My hi-tech Library

Chapter 226: Mars program

Zhou Wenhui was startled, walked over, took Li Yi's arm to please, and called out softly, "Husband."

"It seems that I can't stop you!" Li Yi said, the seriousness on his face dissipated.

It turned out that Li Yi knew everything, Zhou Wenhui smiled, that's fine, he saved himself the hard work of hiding it.

"Husband, I have to participate in an exclusive interview with the media. Please tell me about the principle of longevity gene medicine. I don't want to be your wife who asks and doesn't know anything, and shames you in front of the media and the world."

"You!" Li Yi raised his hand and clicked Zhou Wenhui's nose, and also began to explain the research and development theory of longevity genetic medicine to her.

"The original concept of genetic medicine is the combination of gene function and molecular pharmacology. Pharmacogenetics is different from general genetics. In short, it is a reorganization of human genes!"

"The earliest success of gene recombination technology was in 1978, when artificial insulin was synthesized. In 1982, artificial interferon was successfully studied..."

Li Yi talked eloquently, while Zhou Wenhui listened carefully, looking like he wanted to learn very much.

But no matter how hard she tried, she seemed to be listening to a book from heaven. She had to admire her husband's erudition and knowledge. At the same time, she was fortunate to have found such an excellent person as her husband.


It wasn't until Zhou Wenhui yawned that Li Yi stopped. He knew that when his wife talked about this, he was playing the piano to a cow. Although this analogy was not pleasant, it was very appropriate.

"Okay Wenhui, it's enough for you to know a little about this. If during the interview, someone asks you a question in this regard, you can say: I know a little bit."

"Probably the aging of the human body is probably the aging of human cells. After about 40-60 divisions, cells will both age and die. The principle of longevity gene medicine is to improve the vitality and vitality of cells and stimulate the maximum potential of cells!"


Zhou Wenhui nodded, barely remembering it. After repeating it to Li Yi, he said, "Am I right?"

Li Yi smiled slightly, "Yes, my wife is very smart."

Soon, the video of Zhou Wenhui's use of the longevity gene drug was made into an advertisement, and the changes of Zhou Wenhui before and after the trial were added, and it was edited into a promotional video and sent out.

It quickly aroused strong social repercussions.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Li to use the longevity gene medicine too!"

"Wow, this genetic medicine actually has the effect of beauty and rejuvenation! Hurry up and use it!"

"Mrs. Li has used it, there must be no side effects, no problem! Hurry up and use it!"

"Xingyao Conscience Enterprise, such a good gene drug only sells for 450 pieces, it is simply too valuable, use it!"

The first batch of longevity genetic medicines were sold out, and all major platforms, pharmacies, online and offline, are all looking for news.

Some people even said that even if it was ten or twenty times more expensive, they would still be willing to use it.

At the same time, Xingyao's stock has been trading at the daily limit for three consecutive days.

Li Yi was naturally relieved and happy to see this result.

He put his arms around the shoulder of his wife Zhou Wenhui who was sitting beside him and said, "You have worked hard, this time the credit is yours."

"Then how are you going to reward me?" Zhou Wenhui said sweetly.

It's not easy to be complimented by a talented husband.

Li Yi thought for a moment and said, "What reward do you want?"

Zhou Wenhui recalled the trip to the moon and said, "If you develop a few more planets, it will be beautiful if you can go around the universe!"

This also happened to be Li Yi's dream. After chatting a few times with his wife, he entered the study alone.

in the study.

Li Yi went to sleep and entered the library.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the LCD screen lit up, showing the vast galaxy on it. The plates gradually shrink, revealing planets marked with different colors.

Li Yi pointed at the green planet, the screen was divided into small pieces, and the ecology and creatures on the planet were played as small videos.

There are brown mountains, black earth, icy blue lakes, red-haired animals, seven-horned monsters, and aliens that look like skulls.

Li Yi looked at these, very curious, and had an idea in his heart, he wanted to conquer them.

Li Yi thought to himself: "These are all planets with life. Like our earth, they belong to green life forms, so they are marked with green."

In Li Yi's heart now, there is a new dream, which is to realize human's cosmic travel.

That is to say, he must explore and develop all these green planets.

With a wave of Li Yi's hand, he put away these green planets and went to the red planet again.

The screen is divided into red soil, sand and dust, ferocious weather, and uneven potholes smashed by meteorites.

There are no creatures.

Li Yi thought: "These planets should have no living creatures. They belong to the type with extremely high surface temperature, which cannot be adapted to the survival of living things. Moreover, they are relatively huge in size, several times or even dozens of times that of the earth."

"These planets should have a life span of 100 million light-years." Of course, this is just Li Yi's conjecture. For planets that cannot be logged in, Li Yi does not do too much research.

Li Yi waved his hand, canceled the picture in front of him, and opened the small video of Black Planet.

The video is full of magma eruptions, cracks in the ground, flying dust, and even a river of flames.

These flaming rivers are also the underground magma spewing out, endlessly, causing this scene of flaming rivers.

"These should be the planets of death." Li Yi thought with a smile and closed the screen.

Think of a planet that has been hotly debated by humans for a long time - Mars!

As early as the 1890s, Mars was proposed to have life by an astronomer named Percival Lowell.

In 2022, some people predicted that it will land on Mars in 2029.

As soon as Li Yi's thoughts moved, the small video on the screen disappeared, and the vast galaxy reorganized, and soon a gray-colored planet was launched, which gradually enlarged to occupy the entire screen.

This is exactly how the Mars video footage cuts into many small videos showing the conditions on the surface of Mars.

There are mountains, depressions, and dust, but no water.

Li Yi looked at these and fell into contemplation. He thought about landing on Mars one step ahead.

To be honest, since the successful completion of the moon base, Li Yi has indeed planned to enter Mars.

After all, this planet is the planet most likely to have human survival, and it is also the second most suitable planet for human survival.

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system and the next planet from the earth, and has four seasons.

Moreover, the Martian soil is rich in iron, and there may be more abundant mineral resources below the surface, and the development will bring unexpected benefits to human beings at that time!

Li Yi smiled and looked at the video to make a decision: After landing on the moon, he will land on Mars again, and he will also build a 'fire base' on Mars!

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