My hi-tech Library

Chapter 308: unexpected change

In a separate operating room, Sun Yi ate Haisai, and once again ate all the food brought by the food delivery truck.


Sun Yi touched his belly and hiccupped with satisfaction.

"How is it, are you full this time?" Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Sun Yi in the laboratory and asked with concern.

"I'm full!" Sun Yi answered honestly.

"Very good. Next, I have to do some environmental experiments on you. I really can't stand it. Tell me right away." Professor Wei Hanzhi reminded.

Hearing this, Sun Yi's face darkened. Although he ate a sumptuous meal, he felt as if he was dreaming. However, when he woke up, he was still just an experimental body!

"Okay!" Sun Yi answered the order honestly, it seemed that the other party didn't want to die by himself, and he would definitely express his position immediately when there was a problem.

"The first time is a temperature experiment. We will adjust the temperature in the laboratory. We need to know the limit you can bear. Don't worry, we are equipped with a full range of medical measures and will not let you sacrifice easily." Professor Wei Hanzhi smiled and reassured. .

"Well! Come on!" Sun Yi nodded reassuringly.

As soon as Sun Yi's voice fell, a white mist suddenly spewed out of the closed laboratory. The white mist was filled with cold air and quickly spread throughout the laboratory.

For a time, the closed laboratory seemed to be turned into a refrigerator.

Sun Yi reached out and stroked the cold white mist. He could feel that its temperature was very low, but it did not bring him a cold feeling, which was very strange.

"What have you done to me? Why is it so cold, but I'm not uncomfortable. My body feels like everything is normal." Sun Yi looked at the glass window and asked incredulously.

"Isn't there any strong cold feeling? Got it, the temperature is now -10 degrees, and I'm going to continue to cool down." Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded with satisfaction, and then gestured.

Soon, a colder white mist spewed from the metal hole.

Unpredictable, Sun Yi was so stimulated by the cold that he sneezed. However, it was not as cold as it was, and he was able to bear it. Sun Yi felt as if he was wearing short sleeves in autumn. It was a little cold, but there was nothing uncomfortable. .

"It's -25 degrees. He is still stable and in good condition. He will continue to lower it." Professor Wei Hanzhi instructed his subordinates.

"Yes!" The subordinate responded and immediately sent cooler air to the laboratory.

It was only when the temperature was lowered to -40 degrees that Sun Yi felt the cold, and when the temperature was -60 degrees, there was a greater feedback.

-80, -90, -100, the experiment continued, constantly challenging Sun Yi's cold resistance bottom line, until it reached -140 degrees, Sun Yi began to cry for help. At this time, his body was covered with frost and his body changed. Stiff, however, vital signs remain normal.

Just when Professor Wei Hanzhi stopped the experiment and rescued Sun Yi, an accident happened. The monitoring equipment found that the temperature of Sun Yi's body had dropped by 2 degrees, and it began to drop continuously. The temperature was constantly being adjusted downwards. He stopped and shivered, but his vital signs did not change much.

"Professor Wei, is the experimental subject dead! Do you want to rescue him?"

"No, it's not right! Raise the temperature to -100." Professor Wei Hanzhi ordered loudly, his face changed badly.

"Professor Wei, is there something wrong with the experiment?" Li Yi asked with concern, looking at Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"Mr. Li, I suspect that adaptive genes have changed the temperature-changing system in his body. This has not been discovered before, and the problem is very serious." Professor Wei Hanzhi explained with a dignified expression.

"Professor, the temperature is adjusted to -100, and the vital signs of the experimental subject have stabilized, but the temperature in his body has not stopped dropping." At this moment, the researchers who monitored the temperature equipment reported to Professor Wei Hanzhi.

Professor Wei Hanzhi's face suddenly became serious.

Humans are warm-blooded animals, which is the result of evolution.

The difference between constant temperature and variable temperature lies in the presence or absence of a thermoregulatory center, and in the way the body produces heat. Animals produce heat by digesting and absorbing organic matter and then oxidizing them for energy, while warm-blooded animals have a thermoregulatory center and have a stable set point. Humans are The temperature is about 37°C, and that of birds is about 40°C. Different body temperature adapts to the optimal response requirements of different biological enzymes.

However, ectothermic animals do not have such a regulatory center. Their thermoregulation is by looking for heat sources that exist in nature, so as to avoid excessive loss of body temperature, which will weaken the activities of cellular enzymes and thus weaken the activities of individual animals.

Warm-blooded animals and ectothermic animals are both cristae animals, two different branches of cristae vertebrae, because of the influence of the environment, although ectothermia are more difficult to adapt to cold places, but because the body cannot control the temperature autonomously, it is also much less. The consumption of energy, so the temperature-changing animals can carry it for a long time after eating once, and the digestion degree of food is relatively high. Snakes, crocodiles, lizards and other animals have less metabolites. The places where these animals live are generally relatively lack of animal resources. It's not easy to catch food, so the body temperature that tolerates hunger does not need to be constantly selected by nature.

Warm-blooded animals need to burn fat, sugar, etc. to maintain their body temperature. The faster the body consumes calories, the faster it consumes energy, and needs to maintain a higher frequency of predation. Therefore, warm-blooded animals generally live in places with relatively rich biological resources. .

However, after the experimental body was injected with adaptive genes to receive enhancement, the thermostatic system was still working, but when the surrounding environment became low and reached a certain threshold, it did make this thermostatic stabilization system fail and transformed into a life-changing life.

How could this happen? Now the problem is troublesome!

Professor Wei Hanzhi stared blankly at the screen showing the genetic data of the experimental subjects, frowning, eager to find out which set of genes was at work.

"Professor, the laboratory temperature is constant at -100 degrees, the vital signs of the experimental body are stable, and the body temperature has begun to stabilize. The current temperature is 22.7 degrees." The scientific research staff reported the experimental body monitoring data to Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"At 22 degrees, has the body temperature regulation center been destroyed? How could this happen! Why does this happen, the problem with the gene group?" Professor Wei Hanzhi scratched his scalp, stumped by this question.

"Continue to raise the temperature until the experiment starts. I want to see if his constant temperature central system will recover." Professor Wei Hanzhi stared at Sun Yi in the laboratory and ordered.

"Understood!" The scientific researcher responded to the order, and immediately controlled the temperature control equipment and began to raise the temperature in the laboratory.

After a while, the researchers looked at the monitor and reported: "Professor, the temperature in the laboratory has returned to 27 degrees, and the subject's current body temperature is 22 degrees, and the constant temperature central system has not recovered."

"What! Continue to raise the temperature to 50!" Professor Wei Hanzhi's expression changed greatly, and he ordered.

"Yes!" The scientific researcher responded and immediately activated the temperature control equipment to increase the temperature in the enclosed laboratory.

Sun Yi frowned in the laboratory, showing an uncomfortable look. The extremely cold temperature he had just endured almost froze him to death. Now the temperature has begun to rise. Is this going to bake him to death?

"Damn it! What kind of experiment is going on! All the scientists of Xingyao Technology are perverted!"

"Professor, the laboratory temperature is 50! The body temperature of the experimental body is still 22 degrees." The researcher reported the monitoring data.

"Continue heating and raise the temperature of the laboratory to 80 degrees!" Professor Wei Hanzhi gritted his teeth, staring at Sun Yi, who was constantly fanning his hands to dissipate heat in the laboratory, and ordered.

"Yes!" The researcher glanced at Professor Wei Hanzhi and continued to use the temperature control equipment to raise the temperature in the laboratory.

"Professor, the current temperature in the laboratory is 80 degrees, and the body temperature of the experimental body has changed. It is not 22 degrees, but 24 degrees. It has begun to increase the body temperature, and other physical signs of the experimental body are normal." The researchers who monitored the changes in body temperature reported in surprise. experimental data.

Hearing this, Professor Wei Hanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Sun Yi in the laboratory, looking unspeakable and extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing Professor Wei Hanzhi's appearance, Li Yi couldn't help sighing. This adaptive gene enhancement project is really twists and turns! After finally being able to conduct human experiments, this kind of thing that is not within the scope of control actually happened. This problem is very big, and the blow to the entire project is fatal. Maybe we have to start from scratch.

"Professor Wei, you have to cheer up! Try to find out the problem as soon as possible, you must not fall short at this time!" Li Yi looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and said encouragingly.

"I understand, Mr. Li, you are disappointed!" Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded with a wry smile.

"Keep working hard! Failure is only temporary." Li Yi smiled and finally encouraged.

After finishing speaking, Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and gestured: "Leave the laboratory to Professor Wei! Master Sun, let's go and see other projects."

"Okay!" Sun Bingwen nodded happily and said goodbye to Professor Wei Hanzhi: "Professor Wei, keep going! We are waiting for your good news."

After finishing speaking, Li Yi and Sun Bingwen's virtual projection disappeared in the laboratory.

Wei Hanzhi gritted his teeth, looked at Sun Yi in the laboratory, and loudly instructed his subordinates: "Stop the in vivo experiment, gather everyone, let's hold a meeting, and we must find out the reason for the thermoregulation center."

"Yes!" The researchers responded in unison and began to get busy.

Not to mention, how did Professor Wei Hanzhi hold a meeting with the scientific research team? After leaving the laboratory, Li Yi and Sun Bingwen inspected some important scientific research projects, and then connected to the spaceport to inspect the spaceport that was under construction in the second phase.

In the command room of the huge spaceport, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Yi looked out and saw outside the window, all kinds of spaceships, large and small, rising and falling on the docking platform of the huge spaceport. The scene was extremely spectacular.

"Master, there is a huge discovery under Mars." At this time, Da Hei's voice suddenly sounded behind Li Yi.

"Huh? What's the discovery? That underground civilization came out?" Li Yi asked with concern without turning his head.

With the launch of the 'Mars Transformation' project, the Mars base began to build a two-stage artificial magnetic field generator for Mars. If I remember correctly, the first phase of the magnetic field generator has been running for a period of time, providing a weak magnetic field for Mars Protect.

With the continuous increase in the scale of the artificial magnetic stage and the continuous increase in the strength of the magnetic field, in the future, Mars will obtain a planetary magnetic field that is weaker than that of the Earth. It is expected that in four or five years, Mars will be able to obtain a protective magnetic field.

Once Mars obtains a magnetic field, a large number of mirrors can be built on the orbit of Mars to continuously illuminate the north and south polar caps, sublime carbon dioxide into the Martian atmosphere, create a greenhouse effect, and heat up Mars.

When the temperature of Mars gradually rises, a large amount of water ice frozen at the poles will also melt, moisturizing the dry land of Mars. After reaching this condition, you can begin to transplant extremely cold-resistant and drought-resistant algae to Mars to convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into Oxygen, it is expected that after a hundred years of vigorous transformation, Mars will gradually transform into a habitable planet.

However, the premise of all this is to obtain a stable magnetic field for the Martian magnetic field. Otherwise, the carbon dioxide produced by hard work will be stripped away by the solar wind.

Li Yi's thoughts drifted a bit far, and he didn't pay much attention to the alien civilization underground on Mars. Once Mars was transformed into a living planet, the underground Martian civilization that existed or did not exist might not have a chance to show up.

"Master, Mars has a longitude of 34° and a latitude of 123°. A very large earthquake occurred. The source of the earthquake is located at 12,259 meters ~ ~ 3.245 million kilometers away from the Mars base. After the earthquake, I dispatched a large number of underground detection machinery. , to explore the information of the underground epicenter, intercepted some magnetic wave signals, and after analysis, obtained some special symbols." Da Hei replied to Li Yi.

After speaking, Da Hei projected some alien symbols on the virtual screen in front of Li Yi.

"Can you decipher what these symbols mean? Was it launched by the Martian underground civilization? Does it want to contact us?" Li Yi asked with concern, staring at the alien symbols on the virtual screen.

"Without the language information of the other party, the specific meaning of these alien symbols is clearly parsed, but through the comparison of high probability data, 35% of the symbols can be parsed out of the result, which roughly expresses the meaning: 'Who are you, come here? What is our planet doing?', leave immediately, the consequences are unbearable, ..., etc." Dahei listed the details to the signal analysis.

"So, this underground civilization found us? Are these signals their warnings to us?" Li Yi got serious and asked Da Hei with concern.

"The probability of them finding us is only 15%, and the Mars base did not find their existence!" Da Hei judged.

"Oh! That's not what these signals mean!" Li Yi frowned and asked in confusion.

"Master, the acquisition method of this group of signals is quite special. Using the transmission method based on mechanical waves, it is more likely to be a 'scare' type signal. They probably perceive changes in the magnetic field of Mars, and when they cannot leave the ground, they will send them to the outside world. A threatening message sent." Da Hei made his own judgment and replied.

Li Yi nodded and ordered: "Okay, find a way to dig out this civilization."

"Okay, master!" Da Hei responded.

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