My hi-tech Library

Chapter 206: The direction of life extension (1)

Li Yi opened his eyes and woke up with joy. His hard work paid off, and he finally found some useful biology books in the library.

Li Yi saw the situation in front of him clearly, and the joy on his face immediately froze.

I saw that Zhou Wenhui, his parents, and a doctor were standing by the bed and watching him. The place where he slept was not a bedroom, but a hospital bed.

"You're finally awake! Great!" Zhou Wenhui clenched Li Yi's hand and said excitedly.

"What's the situation! What are you?" Li Yi secretly screamed badly, but asked calmly.

Patronizingly looking for books in the library, too focused, forgetting the passage of time.

"You've slept all day, but you can't wake up. Your parents said that you have an old problem and sent you to Dr. Song for an examination." Zhou Wenhui explained quickly.

"Oh! How's the test result? Are you alright?" Li Yi smiled and took Zhou Wenhui's hand to ask. They had already obtained the certificate, and there was only one wedding away. Today's situation was scary.

"Mr. Li, judging from the test results, your body is very healthy. This situation should be caused by maintaining a deep sleep. However, it is recommended that you not be too tired, maintain a healthy routine, exercise regularly, and try to avoid this from happening." The doctor saw Looking at the inspection report, he reminded with a smile.

"Thank you, doctor!" Li Yi got up from the hospital bed and nodded with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay! Remember Dr. Liu's advice, don't be too tired." Ye Huilan explained happily.

"Got it! Since it's all right, let's go back!" Li Yi greeted, dumbfounded.

This time, I was careless. I stayed in the library for too long and forgot the time that passed outside, causing this accident.

However, it is good to have a healthy experience, at least it can reassure the family.

Soon, under the **** of Sun Ming and Liu Yan, Li Yi and his family returned to the villa.

After dinner, Li Yi brought Da Hei and couldn't wait to get into the big experiment.

The huge central control screen in the laboratory, under the control of Da Hei, is making a video call of Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"Dong Dong" sounded twice, and the video call was connected.

"Mr. Li, good evening!" Professor Wei Hanzhi hurriedly greeted Li Yi when he saw him.

"In the evening, Professor Wei, can you introduce the projects your research team is currently working on?" Li Yi nodded with a smile and asked straight to the topic.

"No problem!" Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded happily and introduced: "After the successful development of the second-generation nanomedical cabin, we are now mainly engaged in the research of cancer cells. At present, we are mainly engaged in the development of 'synthetic lethal' genetic drugs, and the research and development effect is more effective. Stronger, more precise targeted gene drugs."

"Oh! What's going on with the 'synthetic lethal' genetic medicine? Can you tell me in detail?" Li Yi nodded and asked with a smile.

"No problem, synthetic lethality means that for two genes in a cell, either one of them is mutated or does not function alone, and it will not cause cell death. If both are mutated or cannot be expressed at the same time, it will lead to cell death, ... ."

"Through this special effect, we have developed the corresponding gene technology, which causes the key genes of cancer cells to mutate and lose their original functions. The drugs developed based on this target can specifically kill tumor cells, and normal cells do not have key gene mutations, even if When the drug acts on the target, the cells will survive through the function of key genes, reducing the impact on human health." Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced in detail.

"Yes, how's the research progress?" Li Yi nodded, probably understanding the project researched by Professor Wei Hanzhi.

Before, when developing the nanomedical machine cabin, Li Yi also learned a lot of medical knowledge by the way. However, his main research direction is the computer field, and his knowledge of biomedicine and genetics is not professional.

This time, Li Yi didn't know much about the biology books he found in the library, and he didn't know much about biology. Therefore, this scientific research project ultimately needed to be led by professionals like Professor Wei Hanzhi.

"The progress is in the air, and it is difficult to find suitable gene mutations related to synthetic lethality. The use of RNAi, Crispr and other methods can be used to screen synthetic lethal genes on a larger scale. Among them, targeted DNA damage repair is the current synthetic lethal technology. The best practice is to inhibit the related genes, block the DNA damage and repair function of cancer cells, and cause cancer cells to undergo apoptosis, ... "Professor Wei Hanzhi went on to explain.

Li Yi nodded, suddenly changed his words, and asked straight to the topic: "Professor Wei, you have a deep understanding of human genes in your research on cancer cells. I don't know, are you interested in leading the 'Life Extension' project? !"

"Mr. Li, do you mean to ask me to study life-extending genetic medicine?" Professor Wei Hanzhi was slightly startled and asked in surprise.

"Yes! The prelude to the interstellar era has begun. The universe has infinite resources to develop. However, the human body is too fragile and the life span is too short. Therefore, life-extending gene strengthens the genes of the physique. Medicine, we have to start research!" Li Yi explained with a smile.

"Yeah! I understand, I will immediately set up a research team for these two projects." Professor Wei Hanzhi readily accepted.

"Professor Wei, you've worked hard. I'll let Director Sun assist you." Seeing Professor Wei Hanzhi's interest, Li Yi thanked him happily.

"Mr. Li, you're welcome, I'm very interested in these two research projects! I also want to live a few more decades, and I want to be able to take a spaceship to visit other planets!" Professor Wei Hanzhi laughed and said happily.

"Well! Professor Wei has research on human aging?" Li Yi asked with concern.

"Yes! I have done a little research in this regard. The core elements of human aging have been found very early, and they are related to a type of telomeres in our body that determine cell replication. Life begins the replication and division of fertilized cells, from one to two One, two divide into four, and some cells can be sorted several times in our lifetime.

"If cells can divide and renew healthily all the time, life can be immortal. However, cell division is limited. Every time a cell divides and renews, the DNA of all chromosomes will be copied, carrying all the information that makes cells work. There is a flaw in the DNA replication process, each time the DNA is copied, the DNA at the ends is worn and shortened, that is, the telomeric DNA is shortened with each copy."

"This telomere length is established and cannot be replenished. When the telomeres are shortened to the limit, cells cannot divide; at the same time, cells and tissues that can no longer replicate will release a large amount of PAI-1, These PAI-1s will begin to cause the organisms to fall into rapid aging and eventually the organisms die." Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded and explained to Li Yi the main reasons for the aging of the human body.

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