My hi-tech Library

Chapter 125: giant ship moving forward

The Propaganda Department of Xingyao Laboratory started to exert its efforts, and on the third day, they invited major media across the country to participate in a technical conference.

The conference venue is located in the square of the temporary headquarters building of Xingyao. The venue is nearly 1,000 square meters. There is a background board of the silver planet LOGO. Behind the background board, you can clearly see a 'grand ship' and a ship-shaped building with a height of more than 50 meters. It is the experimental center of Xingyao Technology under construction.

Nearly 1,000 square meters of venue, more than 20 well-known media people gathered, and their eyes were attracted by the 'giant ship'.

"What a beautiful building, it will be ready soon!"

"Xingyao's headquarters building is like a giant ship sailing on the sea, so beautiful!"

"Yeah! Once the Xingyao Experimental Center is completed, Kendi will be a landmark building on Ludao."

"Rush this building, it's worth it to lie down."

Before the start of the press conference, the reporters who arrived at the venue were very optimistic about the experimental center under construction by Xingyao, with mobile phones, cameras, taking pictures from all angles, and praised it.

"Thank you for being invited to attend the technical conference of the Xingyao Experimental Center. I am the host of the conference - Xu Jiahui." A young woman wearing a beige professional dress stepped onto the podium and introduced herself.

The reporters' eyes lit up, and the discussion stopped abruptly.

Xu Jiahui is twenty-five or six years old, tall and slender, with pale skin, a beautiful face, and a blue professional dress. She looks exceptionally unique and outstanding. Her mellow voice attracts everyone's attention as soon as she speaks.

After Xu Jiahui came to power, she briefed the reporters on the purpose of this conference, the establishment of the Shining Star Experimental Center, the current number of employees, various research projects, etc.

"More than 6,000 graduate students, 2,000 two doctors, my God! It turns out that Xingyao is so large!"

"Amazing, the Xingyao Experimental Center is so large!"

"The 50 billion investment seems to be real!"

"With such a strong lineup, Xingyao's picture is very big!"

"Xingyao has a new product? It's just been two months since the last press conference!"


The eyes of the reporters in the audience lit up, and the whispers were endless, and they were all shocked by the huge manpower scale of the Xingyao Experimental Center.

How long has Xingyao Experimental Center been established? A large number of highly educated research technicians have been recruited, and the scale of top talents has gone straight to 10,000 people.

Today, this press conference is the moment when the Xingyao Experimental Center shows its 'paws' to the outside world.

Two months ago, the product launch of Xingyao Technology caused a sensation in the news, and everyone was vividly aware of it. How much news will Xingyao Experimental Center make in today's conference!

The eyes of the media reporters in the audience shone with anticipation.

"Next, I would like to invite the head of our experimental center, Sun Bingwen, Director Sun, to introduce the research results of the experimental center." Xu Jiahui announced to the reporters as expected.

After speaking, Xu Jiahui made a gesture of invitation to the right, and then, about fifty years old, wearing blue jeans, a white short-sleeved shirt, and elegant Sun Bingwen, slowly walked to the stage.

Xu Jiahui gave up the speaker's seat with a smile, and the big screen with the Xingyao LOGO displayed on the back changed, showing a short video clip of the breakdown of the device's structure.

"Hello everyone, I'm Sun Bingwen. The media reporters are relatively unfamiliar with me and the Xingyao Experimental Center. However, I think we should communicate frequently in the future. Today, when we met for the first time, I brought you a 'gift'. '." After Sun Bingwen came to power, he laughed and joked with the media reporters off the stage.

After speaking, Sun Bingwen turned around halfway, looked at the big screen behind him, and introduced with a smile: "Everyone, please look at the big screen behind me, the above is the gift I brought to you."

If so, make a big move!

The media reporters in the audience were refreshed and stared at the big screen, intending to see what happened.

The exploded view of the equipment on the screen is large and small, with hundreds of parts and components, and the structure is sophisticated and complex. Without professional knowledge, they can't see the purpose at all.

Without making them wait too long, Sun Bingwen continued: "This is a nano-robot micro-engraving machine, and its function is to mass-produce a nano-scale controllable robot."


Micro-engraving machine?

Curious device, what is it used for?

After listening to Sun Bingwen's introduction, three black question marks popped up on the foreheads of all the reporters, and their faces were puzzled.

"We have developed a sense of nano-metal material. Through this micro-engraving machine, we can engrave a 28-nanometer microcircuit, so that the nano-robot can obtain the functions of sensing wireless signals, receiving radio, etc.... This nano-engraving machine can measure the amount of electricity in one day. Produce hundreds of millions of nano-robots." Sun Bingwen excitedly introduced the production principle and various parameters of the micro-engraving machine.

Under the stage, the media reporters fell into silence collectively, staring blankly at Sun Bingwen, who was excited to explain, with a cold reaction.

Because of their limited knowledge, they do not know the purpose of this micro-engraving machine and the significance of producing controllable nanorobots.

After Sun Bingwen talked about the functions and parameters of the nano-engraving machine, he suddenly found the cold scene below, and smiled calmly, and then said: "This controllable nano-robot is very useful. It is the core part of the nano-medical cabin."

As soon as Sun Bingwen's voice fell, the big screen changed to a device image of a nanomedical cabin.

Hearing this, the reporters in the audience were no longer indifferent, and with a "crash", the group became excited, and it was difficult to sit and stand.

"Nano medical cabin, I will understand if I say this!"

"It turns out that this nano-robot is used to treat diseases!"

"Could it be that this medical cabin is used to treat cancer?"

The reporters in the audience sat up one by one, cheered up, and talked in a low voice.

Big news!

"This medical cabin consists of twelve components in total, the cell function scanning board, which can scan the electrophysiological activity of interstitial cells in various organs of the human body, identify cells, wireless energy transmitter, transmit wireless energy to nano robots, nanometer Holding the device, releasing micro-waves, controlling the moving direction of the nano-robots, and realizing precise guidance,..." Sun Bingwen looked at the big screen and explained the working purpose of each part of the nano-biological medical cabin one by one.

The "click, click" camera flashes one after another.

More and more content shows that Xingyao must have a big move in this conference.

"The main function of this nano-medical cabin is to inject nano-robots into the human body, through various functions of the medical cabin, guide the nano-robots to find various lesions in the patient's body, and then deliver high-temperature energy to the nano-robots, so as to remove human lesions and achieve no surgery. , the function of precision surgery.”

"It can achieve a cure: clearing blood clots, tumors, stones, ..., etc., requires surgery to clear unhealthy tissue."

"Of course, due to the relatively high production cost of nanorobots, we are more inclined to use this nanomedical capsule to remove human malignant tumors."

Sun Bingwen looked at the audience, impassioned, and introduced endlessly.

With a sound of "crash", the reporter group under the stage boiled, leaving their seats in a swarm, rushing to the front of the stage.

"Professor Sun, what is the success rate of nanomedical capsules in curing cancer? Have you ever conducted human experiments?"

"Professor Sun, when will the nanomedical cabin go online and how much will it cost to treat cancer?"

"Professor Sun, is the nanomedical capsule your own invention? Does it treat all cancers?"

"Professor Sun, has the therapeutic effect of the nanomedical cabin been confirmed? Has there been any clinical experiment?"

"Professor Sun,..."

The reporters under the stage raised the topic high, and UU Reading raised questions to Sun Bingwen on the stage excitedly.

Shocking news! Today's press conference is too hot, too unexpected.

A major breakthrough in medical technology, the advent of nano-medical cabins, and mankind will completely conquer cancer from now on!

Scientists' new way to treat cancer: kill cancer cells with nanorobots!

Anti-cancer black technology, nano-robots kill cancer cells!

Shock the world! The miracle that saved countless lives turned out to be it.

Numerous news headlines related to nanomedicine capsules and cancer are brewing in the minds of many reporters.

Looking at the excited reporters in the audience, Sun Bingwen hurriedly said, "Everyone, please sit back in your seats and maintain order. The press conference is not over, I will not leave, and will slowly answer your questions."

Hearing this, the reporters sat back in their seats one after another, waiting for the question-and-answer session.

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