My hi-tech Library

Chapter 284: Star Entertainment

"Knowledge of entertainment more popular than music?"

After listening to Li Yi's question, Bellis frowned, thought for a while, and introduced: "Music is common to wisdom and civilization, and this commonality has different audiences for other entertainment knowledge. I can't be sure that other entertainment projects are better than music. more popular."

Soon, in Bellis' introduction, Li Yi generally understood that entertainment content such as games, competitions, movies, paintings, etc., there are also different entertainment variants in many civilizations, and these aspects also have audiences, but, It is impossible to think that music is liked by the global intelligent civilization.

Li Yi and Bellis conducted in-depth discussions on the possibility of developing other entertainment knowledge. The entertainment knowledge of human civilization should not be too rich. In addition to music, movies, sports competitions, painting, ..., etc., entertainment projects can be to promote.

However, compared to music, the audience aspect may be much smaller.

The best way is to create some interstellar age sci-fi movies, in combination with related theme music, sci-fi movies and theme music merge together to promote.

When Li Yi came out of the new map space, it was already late at night.

However, Li Yi's face was full of joy. This exchange was a huge harvest. At the same time, he also thought of ways to deal with the threats of those alien civilizations.

Li Yi thought about using the special effects of the film to shoot some interstellar movies like 'Three-Body Problem', 'Interstellar Legend' and 'Star Ring', spread among the alien civilizations, highly publicize the advanced 'technological level' of human civilization, and deter those who are against it. Human civilization suspects malicious alien forces.

With the financial resources of Xingyao Technology, it is fully capable to guide a large number of talents around the world, and resources are invested heavily in the creation of interstellar music and interstellar science fiction movies.

"Yi! Still not sleeping? What are you thinking about!"

At some point, Zhou Wenhui walked behind Li Yi, put her head on his shoulder, and asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I'll sleep now!" Li Yi smiled and reached out and stroked Zhou Wenhui's head.

"I always feel that you are hiding something from me, but I can't find a trace!" Zhou Wenhui said softly beside Li Yi's ear.

"Where is it! What can I hide from you, do you see me going to make trouble? Don't you wrong me!" Li Yi felt a little guilty in his heart, and argued with a serious face.

"Hey! I'm bluffing you! Why are you reacting so big! Is there really something you're hiding from me? Now, I think there's something wrong." Zhou Wenbin chuckled, staring at Li Yi suspiciously, and asked curiously.

Li Yi angrily pulled Zhou Wenhui into his arms and smiled ambiguously: "I want to know, I'll tell you!"

After speaking, Li Yi lowered his head and covered Zhou Wenhui's red lips.

"Wow!" Zhou Wenhui snorted proudly, and immediately didn't care about other things.

Soon, the atmosphere in the study room gradually became ambiguous.


The next day, early in the morning.

Li Yi got up with a tired face and put his hands on his lower back, looking like he was working hard.

"Wake up! Come and have breakfast!"

Seeing Li Yi come out of the bedroom, Zhou Wenhui greeted him warmly and poured milk for him by himself.

Compared with Li Yi, whose face was tired, Zhou Wenhui's face was radiant and her skin was white and red, as if she was a few years younger.

"Little guys, have you all gone to school?" Li Yi sat at the dining table and looked around.

"Yeah! It's getting late, are you going to the company later?" Zhou Wenhui handed Li Yi a piece of bread and asked with concern.

"Don't go! Just wait for a meeting in the study, and take a nap at noon!" Li Yi sighed and admitted defeat.

Last night's 'battle' was extremely intense. Three confluences were fought all at once. Li Yi was not too young, and his resilience had declined. After the war, the 'loss' was heavy. However, Zhou Wenhui was different. Although she did not behave properly during the battle Begging for mercy, he kept raising the white flag, but the speed of recovery after the war was not something he could match.

After all, Li Yi lost the battle last night.

Li Yi felt that now only when Professor Wei Hanzhi develops the enhanced genetic medicine, can he possibly pull back this round, otherwise, the future battles will not be so intense.

Looking at Li Yi's unhappy appearance, Zhou Wenhui smiled, leaving him alone and going to the gym by herself.

After Li Yi finished breakfast, he plunged into the study.

Li Yi buried his body in the comfortable sofa, and instantly activated the virtual conference function, attracting Tang Shaohong, Xu Yang, Zhang Yuanfeng, ..., etc., more than a dozen senior management of Xingyao Technology.

After a while, the circular conference table in the virtual conference room was filled with people.

As soon as everyone appeared, they all looked at Li Yi, all of them looked solemn and solemn. They were suddenly called by Li Yi to hold an emergency meeting. This was rarely the case, and they couldn't help but get nervous.

Li Yi hardly appeared to intervene in the management of Xingyao Technology. He was suddenly invited to a meeting this time. It should be that something big was about to happen.

"Don't be sulky! Relax, I'm inviting you to come over for a project meeting today, nothing else, don't be nervous!" Li Yi looked at the crowd and signaled with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't the management meeting. They were really afraid of what management decision Li Yi was going to announce. The size of the Xingkong glasses is so large. YaoTech itself, or the world economic structure, will cause huge shocks.

"What project will you do? President Li, what project are you going to do?" Tang Shaohong looked at Li Yi and asked curiously.

Li Yi was silent for a moment, organized the language, and indicated: "According to the data analyzed by Xiaoxing, today, the technology of intelligent machinery has entered the next generation of comprehensive upgrading, the scale of the industry is expanding, and the comprehensive and deep involvement in the manufacturing industry will be very important. The global manufacturing industry has caused a huge competitive blow, resulting in a large number of unemployed people around the world, which has a great negative impact on the human social order, economic development, and other fields.”

After listening to Li Yi's words, everyone quickly looked at each other, their eyes slightly bewildered.

This problem mentioned by Li Yi is well known to the whole group of Xingyao Technology. Therefore, Xingyao Technology did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to develop virtual networks, and the purpose of developing the virtual game "Xinghai Era" is to solve the problem of unemployed people.

The unemployed population in the country has been basically resolved, and under the massive welfare subsidies of the state, the unemployed agricultural population has also been arranged.

Li Yi is now revisiting the old story. He is preparing to solve the problem of the unemployed abroad. Before this problem, he said that it is not good to interfere in the policies of other countries! How can this change.

The high-level group remained silent, waiting for Li Yi's decision.

Li Yi looked around the audience, and then announced: "In the industrial manufacturing industry, there is definitely no way to boost employment. Therefore, I decided to invest heavily in other fields to inspire mankind to create a richer spiritual civilization."

"Mr. Li, do you mean to invest in the entertainment industry? We are a technology company! This..."

"Yeah! We're not good at this field."


The big guys looked at each other and didn't know what Li Yi was going to do.

Li Yi moved his right hand to stop everyone's doubts, and continued: "I don't want to listen to any of your excuses, Mr. Tang, please remember my decision, Xingyao Technology is setting up a cultural company, integrating entertainment resources, and music, We will invest in all fields in the film industry, and upgrade the entertainment industry into a core strategy.”

"We will invest in more than 1,000 interstellar sci-fi blockbusters within the year, lead Quan Min to create interstellar-type music and movie content, vigorously promote the era of interstellar civilization, and work closely with film companies and music companies. The investment scale of the first phase is 10 trillion. Create a global music talent show, encourage and fund music creators,..." Li Yi gushed about various entertainment arrangements.

The high-level executives frowned collectively and were shocked by Li Yi's determination to invest in entertainment in the interstellar theme.

"Mr. Li, such a huge capital expenditure puts a lot of pressure on the company's capital flow." Tang Shaohong reminded.

Li Yi's face was stern, and he couldn't refuse to say: "The Star Entertainment project must be implemented completely and solved. If the funds are insufficient, borrow money. If not, reduce investment in other fields. All Star Entertainment projects must be implemented as quickly as possible. If the implementation continues, whoever dares to drag down these projects, or if the implementation is not in place, don't do it! This is my decision, what opinions do you have!"

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed. Li Yi actually said such a serious thing. Anyone who doesn't execute it properly will get out. This is the development of Xingyao Technology, and Li Yi has never expressed such a position in public.

Now, everyone knew Li Yi's determination to develop star entertainment.

"Understood! President Li, I will fully implement this decision!" Tang Shaohong took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Well! Xingyao Technology earns so much money and develops such an industry. The purpose is to create an advanced scientific and technological civilization. Now, our material civilization has been brought up, but the spiritual civilization has been seriously delayed. The major investment in this area has It will help to improve the integration of civilizations, and at the same time, it can take advantage of the great development of entertainment to alleviate various social problems caused by the global unemployed population." Li Yi comforted everyone and explained with a smile.

Tang Shaohong, Xu Yang and others nodded in unison. At this time, Li Yi said what he said, and they did not dare to have an opinion.

Seeing that everyone understood his determination to develop Interstellar Entertainment, Li Yi immediately announced his dissolution and closed the virtual meeting.

The specific content of the Interstellar entertainment project still needs to be deduced by Dahei, and then the relevant work tasks are sent to the office staff of Xingyao Technology.

Li Yi recruited big blacks to divide the project in the light curtain and implement the details.

Time flies, and a week has passed.

Xingyao Technology's interstellar entertainment project began to publicize it to the world in a high-profile manner.

"Xingyao Technology has become-Xingyao Culture Company, announcing an investment of 10 trillion yuan to deploy the interstellar entertainment industry!"

"Xingyao Culture has invested trillions of dollars and announced the launch of a thousand sci-fi blockbusters with the theme of interstellar civilization. Virtual technology will provide assistance for interstellar blockbusters."

"Xingyao Technology will directly invest 10 trillion yuan in the global entertainment investment plan, indirectly drive hundreds of billions of funds, and create hundreds of millions of entertainment jobs around the world!"

"The era of Star Entertainment is coming, and the founder of Star Science and Technology has threatened that the production of human material civilization has been fully mechanized, and the focus of human employment will turn to the development of spiritual civilization!"

"Xingyao Technology's new subsidiary, Xingyao Civilization, will lead all mankind to build an era of interstellar entertainment and create hundreds of millions of jobs for the world."


For a time, the hot searches of major news websites around the world were occupied by news of the development of Starlight Technology in the era of Interstellar Entertainment, and the world was boiling.

"Come! Come! Xingyao Technology is here again!"

"In order to create jobs for the world, Xingyao Technology is also working hard!"

"Xingyao Technology is mighty! Interstellar Entertainment is mighty!"

"Investing in thousands of interstellar sci-fi blockbusters is too big! As expected of Xingyao Technology, it is a big deal as soon as it is shot!"

"Musicians and filmmakers are in a good mood! Xingyao Technology is about to detonate another industry!"

"Get rich! Entertainment-related stocks are going crazy!"

"It's too late to switch to music now!"


Countless netizens around the world are collectively boiling. The Interstellar entertainment project promoted by Xingyao Technology is related to the vital interests of countless people, even if there are no direct interests, but also indirect interests. Therefore, everyone is applauding the real project launched by Xingyao Technology.

Xingyao Technology has always been honest, and the content of each promotion is consistent with their actual Xingyao Technology said that it will spend 10 trillion yuan, then it will definitely be put in place, such a large amount of money , all put into Interstellar Entertainment, then there will never be half a point left.

Listed companies related to the global stock market and entertainment have ushered in a wave of skyrocketing.

However, something happened that made countless investors crazy, Xingyao Technology's actions were faster than everyone imagined, and the investment was more decisive.

"Huachen Entertainment: The company has signed a cooperation agreement with Xingyao Culture, and will host a global music talent show with the theme: music under the stars."

"Baotai Film: The company is signing a cooperation agreement with Xingyao Culture, and will undertake the production of 10 interstellar blockbusters!"

"Somo Film: The company and Xingyao Culture successfully signed an agreement,..."

"Dream Factory: The company has reached strategic cooperation with Xingyao Network and Xingyao Culture to develop virtual special effects technology,..."


Hundreds of thousands of listed film companies, music companies, and entertainment companies around the world have signed cooperation agreements with Shining Star Technology, reached strategic cooperation, undertaken film production tasks, etc., various cooperation agreements.

Xingyao Technology's action immediately fooled countless netizens around the world who eat melons.

"So fast, the action efficiency of Xingyao Technology is too exaggerated!"

"It's terrifying! Xingyao Technology is going to do its best to elevate the human entertainment industry to a higher level!"

"Global spread, Xingyao Technology is mighty!"

"It's a pity that there are fewer stocks to buy, and Huayi Entertainment has gone crazy!"

"Incredible color, 10 trillion investment in real money, Xingyao Technology is really rich!"


Countless netizens around the world have been discussing and commenting constantly, and they have been stunned by the generous and fast-paced actions of Xingyao Technology.


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