My hi-tech Library

Chapter 251: new discovery

At 75 gigabytes per second, this calculation data is hundreds of thousands, millions of times faster than the supercomputer that Da Hei is currently using.

Once applied, the speed at which Dahei processes data will produce qualitative changes, which will greatly promote the development of Xingyao Technology and human civilization technology.

"Da Hei, what changes can you bring to you by using this biological brain host, and how much efficiency can the projects you are managing improve." Li Yi was very excited and asked Da Hei directly with concern.

The development of Xingyao Technology, Dahei, and its replicas are deeply involved.

The management company's intelligent assistant assistant - Xiaoyao, the experimental center intelligent assistant assistant - Xiaoxing, the lunar base's intelligent assistant assistant - Xiaoyue, the Xingyao's intelligent assistant assistant - Xingyao, the Mars base's intelligent assistant assistant - Dawn, Xing Yaocheng's urban intelligent assistant assistant, as well as the space port under construction, ..., etc., the **** intelligent clone, covers all aspects of the development of Xingyao technology.

Da Hei uses this advanced biological brain host, and the performance of other intelligent program clones will also increase countless times. It is conceivable to imagine how many projects will be promoted and leap forward.

"Master, after using this biological brain host, Dahei's computing speed is expected to increase by 170,000 times. After the comprehensive upgrade, the construction progress of all projects will be greatly improved, and the company's management efficiency will be improved: 150%-320%. Base construction progress increase: 270%-300%, ..., overall resource utilization increase: 423%-535%, ..., auxiliary R&D success rate increase: more than 500%, ...." Da Hei listed a lot of Data, tell Li Yi points.

"Okay! Good! Proceed at full speed with this biological brain host project and complete the upgrade as soon as possible." Li Yi nodded excitedly and arranged.

"Okay, Master!" Dahei answered the order, and then reminded: "Master, if the biological brain host is fully used, the progress of the company's various scientific research projects has been greatly improved, but with the improvement of the progress of these projects, it will be greatly reduced. Human jobs will inevitably have a negative impact.”

Hearing this, Li Yi figured out the meaning of the hint of Dahei, and his face changed greatly.

"No! This won't work, so we should try to use human beings as much as possible. We must find ways to increase other new industries and increase human jobs. You can increase mechanical jobs without an upper limit, but you cannot replace existing jobs with smart machines." Li Yi solemnly reminded.

Today, the level of scientific and technological civilization in the entire human society has been severely fragmented, resulting in increasingly serious inequality.

The first echelon is Xingyao Technology. With its powerful artificial intelligence technology, Xingyao Technology has already monopolized many technologies. The level of technology is rich to rival countries. It is no exaggeration. From the software industry to the hardware industry, Xingyao Technology stands in the human technology The top of the civilized food chain.

Not only people's livelihood technology, but also military technology, such as interstellar laser cannon chains, spaceship industry, interstellar battleship industry, etc., the status of nuclear weapons has quietly changed.

The intelligent anti-missile defense system of Xingyao Technology can stop the explosion of any nuclear missile, or perform target reflection, and the laser defense system makes the threat of nuclear war meaningless.

Xingyao Technology has become an interstellar country, the moon star base, the space port, the Mars base, ..., is fully developing into the interstellar era.

The second echelon is Longguo under the leadership of Xingyao Technology. With its strong manpower and technological advantages, the entire industrial chain has developed rapidly. In just over ten years, its economic strength and military strength have become the world's No. 1 in one fell swoop. The presence.

The total industrial output value directly accounts for 60% of the world's total. With the strength of one country, it still has a huge chance of winning against the sum of all countries in the world.

With the full promotion of nuclear fusion infinite power technology, the original most powerful US Federation, unable to maintain currency hegemony, has disintegrated into more than a dozen countries, the currency system has collapsed, and the debt is heavy. The power of the bear country depends entirely on selling oil Energy support, and as a result, nuclear fusion energy has lost economic support, the national strength has declined rapidly, and the threat of nuclear weapons has disappeared, and the Maoxiong country has also completely declined from a military strong country and an economically weak country, and no other country can compete with it. It competes.

The third echelon, originally in some countries that did a good job in classification technology, however, under the pursuit of advanced technology in the entire industrial chain of Longguo, except for the original industry that has something to do, development in other directions is becoming increasingly difficult.

The fourth echelon, those countries that rely on selling mineral resources and agricultural resources, still rely on selling resources to maintain their survival, and the development of the technology industry is almost stagnant.

In the fifth echelon, the people of these countries are still living a life without food, but their populations are still expanding at a terrifying rate.

Such a pyramid-like development model makes people very helpless. There are historical reasons, there are also environmental reasons, and there are racial characteristics, ..., etc., and many reasons are piled up. It is difficult to make a change from the bottom.

Li Yi believes that if the biological brain host is fully applied to allow Dahei to develop unrestrictedly, then Interstellar Technology will no longer have to hire human employees. Dahei alone can make Starlight Technology become an invincible company. Mechanical Empire.

However, is this still necessary for development? What about other humans? Imprison them and cultivate them into **** who only know how to eat and drink and enjoy themselves?

Li Yi thinks that it is only appropriate for Mr. Zhai to wear the people of his own country. As for other countries, other people, to be honest, Li Yi only wants those who are diligent and motivated, and are good at learning. Scientists, scientists, researchers and technicians who have made some achievements in the field of science and technology.

"Master, can Da Hei now use the biological brain host to re-deduce a strategic development plan?" Da Hei applied to Li Yi.

"Since the biological brain host test experiment is successful, you are allowed to continue to use it!" Li Yi nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately controlled the data signal link tube of the robotic arm again, activated the biological brain host, and performed a large-scale deduction calculation again according to Li Yi's request.

This time, for deduction and calculation, Da Hei carried out a strategic deduction together with the data of the entire human social activities, the technical strength, development goals, and Li Yi's requirements of Xingyao Technology. The deduction calculation amount will be a very huge number. .

The big screen presents dense data, the progress of the big game is 100% slow, and it takes only ten minutes to advance a little.

Let Da Hei deduce slowly, Li Yi was not paying attention, he tapped the keyboard of the lower console, called up the monitor of the underground robot of the Mars base, and checked the picture taken by the robot camera.

Seeing the picture on the monitoring screen, Li Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath. The situation became more and more complicated.

The four-legged Martian life with developed limbs and a simple mind can indeed be excluded from the main body of intelligent civilization. The video shot by the underground robot shows a group of building complex ruins. The building structure is complex and has a certain level of technology. There are stirrup chairs in the building. This kind of furniture can be determined not to be used by the four-legged species.

The relic buildings have a history of hundreds of years. It seems that they were destroyed in wars or disasters. There are various clues, waiting for scientists to explore.

Under the control of the Mars base-Dawn, the exploration robot moves flexibly, avoids various obstacles, searches everywhere in the architectural ruins, and uses cameras to record everything that appears during its exploration.

suddenly! As if the eight-legged robot found something, it rushed towards a small mound, and the two front feet twisted and changed into the appearance of a small shovel.

The next moment, the two front legs of the eight-legged robot frantically pulled up. In front of the camera, the sand and gravel were flying. The eight-legged robot turned into a small excavator, which could efficiently dig small mounds.

After a while, a humanoid skeleton was dug out of the mound by an eight-legged robot.

On the screen, there are marked lines one after another. The intelligent assistant at the Mars base, Dawn, is frantically analyzing the skeleton and analyzing the characteristics of the life form.

First of all, the main component of the skeleton is silicon, and there are other components that cannot be resolved. This is completely different from the skeletons of all mammals on the earth. All mammals on earth are calcified bones.

Mammalian bone evolution is a long process. First, the content of this element in the environment must be high enough; secondly, organisms must be able to transport, regulate, and use them at the cellular level in order to produce biominerals, the beginning of bone evolution. In the marine environment of , calcium ions are abundant, and almost all cells can regulate the calcium level inside the organism.

The most widespread calcium carbonate ore exists in the nature of the earth, thus becoming the main source of biomineralization.

At the beginning of evolution, life must have tried to use various minerals to create endoskeletons. However, after a series of eliminations and natural screening, calcium bones became the biggest winner.

Mars and the earth have huge environments. This planet lacks oxygen but has abundant carbon dioxide. It is very normal for life on Mars to choose another element as a skeleton.

As far as the existing data is concerned, no matter whether the bone is a compound or its related derivatives, it is difficult to be used as the molecular skeleton of biology, because it is prone to condensation problems, which directly affects the ability to further form macromolecules, which is more deadly. Yes, it is also very easy to oxidize. If it is in an ecological environment like the earth, this kind of bone structure is basically impossible.

Discovering this unusual skeleton, the monitoring station should be very lively!

Li Yi looked at the big monitor screen with a smile on his face, and he could almost guess the current situation over there.

After thinking about it, Li Yi manipulated the virtual projection to connect with Sun Bingwen to see their current situation.

"It's all" twice, the virtual projection video was on the street, Sun Bingwen's smiling expression appeared, and the excited voice also spread, and said happily to Li Yi: "Mr. Li, we found it, we found a Skeleton, you can judge the main body of this intelligent civilization, they are a kind of silicon-based intelligent life."

"Silicon-based life! They can survive for many years in an environment like Mars!" Li Yi frowned and asked with concern.

"Yes, silicon-based life is characterized by a relatively long lifespan, but they also have many shortcomings. Once the temperature is too high, their life will become extremely fragile." Sun Bingwen nodded and introduced.

Li Yi nodded, expressing his understanding that once the temperature of silicon-based substances exceeds a certain range, it cannot maintain its original state and will soon be torn apart.

However, carbon-based life is not much better. Once it exceeds 50 degrees, it begins to be dangerous. When it rises, it will soon be cooked. In comparison, silicon-based life is more resistant to high temperature than carbon-based life. More suitable for interstellar environments.

"Also, they are afraid of water. Once they encounter water, the chemical bonds formed together in their bodies will be quickly destroyed, disintegrated, or even disintegrated." Sun Bingwen went on to introduce.

Li Yi nodded, which is easy to understand. There is a lack of water on Mars, and this environment is suitable for the birth of silicon-based life.

"Have you caught that hexapod before?" Li Yi asked with concern.

"Not yet, its speed is very fast. The exploration robots sent this time are all small robots, which do not have strong attack power and cannot be captured. Dawn has dispatched an armed force, which is currently being delivered, and it is expected to take 3 more God." Sun Bingwen responded.

Li Yi nodded to understand that 10,000 meters underground is a very scary depth. The purpose of Dawn's landing on Mars did not consider going so deep underground. Therefore, many preparations were not done well.

Fortunately, the discovery of the underground Martian world has far exceeded the significance of developing a Mars base. The main mission of the Mars base has changed now, and it is working hard to dig underground to find this intelligent civilization hidden in the underground world of Mars. come out.

Silicon-based is a very terrifying existence. Compared with carbon-based elements, silicon-based elements have a more stable internal structure, and they are more resistant to radiation such as ultraviolet rays and the invasion of germs. From this point of view, silicon-based life is already stronger than carbon-based life. In addition, silicon is a semiconductor material. If there is no accident, they can develop into a 'mobile phone', a 'computer', plus a long life, They should have an advantage over humans in developing technology.

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help worrying. Was the previous guess wrong? In case, they are only discovering the tip of the iceberg of this intelligent civilization, and there is a very terrifying civilization behind it?

Soon, Li Yi told Sun Bingwen about this concern.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen quickly discussed with other scientists, and finally got a more reliable answer.

Mars has a trace amount of oxygen, which is very fatal to silicon-based life. Silicon and oxygen have a strong binding ability. The atomic radius of silicon does not have a strong binding force to the outer layer, which makes silicon-based compounds extremely unstable and can only survive for a few days. seconds, or only in the laboratory, which is why there is only silicon oxide in nature on earth, and there is no single crystal silicon.

From a conclusion, it can be inferred that this silicon-based life is likely to be invaded by Martian plants, but it is less threatening to human civilization, and the earth has more oxygen and plants.

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