My hi-tech Library

Chapter 132: strong confidence

Nanomedical robots, injected into the human body.

The nano-biological medical pods begin to function, and the green light guides the nano-robots.

On the LCD screen, the army of nano-robots was shown following the blood vessel network, slowly surrounding the red cancer cells.

The progress was a bit slow. Ten minutes passed, and the nano-robot army reached the patient's liver. However, the progress was quite smooth.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the patient slept peacefully without any discomfort. The needle for intravenous injection had been removed, and a touch of silver appeared on the patient's needle mouth, but no drop of blood flowed out.

"Note that the nano-robots are 'swimming' to the vicinity of the lesion one after another." Sun Bingwen glanced at the live camera and introduced to Li Yi.

Li Yi, who was watching the live projection, couldn't help but cheer up and pay attention to the treatment experiment.

The operating power of the nano-biological medical cabin was increased in vain. On the LCD screen, the red light spots were rapidly dissipating, and the red spots of cancer cells near the main lesion gradually faded, and then came down to the liver, . . .

The originally peaceful patient suddenly showed pain. Suddenly, the patient coughed and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Hurry up and shut it down, the patient's body can't take it." The attending physician-Zhang Yugang was startled and ordered loudly.

Sun Bingwen was startled, and quickly pressed the stop button of the nanobiological medical cabin.

"Quick, open it up and let me check." The attending physician-Zhang Yugang said quickly.

The operator immediately pressed the open button to open the medical cabin door.

Soon, Zhang Yugang put his head into the nanomedical cabin to carefully check the patient's physical characteristics, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The situation is better than expected. The patient's blood is stable, his breathing quickly returns to peace, and the pain on his face gradually disappears.

"It's okay, the patient has been suffering from the disease for a long time, and his physical fitness is too poor. He has too much response to this high-intensity treatment." Zhang Yugang looked at the crowd and explained.

"This operation has only been performed for two-thirds of the time. I don't know if there is any other damage to the body. Doctor Zhang, please take him for a check-up," Sun Bingwen nodded, looking at the data on the control interface of the nanobiological medical cabin. , indicated.

"I'll take him to check." Zhang Yugang and other medical staff worked together to remove the patient from the cabin.

"There is no accidental injury to healthy tissue. It should not be a big problem. When the patient's body is almost recovered, we will arrange the next experiment to completely eliminate the cancer cells in his body." Professor Wei Hanzhi, who was looking at the data of the nanomedical cabin, smiled. Suggested to Sun Bingwen.

"Okay!" Sun Bingwen nodded with a smile on his face.

Soon, the medical staff worked together to lift the patient from the medical cabin to the mobile bed and pushed out of the medical room.

Watching them leave, Professor Sun Bingwen looked at the live camera and introduced to Li Yi: "Mr. Li, Dr. Zhang has taken the patient to check on the body. Wait patiently for a few minutes, and there will be results!"

"I think he has vomited blood, so it won't cause damage to the patient's body!" Li Yi asked worriedly.

"Mr. Li, this is a normal phenomenon. When we use physical means to eliminate cancer cells, some blood will overflow. When the next generation of immune drug delivery robots is developed, it will be converted to biological means to eliminate cancer cells. At that time, the operation process will be Much milder, there won't be such a big reaction!" Professor Wei Hanzhi confidently reported to Huihui.

Li Yi nodded, and chatted with them for a while about the development of the next-generation nanomedical cabin. At the same time, he was waiting for the inspection report.

After seven or eight minutes, the attending physician, Zhang Yugang, hurried into the medical room with two examination reports.

"The patient's lesions have shrunk, the lesions in the kidneys and lungs are gone, and the area of ​​the lesions has shrunk by 72%. However, some minor traumatic injuries have appeared in the lesions, and the bleeding symptoms have stopped." Zhang Yugang handed the examination report to Wei Hanzhi Professor, excited to report.

"Very good! It matches the scan data of the nanomedical cabin. Go tell the patient's family! Observe for three or four days, and when he recovers, we will carry out a removal operation." Professor Wei Hanzhi took the report and read it quickly. , and then handed the report back to Zhang Yugang, indicating.

"Okay!" Zhang Yugang turned around and left in a hurry, ready to tell the patient's family the good news.

As soon as Zhang Yu left the medical room, he was blocked by the family members of the excited patient.

"Doctor Zhang, how is the treatment effect? ​​Is my old man alright!" The elderly grandma stopped Zhang Yugang and asked eagerly.

"The operation was very successful, the treatment effect is very good, and the lesions have been eliminated!" Zhang Yugang smiled brightly, and excitedly told the patient's family the good news.

So shocking!

Just witnessed a medical miracle firsthand.

The entire treatment process took less than fifteen minutes, and two-thirds of the cancer cells in the patient's body disappeared.

At this moment, Zhang Yugang was inexplicably excited and was shocked by the powerful working efficiency of the nano medical cabin.

If the patient's physical fitness is better, and if he persists until the end of the treatment, he may be able to remove all the cancer cells in his body at one time.

"Really? Thank you, thank you Dr. Zhang!" The old lady grabbed Zhang Yugang's hand and thanked her excitedly.

"Doctor Zhang, the cancer cells have been eliminated? So fast!" The middle-aged man asked with suspicion and concern in surprise.

"This is the test report. You can see for yourself. If your dad's body couldn't handle it, this treatment would clean up the cancer cells in his body." Zhang Yugang directly handed the test report to the patient's family and said with a smile.

The middle-aged man took the test report and read it quickly with joy on his face.

Since his father was diagnosed with cancer, he did not know how many times he had read this inspection report, and was familiar with the meaning of each item of data.

After this voluntary experimental medical treatment, the data on the inspection report turned out to be much better, and the lesions in B-ultrasound were directly reduced by two-thirds.

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor, you are really a genius doctor!" The middle-aged man cried with joy and thanked Zhang Yugang repeatedly.

Zhang Yugang waved his hand with a wry smile: "This is not my credit. The treatment technology in the nanomedical cabin is too advanced. When your father recovers a little, perform another operation to completely remove the cancer cells in his body."

"Okay! Okay! When will the next surgical experiment start? We will definitely cooperate." The patient's family nodded happily.

"I'll let you know when the time comes. Now go to the testing room to pick up someone!" Zhang Yugang smiled and ordered.

"Okay!" The mother and son of the patient's family quickly rushed to the testing room.

Watching their backs leave, Zhang Yugang was filled with joy.

Having been a doctor for so many years, he has encountered too many diseases that he is powerless to do. However, today, Zhang Yugang is full of hope. The medical equipment of the nanomedical cabin has given him unprecedented confidence.

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