My hi-tech Library

Chapter 176: new material project

"Jinling announced the launch of a controllable nuclear fusion power station, which is the second controllable nuclear fusion power station in China and will fully provide the city's electricity needs."

"The controllable nuclear fusion power stations have been put into operation one after another, and the thermal power station has entered the countdown to shutdown!"

"Heijiang Province announced in-depth cooperation with Xingyao Technology to build an unmanned mechanical smart farm."

"my country is developing a new generation of intelligent air defense interception system."

"Xingyao Technology uses biochips and neuron technology to develop a new generation of sensor limbs, and users can get tactile sensations through the limbs."

"Huawei has made major technological breakthroughs in 6G communication technology to support basic virtual network applications."

"Xingyao Technology-Zhangcheng Virtual Data Center is about to be completed, and the public beta of the virtual game "Xinghai Era" is coming as scheduled!"


Sina News, Sogu News, Today's Hotspots,..., Huaguo's major news networks, recently, have been reporting on various domestic technological breakthroughs and the success of large-scale infrastructure projects.

On the other hand, the news content reported by foreign news media is not riots, protests, shootings, etc., but the news content related to wars, economic crises, and currency crises. Because the petro-dollar monetary system is approaching collapse, it is unwilling to decline. The big country, relying on its powerful military force, offered fire everywhere, launched wars against the small country, and survived.

Li Yi looked away from the mobile phone screen and looked at the surveillance screen. According to the trend of Dahei's surveillance, another wave of 'spy' news could be presented to Chen Ruixuan, Sun Yang and the others to take credit.

"Da Hei, how long will the big laboratory project take?" Li Yi asked Da Hei.

"Master, the first phase of the project has been completed, so the experimental equipment is being distributed and installed, and it is expected to be completed within 12 days." Dahehui reported.

"Well, build a three-yuan aluminum alloy material development project and help me develop it!" Li Yi settled down and confirmed.

"Understood, Master, what are the requirements for this material development project?" Da Hei answered the order and asked.

"Call up the experiment interface, and I'll draw the experiment steps." Li Yi ordered directly.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately, the electronic eye cast the projection interface of the simulation experiment system.

Li Yi stretched out his right hand, waved and dialed in the void, simulating the various experimental facilities of the experimental system, atomic simulation nodes, and instructing on schedule, and various modules were continuously combined.

With a thoughtful look, Li Yi stared at the projection interface attentively, and completed the design of the material experimental development requirements step by step.

Atomic diffusion is a common phenomenon in nature, and it is also a basic process to control the structure and properties of materials in the process of material preparation and processing.

The atomic diffusion rate in metal materials is significantly higher than that of ceramics and compounds with covalent or ionic bonds. Using the high diffusion rate of metals can greatly adjust the structure and properties of metal materials at lower temperatures, and obtain good comprehensive properties.

However, high diffusion rates can destabilize the structure of metallic materials at high temperatures, resulting in the loss of many excellent properties, and the strength of many metals tends to decrease significantly at high temperatures.

Through the study of Borse's knowledge in the library, Li Yi found a lot of technical methods to reduce the atomic diffusion in metals and alloys and improve the stability of material structures and properties at high temperatures.

And because of the release of the three-atom entangled quantum theory paper, Li Yi felt that it was time to 'develop' a new type of metastable structure material.

This metal material can reduce the diffusion rate of atoms within a certain range through proper alloying and reducing structural defects such as grain boundaries. Growing up, the temperature is close to the equilibrium melting point of carbon steel, . . .

This is a very excellent and very popular 'special material' in the interstellar era. Once this material is developed, it has excellent material properties such as extreme strength, light weight, high temperature resistance, pressure resistance, etc., and can quickly occupy many special materials. Applications.

Li Yi has strong expectations for this material. It will become the most suitable material for the manufacture of spacecraft. First, this material is light, resistant to high temperature, low temperature, high pressure, corrosion resistance, and so on. It is superior to known alloy materials, and secondly, it is easy to mass-produce, has a wide distribution of resources, is mass-produced, and is inexpensive.

The output and consumption of aluminum is second only to steel, and it is the second largest metal used by human beings. Moreover, the storage of aluminum resources on the earth is very rich. According to preliminary calculations, the storage of aluminum deposits accounts for more than 8% of the constituent materials of the earth's crust.

Controllable nuclear fusion energy stations are being built nationwide, and the realization of unlimited energy is just around the corner. The application of hydrogen energy has become the industry that needs to be promoted most.

This material can not only be used in the manufacture of spaceships, but also has great achievements in the fields of hydrogen storage enclosures, hydrogen energy engines, new energy vehicle manufacturing, and even flying cars.

When this material is developed, Xingyao Technology will have great advantages in the manufacturing of automobile industry, aerospace manufacturing, and military equipment manufacturing. Rocket booster.

Li Yi has designed the research and development direction of new materials, the relevant research and development data requirements,  …

Da Hei quickly conducted a simulation laboratory and data deduction for Li Yi's research and development requirements.

"Master, the success rate of the simulation experiment is 95.5%. The experimental design is feasible. Will it be sent to the experimental center?" After a few minutes, Da Hei looked at Li Yi and gave feedback.

"Deliver it! Send it to Professor Zhou Shuzhi! Let him preside over this project!" Li Yi smiled confidently, there is a library for reference, this direction is definitely no Okay, master! "The **** responds.


Experts and professors are discussing Li Yi's thesis, and academic seminars are held frequently to discuss and study the advanced knowledge of three-atom entanglement.

Professor Zhou Shuzhi, who has just become the head of the three-atom entangled state project, is worrying about which field to start creating some new scientific research projects! Suddenly, the smart wrist worn on the wrist brought an information reminder, and the experiment management assistant issued a task announcement.

Professor Zhou Shuzhi quickly clicked on the content of the task announcement and obtained the content of the development project of Sanyuan aluminum alloy material, and the whole person came to the spirit.

Professor Zhou Shuzhi glanced at three lines, quickly read the development ideas of Sanyuan aluminum alloy materials, and the material virtual experiment data, the whole person was stunned.

"You stop, I have a new project to post, you can take a look." Professor Zhou Shuzhi interrupted other people's discussions, manipulated the smart wrist, and excitedly distributed the new project to his subordinates.

All the professors quieted down and looked at the simulation experimental data of the new project one by one.

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