My hi-tech Library

Chapter 262: Listing Promotion Conference (2)

After Xingyao Machinery, Xingyao City Construction.

The person in charge - Zheng Andong began to introduce the investment, the financial data of Xingyao Urban Construction, and the company's development strategy.

"Xingyao City Construction, while building a city in the sky, is also the maintainer of many infrastructures in the city, from the most basic floating power tower, three-dimensional air traffic system, urban water supply, power supply system, ..., we have a wealth of experience in aerial city management.”

"At present, we have signed a batch of aerial city construction projects with ten countries, with a total investment of 23.4 trillion yuan. The ten aerial cities are: Auss City, Burren City, ..., and ten space cities at the same time. The start of construction is a great challenge to the construction of Xingyao City and the global industrial chain; however, our company has a mature and advanced intelligent management system, and has rich experience in overall management of the construction of such large-scale projects,… …”

"Compared with the urban environment of the land environment, the urban planning of the air city is more reasonable. It adopts a large number of advanced technological buildings, combined with flying vehicles. It is the first stop to undertake interstellar civilization and space life. . . . high appeal."

"City in the sky is an important hub for carrying human civilization to space, and it is also the first stop for human civilization to go to space. The completion and operation of each space city will attract a large amount of capital and excellent human resources, and provide a large number of high-quality It can be said that with the establishment of urban agglomerations in the sky, the previous living environment of human beings will gradually move from the ground to the air, and even space.”

"After the company goes public, the financing will be used to further improve the global industrial chain and upgrade the construction technology of the next generation of aerial cities,..."


Zheng Andong, the person in charge of Xingyao City Construction, introduced it endlessly. In his passionate speech, he painted an extremely magnificent picture to all investors. Human civilization is gradually developing towards the direction of urban development of interstellar civilization.

From another perspective, science and technology, industrial clusters, and efficient development of the city pattern, Zheng Andong conveyed to everyone the necessity of developing an aerial city and developing an interstellar civilization. The behemoth of a spaceship.

However, in the existing urban system, either the geographical environment is remote, or the urban resources are limited, ..., there are too many conditions and constraints, and it cannot be compared with the efficient, separable and convenient air city. Advantages, coupled with a convenient air transportation system, gather resources from the ground to build starships.

It can be said that the establishment of cities in the sky is the starting point for the development of human civilization to interstellar civilization. They will gather a large number of high-tech industries, gather a large amount of resources to countless ground cities, and become the key to interstellar civilization.

Under Zheng Andong's description, investors have seen a magnificent future.

Nowadays, cheap cold nuclear fusion energy is promoting the more efficient development of human social science and civilization. The backward shipping industry is heading for loneliness and is being replaced by efficient flight traffic. Single small aircraft, large fusion cargo aircraft, small Cargo spaceships, . . . the past few days and months of maritime transportation have all been shifting towards high-efficiency air, which has greatly accelerated the efficiency of global resource circulation.

At the beginning of its establishment, the city in the sky has built an industrial chain that utilizes ground resources. Therefore, the city in the sky is like a processing factory, which gathers many resources of the city on the ground and processes it into pieces of advanced technology products, extending in all directions and covering the world. all resources.

A city that gathers a large number of high-tech enterprises is bound to attract a large number of outstanding talents, capital, and resources, and it has the qualification to become the center of the world. Xingyao City is now such a grand occasion.

Under Zheng Andong's description, the future of human beings will gradually develop towards the city in the sky, and the city in the sky will develop into a core city that aggregates ground resources, accelerating information intelligence, industrial concentration, cutting-edge population concentration, ..., etc. Change is the core hub for accelerating the development of human civilization to interstellar civilization.

The reality also seems to be developing towards Zheng Andong's description.

Shining Star Technology and Longguo cooperated to build a total of five cities in the sky, each of which is absorbing global capital crazily, gathering a large number of advanced enterprises around the world, and more and more people living in the cities in the sky.

The resident population and floating population of Xingyao City add up to more than 12 million. It has gathered hundreds of thousands of top-level scientific research workers in the world, and the most powerful Xingyao technology in the world. Yaocheng has replaced the super cities of all other first-tier cities in the world, and has become the financial center, scientific research center, and super city where cutting-edge technology industries gather in the human world.

Today, Xingyao City has ten aerial cities to be rebuilt. In the future, more countries will join in. In recent years, especially some countries with poor land resources or major security risks, they can't wait to cooperate with Xingyao City Construction immediately. Develop a few more air cities.

The future development prospects of Xingyao Urban Construction are extremely bright.

Soon, the quiet conference hall became noisy again, and all investors were shocked by Zheng Andong's description.

"It's another giant! Xingyao Technology is too powerful."

"The production capacity is actually full. Can't we expand? After the financing is successful, hurry up and expand!"

"As expected of Xingyao Technology! I thought it was just a branch of urban construction, but it is still a high-tech enterprise, with floating power towers, cold fusion super power systems, and unmanned aerial transportation networks, ..., which technology Simple!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Xingyao City Construction is listed, how much is the stock price right! This company's industry is too awesome!"

"A global monopoly, without any competitors, the industry has great prospects... After the listing, the stock price will definitely go up!"

"I originally liked Xingyao Machinery, but now, urban construction is the future! No one can replicate the business model!"

"When will it be listed? Why didn't you say it! I can't wait."

"It's decided, just buy Xingyao City and build it."

"The net profit is a bit lower than that of Xingyao Machinery, but the business growth is very impressive!"


The conference hall became very lively, and the investment on the spot was excited and discussed.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that urban construction has more prospects! What do you think!" Fang Tianyu approached Chen Jianjun and asked, the scene suddenly became too noisy, more than 2,000 people were talking about the business of Xingyao Urban Construction .

Chen Jianjun frowned and looked a little uncertain.

"Yeah! Xingyao Machinery still has many competitors, but Xingyao Urban Construction has no industry competitors. However, its input and output volume is too large. Once something goes wrong, the consequences are too dangerous." Chen Jianjun sighed and said a dilemma.

"Xingyao City and other cities in the sky are now the most advanced cities in the world. The stable income created by the construction of Xingyao City is no problem with the industrial logic!" Fang Tianyu objected.

Chen Jianjun frowned and began to doubt himself.

The development of the sky city is too fast. With the flight traffic system and intelligent machinery, the whole city is like a machine, running with the most ridiculous efficiency, using the most advanced technology today, and the cold fusion energy station provides the city with a steady stream of energy. cheap energy, purifying seawater to obtain a large amount of fresh water resources, unmanned urban planting buildings, supplying food resources to the entire city, intelligent unmanned distribution logistics, unmanned flying vehicles, ..., the entire aerial city is full of advanced technology. , People living in this city are relaxed, convenient, very rich in various material conditions, and have a large number of advanced entertainment facilities,

There are so many things, the city in the sky is perfectly combined with intelligent technology. With only these superior hardware conditions, it is difficult for Chen Jianjun to imagine that he is unwilling to live in such a city.

Is the price too high? Is the cost of living too expensive?

None of this matters.

When air cities become popular, the scarcity will decrease, and the prices of real estate and living costs will drop.

The cost-effectiveness of living in a city in the sky far exceeds that of a city on the ground.

The completion and operation of a city in the sky has greatly boosted employment in a province and city, generated a lot of tax revenue, and created a lot of social wealth.

The five air cities will definitely benefit the country a lot, and only then will new air cities be built continuously. Otherwise, out of the ten air cities, six of the ten air cities would not have been applied for by other cities in the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, the country should build more aerial cities. In the future, aerial cities will become the mainstream of human civilization?

You are really wrong!

Xingyao Urban Construction has more investment value.

For a time, Chen Jianjun fell into self-doubt.

Watching Chen Jianjun fall into contemplation, Fang Tianyu just smiled, it is really difficult to choose a suitable investment company from these two 'Big Macs'.

"Mr. Chen, if it doesn't work, we both vote together!" Fang Tianyu suggested.

"There's no other way but this. They're all good companies, so it's hard to choose!" Chen Jianjun nodded helplessly.

The size of the two companies is too large, and if they invest in one, they will not be able to hold many shares. If they are divided, they are actually the same. If they are separated, the investment risk can be reduced.

Fang Tianyu nodded and focused on the meeting. Zheng Andong's promotion of Xingyao Urban Construction was coming to an end and he was making a concluding speech.

Next, is Xingyao Aerospace, or Xingyao Materials.

Will it be another giant that people can't refuse?

Fang Tianyu couldn't help but look forward to it.

The promotion conference of Shining Star Technology is still going on. Countless investors from all over the world, with industrial capital just around the corner, have begun to prepare funds to invest in these four companies.

This promotion conference of Shining Star Technology has made people all over the world discover that it has grown to such a powerful existence.

The two branches of Xingyao Technology - Xingyao Machinery and Xingyao Urban Construction, their products often appear in the public eye, people are very familiar with them, and they do not feel sudden. However, with Xingyao Materials, the two branches of Xingyao Aerospace industry successively made public.

People suddenly realized that Xingyao Technology has come so far in these two fields.

Xingyao Aerospace is positioned to focus on development: spaceships, spaceports, alien colonies, and operations related to aerospace. At the same time, it also provides technical services for other countries and organizations to develop aerospace careers. It is the most important thing in today's human society. Advanced aerospace company.

The moon travel project and the Mars exploration project are the most popular businesses of this company. At the same time, the company is laying out the entire industry chain of the aerospace industry, manufacturing large interstellar warships, small individual spacecraft, interstellar mine ships, and space planting. Ships and participating in the construction of spaceports are their main projects.

He is the most advanced aerospace company in the human world today.

Its industrial scale and estimated market value are more than the sum of Xingyao Machinery and Xingyao City Construction, and the scale is unbelievably large.

Another Xingyao Material is another leading company in the material industry. It focuses on the research and development of various new nanomaterials and super materials. It has a variety of products, chemical materials, biological materials, industrial materials, ..., covering Several cutting-edge fields, dozens of advanced products.

Today, many advanced technology products manufactured by Xingyao Technology in the human society are applied with materials provided by this company, which are used for: new nano-printing materials for 3D printing, nano-medical materials for nano-medicine, and cold-nuclear fusion. High temperature resistant materials, super materials for spaceships, ... From people's daily life, to aerospace and military industries, these new materials play an extremely important role.

It can be said that Xingyao material is the most important and critical component in Xingyao Technology's industrial chain. Many major technological breakthroughs come from breakthroughs in the field of materials.

Therefore, among the four soon-to-be-listed companies, Xingyao Materials has the lowest industry scale, but it does have the best profit and the highest valuation.

Time flies, and more than three hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

The promotion meeting of Xingkong Technology finally came to an end. However, it made the world unforgettable for a long time. News media reprinted the reports one after another, and netizens all over the world paid attention and heated discussions.

"Good guy! In addition to these four branches, Xingyao Technology also has virtual network, Xinghai era, nanomedicine, cold nuclear fusion capability, artificial intelligence, interstellar communication, ..., dozens of branches, it is doing its own thing. The power to drive the development of human science and technology to interstellar civilization!"

"It's terrifying, there is nothing that Xingyao Technology can't do!"

"I knew it wasn't that If other branches of Xingyao Technology also went public, what would happen to other listed companies!"

"After exploring the underground world of Mars for so long, haven't we discovered the main body of intelligent civilization? Is there a secret that hasn't been exposed yet?"

"When will the Mars tourism project start?"

"Unbelievable, Xingyao Aerospace has been able to build interstellar warships? Is it preparing for the battle against Martian civilization?"

"These four companies are listed together, how much money will be taken away from the market!"

"Everyone be careful, the stock market crash is coming! Because they are going to go public."


The four branches of Xingyao Technology have successively announced the company's operation, which has attracted the attention of countless investors and netizens around the world. They have left countless comments on the Internet, praised, amazed,... , The world is discussing Xingyao Technology, which has far-reaching influence.

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