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Chapter 325: Asteroid 'catcher'


Mount Olympus, the highest mountain on the surface of Mars, is a shield-shaped giant volcano with a height of 21,171 meters. The bottom sediment layer may be more than 1 billion years old. At the foot of the mountain, a metal base stands.

Under the control of the brain of the Mars base, at the foot of Mount Olympus, a sub-base has begun to be established. There are many minerals on Mars, rich in resources, calcium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, fluorine, iron and other mineral veins, and various resources are collected. Points, distributed around the Mars sub-base.

The laser excavation vehicle has become the most advanced mining and prospecting machinery in the Mars base. After a little modification, it can be used.

Metal smelting furnaces built with antimatter energy furnaces stand erect, and the entire sub-base has become a 'heavy industrial city'. This kind of intelligent machinery is the main body, tirelessly building and expanding.

However, this is only the surface of the sub-base. In the standing metal buildings, around various project projects, virtual projections appear and disappear from time to time. 'They' precisely control the intelligent machinery and silently command from behind. They complete all kinds of complex jobs on time and on time.

In order to save Dahei's computing power investment, Dahei only leads the large-scale strategy, task arrangement, and specific work implementation. In the case that intelligent machinery cannot afford it, scientists and engineers far away on earth will use virtual network projection technology. , control them, and manage the tasks of the project.

Under the banner of Xingyao Technology, it has gathered the top team of scientists and engineers with the most experience in engineering construction. In addition, the leading arrangement of artificial intelligence, the application of various advanced technologies, and the blessing of many conditions , The strength of human civilization in the construction of large-scale projects has been greatly improved.

In particular, he traded with Mo Yan civilization and obtained all the technologies for building a star-level fortress. Under the arrangement of artificial intelligence-Da Hei, all technologies were distributed to the Xi Xingyao Experimental Center for R&D and manufacturing.

The science and technology of human civilization is still at the early stage of planetary civilization, and these technologies have not really undergone qualitative changes. There is still a long gap before human civilization enters the next stage of stellar civilization.

However, Dahei has united scientists of all mankind, and it is only a matter of time before the creation of a stellar fortress.

Li Yi's virtual projection appeared in the command room of the Mars sub-base. Looking at the holographic screen, the progress of various projects in the sub-base was both gratifying and a little anxious.

The scientific and technological level of human civilization is still too low. The vast majority of the stellar technology obtained from Moyan civilization cannot be used. It is like, human civilization in the feudal period suddenly acquired a smartphone, even if To be able to assemble the top wise men and craftsmen at the time, and let them study the structure, they must not know why, but only know that the indicated materials must be helpless for the various internal components.

Not to mention, the software of the 'smart phone', the principle of its manufacture, is separated from the cognition of science and technology, the lack of scientific theory, the lack of experience and the lack of industrial strength. If the preconditions are insufficient, even if you see it, you may not be able to imitate it. This is also a very regrettable point for human beings.

Even if there is an instruction manual for making a 'smart phone', the craftsmen in the feudal period could not make it exactly the same, and even one of the parts could not be made, because this is a technology that spanned several eras.

However, with the assistance of artificial intelligence - Dahei, the top scientists of all mankind have gathered, and can obtain various technological inspirations from the manufacturing manual of 'smartphone', analyze the technological manufacturing industry of each 'part', and finally combine The power of the world's top scientists of all mankind has developed these advanced alien technologies one by one.

The scientists at the Xingyao Experimental Center are also in the state of various scientific researches. They cannot directly develop the star-level technology at one time. However, they can get inspiration and ideas from these scientific research directions and technical support.  … …, they started various scientific research experiments, transformed the analyzed data into their own knowledge, and kept summarizing and improving.

Scientists are not very ambitious, only their own technology can really be owned! Only with such little bit of progress can the road of science go more steadily.

There are a lot of breakthroughs in scientific research projects every day. Li Yi's daily work is to browse the progress of these scientific research projects, analyze, or intervene with Da Hei, and arrange suitable scientists according to the importance of scientific and technological achievements of scientific research projects. Or invest more R&D funds.

"Master, the largest manufacturing plant for lunar defense Skynet substrates has been completed. At present, only 12% of the current production of Skynet substrates has been used. Due to the inability to keep up with the number of transport spaceships and the lack of precious metal resources, a large number of assembly plants have begun to idle." On the holographic screen, Da Hei called up a panoramic top view of the substrate factory area of ​​the lunar base, and solemnly reported to Li Yihui.

I saw that a giant metal factory appeared in front of Li Yi, and tens of thousands of tons of metal plates were grabbed from the assembly line piece by piece by the giant manipulator. However, there were a large number of assembly lines that were not running, and the large large scale that should have been busy. The machinery factory, the giant manipulators stood still, and the huge machinery factory was extremely silent and empty.

"How could this happen? Didn't the relevant metal resources prepare in advance?" Li Yi frowned and asked in confusion.

"Master, this situation is caused by the occurrence of many situations. Before, the preventive measures did not work." Da Hei quickly reported.

"Oh! Talk about it." Li Yi frowned, staring at Da Hei.

"The alliance government suddenly announced an increase in the construction plan of the city in the sky: the construction of Nantian City, Babylon City, City of Hope, ..., and other 12 giant sky cities will be used for the growing global population. , to prepare for immigration, with the launch of the construction plans of these air cities, the price of various metal resources on the earth has risen to a higher level, which cannot meet the use of spaceports and moon bases." Da Hei introduced.

With the analysis of Da Hei, the holographic big screen appeared with relevant data and introduction of pictures and images. Twelve beautiful and magnificent aerial cities appeared on the holographic screen, which almost satisfied all the fantasies of human architects. , Some cities in the sky are even grander than the current Xingyao City.

"The alliance government has made a lot of money! This is to grab resources from Xingyao City!" After carefully reading the introduction of the construction purpose and functions of the twelve aerial cities, Li Yizhan showed a meaningful smile.

"Master, the construction process of these air cities is inseparable from the scientific and technological support and resource support of Xingyao City. Their construction cycle is long, ranging from 7-12 years. After they are completed, the size of Xingyao City will be the same as it is now. 8.2 times the economic status, technological status, core status of the industrial chain, and global financial status are all in the first city, and they are not afraid of their challenges." Da Hei answered Li Yi.

"Well! What else is there?" Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief and continued to ask.

"A large number of construction opportunities in Sky City and the increase in the price of a large number of metal resources are one of the main reasons. There is also the dock construction of the second phase of the spaceport, the first batch of alliance ships, and the supply of resources on Mars has been suspended. The company's speed of advancement has increased significantly. Capital hyped up bulk resources, causing metal prices to rise sharply, ..., etc., many reasons have come together, resulting in a shortage of metal resources now." Da Hei went on to analyze.

In the next moment, the picture of the holographic screen changed, and various information on the structure of the data industry continued to emerge.

Li Yi frowned. During this time, Xingyao Technology's actions were too big. There are countless large and small projects being promoted. In addition, the alliance government is also engaged in various infrastructure construction. The demand for resources, especially some precious metal resources, is increasing.

"The moon and Mars have also increased resource mining efforts, can't they meet our needs? I remember that the laser excavator has been rebuilt, and it is much more efficient in collecting resources?" Li Yi looked at Da Hei in a puzzled way. ask.

"Master, the new generation of laser collection technology has indeed greatly improved the collection efficiency of metal resources. However, some special resources on the moon and Mars are very expensive and scarce, and need to be excavated from the earth. Due to environmental protection issues, the collection plan is limited, and it is necessary to Arrange to collect in other ways." Dahehui reported.

As soon as the **** voice fell, asteroids that were galloping out of the holographic screen.

"Asteroid 2011UW-158, a wandering celestial body with a diameter of less than one kilometer, the core of this asteroid is made of platinum, and its reserves are estimated to be no less than 100 million tons,..."

"Asteroid-1988ZU-344, the target, is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The diameter of the asteroid is about 242 kilometers. The whole is almost a space iron ball composed of various rare metals such as gold, silver, and copper. ."

"Asteroid 241, this is an asteroid with a diameter of only 168.9 kilometers, but its rich minerals contain various resources we need. Its value reaches more than 124.8 trillion yuan, ..."


As the asteroids whizzed past, Da Hei kept introducing their detailed parameters and the value they contained.

Li Yi's eyes widened, looking at the flying asteroids, like rare treasures.

"Da Hei, are you stupid? There is such a good thing, you know that you should remind me earlier and catch them all!" Li Yi roared Da Hei and urged.

For the development of human civilization and science and technology, Xingyao Technology spared no effort to invest in various scientific research projects, and spent a lot of money. It was almost always moving forward. Resources, funds, and pressures from all aspects continued to flow towards Li Yi.

However, Li Yicai discovered today that carrying a cornucopia around begging for food is simply the biggest fool in the world.

"Master, the flying speed of these asteroids and their size, if we make up for them, we need to develop a special interstellar mining ship, an interstellar mining ship with a volume of no less than 10 million tons." Da Hei's voice remained unchanged. ground analysis.

With the introduction of Da Hei, a giant spaceship appeared on the holographic screen. Its body was extraordinarily large. Its body was like the front half of a scorpion. Metal tentacles, the rectangular body has a thick metal layer, and the huge body has a 'giant mouth' that can 'swallow' a giant object.

Seeing this ugly 'Big Mac', Li Yi twitched the corners of his eyes, both happy and tangled, and asked with concern: "When you build it, you can start collecting those resource asteroids. How long is the fastest construction period?"

"Master, it is the 'Catch' planetary mining ship, specially used to collect asteroids, powered by twelve antimatter furnaces, 23 kilometers in length, 3.2 kilometers in height, 1.1 kilometers in width, ..., equipped with super magnetism The repulsion field adopts the external construction method of assembled modules, which can carry out multi-line organizational construction, and the construction period can be shortened to: 7 months, ..." Da Hei responded to Li Yi eloquently, introducing the information he was concerned about.

"Seven months, good! Good! Is it enough to build one? Do you want to build more." Li Yi didn't care about its cost, but couldn't wait for it to be built as soon as possible. It is best to form an interstellar mining fleet. It is good to collect resource asteroids everywhere.


Li Yi looked at the 'Big Mac' on the holographic screen with bright eyes, and was extremely relieved.

A resource asteroid is worth tens of billions of Chinese yuan, which is comparable to the total GDP created by human civilization in two or three months. Catching a few more asteroids, or catching a huge asteroid, can It may be worth the total GDP of all human beings for one year, or even two years.

There are countless asteroids in the universe. With these interstellar mining ships, those asteroids are inexhaustible gems.

"Master, you can make 3 ships at the same time. If there are more, it will affect the progress of other important projects." Da Hei responded to Li Yi.

The next moment appeared on the holographic screen of the engineering arrangements for the manufacture of the "catcher", as well as the engineering data of Shining Star Technology that conflicted with the project, and Li Yilai decided the task arrangement of the construction project.

Looking at the holographic screen, Li Yi nodded and decided, "Let's build three 'Giant Catchers'! The progress of other projects should not be changed. way to make up for it.”

After finishing speaking, Li Yi frowned, called up the resource futures situation in the financial market, and looked at those high commodity prices, his face sank.

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Some capital forces have been haunted. After the disintegration of a certain empire, the capital behind them did not die. They fled first. Although they were injured, it was not enough for them to die. Instead, they used human technology and civilization. The leap-forward development of the company, constantly inhaling nutrients and growing itself.

"Big black, make a financial plan, cooperate with the news from the interstellar mining project, and clean up the big capital hidden in the resource market." Li Yi commanded in a deep voice.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei readily responded and began to deduce.

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