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Chapter 301: Star Age (4)

The huge spaceport has tens of thousands of passengers traveling between the stars every day. They use the spaceport as a transit station, or go to the moon, and roam the space with fire, bringing huge profits to the space industry and allowing the human space industry to gain a lot of capital attention.

The global financial market pays great attention to the technology of the interstellar era, a large amount of funds are invested in the aerospace field, the large-scale construction of various intelligent engineering robots, 3D printing technology, high-efficiency, high-speed production tools are widely popularized, the level of spacecraft construction has increased by leaps and bounds, spacecraft The scale of the manufacturing industry has also expanded rapidly.

Of course, interstellar space technology still needs to be carried out under the technical guidance of Xingyao Technology.

Third-rate enterprises make products, second-rate enterprises make brands, first-rate enterprises make standards, and Xingyao Technology is a super-first-class enterprise.

"Sword Comes"

Entering the human society of the interstellar age,

The aerospace industry is expanding wildly, adding a huge number of jobs, and the global public is in high spirits. The sea of ​​stars full of opportunities has attracted the attention of countless people.

Perfect and complement the economic pattern between various regions of the world, the material wealth of the human world expands rapidly, and the personal wealth increases tremendously.

With the rapid expansion of material civilization, the blessing of genetic life-extending drugs, and the birth restriction of low-quality population, a large number of high-quality human populations have achieved huge growth.

However, the huge increase in population not only did not harm the earth, on the contrary, with the spread of a large number of genetically modified plants, the optimization of the desert environment, the introduction of environmental protection policies, the use of a large number of new pollution control technologies, the control of air pollution, and the control of various heavy metal pollution, The recycling and reuse of various pollutants, the earth's ecological environment suddenly improved rapidly.

Coupled with the massive construction of cities in the sky, the human civilization that has entered the interstellar era is thriving.

Under the leadership of Xingyao Technology, various new technologies of the interstellar era have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Xingyao Experimental Center, Astronomical Experiment Research Laboratory.

Professor Chen Tao leads the scientific research team to conduct research on space-time wormholes day after day. Although there is still no breakthrough in the 'channel technology' of building artificial wormholes and natural wormholes, however, through the natural space-time wormholes Research, or let them develop other related technologies.

Everything in the universe moves.

"Motion and "change" are the essence of the universe, while "balance" and "stillness" are very subjective and short-lived cognitions.

The energy of cosmic motion mainly comes from three parts: first, the kinetic energy generated by the big bang, and second, the gravitational and repulsive forces between cosmic matter, dark matter, and dark energy, which lead to the never-ending motion of celestial bodies in the universe. The third is the interaction force between the microscopic particle level.

The vast universe, countless planets, are constantly moving.

Taking the solar system as an example, the major planets seem to be suspended in the universe, but they are all in motion. They run at high speed on the orbit with the sun as the center, and even the speed of the earth is as high as 30KM/S. The centrifugal force generated by the upward motion is enough to compete with the gravitational force of the sun, and the two are basically balanced, and the earth will continue to run in the orbit of the sun for billions of years.

The solar system, on the other hand, revolves around the galactic center at a speed of 240KM/S. The galactic center is located in the core area of ​​the constellation Sagittarius and is a black hole with a mass of 4 million times that of the sun.

However, the expansion speed of the universe at this distance is about 4400KM/S, while the speed of the Milky Way is only 600-800KM/ S, will never be able to reach the speed of the giant attractor, it will only get further and further away.

In the process of exploring the natural wormhole in the universe, Chen Tao stayed with his scientific research team to develop a nano-detector. By opening the wormhole at any time, nanometer-level detectors were launched into the space universe. Now, the transformation of the space-time wormhole projector has been completed. It is to project a probe into the universe and start to explore the 'big event' that exists in the universe.

The universe is vast and the stars are in the sky, and the operation of projecting nano-detectors has been going on for some time. However, there are no valuable discoveries.

In the laboratory, Professor Chen Tao looked at the experimental bench. A holographic screen displayed a magnificent star map, marking many targets that had been explored.

"Professor Chen, Detector 523 sensed third-level gravitational fluctuations." Subordinate Zhang Yang suddenly gave him feedback.

"Is it a third-level energy fluctuation?" Chen Tao nodded and instructed: "Have you locked the position? How far is it."

"Professor, it is about 3,000 light-years away from us!" Zhang Yang responded.

"In the observable range, open Wanli, let's see what's going on!" Chen Tao thought for a moment and decided.

Cosmic stars are constantly moving, galaxies breathe and collide, black holes devour each other, supernovae are born, ..., etc., cosmic activities will explode large-scale gravitational fluctuations. The experiment has been carried out more than 200 times, and five or six times out of ten can be detected. volatility.

However, the detected situations are all common cosmic activities, or some undetectable violent scenes. Many detections have no valuable gains, and everything is unknown.

"Understood! The location is locked, ready to open Wanli!" Zhang Yang responded to the order, quickly controlled the command station, and contacted the lunar base to activate the Wanli tunnel telescope.

Immediately, Wanli, which is far away from the lunar base, started up, and the huge 'pipe' turned on and turned, and then started to the maximum output dynamic. The giant particle beam blasted out a space-time with a diameter of more than one meter, before the time-space wormhole closed. , Wanli took a picture of a detective and then projected it onto a holographic screen through intelligent background processing.

Like an epic blockbuster in a sci-fi film, a magnificent scene immediately appeared on the big screen.

The pictures taken by the breather screen formed a magnificent picture, this is an extremely fierce interstellar battle, and the battle is going on at a critical moment.

There are two forces in the battle. One force has an asteroid-like interstellar fortress, and the other force is composed of countless red giant ships. The battleships of the two civilizations are densely covered with virtual pictures, and they line up in formation. Generally two camps are formed.

The red giant mothership formed a formation, constantly spewing out a red mask, carrying a fierce energy cannon, and pulling in a distance with a battleship several sizes smaller than it, when the red mothership spouted a red cloud-like defensive cover. , At the same time, it will also spew out red light from time to time to counterattack the opponent's fleet.

The other fleet, surrounded by twelve interstellar fortresses, desperately fired interstellar naval guns of various sizes and diameters, the twelve spherical interstellar space fortresses had extremely heavy armor, and the huge body dragged a long tail flame, galloping with lightning. Sincerely.

Twelve interstellar fortresses are covered with muzzles that are as tiny as skin pores, hundreds of meters in diameter, and densely packed.

Thousands of sturdy energy beams shot out, one after another, forming an airtight attack net that bombarded the Red Fleet.

The two civilized fleets were stalemate and exhausted. The battle was extremely fierce and cruel. The huge battleship was tens of thousands of kilometers at once, and the ships carried a lot of people.

Compared with the huge scale of the war in this cruel battle, their individuals are extremely small, however, because of this, the number of their deaths is as high as a cow's hair, innumerable.

The two sides fought frantically, a burst of energy rays passed, and another ray resumed. In the light rain, the densely packed spaceships were either directly annihilated by flying ashes, or survived by luck, or dragged their half-disabled body and annihilated in the next light. in the rain.

The scale of the war was incomparably vast, with countless warships exploding every moment, and countless alien lives dying.


Professor Chen Tao was stunned by the influence of the holographic screen, and the whole person was stunned.

In the laboratory and scientific research room, the needle drop can be heard.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Two alien civilizations, are they fighting?" Professor Chen Tao's voice trembled and asked his subordinates in disbelief.

"Yes, Professor, we seem to have detected an interstellar war, a battle between two alien civilizations!"

"This gravitational wave agitation is probably caused by this interstellar battle!"

"Oh my God!"

"God! How can such a thing happen!"


As soon as Professor Chen Tao's voice fell, all the researchers in the laboratory calmed down and exclaimed in surprise, all of them turning pale with fright.

A routine detection of the activities of cosmic celestial bodies actually allowed them to detect an interstellar battle between two alien civilizations. Two alien civilizations that could not be found before suddenly appeared.

The terrifying interstellar war scene, the level of technology mastered by the two alien civilizations, if they invaded human beings, they would definitely wipe out the entire human race every second.

"Quick! Send this video to President Li, and let him know!" Professor Chen Tao shouted, enduring the shock.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang responded, shaking his fingers and following Professor Chen Tao's instructions, he forwarded the video to Li Yi.

At this time, Li Yi was playing with his youngest daughter, Li Yan, at home. After receiving the prediction of Da Hei's major event, he hurried back to the study, closed the door, and quickly communicated with Da Hei.

"Yes, master, we have discovered two alien civilizations that are at war." Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

Li Yi was stunned for a while, looked at the interstellar battle frozen on the holographic screen, and asked, "Da Hei, what happened to the result of the battle, and why is it gone later?"

"Master, according to the data obtained from the detection, these two alien civilizations have far more control over technology than human technology. Continuing the detection is likely to be discovered by them. It will take great risks, so Professor Chen did not continue. Next detection." Da Hei reminded Li Yi.

Hearing this, Li Yi was taken aback, and his whole body suddenly became cold.

In the holographic screen, tens of thousands of space battleships and the interstellar battle broke out in the spherical interstellar fortress. No matter which side is the existence that human civilization cannot afford, human beings have not even built a decent interstellar battleship. Starships can enslave human civilization.

"We turned on the energy fluctuation of the tunnel detector, have they been discovered by them?" Li Yi asked worriedly, looking at Da Hei.

"Master, the activation of instant wormholes will definitely leave some traces of energy. With the technological level of the other party, they will definitely be noticed by them in normal times. However, they are engaged in fierce interstellar battles, and the energy field of the interstellar battlefield is fierce. The energy to track down, so the chance of us being discovered is very small." Da Hei judged.

Hearing this, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried.

With a library of civilizations in his hands, Li Yi is very clear about the value of human civilization, known as 'musical talent', among many alien civilizations.

The tunnel detector locates the movements of stars by locating the large fluctuations of 'gravitational waves', and observes major events in the universe. It has never considered the outbreak of a war between two alien civilizations, causing the phenomenon of violent 'concussion' of 'gravitational waves'.

Now a special situation has happened, but fortunately the consequences are not so serious.

The interstellar battle between the two alien civilizations suddenly erupted, and a gravitational fluctuation that was not inferior to the black hole merged with each other. Invaded the battlefield, ..., this situation should not be too bad.

As if he understood what Li Yi was worried about, Da Hei quickly comforted him: "Master, these two alien civilizations are fighting a very cruel life-and-death The battlefield is 3,000 light-years away from us, At this moment, they definitely don't have the energy to track through the wormhole and look for us in turn."

If two alien civilizations are in a life-and-death battle, if they find that another civilization has spied on their battlefield, once the winner is determined, how can the winning side let go of the 'peepers'?

Li Yi nodded, looked at Da Hei and asked with concern: "Really? How likely is this? How long will this battle last, and what is the probability that they will ignore us?"

As soon as Li Yi's voice fell, the picture on the holographic screen changed, and the two civilization's interstellar battleship formations were separated one by one, and the dense waterfall of data poured down.

According to Li Yi's order, Da Hei launched an all-round deduction.

A few minutes later, Da Hei replied to Li Yi: "Master, according to the observation data, it can be inferred that this interstellar battle is a war in which a united force is besieging another force. According to the current situation on the battlefield, this is an evenly matched war. It is expected that it will take a long time to determine the winner, more than 0.1-3 years, according to the distance span and the complex situation of the battlefield, the success rate of the opponent's anti-reconnaissance will not be higher than 1 in 110,000."

Li Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he learned the results of Da Hei's deduction. The data calculated by his deduction was very accurate, and the odds of one in a billion were really low.

However, this matter involves the life and death of human civilization, and there is no room for sloppyness.

Li Yi thought for a moment, looked at Da Hei with a solemn expression, and instructed, "Link me with Mr. Xu, I want to talk to him."

"Okay, master!" Da Hei readily responded, the holographic screen changed, and the video call was dialed.

The next second, the holographic screen flashed, and an old man with a face with a national character appeared on the holographic screen. He was in a solemn meeting scene, and behind him was the flag of the Human Alliance 'Blue Earth'.

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