is surrounded, forming a virtual white ball with countless ripples.

The professors looked at the dynamic model of the spiritual particles stupidly, and they were all speechless.

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