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Chapter 248: martian plants

"Underground: 1230 meters!"

"Underground: 2800 meters!"

"Underground: 3300 meters!"

"Underground: 4800 meters,"


On Mars, underground robots continue to go deeper along the underground passages every day. This excavation project, which is broadcast live to the world at the same time, has become a major event that all mankind is concerned about.

When I started to enter the underground passage within two meters, I found murals of alien civilizations and some simple stone tools, which once again confirmed the existence of intelligent civilizations on Mars, and completely detonated the concern of all mankind for intelligent civilizations on Mars.

From the big screen in the mall to the video software in the mobile phone, everyone on earth is paying attention to the existence of alien life digging along the underground passage in the Mars base.

Experts and professors engaged in ufo, astronomy, and cosmology research have been invited to the silver screen by major media to do various special reports and academic interviews. All human beings are waiting for life on Mars, and this intelligent civilization on Mars is unveiled.

"Underground: 7200 meters!"

On the 15th day since the discovery of the Martian building, when the heat gradually decreased, the underground excavation robot successfully reached 7200 meters, and once again made a major discovery.

In an underground cave, a blue glowing plant was found.

"My God! There is life on Mars!"

"Haha! Plants, there are plants in the underground world!"

"What a strange plant that actually glows!"

"This civilization has survived on this plant!"

"Does this plant also rely on photosynthesis?"

"It's amazing! In such a deep underground world, there are plants that can survive!"

"Life is too tenacious, unbelievable!"


The appearance of this plant makes all human beings boil for it, and plants have appeared, so is it still far from the discovery of intelligent creatures on Mars? All human beings are staring at the live video from Mars, looking forward to the moment when life on Mars is discovered.

Xingyao Experimental Middle School, Command Room of Mars Base.

Li Yi, Sun Bingwen, and a group of scientific research experts are all waiting for the analysis data of this blue-light plant to come from the Mars base.

"Come out, come out, the data comes out, blue light grass is a kind of fungus plant, there is no differentiation of roots, stems, leaves, no photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll, no photosynthesis, it has evolved five respirator, through Breathing filtration absorbs nutrients, produces a small amount of oxygen, has very strong adhesion, and requires water for growth, ...," a researcher excitedly introduced the data just received.

On the big screen of the commander, a three-dimensional picture of the blue-light plant is presented, with detailed data introduction.

"This kind of fungus spreads by robe projectiles, and there must be large colonies nearby."

"This kind of fungus is so toxic and low in nutrients, it is not suitable for food!"

"Toxic to humans, not necessarily to species on Mars."

"Yeah! I really hope that I can get that species soon. They are so deep, they are really deep enough!"

"Could it be that I dug in the wrong direction, it's all so deep."

"This depth is almost there!"


All the scientists, your words, my words, excitedly discuss the discovery of this plant, and there are many speculations.

It took half a month from the discovery of Martian buildings to the discovery of Martian plants. This speed can be described as extremely fast. Now that Martian plants have also been born, that Martian life will be seen soon!

Scientists raised their heads one by one, watching the big screen, continuing to dig in the cave channel, full of expectations.

"Mr. Li!" Sun Bingwen walked to Li Yi's side and asked for instructions.

"Um? Is there something?" Li Yi put down the conversation with his subordinates, turned to look at him and asked.

"Yes! Mr. Li, there is a happy event. The biological research laboratory has made a major breakthrough and developed the main biochemical material for the biological brain." Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi happily and reported.

"Really! How's the effect, let's go and see!" Li Yi cheered up and greeted excitedly.

After finishing speaking, Li Yi turned around and walked towards the command room. Sun Binwen followed with a smile, hurriedly walking and couldn't wait.

After walking out of the command room, Li Yi and Sun Bingwen took the intelligent suspension car in the experimental area and went straight to the biological experimental area.

The Xingyao Experimental Center, built in Xingyao City (City of the Sky), covers an area of ​​100 football fields and covers more than 40 floors. Technology, spaceship design, all kinds, thousands of scientific research laboratories, more than 200,000 scientists work in this huge experimental middle school.

The huge experimental area, daily travel, relies on the intelligent suspension vehicles that come and go.

Coming and going, there are all kinds of intelligent machinery, cleaning engineering vehicles, service robots, the number of which is several times that of scientific research workers, serving all scientific research workers around the clock, full of intelligence everywhere, this is an extremely sci-fi mechanical world.

This is the most advanced place in the entire human civilization, and it is also the core of Xingyao Technology. More than 200,000 top scientific researchers work here, dedicating their talents to Xingyao Technology, and can create tens of thousands of people every year. Advanced technology patents.

The intelligent hovering vehicle, carrying Li Yi and Sun Bingwen, passed through a series of security checkpoints and arrived at the biological experiment area unimpeded.

"Mr. Li, Professor Shen who is in charge of the Bio-Intelligence Brain Biochemical Materials Project." Arriving at the biochemical laboratory, Sun Bingwen introduced a young man in his thirties to Li Yi and introduced.

"Hello, President Li!" Professor Shen Cheng excitedly reached out and shook hands with Li Yi.

"Hello, Professor Shen is very young!" Li Yi shook hands with him with a smile and praised with emotion.

"Thank you, President Li for your compliment." Shen Cheng thanked him gratefully.

"Professor Shen is seven years younger than you, but his talent is very outstanding, especially the research on biochemical is very good, otherwise, we can't break through this project so quickly." Sun Bingwen continued with a smile. words, praised.

"Where, where! I don't dare to take credit for this, mainly because of the technical guidance provided by this project. The data in all aspects is very detailed, so I can achieve this result so quickly." Professor Shen Cheng waved his hands again and again, then looked at Li Yi, concerned He asked: "Mr. Li, can I take the liberty to ask who provided the relevant data for this project? It's really amazing. I've never seen it before in my life. It's possible to produce this kind of biochemical material through this kind of experiment."

The biochemical main material of this biological brain was obtained through the Civilization Library and Baisha transactions. How can I tell others about this?

"We'll talk about it later, let's look at your research results first!" Li Yi smiled slightly and skillfully shifted the topic.

"Okay! Mr. Li, Director Sun, please come inside!" Shen Cheng hurriedly extended his hand and sincerely invited them to enter the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Shen Cheng took Li Yi and Sun Bingwen into a biochemical defense suit. After passing through the biochemical safety defense channel, they successfully entered the biochemical laboratory.


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