My hi-tech Library

Chapter 265: Genetic Enhancement Engineering (1)

Shining Star Technology, the top office of the headquarters building.

Li Yi stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. Under the clouds, among the tall buildings, there were flying cars like long metal dragons.

Xingyao's huge body, full of passengers and supplies, rushed up from the berthing area, and soon became a black spot, getting smaller and smaller in the sky.

Li Yi had no time to pay attention to such a spectacular city scene, and his attention was all on the virtual light curtain in front of him.

It is full of scientific research projects being carried out by the Xingyao Experimental Center, from the research and development of new materials, the development of experimental instruments, to the design of spacecraft, covering all aspects of scientific and technological fields, all-encompassing.

Antimatter energy that replaces cold nuclear fusion, technical solutions to transform the Martian environment, new materials used in the construction of spaceports, design drawings of a new generation of interstellar spacecraft, ... After the adoption of the biological brain host, artificial intelligence - Dahei's computing power It has increased by 170,000 times. With its assistance, various research and development work of Xingyao Experimental Center has reached a new level, and various new types of research have been successful and appear one after another.

For example, 'see-through glasses' technology, a new type of device that can be applied to medical care. It is developed using the principle of complementary combination of infrared and sub-X-rays and quantum harmonic technology.

Wearing these glasses, the doctor can clearly see the internal organs of the patient, and even the concentrated parts of the lesions and mutant cells in the bone marrow and the spreading trend, and the general X-ray examination, CT fluoroscopy, B-ultrasound is omitted. , nuclear magnetic resonance and other cumbersome matters, so that doctors can accurately and targeted treatment of patients, even if they are not doctors, they can use this kind of glasses to monitor health conditions at any time and read health values ​​at any time.

The birth of this technology, combined with nano-medical technology, has made a major breakthrough in the medical field again.

For example: Gravity control technology. After entering the interstellar era, many fields have very high requirements on the gravitational environment. Through the development of new superconducting materials and in-depth research on the gravitational field, a new generation of artificial gravity technology has been gradually developed.

Another example: the new holographic projection, that is, three-dimensional imaging technology, does not require wearing 3D glasses. Through the combination of virtual network and bio-sensing chip, a bio-sensing chip is implanted on the skin of the body, or, wearing a 'sensing chip' Bracelet, 'can make 'holographic projection' realize the biological link technology.


There are so many different kinds of new scientific and technological achievements that are constantly breaking out, and the Xingyao Experimental Center has ushered in a harvest season.

However, despite all the research and development achievements, the genetic engineering that Li Yi is most concerned about has achieved very little.

Human civilization has entered the interstellar age, but the body cannot adapt to the environment of the interstellar age. Human beings have some obvious shortcomings, such as being afraid of cold and heat, radiation, toxins, not strong enough, prone to obesity, genetic diseases, etc. Unable to meet the requirements of the interstellar age.

Although, longevity gene drugs and nanomedicine technology have been developed, there have also been many major breakthroughs in the medical field.

For example: artificial strange technology, along with the upgrade of artificial heart technology, artificial heart technology can now completely replace the two ventricles at the bottom of the heart, heart patients can currently rely on artificial hearts to spend their lives forever, and organ printing technology, using generated cells , Through the organ bioprinter, the organ tissue is printed in layers. Since the cells come from the patient itself, the problem of organ rejection in the patient's body is completely solved. Of course, this organ bioprinting technology is still in the experimental stage.

However, the technology of artificial organs is very mature at present. As long as there is enough capital, it is also possible to replace a young body in addition to the brain.

The biomedical field is developing rapidly, DMA repair technology, a new generation of anti-aging biochemical enzymes, better life-extending gene drugs, neurological limb technology, ..., etc., various advanced medical technologies emerge in an endless stream, with huge R&D investment, Many advanced medical technologies continue to break through.

However, the development of gene-enhancing agents that allow humans to adapt to the environment of interstellar civilization has been stagnant.

Li Yi took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and turned off the virtual screen.

Li Yi turned to sit on the sofa in the rest area, looked at Da Hei and said, "Da Hei, help me inform Professor Wei Zhihan, Lin Manyun, Wang Yangping, all the members of the genetic engineering research team, as well as Sun Bingwen, Tang Shaohong and the others, let me They drop what they're doing, and in fifteen minutes, I'm going to have a virtual meeting with them."

"Okay, Master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately gave the order. Immediately afterwards, the picture in front of Li Yi's eyes changed, and the decoration style of the office changed to the appearance of a conference room in vain.

This is a new technology born after Da Hei used the biological brain host, upgraded the virtual network algorithm, and combined with the reality sensing technology. The combination of virtual and real environments has created a communication technology that connects the virtual and the real in real time.

Through this technology, everyone, in different places, can meet in real time through a virtual network.

Li Yi was sitting in the chair of the 'virtual conference room'. It didn't take long for 'Tang Shaohong' to appear on Li Yi's right side. Next, Sun Bingwen, Professor Wei Hanzhi, ..., and soon, in front of the large rectangular conference table, It was full of people.

"Mr. Li, what is the topic of today's meeting?" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Li Yi one after another. They were all busy with their work. They were suddenly notified by Li Yi for a meeting, which shocked them.

Tang Shaohong has WeChat on her face, and she is also very curious. She is mainly responsible for the work of Xingyao Technology, and generally seldom participates in scientific research meetings of Xingyao Experimental Center. Li Yi actually let her participate in this meeting. Tang Shaohong is very curious. what reason.

"I just read the project results report of the experimental center, and I am very satisfied with your work. Many scientific research projects have made breakthroughs. Everyone has worked hard." Li Yi smiled and looked at everyone's praise.

"It's okay, okay, the smart assistant is a big help."

"Yeah! It is with the support of Xiaoxing's data that the neuroprosthetic project can break through!"

"It's true that smart assistants are very helpful."


Hearing this, everyone's nervous expressions suddenly turned into smiles, and almost all of them praised the powerful assistance of the intelligent assistant to their work.

"Are you all ready? If you are all ready, let's start!" Li Yi smiled and asked while looking around the audience.

"It's full, there's no defect! It's time to start." Sun Bingwen looked around the conference table, glanced at the data of the participants, and confirmed.

"Well! That's it. Many projects of genetic engineering have achieved a lot of scientific research results, but there is almost no progress in the work of human genetic enhancement. I want to ask, why is this?" Li Yi's face turned serious. , watching people ask directly.

Hearing this, everyone who was smiling at first lost their smile, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"Mr. Li, the genetic enhancement project is too complicated, the virtual simulation experiment is unrealistic, and there are some results in the experiment on animals, but the specific implementation of the human body experiment is against ethics, and the experimental work in this area is not easy to carry out. Therefore, the gene The project of strengthening the project is very unsatisfactory in terms of advancement." Professor Wei Hanzhi responded quickly.

"Yeah! Genetic engineering is a very sophisticated system. Strengthening certain aspects will inevitably lead to weakening in certain aspects. We have carried out some enhanced experiments on experimental monkeys and achieved some results." Professor Wang Yangping introduced After a moment, he continued: "However, the experimental results are not very satisfactory."

"By injecting a physical strength-enhancing genetic agent, the enhanced monkey is about five times stronger than ordinary experimental monkeys. At the same time, the enhanced monkey will not get sick, has enhanced senses, its heart muscle strength has been doubled, and its lung efficiency has increased by 100%. 50. The blood of the fortified monkey contains platelets that can regenerate from the elimination of viruses or toxins, these platelets can enhance hemostasis, increase oxygen transport, ..., increase in lifespan, and increase resistance to directed energy weapons. "

"However, in the enhanced monkeys fed this enhanced gene agent, defects in the enhanced gene created malformations in the sequence of base pairs that regulate the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, making them highly susceptible to aggressive and violent behavior and less mental endurance. Big problem, ..., at present, our scientific research team is considering to repair this defect before cultivating some embryos, and continue to carry out the next experiment to screen for more hidden problems." Professor Wang Yangping eloquently introduced that strengthening the gene of monkeys Strengthen research progress.

Li Yi nodded and looked at other project researchers: "What about you! What's the result?"

"Our group has experimented with gene optimization editing and breeding technology, and by optimizing a certain part of the gene fragment, we have carried out various aspects of breeding and optimization research on experimental monkeys. At present, we have cultivated a high-IQ experimental monkey: Xiaobei, with an IQ of 80-90. , is only slightly inferior to the average level of ordinary people." Professor Huang Wenbo, head of the gene editing research group, introduced.

"Our project team has carried out genetic modification experiments on experimental monkeys through genetic modification technology. By adding gene fragments of other species,..."


Soon, the heads of each experimental project team started project reports to Li Yi respectively. When they explained the experimental projects, they would use the virtual screen to demonstrate the experimental data during the experiment, some experimental pictures and so on.

Biochemical gene research work will definitely be related to the research of biological tissues and organs. Therefore, some **** tissue contents are extremely avoided in the virtual screen.

Li Yi, Tang Shaohong, and Sun Bingwen frowned.

Fortunately, the experimental subjects are all animals, monkeys, mice, etc. If human organizations are involved, the scene is even more unacceptable.

After the introduction of more than a dozen research project teams, Li Yi probably knew the reason for the successful breakthrough of the genetic enhancement project.

First, this kind of biochemical enhancement experiment can only be carried out in animals. Once human experiments are involved, it is contrary to human ethics, and it is difficult to carry out real human research. Project breakthroughs are naturally difficult to succeed.

Second, the genetic system of the human body is too complex. Gene editing technology, genetic modification technology, genetic optimization, etc., there are too many technical paths to choose from. Without a clear technical direction, it is impossible to concentrate on conquering the 'fortress' .

Third, human genetic enhancement is a research that cannot obtain technical assistance from him. Since the knowledge in the library comes from alien civilizations, they do not have human genetic data. Li Yi naturally provides technical support in this regard, so, This is a scientific research project that requires human scientists to create something from scratch and conquer it. The process is destined to be an extremely difficult process.

After thinking about this clearly, Li Yi's face gradually showed a look of relief.

"Well, Professor Charlie, pause for a while." Li Yi raised his right hand and gestured to Charlie Stephen who was reporting the progress of the research project.

Hearing this, Charlie Stephen, one of the few foreign professors present, nodded and quickly stopped reporting.

"The human genetic enhancement project is a very important work. It is an important factor in determining whether our human civilization can adapt to the long-term life in the space environment after entering the interstellar era. Therefore, I decided to increase investment in scientific research in this area." Li Yi Looking around the crowd, solemnly announced.

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded to show their understanding.

Humans have been living in the gravitational environment of the earth for a long time. Once they live in the space environment for a long time, some problems will inevitably occur in the body.

Due to the gravitational pull of the earth, people generate weight, which in turn presses on the crest, causing it to contract. In space, the Earth's gravity has little effect, no weight compression, the vertebrae lengthen, the body becomes taller, and the bone tissue becomes loose, with a bone loss rate of 2.7% per month in the legs and vertebrae, and bone loss in the hips. The loss rate is 1.7% per month.

Affecting the balance of the human body, the "vestibular system" is a special system for the human body to orient and balance in space, and its core organ is the human inner ear.

On Earth, the operation of the vestibular system is related to the Earth's gravity and horizon, while in space, the Earth's gravity and horizon are out of function, and the body's vestibular system has to adapt to new external conditions.

Affects human organs, such as the most important heart. The working mechanism of the heart is evolved according to the characteristics of the earth's gravity. Entering space, the gravity disappears, the heart will gradually become round, the alertness of the human brain will decrease, and the speed of thinking will decrease. Slow,..., Changes in vision and intracranial pressure caused by fluid changes in the upper and lower limbs in a microgravity environment, affecting vision,...,

Long-term exposure to high-energy radiation can, over time, damage body tissues and cells, damage DNA, and lead to a variety of diseases, including cancer.


All in all, human beings who have adapted to the earth's environment will gradually show various symptoms of discomfort in their bodies after entering the universe for a long time.

As a result, the personnel working in the lunar base and the spaceport need to change their guards frequently for a period of time, which casts a lingering shadow on the future of human civilization's vigorous development of interstellar civilization.

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