My hi-tech Library

Chapter 134: time is there

District of Columbia, the capital of the United States.

The new director of the Strategic CIA, John Blauren, looked at the report numbly, his pale face showing unprecedented exhaustion, and the recent 'bad news' made him unable to deal with it.

Just then, there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

John Blauren raised his head and saw his subordinates come in panic: "Director, Mr. T is here, he is waiting for you at the strategy meeting!"

John Blauren sighed and commanded, "Understood, call Jones, Downing, and Pers. Come here together."

After speaking, John Blauren stood up and walked out of the office.

Walking into the strategic conference room and seeing Mr. T sitting in the chairman's seat, John Blauren felt as if he had seen the future of the empire. He was old and lifeless.

"John, sit down! You know why I'm looking for you!" The old man gestured towards the vacant seat and went straight to the topic.

"Mr. T, we sent a large number of intelligence agents, as well as the top 'fox'. As a result, they have no news, all of them have been arrested. According to the information we collected, we seriously suspect that the young man developed a A true artificial intelligence that would make our humans inaccessible," John Blauren explained calmly.

"Oh! Really artificial intelligence? How did you come to this conclusion!" The old man was slightly stunned and asked in disbelief.

John Blauren looked at his subordinates on the right and instructed, "Tangning, please introduce the results of the intelligence analysis to Mr. President."

"Okay, Mr. T, this is the information we have collected during this time." The only Asian in the field stood up and handed the document in his hand to the old man.

The old man took the file and opened it.

"In 2 years, this young man named Li Yi was just an ordinary computer science student. He was ordinary, and his daily life was with many ordinary students. There was nothing surprising until he developed a security software. , Established Muzi Technology, at this time, his IT ability broke out! The trajectory of his life has changed obviously." Tangning looked at the old man and introduced.

"In the past semester, he devoted a lot of energy to IT technology, and was often busy until late at night, which led to sleepiness during class time."

"During this time, his way of thinking and the knowledge of algorithms he has mastered have undergone obvious sharp changes, and his living habits have changed,..."

"According to our hundreds of deductions, in this case, there are only a few possibilities, one, he came into contact with a new knowledge system, two, he accidentally discovered artificial intelligence, three, he found the technical direction of developing artificial intelligence, ... ."

"According to his growth process in the past two years, we have done a detailed investigation, and finally we can determine that he has mastered an artificial intelligence, and its intelligence has progressed very quickly, which can assist this teenager in researching technology, new nanomaterials, 3D printing equipment, biochips, and nanomedical cabins, in addition to assisting him in managing Xingyao Technology,..."

"This time, we dispatched thirty-five batches of intelligence agents, and dispatched the most successful elites in China to carry out intelligence activities against him. However, the entire army was wiped out before they succeeded. ', 'Expert', 'Gemini', these top trump cards!"

"Being able to find them, except for artificial intelligence using big data targeted screening technology, otherwise, ordinary human means can't find them at all."


Tangning looked at the old man in the chair and introduced their information in detail.

After listening to my analysis report, the old man fell silent, looked at a think tank on the right, and asked in a deep voice, "Joe, what do you think, can we deal with it?"

The think tank named Joe said solemnly: "The current form is very dangerous to us, time is not with us, unless we can completely eliminate him and his 'artificial intelligence', we can't stop the rise of that country. "

"According to the intelligence we have collected, in terms of industrial software, the Chinese market is rapidly being replaced. The number of users using Xingyao industrial software has increased by 22% over the previous month, and the number of active users has reached 5 million, gradually forming an industrial platform for design exchanges. The market, this is a terrible phenomenon, and this industrial platform helps them integrate the wisdom of the industrial field."

[First release on this site, fastest update]

"In addition to matching industrial software, their 3D printing technology has new nanomaterials, one soft and one hard, and mutual blessings, which are driving their industrial manufacturing model, which is manufactured by manpower, turned into intelligent manufacturing by machinery, and unmanned manufacturing. , over time, the production of their entire industrial system will undergo fundamental changes!"

"Next, the negative impact of biochips is more serious. The semiconductor-related enterprise index has fallen by 47% of its market value so far. Companies have reduced their investment, shrinking their scale, and their baldness is significant. Compared with the previous quarter, the investment in silicon semiconductors has decreased. 55%, on the other hand, in Huaguo, a large number of companies have transferred to the field of biochips, deployed upstream and downstream industries, and developed rapidly, with a total investment of 300 billion, ... "

"The massive increase in investment in means that the production capacity of biochips will usher in an explosion, and at the same time, it also means that the production capacity of intelligent machinery will usher in an explosion period, ..., within two or three years. , intelligent mechanical services will quickly enter society, assisting them to overcome the trap of population aging.”

"In addition to this, there is also a Chinese compiled language, which fits them with great learning advantages and can provide them with an endless stream of software engineers!"

"The impact of the nano-medical cabin industry on the traditional medical industry.... What kind of technology will emerge in the future? From his investment in the scientific research center, we can see that this is a very strategic industrial layout!" Qiao Kan As the old man continued to explain the current predicament, he paused for a while, and finally concluded calmly: "To achieve such brilliant success in such a short period of time in so many fields of technology, that guy has mastered an advanced artificial intelligence , for sure!"

Joe's analysis was over, the conference room fell silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

From Qiao's analysis, everyone suddenly discovered a more terrifying company than 'Huawei', which has grown in just two years and has seriously threatened their country.

Let it continue to develop, and within a few years, the world will have nothing to do with their country.

Time is really not on their side! Everyone's heart is very heavy.

The old man's groggy voice broke the silence: "Everyone, I just want to know, how can we kill this existence and buy more time for our country!"

Hearing this, everyone's heart sank. Facing this complicated question, they couldn't give an answer for a long time.

If you are tough, definitely not! The opposite is also a big country, something went wrong, the third world war broke out, and they still had nuclear bombs.

Chapter 134 Time is over there

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