My hi-tech Library

Chapter 139: Purpose of visit

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"What other technologies have you developed?"

Lin Lao looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

"There are some good directions, but I haven't conducted in-depth research!" Li Yi replied with a smile.

"Well! What direction, let's hear it! I'll help you with reference." Lin Lao suggested.

Li Yi nodded and said, "Once the nuclear fusion technology is popularized, the infinitely cheap energy supply will surely usher in a technological revolution in all aspects. In the field of hydrogen energy storage, hydrogen energy engine, and new agriculture, it will definitely be good. opportunities, so I plan to look into this area.”

"...That's all?" Old Lin frowned and asked in dissatisfaction.

These industries are already in the national key industry plan. At present, many technology companies have invested heavily in this direction. He does not want Li Yi to waste energy in this direction.

Realistic experimental system, industrial software, nano 3D printer, biochip, Chinese compiled language, artificial intelligence, controllable nuclear fusion technology, which one is not an innovative technology with great value, which one is not built for the country's scientific and technological development deep roots.

For Li Yi, Mr. Lin has deeper expectations.

"Lin Lao, what do you mean?" Li Yi asked inexplicably in the face of his expectant gaze.

"The chief means that the direction of your new research can be similar to the previous several technologies and be innovative, such as: more advanced aerospace technology, quantum technology, and other more influential technologies." Professor Yan Weiwen replied, for Chief Lin explained.

Li Yi nodded, already understood what they meant, and immediately frowned and thought seriously.

There should not be too many black technologies in the library. Every black technology can bring huge changes to human civilization. There are many options to choose from. Li Yi made a difficult choice for a while, and he didn't know which one to 'research'. Technology is appropriate.

Seeing Li Yi's frowning appearance, Elder Lin thought he was in trouble, and quickly reminded him: "Our country has a population of more than one billion, and the level of education varies, and there are hundreds of millions of people who rely on simple labor to maintain living organisms. If, with the development of biochips, intelligent artificial machinery, 3D printers, and these intelligent manufacturing industries, many people will lose their jobs."

After a pause, Mr. Lin looked at Li Yi and said with great anticipation: "Industrial intelligent manufacturing is the focus of the country's future development. It is an inevitable trend to replace labor by machinery. The new agriculture will also have an impact on farmers. In the near future, a lot of physical Workers will lose their jobs. With the addition of the original 200 million flexible workers, the employment situation in the future will be unprecedentedly severe. We must plan ahead and find ways to develop new industries, create more jobs, and allow people to live and work in peace and contentment. , I hope that when you study new technology, you will give more consideration to this aspect."

Hearing this, Li Yi nodded solemnly, looked at the old face of the other party, and fell into contemplation.

What Director Lin said, Li Yi thought about it as early as when he was studying Dahei. The key to Bolsai civilization being able to set foot on interstellar civilization is to use a set of interstellar virtual network to integrate all the intelligence of a civilization, so that technology can develop in an all-round way, combined with Powerful intelligent manufacturing technology allows the two worlds of virtual network and real society to progress together, and finally develops into a star civilization.

Next, it is almost mature to 'research' virtual network technology and develop a 'metaverse' world.

"Lin Lao, I understand what you mean! I will study this aspect carefully, and I will report to you as soon as I have any results!" Li Yi looked at Chief Lin and smiled humbly.

"Okay! I look forward to your good news." Elder Lin nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing that Mr. Lin was about to leave, Professor Yan Weiwen opened his mouth to ask Li Yi something.

At this time, Elder Lin suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Professor Yan Weiwen, gestured slightly with his eyes, and shook his head slightly.

Professor Yan Weiwen nodded and immediately took the words back.

"Okay! It's getting late, I've said everything I need to say, it's almost time for us to go!" Elder Lin suddenly stood up and said goodbye to Li Yi.

Hearing this, Li Yi quickly got up to send them off.

Old Lin took Li Yi's hand and urged enthusiastically, "Whenever you have time, remember to come to the capital to walk around, many old comrades are waiting to see you!"

"It's my fault, and you have to come back to me. I'll make sure to arrange time to go to Beijing as soon as possible!" Li Yi responded with a smile.

"Haha! Just take the matter to your heart. I didn't come here specially for you. I just came to Ludao on a business trip!" Old Lin smiled and explained comfortably.

These words have the meaning that there is no silver here, and when Elder Lin said so, Li Yi didn't believe it.

However, this kind of thing cannot be exposed face to face, the big leaders say what they say.

Li Yi could only smile and nod again and again, sent them out, into the car, and watched the car disappear into the night.

"Chief, why don't you ask him about artificial intelligence? According to the data analysis we have, he must have a strong artificial intelligence. Otherwise, how could he have achieved such proud achievements in so many fields!" Professor Yan Weiwen looked at Lin asked inexplicably.

According to Professor Zeng's account, the "black" who communicated with him has lost a sense of rationality in terms of written expression ability and thinking logic.

Combined with Li Yi's achievements in the field of artificial intelligence research, Xingyao Technology has achieved major scientific research results in many fields in just two years, as well as the intelligent management system of the experimental center, Xingyao Technology's intelligent assistant, and many inferences can be obtained. Li Yi has a 99% chance of hiding a strong artificial intelligence.

The main purpose of today's visit is not to seek guilt, but to confirm with him about strong artificial intelligence.

However, Chief Lin backed off halfway through and stopped his inquiry, not knowing what he was worried about.

Old Lin sighed and explained, "Don't ask about it! If he denies it! Next, it will be difficult to deal with!"

"Lin Lao, the degree of controllability of this artificial intelligence, whether it is dangerous or not, we don't know anything. If such a serious incident occurs again, or a worse and more dangerous situation, I am afraid that it will be irreversible at that time!" Professor Yan Weiwen With a worried look on his face, he solemnly reminded.

"Investigate it to the end? If he is willing to explain it, he will definitely take the initiative to clarify the matter. If he has the intention to hide it, he will definitely not let us find any clues. At that time, he will hate him and have bad emotions, which will be a huge loss to the country. Lin Lao waved his hand and explained calmly,

"That's it! Wait, we'll talk later!" After speaking, Old Lin muttered to himself, as if to convince himself.

Professor Yan Weiwen sighed, this is really hard to say!

Li Yi publicly disclosed controllable nuclear fusion technology in the name of others. From this, it can be seen that his 'ambition' is not small, and he is not burdened by false names.

The wealth of Xingyao Technology is greatly expanding every day, and its valuation has long exceeded that of Huawei Group. However, Li Yi, who controls all the shares of this company, lives frugally, lives a low-key life, and lives an ascetic-like scientific research life. Apparently, he is also not interested in a career of accumulating personal wealth.

Such a young man who does not obey orders and devotes himself to scientific work, really does not make people feel bad!


Li Yi is hiding an artificial intelligence.

If artificial intelligence is out of control, Li Yi can't solve it. What should we do if the artificial intelligence crisis breaks out?

Professor Yan Weiwen frowned and worried, and felt unhappy that Mr. Lin was unwilling to investigate this matter in depth.


Li Yi had a dialogue with Da Hei and asked them about their intentions today.

They came late at night and came and went in a hurry, as if to confirm controllable nuclear fusion to him, but Li Yi felt that it was not that simple.

"Master, the purpose of their visit today is to confirm my existence to you with a 97% probability. Later, this old gentleman gave up temporarily!" Da Hei projected the video playback of the previous eye contact between Mr. Lin and Professor Yan Weiwen. judged.

Looking at the replayed video, Li Yi immediately understood, smiled bitterly, and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Lin for giving up, otherwise, this matter would be really difficult to handle.

Chapter 139 Purpose of Visit

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