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Chapter 185: in-depth cooperation

The video with Sun Bingwen appeared on the screen.

As soon as the video was switched on, Sun Bingwen was taken aback. He saw that there were stars gathered behind Li Yi, surrounded by a group of officers. They all looked at him with bright eyes, full of anticipation.

"Director Sun, could you please tell us about the research progress of cold nuclear fusion power and the development progress of new atomic structure aluminum alloy materials." Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and instructed with a smile.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly: "No problem, we have carried out sufficient theoretical research on cold nuclear fusion power. Thanks to the breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology, we found that during the fusion process, a large number of deuterium atoms Excited to produce blue light with a wavelength of 4529.99A, this light can be observed in the experiment using a spectral detector, ..., the energy change value can be calculated by the light to reverse the reaction of cold nuclear fusion ... "

"After a series of simulation experiments, we successfully developed a possibility to realize low temperature fusion at low temperature,..."

While introducing the research project, Professor Sun Bingwen pointed the camera at the screen and began to explain various experimental data.

In this way, the introduction of this scientific research project cannot be concluded in a short time. Everyone sits around the conference table and listens.

"Using the rate of formation of double neutron states?"

"That's right, since there is no Coulomb barrier between the double neutron state and the nucleus, the double neutron titanium in the palladium lattice is in contact with the palladium nucleus and the deuteron nucleus in the palladium crystal. This collision probability represents the double neutron. The probability of fusion between states and nuclei, I didn’t expect that fusion reactions could be realized in this way!”

"Well, this idea is fine."

The experts and professors looked solemn. They talked in a low voice for a while, and their minds were immersed in Sun Bingwen's explanation.

"We have completed the theoretical design of this kind of cold fusion power, and are now doing the optimization of the experimental equipment design. It is expected that the first experiment can be carried out in 30-50 days." Sun Bingwen finally introduced.

"Professor Sun, if this cold fusion power is successfully developed, can you predict its application prospects?"

As soon as Sun Bingwen's voice fell, someone couldn't wait to ask questions.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen couldn't help but smile and said excitedly: "Once the cold nuclear fusion power is successfully developed, it does not want the harsh environmental requirements of human thermonuclear fusion, the stability is greatly improved, and the scale can be miniaturized, which means that this This fusion power can be transplanted to run on large vehicles, providing endless power for aircraft carriers, large ships, and fighter planes."

After listening to Sun Bingwen's introduction, the experts and professors were collectively excited.

It seems to see the use of cold nuclear fusion power on fighter aircraft and aircraft carriers, and the country's armament has led to a leap-forward all-round development.

"Miniaturized cold nuclear fusion power can only be used in fighter aircraft. The current technology is already expensive, and it is more suitable for the development of spaceships or space stations." Li Yi quickly interjected and introduced.

"Miniaturization, how long will it take to achieve miniaturization?"

"Mr. Li, is it a technical idea that has been miniaturized?"


As soon as Li Yi's words fell, he immediately aroused impatient questioning from the experts, and the scene was in chaos.

"Everyone, be quiet, these technical issues cannot be discussed in a short time. Let Director Sun introduce the next research project!" Professor Yan Weiwen laughed and said for Li Yi.

Hearing this, everyone calmed down immediately, and their eyes focused on the screen again.

Gu Huan

"Well! The new atomic structure aluminum alloy material project is progressing very smoothly. Through the theory of three-atom entanglement, we have found the atomic expression layer of this material, and through atomic resonance technology, ... , to achieve the adjustment of the interaction between atoms, ..., according to the simulation experimental data, we have successfully found the structural model, ..., we have carried out hundreds of thousands of simulation experiments, the current progress, using the particle impact method, to find a more stable material structure, ..." Sun Bingwen eloquently introduced three Research progress in materials of atomic structure.

Dozens of experts and professors at the scene had their eyes blurred, and they were a little confused when they heard it collectively.

"Director Sun, wait a minute, what did the three-atom entanglement paper say?"

"Yeah! I know about quantum entanglement. What's the situation with your three-atom entanglement?"


Someone suddenly made a sound, which immediately aroused common questions from a group of experts and professors.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen was stunned for a moment, then relieved, and introduced: "This three-atom entanglement state is a paper written by President Li, and it has not been officially released. I'm sorry, I will release this paper."

After finishing speaking, Sun Bingwen started to control the background and displayed a paper in the video projection.

"This film is our doctoral dissertation, studying the motion system of three atoms. The particles in the microscopic world obey the principles of quantum mechanics and have different behaviors from those in the macroscopic world. Using these "uniqueness" to achieve some seemingly impossible The simplest quantum system, the two-level atom, is an impossible challenge to simulate the evolution of a 300-atomic system. The required storage space is on the order of 2300, which exceeds the known universe. The sum of the number of atoms in the middle!"

"Compared with the two-level atom, the three-level atom is a more complex system, ..., this paper adopts a novel method, by cooling the atom technology, using the atomic resonance method, to regenerate the electrons in the outer layer of the atom. Arranged, an electric dipole is formed, and the electric field of the electric dipole can attract its neighboring atoms, . . . "

For a time, the entire conference room was silent, except for Sun Bingwen's voice explaining the content of the paper incessantly.

Lin Lao, who couldn't hear the content of the paper, and a group of ordinary office staff looked at each other, but did not dare to interrupt.

Lin Lao looked at Li Yi and found that he took out his mobile phone, and there was a pair of people chatting on the mobile phone, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, showing a happy smile.

The little guy is in love?

If Lin Lao lost something, originally, he still wanted to help his granddaughter! It seems a step too late. UU reading

Li Yi seemed to have noticed Old Lin's peeping gaze, looked up at him, and smiled embarrassedly.

"They don't know when they said it, and I don't understand what they're talking about. Come out with me?" Elder Lin invited Li Yi in a low voice.

"Okay!" Li Yi smiled and put away his phone.

Elder Lin stood up, followed by Li Yi and left the conference room together.

"Xingyao Technology has an idea for the aviation field?" After walking out of the conference room, Lin Lao looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

Li Yi nodded solemnly: "Well! Driving a self-made interstellar spaceship and traveling in space is my dream in my life!"

"Okay! I support this idea. It's no wonder that you are able to achieve such achievements at a young age. Good! Wow!" Elder Lin patted Li Yi on the shoulder and said happily.

Then, Mr. Lin asked Li Yi about the future development plans of Xingyao Technology.

One old and one young, chatting while walking, Old Lin's laughter kept coming.

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