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Chapter 328: special life mode

"Mr. Li, the manufacturing process of ultra-light alloy Y is relatively complicated, and the mass production and processing are difficult, especially the fusion process of aerogel and superalloy. Warm induction furnace, condensed state ingot mold, it is a problem to protect the bottom of the ingot mold during pouring, resulting in the unqualified material of the finished product, ... In addition, before the aerogel is not finalized, the material is fragile, ..., affecting the composition of the product , size, directly affects the molding quality and heat treatment process of the product, and also affects the physical and chemical properties of the parts such as bulk density and thermal strength,..." Zhang Qingming explained to Li Yi the difficulty of mass production of ultra-light alloy Y. .

Li Yi replied silently, looking at him quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Qingming's face suddenly turned ugly, the atmosphere in the laboratory also became awkward, and the expressions of the scientific research staff also became nervous.

"Mr. Li, the inside of the aerogel contains many tiny pores, the size of these pores is in the nanometer or micrometer scale, and the volume of all the pores together accounts for the vast majority of the entire aerogel volume, even reaching 99%. Above, their structure makes it very brittle, the supercritical drying technology used is complicated, the cost is high, and the size of the product will be limited. Material utilization, however, the overall mass production process becomes extremely difficult.”

"Yes! The introduction of super-titanium alloy particles into aerogel materials can improve the brittleness of traditional inorganic aerogels, but the combination process of the prepared super-titanium alloy and aerogel molecular voids is too difficult. There are all grades, otherwise, it will lead to a chain reaction of overall collapse, ... "

"Mr. Li,..."


An expert and professor made a fool-proof rescue for Zhang Qingming, and other researchers, with your words and my words, analyzed the difficulty of mass production of this ultra-light alloy material to Li Yi.

Li Yi waved his hand and interrupted them: "You don't need to explain so much to me, you want people to give people, things to give, and what resources are needed to cooperate with you. Just mention, the ultra-light alloy series materials must be mass-produced as soon as possible. This material is not only suitable for use in the aerospace field, but once the production cost is reduced, it can also be applied in many fields, and your task is very heavy."

Hearing this, all the scientific research experts could not help but show a solemn expression.

As Li Yi said, the application range of ultra-light alloys is too wide, and only the excellent radiation isolation performance has a huge effect.

There is ubiquitous cosmic radiation in the space universe. This radiation will affect the human body's circulatory system, immunity, reproductive and metabolic functions, and even induce cancer. It will accelerate the proliferation of human cancer cells and have a great negative impact on the human body. Light alloy Y, at that time, human beings in spaceports, lunar bases, and bases established on Mars will obtain the protection of ultra-light alloy Y when they lose the protection of the atmosphere.

In addition, according to different ratios, ultra-light alloys can be shaped in various ways. Some have a higher melting point, some have a higher density, some have stronger ductility, and some have a particularly high hardness...., ultra-light alloys Y is just one of the series. If we continue to dig deep in this field, we can develop products with different properties, which are far superior to the ultra-light metal material series. It can fully cover all walks of life in the whole system of human industry. Electronics, high-power lasers and many other fields have broad application prospects.

"Mr. Li, what you said is that we will try our best to try our best to break through the difficulty of mass production by the end of next year." Zhang Qingming promised Li Yi with a resolute look on his face.

Li Yi's projection glanced at the holographic screen, Zhang Qingming's guaranteed time was more than half a year earlier than the estimated time given by Da Hei, he couldn't help showing a smile, nodded and said, "Okay, look at your hard work, and then look at other materials!"

"Okay, Mr. Li!" Zhang Qingming nodded and led Li Yi's virtual projection to visit other projects in the Materials Lab.

As the visit continued, Li Yi's face gradually became happy. Through this material experiment visit, he could clarify one thing, the development of human science and technology civilization has indeed made significant progress. This point can be seen in the material experiment. A variety of new materials successfully developed in the laboratory can be seen.

Many new and novel materials have not been noticed by Li Yi, such as a superconducting material. ,

In the center of the material laboratory hall, a black, unremarkable ordinary ore was solemnly placed in a transparent glass cover.

Like an exhibit, it was preciously offered by scientists.

It is completely suspended in mid-air in the glass cover.

An uninformed person would mistake this for anti-gravity technology, but it's not...

Holding this boulder is just a small black metal ring below, and this semi-metal ring is the superconducting material that humans dream of: a superconducting material under low temperature pressure.

This is really superconducting at normal temperature and pressure! To be precise, it needs to work in an environment below 18 degrees Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure.

However, this is enough. This superconducting condition is not much different from normal temperature and normal pressure. Many parties can control this temperature.

The fields of application of superconducting materials are too broad.

When the superconducting material is in the superconducting state, the resistance is zero and can transmit electrical energy without loss. If a magnetic field is used to induce an induced current in the superconducting loop, this current can be maintained without attenuation.

Secondly, when the superconducting material is in the superconducting state, as long as the external magnetic field does not exceed a certain value, the magnetic field lines cannot penetrate, and the magnetic field in the superconducting material is always zero. The critical temperature Tc of a superconductor is related to its isotopic mass M, the greater the M, the lower the Tc, this is called the isotope effect, ..., and so on.

In the past, materials with superconducting effects that could only be produced at extremely low temperatures could not be widely used. Now, superconducting effects can be produced at room temperature, and many cutting-edge technologies can be used on a large scale.

In addition, there are various optical film materials, nanomaterials, liquid metals, and even nanometer metal particles that can be combined into nanorobots, similar to the sci-fi movie-Terminator T-5000 robot, a nanomaterial composed of nanomaterials. Materials, similar to nanomaterials, appear in the materials laboratory, but they cannot be used on a large scale.

After nearly three hours, Li Yi reluctantly ended the inspection of the materials laboratory.

In the luxurious study, Li Yi finished the virtual connection and stood up from the sofa. The family was waiting for him to have dinner. Today's work is almost like this.

Seeing Li Yi come out of the study, Li Yanshun and his wife, Zhou Wenhui, and all the children looked over.

"Daddy, you're done!" Li Yan complained with pouted lips.

"It's time to eat! It's time to eat!" Li Rong spread his feet, ran, and rushed towards the restaurant.

Seeing this, Li Yan eagerly chased after him.

"Why wait for me! Eat first! I've said it many times." Li Yi looked at Zhou Wenhui reproachfully.

"Two little guys, they didn't eat too much in the afternoon tea, why would they be hungry now, they shouted on purpose." Ye Huilan explained with a smile.

"Everyone is willing to wait! Why are you blaming Wenhui! Next time, come out to eat on time." Li Yanshun glared at Li Yi with a dark face, and walked to the restaurant on his own.

"Xiaoyang, Qinger, let's go eat!" Zhou Wenhui greeted his eldest son Li Yang and his eldest daughter Li Qing, without even looking at Li Yi, and walked straight to the restaurant.

Li Qing gave his father Li Yi a sympathetic look, and Li Yang shook his head at Li Yi, following Zhou Wenhui's side with a look you shouldn't have.

Li Yideng felt bad, and quickly chased after Zhou Wenhui, saying something to ease the atmosphere in her ear, which was regarded as an apology.

Not long after, Li Yi and his family gathered around a large round table, enjoying a sumptuous meal. The scene was lively and warm.

After dinner, Li Yi usually accompanies Zhou Wenhui to go for a walk in the garden, with two children and a few pet dogs to play with, or the whole family will make tea in the living room, chat about daily trivia, watch the current hot news, and Just like ordinary people, have a normal day.

However, controlling such a huge enterprise of Starlight Technology, with tentacles all over the human world, and going deep into all the frontier fields of scientific research of human civilization, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yi to live smoothly every day.

The accident happened again tonight.

Da Hei lying on the grass, watching Li Yi play games with the twins, suddenly stood up and walked straight to Li Yi.

"Master, there is an accident in the experiment being conducted by Professor Chen Tao!" Da Hei briefly reported to Li Yi, but in front of Zhou Wenhui, the twins, he did not report the accident in detail.

"Professor Chen Tao! Well, this is my study." Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then remembered the project that Professor Chen Tao was in charge of. He has been presiding over the anatomy of the 'Yuan Seed' life. This project is about Mars and about Human civilization's first understanding of extraterrestrial life is no trivial matter.

"Wenhui, take them to play! I have an urgent matter to deal with!" Li Yi glanced at Zhou Wenhui and gestured.

After speaking, Li Yi turned anxious and left.

"Daddy is gone, the game can't be played, Mommy, let's play something else!" Li Yan watched Li Yi's back, curled her lips, and suggested to Zhou Wenhui.

"You haven't finished your homework yet! Do you want to go back and finish the homework first!" Zhou Wenhui looked away from Li Yi's back, looked at Li Yan, and Li Rong asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Yan's face collapsed, she cried and asked timidly, "Mummy, I hate doing math homework, can I not go to school! I don't want to be a scientist when I grow up like Xiao Rong."

"What do you want to be!" Zhou Wenhui asked with a smile.

"I want to be a princess, wearing a beautiful princess dress, riding in a carriage,..." Li Yan said with a look of longing.

"Really! You have to learn something to be a princess. Otherwise, anyone can be. Why should you be? Go back and do your homework. I'll teach you how to be a princess." Zhou Wenhui took Li Yan's little hand and coaxed Say.


Not to mention, how Zhou Wenhui coped with the two children. After Li Yi returned to the study, he immediately learned about the situation with Da Hei, and used virtual network projection to link to the Mars base.

At the foot of Mount Olympus on Mars, hundreds of meters below a giant metal base, a huge metal laboratory space.

With a "swoosh", Li Yi's virtual projection appeared in the laboratory control room. Correspondingly, there were dozens of virtual projections, namely, Professor Chen Tao, Professor Wei Hanzhi, Professor Zhou Shuzhi, Sun Bingwen, ..., Wait, the high-level officials of the Xingyao Experimental Center.

"Mr. Li, you are here!" Sun Bingwen led the crowd to greet Li Yi,

Li Yi nodded, and when he saw his father-in-law, Zhou Shuzhi, he gestured with his eyes.

"How's the situation! How did this happen? Have you found the reason?" Li Yi glanced at the situation in the laboratory, turned to look at Professor Chen Tao, and asked inexplicably.

The holographic screen shows the situation of the giant metal laboratory. The giant laboratory of nearly 100,000 square meters has a huge hole in the ground. Organize the site and search for various debris and debris.

On the other side of the holographic screen, a huge red dot is constantly fleeing underground. The 'Pioneer' excavators are chasing the red dot in all directions at a thunderous However, , the red dots escaped extremely fast, and at the same time, they kept splitting their bodies, turning into little red dots, inducing the Pioneer.

"Mr. Li, we were careless. The organizational structure of the 'Yuan Seed' life is more complex than we expected. It is not a simple individual, but a life that can be combined. The inner core is its main body. The huge outer skin layer, fat layer, and bone layer are all just its protective layer, which is a disposable organ." Chen Tao explained excitedly.

"Yes, its life structure is completely different from ours. The core is their interior. I suspect that they are so huge that they should be formed by devouring the same kind again and again!"

"No, no! If you strengthen yourself by devouring yourself, how can you explain the existence of another 'Abyssal' life, and how can this life be inherited?"

"Split is their inheritance. When an individual is threatened with life, or reaches the end of life, it will split infinitely like this, slowly reorganizing into a civilization, and each split will eventually carry genes of uncertainty. , let them optimize in the adaptation environment, and finally reunite into a giant body to obtain the optimal gene chain."


Following Professor Chen Tao's introduction, all the professors told their opinions, expressed their opinions and guesses with higher probability. Everyone was in high spirits and did not seem to be worried about the accident of this experiment. Excited to discover.

Seeing that an experimental accident was about to turn into an academic seminar, Li Yi had to remind him: "Everyone, stop for a while, now is not the time to discuss academic conclusions, I want to know, this ' What will happen after the "abyssal creature" escapes? "

The professors looked at each other and thought seriously.


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