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Chapter 319: tenacious life

The experimental results can confirm that the violent earthquake that broke out 10,000 meters underground on Mars is closely related to Professor Chen Tao's simulation of the biological communication experiment of the 'Abyssal species'.

The first 'abyssal species' that was originally discovered is now dormant in a refrigerated environment in an ultra-low temperature environment of 10,000 meters underground.

Professor Chen Tao's signal simulation experiment should be the feedback of 'activating' another 'abyssal' life.

The "Abyss Seed" life is the name for the giant creature in the underground world of Mars. It is like living in the abyss and can adapt to many harsh environments. If massive resources are provided, its body will expand and grow infinitely, just like coming from The monsters in the abyss are very terrifying.

"This particle wave signal generation mechanism is very special! It seems to be combined with the signal source of the biological field."

"I have a question. Professor Chen's signal simulation experiment is not very strong. Why can it be accepted so sensitively? Is it just an accident? It has nothing to do with the experiment!"

"No, you underestimate the special creatures of 'abyssal' life. Their skin structure is very special, and weak signal sources cannot escape their 'eyes'."

"That's right, the physical characteristics of the 'Yuan species' life make them a huge source of natural energy and information. Through the 'amplifier' of the body's skin, the signal amplification effect can be easily achieved. In addition, the signal receiving end It's the same!"

"It turns out that it makes sense, why this low-power analog signal experiment will cause such a big reaction!"


Now all the experts and professors, with your words and my words, have started various discussions on Professor Chen Tao's signal simulation experiments.

The life of 'Abyssal' is like a mysterious treasure that has not been solved. Scientists are full of obsession. This is the first alien creature discovered by human beings. Its body is full of many unsolved mysteries, especially its cellular structure, and Humans understand creatures that are completely different, able to bond with certain metals and grow stronger.

In addition, it is also a life based on a combination of silicon and sulfur, which is different from the carbon-based life model of the earth. Its discovery has provided human civilization with more knowledge of cosmic biology, providing a huge opportunity.

Just as the scientists were discussing the life of the 'abyssal species' and related experiments, the Pioneer laser excavator in the holographic screen, in the underground world of Mars, was rapidly moving towards the epicenter at a speed of twice the speed of sound.

Time passed bit by bit, and more than four hours passed in a blink of an eye.

"Master, the Pioneer arrived at the source of the earthquake and found a new type of 'Abyssal' life. Its volume is 2.75 times that of the No. 1 'Abyss' life." In the virtual laboratory, a black warning sound suddenly sounded, and the holographic screen followed. There is a situation in which the subterranean rock space of Mars appears.

In the holographic screen, in a giant cave space, the outline of a behemoth appeared. Its black-gray skin was covered with square-shaped metal scales. It lay motionless in the cave, dozens of tentacles were twisted together. The giant red compound eyes collectively looked in one direction and looked at the Pioneer laser excavator, revealing a hint of doubt.

Compared with its huge body, the Laser Pioneer excavator is like an earthworm, however, it was still discovered by it.

"Awake! This is a sober 'Abyssal' creature, and its eyes are full of wisdom!"

"It's terrible. It's looking at the Pioneer. Did it find us behind the scenes?" Sun Bingwen stared at the huge compound eyes on the holographic screen and asked in cold sweat.

"No way! It relies on instinct to discover the unusualness of the Pioneer, and it should not have discovered our existence!" Professor Chen Tao changed his face and judged seriously.

"Da Hei, what is it doing now? Can you decipher its thoughts from its gaze?" Li Yi looked at Da Hei in the holographic screen and asked:

"Master, it seems to be sending a signal. The Pioneer laser excavator captured a set of particle wave signals. According to the data model analysis contained in the signal, it is asking about the origin of the Pioneer, questioning the invasion of the Pioneer, and issuing a threatening warning. ." Da Hei replied to Li Yi.

The next moment, on the side of the holographic screen, the relevant model deduction data was displayed, which was a warning from this 'Abyssal' life to the Pioneer.

"Can we communicate with it? Quickly, quickly analyze its intelligence. If possible, we'd better communicate with it peacefully." Professor Chen Tao's eyes lit up and asked the big gangster.

"Great! It doesn't seem to have a high level of intelligence, but it also found the Pioneer to be different,..."

"If only we could communicate! Would you like to send a message to reply to it?"


Hearing Da Hei's report, all the scientific research professors on the scene became nervous.

The 'wisdom' displayed by the 'Abyss' creatures showed them a tendency to communicate. If it can really communicate, for human civilization, this is definitely an event that can be remembered in human history. Human beings are the first Interacted with alien life.

However, before the professors and experts could act, the 'abyssal' creature on the holographic screen suddenly moved, and dozens of giant tentacles were disbanded one after another, pulling at the surrounding rocks, their bodies like 'shields' The mechanism ', forcefully drilled into the rock formation, and moved the huge body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Master, the Mars base has detected a distance vibration of magnitude 8. Ruochen's underground cave space is the 'source of the earthquake', which produces a magnitude of 15 vibration, affecting the entire Mars, and the surface volcanoes begin to move..." Da Hei suddenly made a sound and made a public statement. on-site alert.

The next moment, the holographic screen changed, showing the Martian base and the top view of the many volcanoes on Mars. The volcano base shook, and the extinct volcanoes began to spew thick smoke, as if they were about to recover from the dead silence. The huge underground In the cave space, countless giant rocks and gravels fell one by one, and the vision of the Pioneer laser excavator became a lake, as if it was about to be submerged by the giant.

"My God, what is it doing? It's so scary to act!"

"Is it eating? It just woke up from dormancy, and it must replenish the energy lost in the body!"

"Unfortunately, the Pioneer is too weak to follow up. We need to see the way it eats and the process of consuming metal elements in its body, which is sufficient for the development of new materials, as well as energy conversion and utilization, ..., wait for us The development of science and technology has great inspiration.”

"Is the Pioneer with a nano-detector? Small unmanned reconnaissance robots can also, keep up with it!"


In the virtual conference room, looking at the 'Abyssal' creatures moving on the new screen, the experts and professors on the scene were excited, eager to know the activity information of the 'Abyssal' creatures.

Li Yi frowned, able to understand the mood of the experts and professors at the moment. This is the first time they have seen a possible alien civilization, and studying its activities will help humans understand them. However, this huge ' The activities of the Yuan species' life in the underground world of Mars have had a considerable impact on the entire Mars, especially the Mars base. Intense seismic activity and volcanic activity have caused a lot of damage to the entire Mars base. Follow-up Mars reconstruction Plans will also be affected.

Compared with studying the activities of the 'abyssal' creatures, it is more important to stop it at this moment and reduce the continuous impact on the Mars base.

Mars has a mass of 6.4171x1023kg and a diameter of 6779km, and Earth has a mass of 5.97237x1024kg and a diameter of 12756km. The diameter of Mars is about 53% of that of Earth, but its mass is only 11% of that of Earth. Perhaps, the imbalance in the ratio of mass to volume between Mars and Earth is likely to be inseparable from the activities of 'abyssal' creatures.

The activities of 'abyssal' creatures are likely to reveal many mysteries for mankind.

At that time, the development and layout of the Mars base was very important to the future of human civilization, especially the dock of the spacecraft in the Mars base, which was related to the battleship manufacturing plan of the First Fleet of the Human Alliance, and must not be destroyed.

Li Yi thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and chose a focus between the development of the Mars base and the scientific research work that observed the life activities of the 'Yuan Seed'.

"Da Hei, deduce its feeding, obtain its range of activities, estimate its activity time, expand the shrinking protection of the Mars base, reduce the loss of wealth, and prepare a dormant action plan, so that it cannot continue its rampant activities. "Li Yi quickly made a choice and ordered Da Hei.

OK, master! "The **** responds.

Immediately, the holographic screen showed a dense stream of data, and Da Hei began to deduce the execution plan according to Li Yi's instructions.

"Mr. Li, do you want to lock up this 'abyssal' creature? By observing its activities and daily behavior, we can learn a lot of unsolved mysteries." Professor Chen Tao looked at Li Yi and hurriedly asked for instructions.

The first 'Yuan Seed' life has been imprisoned by the 'Bingshi'. Because of this, Professor Chen Tao's daily research on it is very limited. Now a living 'Yuan Seed' appears, and he naturally does not want it. Frozen again.

"Yeah, there is a high probability that it has 'wisdom'. By observing its activities, we can generate a lot of valuable information, which will help us understand it." Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi and followed.

All the scientific research experts looked at Li Yi with concerned eyes and asked him to be 'merciful'.

"You have also seen its destructive power. Let it continue to be a monster. The damage to the Mars base will be very serious. This is what I don't want to see!" Li Yi looked at the holographic screen and said solemnly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the holographic screen one after another. The Martian base, which had suffered a natural disaster, was in a mess, and their faces immediately became ugly.

"The Mars base has grown to this size with great difficulty, and I don't want it to suffer major damage. As for the scientific research on the 'Abyssal' life, now it's not that another 'Abyss' life has been discovered and it is frozen. , and the dormant one is not ready for vivisection, so it will not be more helpful for you to study the 'abyssal' life." Li Yi looked at Professor Chen Tao, Zhou Shuzhi, Wei Hanzhi and others, and suggested with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone's research was bright.

you do not say! Because there is only one 'Abyssal' creature, in order to be able to conduct long-term experimental research, humans have to treat it with caution and dare not conduct anatomical research on it. Now that there is one more, then anatomical research becomes feasible.

"Mr. Li is right. After 13 years of uninterrupted construction, the Mars base has reached its current scale. It must not be destroyed. In addition, Professor Chen's signal simulation experiment has allowed us to discover another" Yuan species' creatures, using this signal simulation technology, maybe we can find a third one in the future, maybe a fourth one! The anatomy experiment can definitely be carried out." Sun Bingwen looked at the professors and suggested.

Hearing this, all the professors nodded, agreeing with Sun Bingwen's suggestion.

"This guy is so big, it's not easy to freeze it!" Zhou Shuzhi couldn't help but agree, looking at the giant underground cave on the holographic screen, and said with emotion.

"Professor Zhou, don't worry about this problem at all! In order to prevent the 'abyssal' life from escaping control, the Mars base has increased the production scale of liquid nitrogen. The carrying capacity of the nitrogen bottle can definitely control it." Professor Chen Tao smiled confidently and introduced.

"Very good, Da Hei, prepare to execute the 'Frozen Imprisonment' operation!" Li Yi nodded looking at the holographic screen, and ordered Da Hei.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and then remotely controlled the intelligent center of the Mars base, and began to execute the deduced plan.

I saw that in the holographic screen, the mechanical troops of the Mars base moved quickly. Liquid nitrogen was poured into the rear tank of a driving laser car. Then, more than 20 laser cars drilled into the underground passage, like an off-string. The sharp arrow quickly galloped towards the underground space of tens of thousands of meters.

In less than half an hour, more than 20 laser vehicles arrived at the giant cave one after another. They were distributed in all directions of the cave and opened the liquid nitrogen tank at the same time.

Soon, an extremely cold white mist spread throughout the giant underground cave, and the giant 'abyssal' life in the center was drowned in all directions.

After a while, the giant 'Abyssal Seed' life was covered with a layer of white mist, and the physical signs of movement gradually slowed down.

"Master, after 24 minutes, the 'Frozen Imprisonment' plan was successfully executed. The target lost its activity characteristics and fell into a deep sleep state." Da Hei reported the results to Li Yi.

"Very good!" Li Yi nodded with satisfaction, looked at Professor Chen Tao, and asked with concern, "Do you have any plans for the anatomy of another 'Yuan species' creature?"

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"This..., not yet, the skin layer of the giant 'Abyssal Seed' is too thick, the life intensity is also high, and the resilience is super strong. Even at ultra-low temperature, it will not die. So far, there is no way to end it silently. It is an effective means of life." Professor Chen Tao frowned and introduced.

"Yeah! Study it carefully, and I will withdraw when you wait for your good news." Li Yi nodded with a smile, and after speaking, the figure disappeared in the virtual laboratory.

Watching Li Yi leave, the professors looked at each other and smiled bitterly, collectively falling into hard thinking.

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