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Chapter 165: cold fusion

"The latest news, the controllable nuclear fusion project has successfully run for 3 hours, and the current state is stable!"

"The first controllable nuclear fusion power station in China was successfully connected to the grid!"

"The world's first 'artificial sun' has successfully operated in China, and energy has been solved!"


Just when people were silent in the virtual network and the joy brought by virtual games, the news of the successful operation of controllable nuclear fusion appeared earth-shattering, and for a while, the whole world was in an uproar.

Professor Zeng Lifeng announced the key to breaking through controllable nuclear fusion technology. However, there is still a long way to go before it can be turned into practical use.

Romance Novel Network

Unexpectedly, Huaguo's controllable nuclear fusion project was launched so quickly. It has been less than half a year since the technology was announced, and fusion energy has been successfully completed.

All over China, the whole country celebrates, and the governments of various countries generate electricity to celebrate.

Because of the selflessness of "Professor Zeng Lifeng", the core technology for realizing controllable nuclear fusion has been made public. However, such a powerful infrastructure capability as Hua Guo is precisely what other countries do not have, even if the Western developed countries discuss matters like this.

Compared with the "closed-door" development of nuclear races and space races in various countries, nuclear fusion needs to be jointly built by the whole world, which also confirms from the side that the technical difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion is too high. Therefore, in 2006, China and the United States The seven parties of Europe, Russia, Japan, South Korea and India jointly signed a contract to build the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor in Cadarache, France.

However, the progress of foreign engineering projects is more cautious than that of domestic ones. The project has been pushed again and again, and has recently been postponed to 2035. In view of this, Hua Guoyan, while deeply participating in ITER, has proposed a new project. Ambitious plan - to build their own fusion engineering experimental reactor.

Now, with the announcement of controllable nuclear fusion technology, Huaguo has successfully applied controllable nuclear fusion through its strong technical reserves and strong infrastructure construction capabilities.

This powerful scientific research infrastructure has won the recognition of countries around the world. For a time, politicians and energy giants from various countries have continuously requested to visit China.


In the control room, Li Yi saw the ignition of controllable nuclear fusion and the continuous generation of electricity through the big screen.

However, the controllable nuclear fusion device is an extremely large device, which requires many people to maintain, and cannot be miniaturized in a short period of time. I want to apply it to spaceships, cars, planes, trains and other means of transportation, and even Imagine applying it to a mecha like Iron Man, but it will not be possible after hundreds of years.

If you want to apply controllable nuclear fusion to spacecraft and build an interstellar spacecraft within your lifetime, you still have to work hard in the direction of cold nuclear fusion.

However, when Li Yi talked to Professor Zeng Lifeng and other fusion energy experts and professors about cold nuclear fusion technology, they were immersed in the great success of controllable nuclear fusion and had no intention of listening to him talk about the technical direction of cold nuclear fusion.

In this regard, Li Yi could only silently end the trip to the capital and return to Ludao.

In the Xingyao Experimental Center, Li Yi invited Sun Bingwen, a group of researchers from the New Energy R&D Department, more than 20 people, to hold a seminar.

"Cold fusion? Mr. Li, are you kidding us?" Zhang Yiming looked at Li Yi and asked incredulously.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, say something if you have something to say!" Li Yi smiled and waved his hand to comfort him.

"Mr. Li, aren't we going to discuss a new battery project? How did it become a cold nuclear fusion battery? This, this, is too exaggerated!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi in surprise, his tone full of shock.

After Li Yi returned from the capital, he asked him to convene colleagues from the battery research and development department to discuss the new battery research direction.

Well, the meeting has just started. Li Yi throws out a technical document and sees the content of the project. He can't help but fall from heaven to hell. Bai Huan is full of joy. Sun Bingwen is angry and funny. At this moment, he doesn't know how to express himself. mood.

"Mr. Li, are you serious?" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked seriously.

Hearing this, the others were silent, their eyes focused on Li Yi's face, and the atmosphere was a little dignified for a while.

The content of the new project is beyond everyone's expectations, cold nuclear fusion!

The controllable nuclear fusion technology has just been born. Li Yi actually follows the heat flow and needs to explore this field. Moreover, it is a cold nuclear fusion project that is further than nuclear fusion. I really don't know what to say.

Regardless of whether it is thermonuclear fusion or cold nuclear fusion, scientific research projects of this level can only be played by countries. Generally, small countries cannot, but world powers can do it.

However, Xingyao Technology is only a company that has been established for a few years. Although it has achieved good results in biochips, virtual networks, artificial intelligence, etc., it cannot be so blind. It's so big, it's just killing itself.

"Seriously, of course, do you think I would joke about this kind of thing?" Li Yi smiled and looked at Sun Bingwen indifferently.

"Mr. Li, that's not what I meant, but is a project of this level of cold fusion suitable for our company?" Sun Bingwen asked in confusion, looking at Li Yi, puzzled.

"Why is it inappropriate, is there any problem?" Li Yi asked in confusion as his smile faded away.

Lying in a groove! how is it okay?

The problem is big, okay?

How much money is this to smash into the bottomless pit!

Hearing this, everyone was frightened by Li Yi's attitude, if they didn't persuade the boss today.

It's worth it!

This kind of project is an invincible hole for swallowing gold. Maybe, because of this project, the company will collapse.

Sun Bingwen took a deep breath, looked at Li Yi and solemnly reminded: "Mr. Li, the knowledge involved in the field of cold fusion is too esoteric, only supported by some vague theories, and even whether this technology can be realized is uncertain, and the national scientific research institutions are all Can't study it out, do we have this ability?"

"Yes! Mr. Li, we can't do this project. First, we don't have the personnel reserve to study this field. Second, we don't have relevant experimental facilities. Third, this technology belongs to a large-scale R&D project, and our company's financial resources are limited. Fourth, The uncertainties and risks of this project are huge;..." Zhang Yiming followed closely and analyzed in detail.

"Indeed, our company really does not have the conditions and foundation to develop this project, Mr. Li, I hope you will consider it carefully." Sun Bingwen glanced at Zhang Yiming, their cooperation was very tacit and concluded.

"Mr. Li, do you want to think about it again?" After listening to the speeches of the 'two major leaders', others began to follow.

Facing the nervous eyes of everyone, Li Yi smiled and asked, "In your eyes, am I the kind of person who is short-sighted, arrogant, and arrogant?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook their heads.

What a joke! Li Yi broke into such a big family business at such a young age. How could he be such a person? If he was, then wouldn't their age be lost on a dog.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean, you have full certainty?" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi in Li Yi smiled and shook his head: "If you have full certainty, what research and development are you doing? Two or three achievements are enough to give all your strength. go."

"Twenty or three percent is fine! President Li, have you found it?" Sun Bingwen asked suspiciously.

"The specific content is written in the project document. Can't you read it and then talk about it?" Li Yi gave Sun Bingwen a dissatisfied look and said angrily.

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly opened the project file and read it carefully.

The technical documents describe in detail the feasibility of the R&D project and the research on the R&D direction.

"The reason why atomic nuclei can stably combine is the effect of strong force, that is, any element can synthesize a larger element. The problem is that heavy elements have the electromagnetic force of atoms, and two atoms have magnetic resistance."

"The closer the two nuclei are, the greater the magnetic resistance. There must be strong kinetic energy to overcome the electron resistance and the nuclear power. The cold fusion process is: electrons fall into protons to form temporary heavy neutrons, ..."

"The state of heavy neutrons is unstable, electrons are released, and excess energy is removed, ..., conventional methods cannot make electrons fall into protons, electrons approach protons, the magnetic potential energy between them decreases, magneton energy will be released, and electrons will leave protons, …”


Sun Bingwen opened the technical document and couldn't help but mutter, and the whole person fell into a state of 'chaos'.

Interlaced like a mountain, not to mention, it is a high-end field such as cold fusion. After watching it for a while, Sun Bingwen had a feeling that his IQ was being crushed.

Zhang Yiming and others.

The project book clearly describes the research and development direction and the theoretical direction of the experimental realization in detail. However, they can understand the words when they are taken apart, but they don't know it at all when they are put together.

Looking at Li Yi's eyes, there was nothing but brainless worship.

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