My hi-tech Library

Chapter 311: 1 big deal

"How is it, after watching it for so long, you want that type of fortress?" Mo Yan looked at Li Yi condescendingly and asked angrily.

Li Yi nodded, pointed to the fortress of the star system, and asked, "I need this star-level fortress, but can the design of this fortress be modified? With the version, how much will the overall price be reduced? Otherwise, my funds are limited, and I’m afraid I can’t afford it.”

"How come, your civilization's music is sought after by so many civilizations, and it is so popular in Xingtukong, why can't you afford it?" Mo Yan looked at Li Yi in surprise and asked inexplicably.

? ?

Li Yi greeted him with a black face, but was stopped by Mo Yan, and quickly explained: "My music is authorized to be sold by many civilized agents, and I want to give them a certain share of Li Rui, and it will only be a few percent of the profit if it falls into my hands. After all, the profit so far is less than 500 billion stars."

"Five hundred billion star coins, less than that, Li of human civilization, you have lost a lot!" Mo Yan looked at Li Yi with a pitiful expression, shook his head and smiled.

how come!

Li Yi's face was puzzled, and he asked suspiciously: "There will be no flaws in the customized contract of the star map space!"

"What kind of contract can you show me?" Mo Yan was interested and asked with a smile.

"No problem!" Li Yi nodded happily, waved his hand instantly, and a paper contract appeared out of thin air in the star map space.

Mo Yan stretched out his sturdy mechanical feet, took down the contract with ease, previewed it at a glance, and said with a smile, "This contract has many loopholes, for example, there is no custom made more detailed agreement, restrictions on imitation of music, and no restrictions on the number of times. There are also many loopholes in the income method of secondary music dissemination. With the help of music sales, this business should be able to obtain more than 100 trillion stars in profits. As for you, if you do it yourself, you can get 10 It's about a trillion star coins! Far more than 500 billion."

"How is this possible, is music so valuable in the star map space?" Li Yi was surprised and couldn't imagine it.

"It seems that your civilization's understanding of the universe is still at a low level. However, you can actually create so much music. There should be a lot of 'spirits' on your home planet. What a lucky primary civilization!" Mo Yan looked at Li Yi with an unexpected look, and said in a nutshell.

Hearing this, Li Yi was taken aback and did not dare to look at Mo Yan. He wished he could disconnect the call now and run away.

"Respected Mo Yan, I don't know what you mean!" Li Yi smiled reluctantly, pretending to be stupid.

"The universe is infinitely large and infinitely small, and there are infinite substances. 'Spirit' is a substance with opposite properties to dark matter. Its existence can give life consciousness. The more 'spirits' a civilization has, the stronger the life consciousness Gao, can create music that contains 'spirit', this kind of music can make the life of listening to music get the resonance of 'spirit', how to get the growth of 'spirit', so your civilization is lucky, you are also ignorant, You don't know anything about 'Spirit', which makes you price too low on music with 'Spirit'." Mo Yan looked at Li Yi with a smile and introduced.

After listening to Mo Yan's "popular science", Li Yi was both surprised and delighted, and his emotions were extremely complicated.

As Mo Yan said, human civilization is indeed a low-level civilization. It has just stepped out of the mother planet, the Earth, and has not even gone out of the solar system. Its knowledge of the entire universe is very limited.

Today, human civilization still does not know the reason for the birth of human consciousness.

For hundreds of years, human science has never stopped studying the generation of consciousness, but until today, there is no consensus on consciousness in the scientific community. Everyone can feel this objective and real world, but does everyone feel the same?

No one can know, perhaps, consciousness itself is a relatively closed and subjective concept that exists independently in each individual.

Until today, there is no definite answer about consciousness, and even when the brain is active, it is not even known how human emotions are generated.

Is the birth of consciousness related to some substance in the universe?

Some people also believe that consciousness is "dark matter" and the energy of consciousness is dark energy.

For example, spiritual thinking, if consciousness is dark matter, then spiritual thinking is realized by dark matter, followed by ideology, which is the mental state formed through spiritual thinking. Then all emotions, including joy, anger, sadness, joy, surprise...all knowledge structures, including outlook on life, values, methodology...all belong to ideology.

In the concept of physics, the state of matter is represented by the energy of matter, and the state of dark matter is represented by dark energy. Then, the state of the invisible dark matter of consciousness is regarded as invisible dark energy.

Now, Mo Yan of the advanced civilization told him that the consciousness of life comes from the "spirit" that is the opposite of dark matter, something that human civilization has never discovered.


The news was so amazing. It took Li Yi a while to recover from the shock. He looked at Mo Yan excitedly, and asked, "Is this kind of 'spirit' very valuable? Can you tell me about its existence? and how to find it?"

"No, no! This is the core secret of high-level civilization. It needs to be understood after civilization has developed to a certain level. It's useless if you know too much now." Mo Yan waved his hand and rejected Li Yi's request.

Li Yi took a deep breath, obviously not to give up obtaining more advanced civilization technology from Mo Yan.

"Then can we cooperate? I will hand over the music containing 'spirit' to your agent. I need all the technology of that fortress to resist the prying eyes of 'enemies'." Li Yi pointed to the star-level interstellar fortress and gestured road.

Hearing this, Mo Yan was instantly moved: "Let me see your music library first, if there are too many music containing 'spirit', I agree to this transaction."

Li Yi nodded and motioned to Xingtu to give Mo Yan temporary access to the music library.

"Yes, there are quite a lot of them. However, you are not allowed to authorize the music that I have selected, and you cannot let them lower the value of the music containing 'spirit'." Mo Yan used his own star map to link the music library, quickly Filter it up.

"Understood!" Li Yi thought for a while and agreed.

In the agency contract, Li Yi specially customized a rule that he has the right to cancel the cooperation voluntarily, but he needs to refund a part of the pledge to them.

A question that cannot be ignored is that if Bellis cancels the cooperation unilaterally, will he reveal the information of human civilization to the three galactic civilizations, which is a matter of vigilance.

However, if you can reach a cooperative relationship with Mo Yan and win a star-level fortress, you will have an effective means of resisting the invasion of other civilizations. After all, this deal is still not a loss!

Now, the only question is whether to get all the technology of the star-level interstellar fortress, and whether it can be manufactured at the technological level of human civilization, this is an unavoidable question.


Time flies, and in the star map space, Li Yi and Mo Yan made a major transaction involving trillions of star coins.

The scorching sun rises, the sun shines in the garden, the gentle breeze carries the fragrance of the morning dew, and the occasional bird chirping makes the garden more quiet.

In the study, Li Yi withdrew from the star map space, his face flushed and extremely excited.

Li Yi immediately went down to the star map space, transferred all the data of the interstellar fortress, and stored it on the supercomputing server.

"Master, a huge amount of data has appeared abnormally, and the transmission speed has reached: 645PB per second, which currently occupies 0.47% of the storage space of the supercomputing center server. At present, there is no trend to stop the transmission of data." Da Hei's all-need projection suddenly appeared in the study. , reporting to Li Yihui.

"I know this, don't worry about it, and report it to me after the data transmission is complete!" Li Yi nodded with a smile. If the acceptance speed of the biological supercomputing center server had not reached the upper limit, the star map space would have already transmitted the data long ago. .

"Master, how long will this data stream be transmitted? It has already crowded my signal channel, which will cause the intelligent program of 'Xinghai Era' to stagnate, the company's intelligent management system to stagnate, and the air traffic in Xingyao City cannot continue, ... ..., if I lose my control, many intelligent programs will be suspended due to unreceived instructions, ..." Da Hei reminded Li Yidao anxiously.

"Xinghai Era announced an emergency shutdown for maintenance, and other projects have also temporarily stopped. At the current speed, it should be completed in half an hour. You must find a way to overcome it first. All projects must make way for this wave of data flow." Li Yikan Big black gestured.

"Understood, master!" Da Hei answered the order and carried out the task according to the order given by Li Yi.

The announcement of Xinghai Era's emergency shutdown and maintenance was announced on the official website. At the same time, all online users of Xinghai Era were all offline. For a while, Xingyao Technology's ongoing projects were collectively slowed down or suspended. .

As everyone knows, after Li Yi's order was issued, it caused huge repercussions in the entire human society. The Xinghai Era is already the second world of human civilization. Its sudden shutdown for maintenance has produced a huge impact on the global society and even the global economy. influences.

"There was a problem with Xingyao Technology's services, and Xinghai Epoch was shut down for maintenance for the first time. Affected by this, several stock markets around the world crashed unexpectedly."

"Xingyao Technology's emergency service of the 'supercomputing center' will cause the entire human economy to suffer a loss of 500 billion yuan."

"One Sword"

"Major news. The Shining Star Technology Supercomputing Center has suffered an unknown attack. The 'Intelligent Brain' has been shut down for maintenance, and a large number of industries have stopped running. The recovery time is still unknown."

"Xingyao Technology's 'Intelligent Brain' has an unexpected situation, and all industries under Xingyao Technology have come to a standstill."

"Major crisis, a historic crisis in Shining Star Technology,..."


After the announcement of Xingyao Technology, the major online media in the world released this major news for the first time. Various eye-catching headlines and terrible speculations appeared on the hot list of news, attracting the attention of countless people around the world.

The size of Xingyao Technology was too large, and the loss of Dahei's management suddenly caused a huge reaction.

"For so many years, it is the first time that Xingyao Technology has shut down Xinghai Era for maintenance. There will be no problems!"

"Oh my God! Don't! If Xingyao Technology falls, human technology will go back decades!"

"Yeah! Xingyao Technology is so powerful that it doesn't have any problems. We didn't even know it had such a big impact!"

"Xingyao Technology hold on!"

"It's terrible, is it that the intelligent system of Xingyao Technology has betrayed mankind!"

"Don't listen to those bad media bullshitting. The machine will be broken after running for a long time. Xingyao Technology has not had any problems for many years. The sudden shutdown of the server this time is no big deal. Didn't the announcement say that it will be restored in 30 minutes to 2 hours?"

"The time was specially chosen to maintain it. The time in Huaguo is just at sunrise. The people of Huaguo are still sleeping and have the lowest impact on them. Xingyao Technology is too eccentric."

"Yeah! It shouldn't be a big problem, Xingyao Technology is taking the time to shut down for maintenance!"

"My stock has fallen badly, can I sue Xingyao Technology?"


Countless people around the world have eaten melons and made various remarks on the Internet, and without exception, they are concerned about this temporary shutdown of Shining Star Technology.

In the study, Li Yi sat on the sofa with a tired face. It had been all night long. He was waiting for all the data to be transferred before he could go to sleep with confidence. Occupies 23.5% of server storage space. "Da Hei suddenly reported to Li Yihui.

"Okay! These materials are about the technology of the entire industry chain for the manufacture of interstellar fortresses. Next, your job is to sort out these technological materials and make use of all the technologies that can be used. Whether it is a lunar base or a Mars base, it is ready to be built. You can work with the professors in the experimental center to develop the technology that cannot be directly used. It is too difficult, and if you can't figure it out, just put it aside and conquer it later." Li Yi excitedly Stand up and order the big underworld.

"Okay, Master!" Dahei answered the order, and then asked: "Master, these data occupy the storage space of the supercomputing center building. If you want to organize and start these technology industry projects, Dahei needs to apply for a larger storage space. The supercomputing center of space.”

"No problem, where is this supercomputing center going to be built!" Li Yi nodded happily and asked.

"Master, I found an advanced 'photonic brain' in the fortress database. It belongs to the fortress' main brain manufacturing technology. How about we use this technology to make Dahei's forehead 'supercomputing center'!" Dahei asked Li Yi recommended.

The next second, a virtual projection appeared in front of Li Yi, and it was an extremely gorgeous photon brain surrounded by a light body.

"Can I create this technology?" Li Yi frowned. He has always been on guard against the artificial intelligence brain. Even if Da Hei was made by it himself, he still couldn't put his mind down, and was afraid that he would have it. One day out of control.

Just now, the starry sky glasses were shut down for half an hour for maintenance. The huge impact and the heated discussions of countless people around the world, Li Yi couldn't believe what the consequences would be if Dahei lost control.

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