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Chapter 263: antimatter experiment

Time flies, three months have passed.

During the period, Xingyao Machinery, Xingyao Aerospace, Xingyao Materials, and Xingyao Urban Construction went public one after another, which became a major event in global finance. The market value of the four companies exceeded one trillion. Among them, Xingyao Aerospace had the highest share price, breaking through With a market value of 30 trillion, the next most famous material, Xingyao Materials, also has a market value of 12 trillion.

In one fell swoop, the market value of Longguo's A-share market has increased by 50%, and the four Xingyao branches have a market value comparable to that of more than 3,000 A-share listed companies.

The listing and financing received a large amount of funds, and many large projects were also launched.

In the Xingyao Experimental Center, there are more new scientific research projects, many of which are commissioned by the four branch companies.

Scientists are also getting busier.

Tao Guangliang is an employee of the Starship R&D Department. He has been working overtime continuously for the past few days. He cherishes this job very much. At only 28 years old, he is very interested in the design and development of starships and mechas. I am determined to become a research and development engineer for a spacecraft.

Therefore, Tao Guangliang has been working hard to learn this knowledge since he was a child, and has been a scholar since he was a child.

However, the research and development of spacecraft and the design of mechas are a newly emerging discipline. Today, only the company Xingyao Technology has such jobs.

In order to enter the Xingyao Experimental Center, Tao Guangliang applied for jobs with dozens of millions.

Because of this, Tao Guangliang cherishes this job very much, not only because of the good benefits, but also importantly, he can work in a job that is in line with his dreams and hobbies.

Joined the Xingyao Experimental Middle School-Starship R&D Department. For more than two years, Tao Guangliang was like a mouse falling into a rice jar—a mixed blessing.

The joy is that I can witness all kinds of spaceships I like, all kinds of exquisite spaceship models, and large-scale mecha models. In the design drawings of various spaceships, facing various spaceship models, the original freshness gradually disappeared.

The work that Tao Guangliang is responsible for is to simulate various simulation data of the spacecraft that have been designed, monitor various data of the spacecraft model, etc. It is boring and not challenging work, which has not let him shine for a long time. s things.

"Everyone, stop for a while and go to the conference room. There are new tasks coming down. I will tell you about it."

Just when Tao Guangliang was busy with his work, Tian Boming, director of the R&D department, came out of the office and greeted them.

Hearing this, Tao Guangliang couldn't help but stop working, followed the director with his colleagues and walked to the small conference room.

Walking into the conference room, I saw that Director Tian Boming was sitting in the chairman's seat, looking at the mobile phone excitedly. When they all came in, he quickly turned on the three-dimensional projection screen of the conference table, and then put the design drawing on the mobile phone. The data is placed on a three-dimensional screen.

Soon, a 'French baguette' starship appeared on the rectangular conference table, with a novel and simple shape. However, seeing the data of the spaceship listed around it, everyone discovered the spaceship immediately, not so Simple.

"What kind of spaceship is this! It's so big!"

"The shape is quite simple, but with such a large hull, what power system can move it?"

"No! The company wants to build this kind of spaceship?"

"My God! This data is too big!"


Entering the conference room, a group of scientific researchers cried out in surprise when they saw the data of this 'baguette' spacecraft.

What ship is this? Large transport ships, immigration ships?

The shape of the spacecraft is very simple, but the huge data makes it extraordinary, and it is the largest spacecraft that their department has seen so far.

Although their department is not the main research and development department of the interstellar spacecraft, it is the most critical test data acceptance department for the design of the interstellar spacecraft. This spacecraft is passed to their department. Once it passes the acceptance of the data test, it means that it will be very The engineering department will be conducted soon, and it will start to enter the production and development stage.

"Sit down! Today our department accepted a big guy, and it will be the core of everyone's work in the future." Tian Boming greeted everyone with a smile and introduced.

Hearing this, all the scientific researchers sat down one after another, but their eyes were always looking at the interstellar spaceship in the three-dimensional projection screen, guessing what kind of spaceship it was.

"Director, what type of spaceship is this! What kind of power system is used for such a large volume! How can this travel speed be achieved?"

"This is an interstellar aircraft carrier - Pangu, it is a mothership-type spacecraft that can carry 300,000 space fighters, length: 127,000 meters, width: 4559 meters, height: 856 meters, ..., main propulsion Engine: 12 "Xingchen-2" antimatter power engines, not conventional cold nuclear fusion power engines, but antimatter power engines, fastest flight speed: 67% speed of light, auxiliary thrusters: 36 "Xinghui-iia" Type nuclear fusion power engine, maximum speed: 22% of the speed of light, such a large load is not a problem at all." Tian Boming explained with a smile.

"Antimatter power engine? Really or not, antimatter technology has been developed?"

"No! Antimatter can already be used?"

"The company is too good!"


As soon as Tian Boming's voice fell, the conference room was in an uproar, and all the participants exclaimed in excitement, their expressions full of inconceivable.

Tian Boming smiled, did not answer their questions, and continued to explain the data of Pangu: "Pangu, load: 2000-5000 crew members, ..., radar/locking system: 12 "Guangming-ii" phase Array control system, 44 star-wave type gravitational wave navigation radars, ... Fire control system: 54 "Observation Tower" type 420mm gun control radars, 136 "Remote-2" 380mm gun control radars, 1220 "Black Hand" 320mm gun control radar, 330 "Lens" laser gun control radars, 35 "Tijin" anti-ship missile control radars, 56 near-anti-gun fire control radars, ..., core device: 1 "Mozi-5" Biological brain host, 1 typhoon electronic storage machine,..."

After listening to Tian Boming's introduction, the conference room quickly became quiet. Everyone stared at the "Pangu" in the three-dimensional projection, their eyes lit up, and their faces were full of surprises.

"What a terrible data, how long does it take to create it!"

"Only motherships? What about frigates? What about battleships! Shouldn't this space carrier be matched with other ships?"

"Director Tian, ​​we built the Pangu number ourselves! No other country is involved, right?"

"Building a spaceport is to build it, right!"


Tian Boming's speech was agitated by his subordinates, who asked questions impatiently, and was interrupted again and again.

Tian Boming smiled understandingly and looked at them, as if he had just returned to the establishment of the department. When they first joined, everyone's eyes were bright, and they worked hard every day.

One by one is like a curious baby, if their curiosity is not satisfied, this meeting will not go on.

Tian Boming stopped the introduction of the data of the Pangu number, pressed his hands down, and explained with a smile: "Okay, please be quiet, I will tell you all the information I know."

Hearing this, Tao Guangming and a group of colleagues quieted down and looked at Tian Boming with bright eyes.

"Professor Zhou Shuzhi is leading the team to study the antimatter project, and some results have been achieved so far. In the future, it will definitely be no problem to apply it to the navigation of interstellar spacecraft." Tian Boming explained with a smile, and then continued: "The Pangu is so huge, it is very difficult to build it. The dock is definitely not on Earth, but in space. At present, the spaceport construction project has been started, and the dock of the mothership is on the spaceport. Therefore, the design of Pangu is definitely not used to suppress the bottom of the warehouse. However, the specific start time , I don't know."

"What about the right of ownership! Is the Pangu number ours?" Tao Guangming asked with concern.

After listening to Tao Guangming's question, Tian Boming's head suddenly became big, and he explained helplessly: "Judging from the name of Pangu, it must belong to my country. What does it have to do with the company? ."

After a pause, Tian Boming looked at the crowd and solemnly warned: "This matter is a major secret of the company, and it may also involve the military. You should always keep in mind the confidentiality regulations, don't say anything."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

The Lucky Experiment Center emphasizes the confidentiality regulations the most. Since it has mastered a large number of advanced technologies in the world, the infiltration power from other forces is omnipotent.

For so many years, dozens or hundreds of leaks have been discovered every year, which is difficult to prevent.

In particular, these sensitive departments are the key to the key intrusion of many external forces. Once a leak occurs, I am afraid that I will be imprisoned for the rest of my life.

Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Tian Boming smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to preside over the meeting.

In the command room of another experimental area of ​​the Xingyao Experimental Center, Professor Zhou Shuzhi, together with a group of scientific research experts, watched the experimental images transmitted from the lunar base in front of the big screen.

Antimatter experiment is a very dangerous job. Once an accident occurs during the experiment, it will produce a more terrifying picture of a nuclear bomb explosion.

Therefore, antimatter experiments cannot be carried out in any city on earth, and the lunar environment is undoubtedly the most suitable experimental site. Therefore, research on antimatter theory has been carried out on the earth, and the experimental process is carried out near the lunar base.

On the big screen, there is a huge arc-shaped device. The inner space is a tube wall surrounded by circles of conduit loops, forming an inverted gourd-shaped inner space, ..., a simple version of the antimatter furnace, only antimatter The manufacturing function, no storage, energy response function.

"The frequency generator has been tested normally and is in good working condition."

"The reactor link is normal and the energy supply is sufficient."

"Each sub-module system has passed the certification, and the reaction device software system has passed the test."

"The fifth intellectual brain experiment is completed, and the data structure conforms to the standard model."


The reports came one after another, one after another, and the experimental command room was filled with the tense atmosphere of the coming war.

Everyone looked at the leader of the experiment - Professor Zhou Shuzhi.

Different from cold nuclear fusion experiments, it is already a very mature and stable technology. Antimatter is an extremely difficult substance to produce. Because of the application of various new technologies, complex antimatter collisions create reaction deduction calculations, and the workload is no less than that of conducting A big battle.

After spending more than four months, the faces of the experts and professors were a lot haggard. However, they looked at the antimatter reactor device on the big screen with piercing eyes, their bodies trembling slightly, and an uncontrollable excitement in their hearts, almost about to burst out.

Although the function of the antimatter furnace has not yet been formed, it only has a single antimatter manufacturing function, but they have conquered this important component in such a short period of time. Talk to outsiders.

At this moment, everyone in the experimental hall is like a chicken blood, and their mental state is unprecedentedly good.

The antimatter melting pot is about to start its first experiment. It is a higher-level energy utilization than nuclear fusion energy. Once the development is successful, human civilization will start a real interstellar civilization and can explore galaxies outside the solar system. Human history It will be remembered that today, a new era is coming, and they are the creators of this history.

"Professor Zhou, so the preparations are ready, and the experiment can begin?" Zhang Feng looked at Zhou Shuzhi with a flushed face, and asked excitedly for instructions.

"Do you want to invite President Li over!" Sun Bingwen looked at Professor Zhou Shuzhi and asked with concern.

"I told him! He's not free right now! Let's start!" Zhou Shuzhi waved his hand and said impatiently.

Sun Bingwen nodded, turned his head to look at the big screen, and was not tangled up in this matter.

Professor Zhou Shuzhi took a deep breath, looked at Zhang Feng, and announced, "Finally confirm the communication status of the remote unmanned experiment. The results are confirmed and the experiment will start immediately."

After speaking, Professor Zhou Shuzhi stared at the big screen, and his face couldn't help but show nervousness.

The antimatter furnace in front of Zhou Shuzhi is very nervous. According to the design drawings provided by Li Yi, he led the scientific research team to work day and night to overcome the difficulties of each technology. Phase one experiment.

Now, it's time to present the results.

Success or failure, the result will be announced soon, Professor Zhou Shuzhi is extremely nervous.

"Inform the lunar base to check the remote unmanned experimental control communication for the last time, confirm that it is correct, and start the experiment immediately!" Zhang Feng took the order and hurriedly asked the console to transmit Professor Zhou Shuzhi's instructions to the lunar base.

Soon, on the big screen, the experimental staff of the lunar base appeared nervous and busy. After confirming that the communication in the unmanned laboratory was normal, they immediately started the experiment.

On the big screen, the huge antimatter furnace energy was activated, and the cold fusion power station sent massive energy to the antimatter furnace. In an instant, the entire furnace energy surged violently, bursting with strong light, like a metal monster that woke up from a deep sleep, and burst out with a roar. roaring, woke up from his slumber.


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