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Chapter 127: huge impact (2)

After receiving the notice from the Ludao government, Shining Star Technology has stepped up the production arrangements and formalities for approval of the nano medical cabin.

At the same time, other cooperative enterprises have also been selected to speed up the production of nanomedical cabins.

In the conference room where partners were selected this time, Tang Shaohong customized extremely strict cooperation requirements.

First, it must have the corresponding production capacity and be able to complete the transformation of the production line within a limited time limit. Second, agree with Xingyao's cooperation model. Third, it must conform to Xingyao's development concept and be willing to jointly undertake scientific research risks with Xingyao. Four,…….

All in all, Xingyao is selecting collaborators with its technological advantages.

On the first day, at the end of the meeting, Shining Star entertained 87 corporate executives and showed them about Shining Star's nano-medical cabin, visited animal experiments, and mainly learned about the application scenarios of the nano-medical cabin.

On the second day, the meeting continued to finalize the cooperation model and discuss the cooperation model.

On the third day, the companies participating in the meeting began to bid secretly, providing production plans, . . .


"Mr. Tang, our company has three overseas subsidiaries and has rich experience in overseas market development. I hope your company can consider this factor."

"Who doesn't have overseas development experience! Such advanced medical technology leads overseas, such experience is optional."

"Yeah! This kind of project shouldn't be used as a bonus, it's not fair."


The nano-medical cabin project is proceeding in an orderly manner. Various medical companies and nano-material companies have tried their best to survive and for the broad market.

Soon, the four-day meeting entered the secret bidding process, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

A bidding transaction worth tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, the moment to decide who will end up in the trillion-scale medical market is about to be unveiled.

There are more than 3 million new cancer patients in the country every year, 6 people are diagnosed with cancer every minute, and 5 people die of cancer every minute. The state creates a huge medical burden.

Today, with the birth of the nanomedical cabin, the industry has ushered in a complete revolution.

Once the nanomedical capsule is widely promoted, the market for treating cancer will cease to exist. There is no medical enterprise that successfully bids, either changing the business or closing down, there is no other way out.

Of course, there are also huge overseas markets. This is an opportunity for domestic medical companies to go overseas and defeat international medical giants.

Soon, a document bag containing 10 billion worth of bidding documents was submitted to Tang Shaohong.

"Misters, thank you for your cooperation in the past few days. Next, please wait patiently for a day, let us have a meeting to discuss it, and give you an official answer tomorrow afternoon." Tang Shaohong looked at the 87 business executives on the scene and announced gratefully road.

All the bosses nodded in unison, they were exhausted and in need of a rest.

For this bid, they have not been able to eat or sleep well these days, just like taking the college entrance examination. They went all out and spent a lot of energy.

Now, they have done what they have to do, and it is time for Xingyao to announce the fate of their enterprise.

87 business executives left the large conference room and went to the hotel to rest under the gift of Xingyao staff.

Li Yi and Sun Bingwen walked into the conference room with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, hard work!" Li Yi said gratefully, looking at Tang Shaohong.

In the past few days of meetings, Li Yi saw Tang Shaohong's ability. He easily and calmly dealt with the veterans of the mall. .

Tang Shaohong drew a circle, and let those business executives compete honestly in the circle, unable to expand the power outside the circle, which well guaranteed the interests of Xingyao.

Three difficult sessions passed.

Now is the time to reap the fruits of victory.

"Mr. Li, you're welcome, this is my duty." Tang Shaohong smiled modestly, looking at the pile of file bags on the desktop, and reminded with a smile: "Mr. Li, next, we have to choose a strategic partner, today In the evening, you need to work hard and set your goals."

"Professor Sun, let's decide together!" Li Yi nodded with a smile and greeted Sun Bingwen which pair of file bags to go to together.

Sun Bingwen smiled happily, walked over, and opened the document bag with Li Yi.

Soon, Li Yi and the others took out the thick bidding documents from the file bag and browsed them one by one.

"3 billion patent licensing fees, 35% equity transfer, ..., Kaixin materials are really worth it!" Li Yi flipped through a bidding document and smiled happily.

"Mr. Li, look at this one, cutting-edge medical care is also good!" Sun Bingwen excitedly showed Li Yi the tender.

"Mr. Li, let's take a look at this one. This one is fine. We need the scale and investment of the company. This one has met the requirements." Tang Shaohong handed the document to Li Yi.

"Okay, this one is listed first, there are still so many! Let's choose slowly, choose slowly!" Li Yi laughed and said happily.

Tang Shaohong and Sun Bingwen looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

It's a great feeling to be ahead in technology. Companies that have been operating in the medical industry for decades are placed in front of them, and they are still choosing.

Their choice is related to the life and death of these enterprises.

However, compared with domestic medical companies, they still have a chance to survive in the first line, and foreign medical giants may suffer miserably.

With the advent of nano-robots and nano-medical cabins, the stock prices of international medical giants that have been occupying the commanding heights of medical technology in the world have plummeted one after another, and there is no sign of easing.

Various testing medical equipment for diagnosing various testing equipment for cancer organizations, prescription drugs for cancer treatment, training of doctors to treat cancer, etc., there are nearly 20 million cancer patients worldwide every year, support, Cancer treatment drugs, cancer inspection equipment, cancer hospitals, trillions of medical industry value.

Compared with various minor problems, cancer is the highlight of the medical industry.

With the advent of the nanomedical cabin, the medical industry in the whole world has collectively entered the twilight era.

Investors withdrew their capital, researchers changed their careers, medical development companies went bankrupt,... A major crisis in the medical industry quickly spread to global medical giants.

Anderson Cancer Center, the world's largest cancer medical center, has a variety of advanced medical facilities, including a 507-bed inpatient department, five research buildings, three outpatient buildings, two office buildings, and a proton radiation diagnosis and treatment building. .

More than 20,000 employees, more than 7,000 researchers, doctors, nurses and allied health professionals specialize in treating cancer patients from around the world.

With the advent of the nanomedical cabin, the treatment center has faced a huge crisis of trust. Their cancer patients are reluctant to receive traditional radiation therapy, and they all require the use of Huaguo's advanced nanomedicine technology. people.

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